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Political correctness in Poland

kaprys  3 | 2076  
13 May 2019 /  #151
So there's no source to support your claim?
As for its likelihood - so there's this gentleman you know who is still alive who knows an obscure usage of the word żydowka from at least 120 years ago. Well ... how old is he?

Since I like learning about such things, I googled it. I found no results in Polish. I found just one in English - about French in Algieria.

I also found information about Zvi Migdal but no linguistic references to the word żydowka meaning prostitute.
There is a negative meaning of the word żyd as someone mean or greedy but no negative meanings of the word żydowka.

To native speakers of Polish, should we also come up with new phrases to describe finka, we gierka, japonki or amerykanka? ;)
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
13 May 2019 /  #152
As an apparently educated, young Polish speaker, I can't see how you wouldn't, that is, wouldn't want to:-)
kaprys  3 | 2076  
13 May 2019 /  #153
And what exactly wouldn't I want?
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
13 May 2019 /  #154
How would you NOT want to know or "come up" with a new phrase to describe "we gierka" etc.
You seem curious.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
13 May 2019 /  #155
That was auto correct :) what's wrong with węgierka? :D
Out of curiosity, would you like to 'come up' with a new phrase to describe the North/South Pole? Or do you say 'nail enamel' instead of 'nail polish'? How come there's no new verb that would prevent people from using this terribly offensive verb 'to polish' ?!?!?!
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
13 May 2019 /  #156
The wonders and mysteries of language:-) Why does for instance English have "BENEfits" but not "MALEfits". huh? Instead we use the totally unrelated sounding, yet thoroughly 'antonymous' "DRAWBACKS", also "SHORTCOMINGS", the latter of which has nothing to do with being short, even less to do with either coming or goingLOL

Same for "drawbacks". There is no "back" in "drawbacks!
kaprys  3 | 2076  
13 May 2019 /  #157
So will you help me understand your point, please?
I should be concerned about using finka or węgierka in Polish but when it comes to using '(North) Pole','to polish' or 'china etc in English, it's the wonders and mysteries of language?
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
13 May 2019 /  #158
You're right, I stand corrected, kaprys. The wonders and vagueries of language:-)
See you didn't catch my Anglo-Saxon irony.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
13 May 2019 /  #159
Well, I never catch your irony. I'm not sure I'd call it Anglo-Saxon irony. Not sure I'd actually call it irony ... but I agree I don't catch it. ;)
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
13 May 2019 /  #160
I'm (very) sure, and don't feel bad, you're not the only oneLOL

Back on topic please
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 May 2019 /  #161

Polish Patriots handing it to the kebab flip flopistanis for molesting a Polish woman.

Ass whooping sound track included.

No PC here. If only western European men had half the backbone that Poles do their countries wouldnt be facing thousands of rapes every year and nonstop spontaneous cultural enrichment.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 May 2019 /  #162
Hey, easy with that anti-immigrant NAZI talk...BB told me that they are good for the economy so what's the big deal with a couple of rapes. Those, too, add to the GNP.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 May 2019 /  #163
Suuuure they're great for the economy. That's why Merkel was demanding that other countries 'share the burden' - her words. Perhaps Merkel is a anti immigrant Nazi considering she's calling the newcomers a 'burden'? Or let's just look at dollars and cents or in this case euros. 20 billion a year goes to migrants for welfare, housing, food, etc. If you consider ancillary costs like medical care, education, prosecuting and locking them up, etc the figure is reportedly triple. That means if you do the calculations an average working German spends a months salary just supporting the migrants.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 May 2019 /  #164
That's what I have been screaming about here, but some geniuses will still tell you that spending all that money on this human garbage is "good for the economy" because it "circulates". Pathetic.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
18 May 2019 /  #165
Positive thing in Poland: you can laugh about political correctness
Downside: You have to read utter gibberish from certain people
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 May 2019 /  #166
Positive thing in Poland: you can laugh about political correctness

You can laugh all you want until the pc mental disorder reaches the level where the culture of a nation is destroyed. Then it's not funny at all. Poland is lucky and will continue that way until the Western pc morons shame Polish patriots into submission. My sense is that their first target are Poland's abortion laws and the Church. Once this dam cracks and goes down, Poland's days are numbered since Poland has no borders. Just as "America's" with her 50,000,000 unborn being systematically replaced by the sewer scum.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
19 May 2019 /  #167
About political correctness in Poland.

