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Political correctness in Poland

Lyzko  41 | 9563  
16 Oct 2018 /  #31
My feeling is that PC has indeed gone overboard. However, the motivations for political correctness are commendable in themselves!
Many of the "old ways" were pretty rotten for ordinary folks, too trapped within their social station to fight back.

Teachers for instance were once given carte blanche practically, not only to physically abuse those pupils deemed wayward, but to verbally tongue lash the most minor

infraction in the classroom, where even I towards the end of the '60's can remember to this day, certain teachers liberally using terms such as "Idiot!" and "Stupid!" to

describe slower boys, right to their face. Not very nurturing now, is it! Small wonder almost an entire generation following was all but totally turned off the school, along

with the entire idea of learning or "education".

Furthermore, before political correctness came aboard full throttle, office bosses were a holy terror, save for the most self-confident young women, or men, who were able to resist and leave, risking reprisals when looking for another job. Managers were free to date unmarried secretaries, and just before I arrived on the scene, apparently it wasn't uncommon in offices for women to have "Miss" or "Mrs" before their last name on their desks, leaving the door open to any lone wolf who happened to wander in and wanted to flirt with the female staff.

This then lead to Harvey Weinstein et al.

No, PC has been taken to often unnecessary extremes, I'll grant you. Yet nobody honestly would want to return to pre-'70's, when a male cock of the walk in any office, was allowed to refer to an attractive woman in the support staff as a "bimbo" and get away with it no less.

We've come a long way. Or have we?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #32
Political correctness was meant to stop offending. This led to the "I am offended" industry that gave the "offended" claimants recognition and attention.
In some cases it is progress. For example, before PC, some people were simply "blind". Today, we call them "visually impaired", which is factually more correct as there are degrees in visual impairments.

The most maddening part are the advocates demanding that the majority adjusts and conforms to the demands, real or imaginary, of the offended minority even if that minority is just one person. Hence, the US anthem and the flag are offensive to some a**hole from Honduras and removed from the schools where these a**hole go at my expense. Pork is offensive to Muslims so they demand that it be removed from menus.

This pisses the f*** out of me, considering that these bastards begged us to be allowed in. Once in, they are immediately offended and full of demands. Yes, I know, we have to be nice.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
16 Oct 2018 /  #33
Again, PC has gone over the top, no arguments there.

Nonetheless, one offense is everybody's problem and everybody's business since we all live together in the same society, artificial social distinctions notwithstanding!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #34
If you are offended and it causes you measurable harm - sue. That is what we have courts for. The offense industry does not like that approach because then they would have to prove what they are unable. Like the harm from seeing the US flag over a school. So they resort to other methods.

Our problem is that the white Christians fold so easily. How about, f*** off and get lost?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Oct 2018 /  #35
P.C. has been used to implement convenient words into our society for the Liberals like 'diversity', 'racist', 'bigot', 'homophobia, and the rest of them that are being used as a crutch to promote their ilk agenda to change our society and culture.

Why try to fix what is not broken.
Like Rich said, if you are offended then so what because you offend me as much or more with your dumbing down of our children to think that a person with a penis should be allowed to use a ladies restroom.

And if your feelings get hurt you get to go to your safe rooms and cry and it will be all better not having to deal with reality.

P.C. is nothing more then taking masculinity away from men and turning a country into a bunch of pussies.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #36
dumbing down of our children to think that a person with a penis should be allowed to use a ladies restroom.

Hey, easy with that one. I actually appreciate the fact that restrooms are becoming gender neutral. I admit that my position has changed as I have seen so many cases of women waiting outside while the men's restroom is nearly empty, and vice versa. Rapists do not attack women in public restrooms. My fear is that my 5-year-old granddaughter could be talked into walking away with a stranger after she is done. To prevent this, I now walk right in with her and don't give a **** about the rules or how anybody feels.

The policy of strict segregation by gender would work if there were guards posted at the entrances to the ladies' restrooms. Without guards it doesn't matter what the official policy is. We have rules against murder, too.
Atch  21 | 4149  
16 Oct 2018 /  #37
my 5-year-old granddaughter could be talked into walking away with a stranger after she is done. To prevent this, I now walk right in with her

Why can't you just wait in the hallway outside? They have to come out that way.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #38
Because she was afraid to be alone. With me directly by the stall, I can defend her from harm which could happen with her inside BEFORE she would be able to come out and re-join me. That harm could be caused by anyone, a man or a woman, already inside.

