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Planning a first time leave towards Poland soon,need advice!

10 Apr 2013 /  #1
~~ Hello Poland,members & Admin.~ I am a female in my early 40's.Have been thinking of taking a trip over to Poland for a while,and actually making a stay in living.Have only done so much research through Google search for sometime and have narrowed down to this one Polish forum.I have read through some of the discussions on the site and actually have had some of my questions answered...but I am pretty simple and take things gradually and I learn as I go along,and I believe I can do this as I head into Poland.I speak straight english,understandable most people will not speak my language but will eventually learn along the way.My nationality is Polish but unfortunately my Dad never taught me to speak polish growing up.I do know some words here & there if I listen closely.To make this short,and I apologize for the babble,I would like to move to a main city area in Poland and rent a room/place for myself,and start work along the way.I was thinking Warsawa due to being near transportation,shops,music venues,restaurants,work...etc.But I have been open up to other cities as well. It would be just me and only a few things to bring along,I have no children or pets...so I am simple.I am pretty quiet and laid back,responsible and respectful.My background in occupation is as a Warehouse Worker/Customer Service Representative so I work highly in the industrial area and as well as with the general public in stores(handling euros will be an option for me to start of course).

As for myself,I am an avid rock music enthusiast and supporter of the music scene and do intend to travel quite often as I can to go support the local/national rockers,and a big supporter of the music industry-as I was years ago here in the US back in the day as a Merchandiser/Promotions Assistant.Sorry...to narrow down my chat here I am hoping to leave around the end of May or depending.I just need some advice in the best place to stay,good rental price for a room/place,work options,and some good comapny to keep as I tag along in a new area(friends).I am not a tourist even though I may be treated as one because I am new to the area...but I plan to make this move professional and responsible and will not be judgemental on anyone or anything,and not scared of what would be expected because I understand the consequences.I am open to responses if possible or advice and looking forward to beautiful Poland soon! Any questions please ask,or I could use some advice.I am located in New Jersey(USA)...any fellow eastcoast people would be helpful but Polish background would be great as well.

((Admin: I hope I posted in the right section of the forum,if not please pm me or inbox me and I will post in the right section...thank you I appreciate it! :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Apr 2013 /  #2
I would like to move to a main city area in Poland and rent a room/place for myself,and start work along the way.I was thinking Warsawa due to being near transportation,shops,music venues,restaurants,work...etc

What do you propose that you will do for work in Poland, bearing in mind your background as a

My background in occupation is as a Warehouse Worker/Customer Service Representative so I work highly in the industrial area and as well as with the general public in stores

Without any knowledge of Polish?

handling euros will be an option for me to start of course).

If you haven't even got the name of the currency right, Poland is going to be a struggle.
NJcoast  - | 3  
10 Apr 2013 /  #3
I will figure it out-but thanks for your nice response,any positive responses out there I would appreciate it or pm me,thanks!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Apr 2013 /  #4
I will figure it out

Poland is not a country that can be just figured out easily. Being totally honest, unemployment is above 10% and around 2 million according to one estimate have left in the last 9 years to find work. And they had the benefit of speaking the language and understanding the culture.
DominicB  - | 2706  
10 Apr 2013 /  #5
I have to agree with delphiandomine. There is nothing in your post that indicates that you will be able to find work and make a career in Poland. A lot of the things you write are way off-base, and you have clearly not thought this out or done your research. You very obviously don't have the slightest clue about the realities of the job market in Poland. Poland is definitely not a job market open to bunglers, and you're never going to "figure it out". You will need real qualifications, proven skills and experience to survive. Sorry, but your plans seem totally unrealistic. The only hope you [/b]might[b] have is landing a job in a call center, and the pay there is lousy, and probably not enough to you to even survive on, never mind live at some level of comfort. Even then, I think your chances of finding work are practically non-existant, especially without a good command of the Polish language. You'll have a very difficult time getting a work permit, and I highly doubt that you will at all.

Get some vocational counselling and see what options are open to you in the States. You'll probably need some additional education, but at least you will have a chance of finding a job that pays half-way decent. That won't be an option for you in Poland.

PS: I'm from the East Coast (Scranton) and I've made a good career for myself here. BUT I have a doctorate, tons of experience, am fluent in Polish and am anything but a bungler. Most of all, my skills are so unique that I have virtually no competition. I hate to sound trute, but this is by far the best advice that anyone will ever give you: Don't be a fool. Go back to school.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Apr 2013 /  #6
There's really high risk that you will have huge problems with finding any job. The situation on the labour market right now is terrible and vast majority of jobs require fluent Polish.
NJcoast  - | 3  
11 Apr 2013 /  #7
Was expecting these reponses and I'm glad and thanks everyone.I need more research first or at least visit over there for a short time to get more of an idea.I appreciate the information everyone and will take all your responses into consideration!
World_Citizen  1 | 4  
20 Apr 2013 /  #8
Hello NJcoast
I don't want to post on this forum my entire life story to prove to you that you can make it anywhere in the world if you want to. No one knows about you more than yourself. you simply have nothing to lose. Just as you said, plan a short trip to Poland next month and check your chances. I used to live in the USA and I had wonderful time there, and I live in Poland now and I enjoy a beautiful young spirited country, and despite all the negative opinion about work in Poland; I have the job of my dreams here, with a decent salary (with limited knowledge of Polish).

The only thing you can regret is not making a decisive change to your life as you about to make.
NJcoast  - | 3  
22 Apr 2013 /  #9
Thanks World Citizen,
I appreciate the response.I am positive about the outcome and know there are places/city areas over there that are possible to stay and find decent work,and I am keeping it in mind for a possible future visit first to get a head start.I was thinking Warsaw as a start due to being not only the main city but with alot of things in town that are accessible but a bit of english speaking as well...may start there and travel around for a bit.Wish I knew someone to escort me around the areas and help advise me...but everything will come natural as I go along when the time comes.Thank you very much for your advice,I do appreciate it :-)
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Apr 2013 /  #10
NJ cost, I have an unrelated question for you: .. every once in a while I run into people that do not use space after punctuation. Up to now, I assumed that they didn't know or didn't want to, but now I'm wondering; are there languages where that is not a rule? I know it is a rule followed in English, Polish, all the Latin and Germanic languages I've seen... so, why don't you use space after punctuation?

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