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Political correctness in Poland

pawian  224 | 27191  
23 Jun 2011 /  #1
Unfortunately, political correctness is also present in Poland.

Case 1:
20 years ago, they changed the scale of grading pupils from 2-5 to 1-6 scale. For 8 years the grade 2 was called mierny - poor/weak. In 1999 they changed it into dopuszczający - passing/acceptable.

I thought it was really funny.

What else?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2011 /  #2
Lefties believe you can solve problems by changing their names, hence PC (poltiical correctnerss). The perpetually inebriated Jacek Kuroń used to be described as 'trzeźwy inaczej' (differently sober). You can call a fool 'differently intelligent' or 'intellectrually challenged', but that doesn't make him any brighter.

The PC gang is free to call anything however they want, the problem is they insist that everyone else use their hare-brained terminology.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
23 Jun 2011 /  #3
However, there are also advantages of PC. Instead of saying Cygan ( gypsy), people are advised to say Roma which still sounds neutral, while cygan is highly derogative and combined with worst connotations of a thief, cheater and liar.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2011 /  #4
Who is to pontificate what is and what is not pejorative? I for one do not regard Cygan as pejorative. Are we to change the title of the Strauss operetta to 'Roma Baron'?
Llamatic  - | 140  
23 Jun 2011 /  #5
The problem with PC is it starts with silly word games but leads to very real policy shifts which create further problems. In this case, for their not wanting to hurt school children's feelings, they are dumbing-down the education process. But the kids will come out feeling better about their less educated selves. :s

Misguided, feel-good Liberalism always, always, always leads to harmful unforeseen consequences worse than the problem they were trying to address.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
20 Jun 2012 /  #6
If Poland was as PC as the UK, most Polish kabaret artists would be in jail ;)
jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Jun 2012 /  #7
So would many British comedians for that matter ;-)

On a more serious note, look what's happened to Doda.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
4 Sep 2012 /  #8
Today`s example - there was a scuffle near a kebab bar in Warsaw between a group of Poles and a group of foreigners. One of the participants used a knife and 4 people landed in hospital.

Readers` comments suggest that the group of foreigners was of Turkish origin and laugh that their nationality was kept secret due to PC.

The row in front of a bar with a kebab . Four people in hospital

For serious fracas occurred this afternoon in Praga . Near the bar kebab clashed with two groups of men. As they say witnesses , one of the participants used a knife fight . Four injured people were taken to hospital .

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
5 Sep 2012 /  #9
Today's example - there was a scuffle near a kebab bar in Warsaw between a group of Poles and a group of foreigners.

Same everywhere else in Europe. mediawise.org.uk/display_page8a15.html?id=648

Ideology trumps truth.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
6 Sep 2012 /  #10
Same everywhere else in Europe.

Wow, perfect example:

Race reporting

Only mention someone's race if it is strictly relevant. Check to make sure you have it right. Would you mention race if the person was white? Do not sensationalise race relations issues; it harms black people and it could harm you.

Think carefully about the words you use. Words which were once in common usage are now considered offensive, e.g. half-caste and coloured. Use mixed-race and black instead. Black can cover people of Arab, Asian, Chinese and African origin. Ask people how they define themselves.

Immigrant is often used as a term of abuse. Do not use it unless the person really is an immigrant. Most black people in Britain were born here and most immigrants are white.

Investigate the treatment of black people in education, health, employment and housing. Do not forget travellers and gypsies. Cover their lives and concerns. Seek the views of their representatives.

Only mention the word gypsy or traveller if strictly relevant and accurate.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #11
Some people think we have finally overcome old taboos -- poltied company as a concept is fading into oblivion, foul language abounds and we are now so open about sex and bodily functions (not only prn but one can even watch someone defecate on Big Brother). But actually only some taboos have been toppled while new ones have been erected. That's what PC is all about -- new taboos and whoever violates them can expect ostracism, a news blackout other forms of censorship or even legal action.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
6 Sep 2012 /  #12
Food for thought, indeed.

My shy suggestion to what you say: old taboos which applied to individuals have fallen.