You will never be a grandpa so you will never experience the sense of total and absolute responsibility for getting a grandchild back home safe. Maybe because it's somebody's child. It's weird how the fear of being killed by my daughter if I were negligent in protecting hers works.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Oct 2018 /  #39
Why can't you just wait in the hallway outside?

Or better yet, take her into the men's restroom with you.
That's the way it always was done until the Political Correctness came along.
And you of all people fell for it Rich.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #40
Or better yet, take her into the men's restroom with you.

Then she is in the wrong gender restroom. My oldest granddaughter who is 12 will not go there. Hence, women's restroom it is whenever I am with them. Period.

And, btw, it has nothing to do with political correctness. It's a safety issue.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
16 Oct 2018 /  #41
Then she is in the wrong gender restroom.

you don't get any of this bollocks in Poland
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
16 Oct 2018 /  #42
Once more, what you all are saying does reflect an exaggerated effort at over protection.

However, I will never back down on my opinion that the reasons for political correctness are essentially sound, indeed, justified.

In the '60's, it used to be common coin for comedians at random to tease various ethnicities which stood out, such as the Chinese, and mimic

their accents, eye shape etc. Jerry Lewis and Charlie Callas used to break audiences up imitating, really mocking, infantile paralysis.

We've gained wisdom from those times and realize that such overt insensitivity really doesn't cut and that the old saying remains ever so true, namely,

"Don't ever judge another until you've walked at least ten miles in their moccasins."

Bullying is wrong where ever it occurs, and, for instance, making fun of an Orthodox Jew, by joking publically about their garb, accent, or an Asian, Hispanic etc. is wrong.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #43
In the '60's, it used to be common coin for comedians at random to tease various ethnicities which stood out, such as the Chinese,

That's not political incorrectness. It's just being comedians as it is a fact that every joke needs a victim. No victim, no joke.

Political correctness is making jokes and ripping into the un-protected class: white, male, conservative, Christians. Everybody else is on the protected species list.
Lately, Trump joined the un-protected list, while the biggest fraud, Hillary, is still one of the untouchables because the bi***c is a woman and a democrat.

The best way to end your career as a comedian: tell a joke about Muslims after the same joke about Christians has been worn out to the baseboard.

That is political correctness, not just general insensitivity.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Oct 2018 /  #44
My oldest granddaughter who is 12 will not go there.

Well I should hope not Rich and for the love of your dog don't tell me you go into the woman's bathroom with her.

an exaggerated effort at over protection.

I would say, at twelve years old a girl is already exploring her body and knows that grandpa taking her into the woman's restroom is just sick much less Politically Incorrect.

"Don't ever judge another until you've walked at least ten miles in their moccasins."

Are you making fun of wagon burners now ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Oct 2018 /  #45
Well I should hope not Rich and for the love of your dog don't tell me you go into the woman's bathroom with her.

I will tell you that I don't go with my 12-year-old to the ladies' restrooms where I feel she is safe. If I don't feel that she is safe I will go to hell itself to inspect it before she does.

One day when I had to go in the Grant Park garage in Chicago, I took her to the office. The woman inside buzzed us in and I asked if I can leave my kid there for a couple of minutes. She said yes. Done.

There is no way in hell I would take any chances with all the black teenage garbage, commonly known as thugs, roaming around.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
17 Oct 2018 /  #46
We all seem to be missing the point a little here.

The problem with political correctness is not, nor has it ever been, that the fundamental concept is dumb or such what. The problem is that political correctness has been flagrantly misused and the term misappropriated by misguidedly misogynists aka frustrated, ex-women's libbers under the guise of calling themselves "feminists", then

turning around and labeling all men "women haters", "male chauvinist pigs" ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

While it does appear to limit "free speech" to try to monitor what we should or should not laugh, joke about and so forth, attacking white Christian groups is not done because "others" disapprove of white Christians, W.A.S.P.s per se, but rather because for nearly two centuries, the latter contended that only they were the true inheritors of the US, that only the religion of the Puritans was valid, that Rev. Cotton Mather was the first, unsung hero of religious freedom, moreover, that Jews, Native-Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans were somehow less "American, but worst of all, that W.A.S.P. America was somehow "beyond" humor and/or criticism of any kind. "Thomas Crapper, a Brit, introduced flush toilets to post-colonial America, and so geez what else do you want, for pity's sake!" seemed the rallying cry of conservative groups over the decades and I suppose we non-Anglo-Saxon Protestants are simply getting a wee bit sick and tired of it, that's all.

Back to the topic. Although I do confess to laughing until I honestly could be barely breathe to watch Charlie Callas going into one of his kooky, querky-jerky routines, I later realized that I was subconsciously laughing at EVERY physically challenged person, and so, came to see how cruel I was being, like most kids, without even realizing what I was doing.