This track was played in all major radio stations and on TV back in 2005 and it was completely normal :-)

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
1 Jun 2019 /  #168
Political correctness made one PiS politician delete his Twitter post which showed a rival politician wearing a heavy make up and saying that he was planning to discuss politics with an LGBT party leader. The PiS politician explained it wasn`t him, his assistant did it. But he didn`t say sorry.


  • The bubble: I know how to defeat PiS. I am meeting Mr Biedroń to talk him into joining our Coalition.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jun 2019 /  #169
The PiS politician explained it wasn`t him, his assistant did it.

It seems to be a common excuse in right wing circles. I know someone in the Polonia who did a very similar thing a couple of weeks ago, and he too blamed "his assistant". When pushed, he couldn't explain how his assistant managed to do all those things without his knowledge.
Ironside  51 | 13087  
2 Jun 2019 /  #170
But he didn`t say sorry.

Nothing to be sorry about. At the very least it is funny. Not like Janda's post insulting voters. PC is another name for hypocrisy and double standards.
mafketis  38 | 11263  
2 Jun 2019 /  #171
Not like Janda's post insulting voters

Taking that one personally? Are you or yours benefiting from PiS raiding the treasury to buy votes? How else can one describe the PiS platform beyond "vote for us and we'll give you free money!" ?
Ironside  51 | 13087  
2 Jun 2019 /  #172
Taking that one personally?

Not at all. I voted Konfedracja. I don't know whom my kin voted, must be they voted PiS (according to your logic) cause they have been 'bribed' by 500plus. lol

You don't realize that you are spewing an utter tripe do you?
antheads  13 | 340  
2 Jun 2019 /  #173
. I voted Konfedracja

Konfederacja.. Bunch of skinheads dressed in ties. How do you take them seriously? Jews vote for Netanyahu and they are a natural Pis base. we need to cultivate them. and we need to israel on side if we are going to win the battle.
Ironside  51 | 13087  
2 Jun 2019 /  #174
Bunch of skinheads dressed in ties.

What? Your 'knowledge' is staggering o wise one.

Jews vote for Netanyahu and they are a natural Pis base. we need to cultivate them

Jews are a natural PiS base?
antheads  13 | 340  
2 Jun 2019 /  #175
In terms of foreign relaitons. nehanyahu are natural allies of orban and kaczynski. And the jew business class in poland. we need to keep them on side. they have abandoned PO as they know who the victor is .
Ironside  51 | 13087  
2 Jun 2019 /  #176
In terms of foreign relaitons. nehanyahu are natural allies of orban and kaczynski

Thing is they don't seems to be aware of a fact that they need Poland more than Poland needs them. All that BS coming from them is just redundant. It is failing of PiS that they haven's shown them that there is a price to pay for F with Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11263  
2 Jun 2019 /  #177
I voted Konfedracja


Pleae tell me you voted for Bosak, please, please, please tell me you voted for Bosak....

Ironside  51 | 13087  
2 Jun 2019 /  #178
Pleae tell me you voted for Bosak, please

Sure, happy now?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
2 Jun 2019 /  #179
When pushed, he couldn't explain how his assistant managed to do all those things without his knowledge.

It is quite possible. Some politicians, especially those busy or less brilliant ones, hire smart guys to handle Facebook or Twitter. Suski, the one who posted that parody, isn`t the brightest guy in PiS ranks, he scored a few amusing fails revealing he is a moron, so he might have a ghost writer, indeed.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
2 Jun 2019 /  #180
Bandying about the term "Nazi" in public is ill-advised, Dirk!
Folks might well take it the wrong way:-)

Some stupid politico several years back made a nice faux pas when she referred to the plight of the Native Americans
on reservations as a "Holocaust" which this country has allowed for far too long!

No, it wasn't Sarah PalinLOL

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Political correctness in PolandArchived