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Political correctness in Poland

Lyzko  41 | 9563  
23 Oct 2018 /  #91
Social Darwinism is a cancer, suitable for the idyll rich who enjoy lulling themselves into that Never-Never-Land fantasy that somehow they were born with a silver

foot, scusez moi, spoon, in their mouth because they were simply created superior to the hee-polee around them.

For the rest of us know better and know full well that such ideology fueled the Nazis and their first cousins or closest relatives, the eugenicists.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Oct 2018 /  #92
I noticed that you didn't read or ignored my Post 85. Here is its main point:
"Can you image what the world would be now if the post-Columbus invaders said, oops, sorry, and went back?"
That was social Darwinism and the smarter race won. And it was bloody, man.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
23 Oct 2018 /  #93
Whom do you mean by "post-Columbus invaders", pray tell?
Might be that you're on another troll, Rich!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Oct 2018 /  #94
Or maybe I was counting on your intelligence being higher than it is.
Post-Columbus invaders = white Europeans who came to "America" after 1492, killed large number of natives, took or "bought" their land, and created the best country in the world.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
24 Oct 2018 /  #95
You certainly have a skewed view of history, not to mention an ideologically driven one, at best.

By what arrogance do you and others presume to define the success of any culture by the degree to which white, European influence has moulded it??

Perhaps you and I feel that Beethoven, Brahms, and Bach have created the zenith of musical enjoyment and/or "high" culture, but probably that remains

OUR little tick in the long run.

Had the white settlers never landed in the New World, who really is to say that the results wouldn't have been just fine, only in a different way.

Culture, unlike mathematics, is NOT quantifiable!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 Oct 2018 /  #96
If the Natives in "America" were left alone, they would still be Natives like their brothers in the Upper Amazon with nothing to offer to themselves or rest of the world.

They were too dumb to invent a wheel - an object that actually exists in nature - or to build what the whites considered routine in 1492 - cathedrals, palaces, and universities, with all else, like the natural resources and climate, being the same or better in "America".

It's the whites that turned "America" into the United States of America and nobody else - the most unique and important country in the history of mankind.

"Culture, unlike mathematics, is NOT quantifiable!" Nonsense. It is very much so. We have been there already so I will not repeat it.

If you choose to respond, please, try to avoid the word "you" or its equivalents just as I did in this post.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
24 Oct 2018 /  #97
Rich....it might be over for the Whites...I just read an article about a norwegian IQ study. They tested over years the IQ's of their new generation of army recruits and now it seems our intelligence is no longer rising, as it did till up to the 70's, but instead its now sinking steadily.


They don't know why though....

If that is social darwinism at work then the future doesn't look good!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 Oct 2018 /  #98
Rich....it might be over for the Whites...I just read an article about a norwegian IQ study.

In my personal "courtroom" where I judge races I judge them on the basis of their actual achievements, not speculations about the trends and their possible outcomes in the future. When "the future" comes, I will revisit the subject again.

What gets me going is the stupidity of some apologist who will argue the unarguable. Like, for example, that the Hindus or the Chinese in the US make more than whites. Or that native Germans and the Nigerians are equally smart. If they were, BMW's would have been designed in Lagos.

What the race apologists overlook or deliberately ignore is that merit immigrants, like myself, are not even close to the center of the distribution curve.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 Oct 2018 /  #100
It's the people who will deny the fact that races, just like individuals, are different. When you shove the evidence into their faces, they switch to yeahbutism. "Yeah, but...."

Maybe "apologists" is not the best term. How about race yeahbuters?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
24 Oct 2018 /  #101
Thing is that you need to see history for a much longer time frame than what is now or the last century. The cradles of human civilization had been not in Europe, not with the white race. They had been in Ancient Egypt, in Ancient India and in Ancient China. The wheel wasn't developed by us whites but by someone brown skinned from Mesopotamia, around 3500 B.C.

The european rulership on Earth, including the mighty USA, is a fairly recent one, and after that norwegian study it can be over again quickly. I wouldn't take it for granted nor would I look down on other races.

The human development isnt linear..it makes gaps and leaps and even u-turns. Even the muslim civilization was once superior to our western one...