New taboos have been erected, as you say, to protect the whole groups groups from abuse.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Sep 2012 /  #13
The new taboos purport to prevent abuse of entire groups, but only selectively. You can much more get away with bashing Catholics than Muslims, blacks or Jews. When three punk-sluts desecrated a Christian church in Moscow with their blasphemous spectacle, that did not cause world-wide outrage, only the consequences suffered became an instant PC cause célèbre. If a similar act of blasphemy had occurred in a mosque... well, you can take it from there.

The PC crowd in a America is trying prevent Christmas displays in schools and even private businesses, even though that is what most people like and want.

PC is just as intolerant as any other system of indoctrination, mind control or censorship -- only the victims of the intolerance have changed.
Thousands (some reports say as many as 160,000) Christians a year are murdered simply because they are Christians, but how much do your hear about that in the media? But if three homosexuals or four Jews were murdered there would be an international country, Why? Because most of today's mainstream media have been PC-brainwashed and actually believe it all or go along in fear of losing their jobs.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Sep 2012 /  #14
It's interesting to see some of our more extreme pf members cry murder because they can't offend blacks, Jews, gays etc who happen to be the same members that become HIGHLY offended at being called British, gay, lazy "polacks" who can't learn English when living in America.

Its a case of my poop don't stink.

I found the startling differences in the rcc pedophiles hidding criminal activity interesting. From Ireland I was reading how could john Paul ll be beautiful after knowingly protecting pedophiles from justice, while here in Poland, to my knowledge , it has never been mentioned in any mainstream media sources.

I think it's easy to slag off pc, when it's not directed at you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Sep 2012 /  #15
If a simolar act of blasphemy had occurred in a mosque... well, you can take it from there.

If the elders in the mosque had been brazenly, openly supporting Putin - then it would have been exactly the same reaction.

it has never been mentioned in any mainstream media sources.

I think we can pinpoint exactly why - the RCC stole so much money from the country that they now represent a very powerful interest group who would run straight to the best lawyers should anything come up.

Stuff does come up now and again, but as far as I know - no journalist has ever investigated the true extent of abuse in Poland. It's not helped by the way that the Church has been caught on several occasions to be covering up abuse, even in Poland.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
7 Sep 2012 /  #16
If to is acceptable and the current system is 1 - 6 then I assume that 1 is now mierny [poor] or worse?
legend  3 | 658  
7 Sep 2012 /  #17
The PC crowd in a America is trying prevent Christmas displays in schools aned even private businesses, even though that is what most people like amd want.
PC is just as intolerant as any other system of indoctrination, mind control or censorship -- only the victims of the intoierance have changed.

I agree. I heard in some places you can not display Christian crosses/nativity scenes. Meanwhile a Giant Menorah is placed near the government building.

Is this true?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
7 Sep 2012 /  #18
while here in Poland, to my knowledge , it has never been mentioned in any mainstream media sources.

As we all know the Catholic Church is plagued by pedophilia scandals everywhere in the world, but surprisingly enough this stopped at the Polish border.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Sep 2012 /  #19
Oh, there were scandals here too. The only difference is that these were individual scandals rather than systematic.

It's worth pointing out that in many places (as Davies himself documented) - the local priest and the local Party boss often carved up things between them.
Mister H  11 | 761  
7 Sep 2012 /  #20
Race reportingOnly mention someone's race if it is strictly relevant. Check to make sure you have it right. Would you mention race if the person was white?

Jeez, where did this originate from ?

Are new starters at the Guardian or the BBC given it on their first day ?
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
7 Sep 2012 /  #21
The worrying thing is, they really believe this rubbish. All this talk about not offending minorities, yet they don't seem to understand that Poles consider being called "East Europeans" offensive, and constantly use it in the media. Inadequate diversity training, obviously ;)

This country actually had pretty good race relations until the PC brigade infested every organisation, so it's ironic that I hear many more racist comments than I did back in the 1980s (before anyone asks, south Asians are by far the worst offenders).