But I'm no longer a child. Wish I could say the same for the bloke in the White House!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
17 Oct 2018 /  #47
White Christian males are the approved target because we are the most valuable component of any society, the US included, who, therefore, has the money to give and the power to defend themselves. We know and they know it. The problem is that the target has been beaten into a perpetual state of shame and guilt. Just like a 250-pound guy with an abusive and violent mini-bi****c is not likely to run to the police and complain.

All that historical review is a waste of time.
cms neuf  1 | 1754  
17 Oct 2018 /  #48
Doubt it - I reckon on a per capita basis Chinese, Jews and Indians in the US pay more tax and receive less benefits than some dudes breakfasting on opioids in Appalachia
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
17 Oct 2018 /  #49
... in a society which the white Christian men created. Duh.
Go to China and India and ask them what they make. Just be careful where you step.
DominicB  - | 2706  
17 Oct 2018 /  #50
Chinese, Jews and Indians in the US pay more tax and receive less benefits than some dudes breakfasting on opioids in Appalachia

And Christians are the lowest earning religious group. Unitarians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and non-believers and Mormons outperform Christians, and among Christians, the groups that perform best are the progressive groups, with conservative groups lagging far behind.

Christians have lost their mojo. Big time. They're basically circling the bowl.
cms neuf  1 | 1754  
17 Oct 2018 /  #51
The elements of US life built by white Christians are those which are now most problematic - uncompetitive smokestack industries, dysfunctional politics, banks that needed bailing out, falling down infrastructure.

America's biggest exports now ? Facebook, Google, Amazon and high finance all very driven by immigrant and Jewish brains. And of course when it comes to your cultural exports we have Jay Z and Chicago's own Chief Keef instead of whatever trashy TV was on in the 50s.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
17 Oct 2018 /  #52
Facebook, Google, Amazon and high finance all very driven by immigrant and Jewish brains.

...none of which create wealth. Wealth is created where you get your hands dirty: manufacturing, mining and agriculture. Period. End of the story. If you are stupid enough to think otherwise, take Econ 101 or call the nearest community college.

And, then, there is the military where your hands get bloody, and sometimes, your body gets shipped home in a body bag. There, you will find the real Americans and very few of those listed in Post 50 right above yours.

Those three you mentioned, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, are the America's curse, not the reasons to be proud. Liberal, monopolistic, intolerant. and espousing every value we abhor, while being pro what the lower 80% of Americans are against. In China, they fold like a gay guy in a position to be a** f******d. Here, they are oh so brave.
DominicB  - | 2706  
17 Oct 2018 /  #53
Wealth is created where you get your hands dirty: manufacturing, mining and agriculture. Period.

You are aware that the economic system based on your statement happens to be called Marxism? At least you would, had you bothered to take Economics 101. The theory of how wealth is created in a capitalistic system is entirely different. So, as a good American, I have to ask:

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
17 Oct 2018 /  #54
The theory of how wealth is created in a capitalistic system is entirely different.

Please do tell how wealth is created in a capitalistic system.
Then, we will discuss my party affiliations.
DominicB  - | 2706  
17 Oct 2018 /  #55
Please do tell how wealth is created in a capitalistic system.

Take Economics 101 at your local community college, and you'll find out. Or just read any introductory economics textbook. I'm not here to spoonfeed your lazy commie a$$.
cms neuf  1 | 1754  
17 Oct 2018 /  #56
Right there Dom - mind you when Rich has been stuck trolling in a basement all day it's no surprise that his knowledge of economics is from a dusty old commie era textbook he found being used as a doorstop.

Please stay on topic
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
17 Oct 2018 /  #57
Now that I read my last post, I realized that the discussion drifted from the thread title. My apologies.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
17 Oct 2018 /  #58
Political correctness doubtless exists everywhere nowadays, including Poland.

Originally, it started with euphemisms such as "physically challenged" for "crippled", or "vertically challenged" for "short of stature" etc...
The road to hell was paved with good intentions as well:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
17 Oct 2018 /  #59
Originally, it started with euphemisms such as "physically challenged" for "crippled", or "vertically challenged" for "short of stature" etc...

I think you are missing the main point of "political correctness", which is not the rules of decency but their selective application to the protected classes.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
17 Oct 2018 /  #60
Bingo, which begs the question as to why those special interested groups were protected in the first place!

In the case of African-Americans or other minorities seen as a threat, it was fear of riots, I suspect.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Political correctness in PolandArchived