That doesn't mean that all races are equal...not even all whites are equal...but if you believe in social darwinism you shouldn't be so sure of a white victory in the end, if there ever is an end to evolution.

I'm just more cautious in that regard...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Oct 2018 /  #102
That was social Darwinism and the smarter race won. And it was bloody, man.

The indians, africans, etc would be colonizing and enslaving europeans if they were smarter and as a result had more advanced technology. And its still like that today. Theres a reason why hordes of third worlders are doing everything to live in a european society and suck the taxpayers teet. You think somalia syria Iraq kenya etc give homes cash medical care to every migrant and bogus sylum seeker? Of course not. Most of the people in those countries still sh1t in outhouses and live in huts made of clay, mud etc. Even the gulf states became wealthy bc europeans told them theres a bunch of oil under their feet. We had jets and rocket programs in the 60s while the gulf.states didnt even know what resources they had under their feet. If it wasnt for europeans dubai would still be a poor village of clay huts with locals diving for pearls to scrape a living.

Social darwinism is a reality. For one theres a noticeable average iq level difference between the races. Can you think of any space programs in africa or car manufacturers? How about computer companies coming from the middle east? Whens the last time somalia made a revolutionary medical device or iraq came up with a cutting edge microprocessor? Any airplane manufacturing companies native to Morocco, kenya, etc? Hell even the north koreans can make tablets, cars and rockets albiet sh1tty ones. Not so much africa and m.e. all their inventions and anything modern they have came from europeans and asians.

That doesn't mean that all races are equal...not even all whites are equal...

Sadly i agree. Theres far too many whites that think destroying their own culture and viewing every achievement is bad is the apex of progress.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
24 Oct 2018 /  #103
You continue to judge "progress" by a white yardstick.

It almost seems as though in an odd way you're justifying the settlement of non-white territories on this earth by whites as "Like it or not, you will have to be advanced as we are.... OR ELSE!"

Doesn't make much sense to my mind, and I'm the first to defend European culture.
What works for some doesn't and needn't work for all:-)
Slavictor  6 | 193  
2 Nov 2018 /  #104
I would be reluctant to invest trust in any celebrity activist, Robinson (aka Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, aka Andrew McMaster, aka Paul Harris) included.

i dont like him for his Zionist standings and sucking on the jewish teet

... and how!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Nov 2018 /  #105
You continue to judge "progress" by a white yardstick.

Im judging progress by who contributed to scientific, technological, political and societal advancements. And in all those cases Europeans advanced those fields the most, by far. Even in ancient greece ships had flame throwers and society an early system of democracy.

justifying the settlement of non-white territories on this earth by whites as "Like it or not, you will have to be advanced as we are.... OR ELSE!"

And if europeans didnt come and settle there they'd still be living like the north sentinelese or jarawa tribes.
Reminds me of the poem white mans burden. If europeans werent going to invent things like computers, rockets, the periodic table, etc who else would have? Africans? Unlikely they still live without indoor plumbing. Indians? They were still using stone age tools when they discovered by europeans. Arabs? Their golden period ended once they took on islam. Only serious contender wouldve been and still are asians.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Nov 2018 /  #106
...and only after they stole from us and after we foolishly shipped our manufacturing to them and after we gave them access to our markets while they denied theirs to us and after we put the Japs and the Koreans on our military welfare. Other than that, Asians are great.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Nov 2018 /  #107
Well can you blame them? Thats the problem with whites. Many are extremely naive. They think thw world is a wonderful place and no ones going to screw them over. They cant even comprehend that someone might take advantage of them. And when they do, the liberals justify it with phrases like white guilt, white privilege, reparations and complain about colonization.

The Chinese especially dont think that way. Theyre far more straightforward. They dont let feelings or some perceived guilt bc of their ancestors actions cloud their judgment or business dealings. Thats why today chinese are the new colonizers. Theyre taking over africa, latam, carribean, central asia basically everywhere. Hell theyre even taking over college campuses here and get degrees despite barely speaking English bc their family made a big donation and schools need to balance out the diversity entrants who get grants and scholarships because of their skin color along with the 'student athletes' majoring in things like parks and recreation or sports management. Yet if some american company did that itd only be a matter of time before some sjw journo follows them and writes an article in washington compost of the garbage about how theyre evil imperialists recolonizing africa or wherever and paying locals the prevailing low wages. That doesnt happen to the chinese firms. And if it did the government would blacklist the journo and probably refuse exit visas
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
2 Nov 2018 /  #108
Dirk, Kipling was a known racist, even among subalterns:-) The "White Man's Burden", much like "The Noble Savage", are myths, rooted more in legend than fact.

