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Who is poor in Poland?

milky  13 | 1656  
3 Jun 2011 /  #391
you won't see many Poles settling in Germany even for short periods and the reason is Germany is so close everybody can be home every couple of weeks

They will eventually if things do not improve. Poles are living abroad in 'hope', that one day their country will be fine but the only reason it survives 'now', is because the country depend on them NOT returning.

How would Poland look like without millions of its citizens working in other countries, and without the subsidies from the EU? Would you have a huge unemployment, and as a consequence a lot of poor people?

Poland would be in absolute chaos if even 20% returned.

Don't forget this developer is a Thatcherite and Harry is his secretary.

I call it property bubble - so many people earned so much they had no idea what to do with the money but buying a property - I say the good percantage of that money must have been made in shady ways (or otherwise abroad)

Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #392
In Poland people don't sell properties with the kitchen appliances included, largely because buyers will say "I don't want those." and then want the most of the value of the appliances taken off the price (but the appliances left).

I know why, because they're poor and every stinking cent and dime matters there like it was a matter of life and death.
One time I've seen a woman arguing with a store clerk about being overcharged for extra 2 grams of meat. Really? You would waste your breath arguing for 10 cents?

I have seen people in Poland go to a fast food place and buy just the french fries and the store would charge extra for effing ketchup. My wife was laughfing at that for weeks and she wouldn't belive it.

My bud reassigned his apartment lease to me and sold me all his furniture and appliances for $400 because it was cheaper for him to just buy new ones than hire movers to move all that for him. The point is that every crappy toaster or a TV or a cooking pot is considered a treasure in Poland.

So Antek please stop trying to show off with 4 desktop computers and some appliances to us because it’s embarrassing. Your refrigerator may be impressive to other Poles but to the rest of Western Europe it’s silly to do that. God, I hope no one else is reading this forum but us…
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Jun 2011 /  #393
So you both say that official statistics in case of Poland are unreliable because of enormous underground economy and because people don't say the whole true, so we should concentrate on things like cars Poles own etc, right ?

Definitions of poverty vary considerably among nations. For example, rich nations generally employ more generous standards of poverty than poor nations.

This is the key part of your post.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Jun 2011 /  #394
I have seen people in Poland go to a fast food place and buy just the french fries and the store would charge extra for effing ketchup. My wife was laughfing at that for weeks and she wouldn't belive it.

that's just arrogant to say... good job provoking people :)
3 Jun 2011 /  #395
I have seen people in Poland go to a fast food place and buy just the french fries and the store would charge extra for effing ketchup.

Excuse me, what fast food place charge for extra ketchup? You had to make it up!

The point is that every crappy toaster or a TV or a cooking pot is considered a treasure in Poland.


One time I've seen a woman arguing with a store clerk about being overcharged for extra 2 grams of meat.

that's also bs.
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #396
that's just arrogant to say... good job provoking people :)

Let me ask you a question.
would you go on a forum here in the US and try to show off with 4 PC's at home and post a picture of a refrigerator with food? It just doesn't make any sense, why are people so dumb on this forum Pgtx?

When you selling a house do you unscrew all the wall receptacles too?
milky  13 | 1656  
3 Jun 2011 /  #397
why are people so dumb on this forum Pgtx?

That's a good question. The economy is booming, the people have the same standard of life as the west, there is no property bubble.

The BS never ends here.....................
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #398
Excuse me, what fast food place charge for extra ketchup? You had to make it up!

Do you know why? Because people would either steal it or try to take it home as much as they could carry out with one meal so all the stores started charging for it.
3 Jun 2011 /  #399
When you selling a house do you unscrew all the wall receptacles too?

As for other stuff why someone would like to take old fridge, old furniture, old washing machine etc.? Now people want to furnish house with style, have new devices. Why to bother with throwing it away on your own? Poland is not the USA, here you can't put it outside house and wait until someone take it.

Do you know why? Because people would either steal it or try to take it home as much as they could carry out with one meal so all the stores started charging for it.