I've got nothing in common with white South Africans, apart from skin colour - yet officials always lump Poles into some faceless "White - Other" group. Likewise, Jamaicans have nothing in common with native Australians, yet both count as "black". Why on earth do they think all whites are the same? How many Poles do there have to be before we get a "Polish" tickbox on official forms? They seem to be interested in Bangladeshis and Chinese, yet there are more Poles in the UK than either of those groups, but we don't get one! Must be cuz we iz white innit :D

And since when were Chinese people "black"? pmsl - most Chinese aren't dark, and many are lighter than me! :D

Do not forget travellers

Most "travellers" are just dreadlocked lefties! Since when is that a race or ethnicity? haha
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
7 Sep 2012 /  #22
Mister H:Do not forget travellers

Most "travellers" are just dreadlocked lefties! Since when is that a race or ethnicity? haha

Guidelines on travellers
Only mention the word gypsy or traveller if strictly relevant and accurate.
Give balanced reports, seeking travellers' views as well as those of others, consulting the local travellers where possible.
Resist the temptation to sensationalise issues involving travellers, especially in their relations with settled communities over issues such as housing and settlement programmes and schooling.

Try to give wide coverage to travellers' lives and the problems they face.
Strive to promote the realisation that the travellers' community is comprised of full citizens of Great Britain and Ireland whose civil rights are seldom adequately vindicated, who often suffer much hurt and damage through misuse by the media and who have a right to have their special contributions to Irish and British life, especially in music and craft work and other cultural activities, properly acknowledged and reported.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Sep 2012 /  #23
I know a menorah is set up outside the Palace of Culture in Warsaw for Hannukah. That was originated by the late Lech Kacyzński when he was mayor. Fortunately in Poland there is no ban on Christmas displays. And no-one is trying to force something as weird as 'sezonowe podrzowienia' (season's greetings) down people's throats. I reckon the ACLU loonies haven't made it over to Poland yet.
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
7 Sep 2012 /  #24
We are holding strong. Polish schools are still full of season`s displays. :):):):)
milky  13 | 1656  
8 Sep 2012 /  #25
Lefties believe you can solve problems by changing their names

So, the right aren't big players?? ever hear of Didier Peleman?
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
18 Jun 2013 /  #26
Unfortunately, political correctness is also present in Poland.

Not always.

Polish site provides the name of the drunk policeman stopped by a citizen in South Africa

while foreign sites, including South African one, don`t:

Russell George from Pietermaritzburg , South Africa, traveling in his car on Sunday evening , when he noticed an aberrant course of a police car and immediately responded .


A few years ago it was possible to hang such an anti-smoking poster in my school.

Recently a new campaign has been started but without that poster. Pity.

  • papieros.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27191  
4 Jul 2013 /  #27
And I believe most will agree the US is more kind towards non-white people, gays and Jews. :-\

You forgot to add that US is less kind to white people. So when a white and black guys apply for the same position, the result is obvious. Nobody in US wants to be sued for racism, do they???? :):):)

What you call "PC obsession" is just something called equality.

hahaha Look above.

Saying that cows are prettier than women is objectifying.

Aah, you mean that joke? But I wrote it is silly. I mentioned it on order to critisize it!!! Don`t you understand it??? :):):)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jul 2013 /  #28
So when a white and black guys apply for the same position, the result is obvious.

Nope. There are so-called equal opportunity employers, but that doesn't mean that the black guy automatically gets the job. It's all about qualifications.
johnny reb  49 | 7960  
16 Oct 2018 /  #29
What happen to the good old days? We didn't have to worry about law suits against "racism", "sexism", "xenophobia", "homophobia", etc.

Well just look who is promoting Political Correctness to dumb down societies and it will answer your question.
My guess is Poland is like America where 80 Percent Of Americans think Political Correctness 'Is A National Problem' ?
Objections to political correctness are even stronger among racial minorities and those who have never attended college.
High income college graduates, especially those with advanced degrees, are the Americans most likely to think political correctness is not a problem.
These are also the group most likely to label themselves atheists or agnostics, and identify as politically liberal.

That about sums it up to what is happening to destroy the cultures in the E.U. including Poland.
Dumbing down the useful idiots with Political Correctness has become one huge weapon to promote the ilk's George Soros agenda.

Equal Opportunity Employers....E.E.O.C. ? (Eventual Elimination of Caucasians)
Not just employers......even the Universities in America require a percentage of minority enrollment to "diversify" and have to accept lower test scores for minorities to do it.

There is nothing equal about it without Political Correctness.
How many lawsuits have been filed over the years for this.
This thread was started 8 years ago and just look how P.C. has snowballed since then and just look how cultures have been destroyed by it as predicted.
Sparks11  - | 333  
16 Oct 2018 /  #30
Oh look! More whinging by people who complain that PC culture is too...whingy.

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