Such merely seeks to confirm among white people how "superior" we are to them.

You really ought to join Jensen and Shockley out in California....wherever they might be. You'd fit right in. Or how about that fellow Murray.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Nov 2018 /  #109
Such merely seeks to confirm among white people how "superior" we are to them.

OK, since nothing is ever equal, races included, which one accomplished the most from day one till today?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Nov 2018 /  #110
Now that's easy...the blackies!

We all are descendants from some black people somewhere in Africa...now if that isn't an accomplishment then what is?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
2 Nov 2018 /  #111
Depends once again on how one measures "accomplishment".

Although the West boasts technological accomplishment non pareil with any other, we've got smog, air pollution, run-away crime, rancor, killings, etc...all because of material wealth.

I enjoy my condo, car and physical trappings of comfort as much as the next person, I realize simultaneously, that it's only because of conditioning, and not because there's some Platonic ideal out there stating that this is the "only or even "best" way to be happy.

I repeat, you are imprisoned by your own ethnocentricity.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Nov 2018 /  #112
Depends once again on how one measures "accomplishment".

Well...they made it out of Africa for once? That was very brave! And where would we be now if they had stayed put? :)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
2 Nov 2018 /  #113
we've got smog, air pollution, run-away crime, rancor, killings, etc...all because of material wealth.

Indians have almost all of this minus material wealth so you should consider yourself lucky :-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Nov 2018 /  #114
Again, im talking about scientific, technological, political, and overall societal progress. In those areas white contributed the most. Even with art, music, medicine, etc.

Yes we have smog, pollution, crime, etc. Thats a negative consequence of having things like cars, cities, highways, heated homes, etc. We could go back to living in huts like many still do in africa. But i doubt most the population would want to return to a time where you sh1t in a field, bathe in thr same water as several other people and god forbid you get sick and someone throws you in a wagon for a half day ride to the doctor, whod only cure you thanks to modern medicine.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Nov 2018 /  #115
and someone throws you in a wagon for a half day ride to the doctor, whod only cure you thanks to modern medicine.

...or...as it was called "The Middle Ages" in Europe?

I can't help to think there is a great overestimation of the "white" achievements coming from their current prevalence. It's an illusion to believe that this has always been that way or that it always will be so.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
2 Nov 2018 /  #116
We could go back to living in huts like many still do in africa.

And since Africa is coming to Europe in large numbers I think they fancy new iphones and nice cars more than living in peace with nature
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Nov 2018 /  #117
I repeat, you are imprisoned by your own ethnocentricity.

No, I am not. Your prison is political correctness.
Try this. Imagine that tomorrow you wake up in a world (world #1) where every single thing invented or created by the blacks is gone.
Now, do the same assuming that every single thing invented or created by the whites is gone. That would be world #2.
Question: which world - 1 or 2 - do YOU think would the 7 billion people alive today choose?
Easy, yes/no question, so no essays please. My answer: #1.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
2 Nov 2018 /  #118
Try this. Imagine that tomorrow you wake up in a world (world #1) where every single thing invented or created by the blacks is gone.

I for one could not do without my coffee...really!
(I'm not so hot about mathematics though)

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Nov 2018 /  #119
AIDS is also an African invention. Thanks so much.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Nov 2018 /  #120
.or...as it was called "The Middle Ages" in Europe?

Yes. Which was still far ahead of anywhere else. Even the darkest period of europe was making huge ships, steel weapons, famous art, mechanical clocks, printing books amd building huge palaces and castles while the americas were stuck in thw stone age, africans fought with wooden sticks and bronze at best, and Muslim prophets were marrying.6 year olds. Asians were the only one remotely close in advancements

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Political correctness in PolandArchived