I didn't ask you why but what fast food was it! Can't you read?
Havok you make things up, I'm pretty sure of that. Besides that for you time has stopped 15 years ago.
3 Jun 2011 /  #400
So Antek please stop trying to show off with 4 desktop computers and some appliances to us because it’s embarrassing.

Pot, meet Kettle. Do I have to link to your thread the other week where you were blowing off about your IT setup?
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
3 Jun 2011 /  #401
As for other stuff why someone would like to take old fridge, old furniture, old washing machine etc.?

lol, M, sorry, that's such a clueless question... are you really expecting an answer?
3 Jun 2011 /  #402
It was rhetorical question. You know what means rhetorical, don't you?
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #403
Pot, meet Kettle. Do I have to link to your thread the other week where you were blowing off about your IT setup?

I'm an IT guy, what can I say I get excited about technology. I like my toys :) so **** off.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
3 Jun 2011 /  #404
you're assuming that you'd buy a house with old crap in it... the truth is, you'd expect to buy a house with new or at least up-to-date stuff in it. it's easier to leave your washer and dryer, and fridge, and stove behind, because they don't cost a fortune, and you'll get new ones with the new house. it's a selling point - appliances, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, etc. if you don't see what you like, you tell the seller to lower the price.
3 Jun 2011 /  #405
Do I have to link to your thread the other week where you were blowing off about your IT setup?

Or how much he earns...

you're assuming that you'd buy a house with old crap in it... the truth is, you'd expect to buy a house with new or at least up-to-date stuff in it.

Honey, some people like big fridge, some like small. It's stupid to buy new things only on purposes of selling, because you may miss the taste of the buyers.

it's a selling point - appliances, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, etc. if you don't see what you like, you tell the seller to lower the price.

And that's how it works. Some stuff stay, some stuff the owner have to remove from the house and some stuff the owner wants to take with himself. Do you get it now?
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #406
Or how much he earns...

I also told you exactly what you could do to earn as much money as I do. Draw your own conclusions or stay dumb forever.
3 Jun 2011 /  #407
I'm an IT guy, what can I say I get excited about technology. I like my toys :) so **** off.

Welcome to the club. Hardly fair of you to knock other people for having exactly the same preferences, though, is it?
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
3 Jun 2011 /  #408
Or how much he earns...

lol, c'mon people, boys wil be boys, everyone's got something to brag about... some people have food, some people have vets with an SUV...

NOBODY wants a small fridge. If you think it's stupid to update your house in order to sell it, you obviously either lack the marketing streak or have very limited experience with property market outside Poland.
3 Jun 2011 /  #409
I also told you exactly what you could do to earn as much money as I do. Draw your own conclusions or stay dumb forever.

Immigrate, get drawn to an army, serve 4 years, almost lost life 2 times, go to college, start own business... wow peace of cake.

If you think it's stupid to update your house in order to sell it, you obviously either lack the marketing streak or have very limited experience with property market outside Poland.

Believe me in Poland no one do this, what is more people thinks it's stupid, yet no problems with selling a house for good price. Ask Fuzzywickets ;)

NOBODY wants a small fridge.

By small fridge I meant an average size... whatever, it was just a metaphor
Avalon  4 | 1063  
3 Jun 2011 /  #410
Don't forget this developer is a Thatcherite

This is the only true thing you have ever said on this forum Mark, my business in the UK really took off when Maggiie was in power, she encouraged people to work hard and let them keep what they earnt with minimum interference.( I have always voted Tory and left the UK when the people on benefits voted Labour in for a second term ) I can understand why the concept of work is alien to you and why you still yearn for the socialist revolution, all your posts are directed towards the so called Utopia that "should" exist for people with no ambition and who think that eveyone owes them a living.

I do not speak Polish, but, I have worked here in Poland, invested and made money. If I can do it at the age of nearly 60, what is your excuse? I know you are mentally challenged but that should not stop you gaining physical employment or is that beneath you?

I have just bought some more land for a new project of 12 apartments, its not all about money Mark, I need to be doing something to feel useful and to contribute my skills here, both business and building, not spend all my time spamming forums under different alias's and criticising everything about my adopted country. Many things are wrong here but if you willing to work, most things are attainable.

Have you ever thought that your attitude might be the problem?
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #411
Welcome to the club. Hardly fair of you to knock other people for having exactly the same preferences, though, is it?

Considering the subject, preferences and necessities are two different things.

What you gotta do is realize that it doesn't have to be like that. You don't have to be poor, there are opportunities out there and all you need is to step away from that dumb Polcak mindset and learn something practical beside English.
3 Jun 2011 /  #412
all you need is to step away from that dumb Polcak mindset

Can you do that?
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #413
No the real question is can YOU do that

You don't know me but I know you as most of things you write here is about yourself. So I ask you again can you abandon that thing what you call "dumb Polack mindset"?

You mean, the envy, appearance of helplessness, chip on the shoulder, close minded approach to everything , xenophobia and bigotry and etc.. . Yah, sure thing Marisiu, considered it done.


no need, i got your answer up there.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jun 2011 /  #414
Havok has overstated the point but I see what he means. The characteristics he shows have a fair bit of validity. Defensiveness too. The problem is that many Poles will stay poor as they don't know how to truly make money.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
3 Jun 2011 /  #415
would you go on a forum here in the US and try to show off with 4 PC's at home and post a picture of a refrigerator with food?

I have seen American bassists showing a couch or a sofa with 4 or even 10 Chinese Squier basses, each $150 worth, on Talkbass.com. To show off. My single bass is worth $1700 and is considered a 'boutique" instrument that most of American bassists cannot afford because -- HEAR, HEAR -- they earn too little by playing in clubs and restaurants ;)))))))))))))))))))
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #416
I have seen American bassists showing a couch or a sofa with

You don't get it they're just into it. Just the same way people show off with their coin collection, or when rednecks compare who owns more stuffed squirrels or who has the best looking lawn in the neighborhood etc..

No one was trying to prove any point with that, it’s totally different to what you were trying to do. Trust me, if you would ask anyone here if they were poor they would just tell you. Yeah, I don't have a job and I’m dirt poor, my truck is falling apart, my house is a dump and I’m hunting raccoons for food.

Most people here would have no problem with telling you how it really is.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
3 Jun 2011 /  #417
Perhaps some of you do not understand the above.
If anybody came to a Polish bass forum and tried to show off with 10 Squiers, he would get these comments:
-- Well, man, I understand you are not doing well...
-- Are you collecting firewood? Why 10 of that crap?

Regarding money paid to musicians playing in clubs and restaurants, Poles charge far more in Poland than Americans in US.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Jun 2011 /  #418
Trust me, if you would ask anyone here if they were poor they would just tell you. Yeah, I don't have job and I’m dirt poor, my truck is falling apart, my house is a dump and I’m hunting raccoons for food. Most people here would have no problem with telling you how it really is.

hahaha... not true :)
Havok  10 | 902  
3 Jun 2011 /  #419
Just because i can't spell "squirrels" it doesn't mean it's not true. People don't have as much hung ups here about stupid stuff.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 Jun 2011 /  #420
key question: which one applies to this thread?

Difficult question,seem to me that each poster is talking about something else.
People in Poland having problems with putting food on the table is about 20%,those are even below poverty line.
Then people struggling with paying for necessities - I would say that they make about 30-40% of the population - but to be honest I don't know it is only a guess and they would be poor.

Somebody should bring data instead of arguing in vain.

Ironside, wake up. Get to some work instead of whining.

Eh? What do you want?You nasty old git!:)

How would Poland look like without millions of its citizens working in other countries,

A good point !

and without the subsidies from the EU?

that monies are only peanuts really - the real value of those funds is in the propaganda element.
Question is - why Poland depends on foreign investments and capitals and who is responsible ?that would be a right question.

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