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Do you really have to pay for your dogs to live in Poland

andrewwright  8 | 65  
23 Feb 2010 /  #1
Hi We have 4 little dogs and have been given a 180 zloty bill for us to keep them in our village (siemiany) Loched up when im not walking them, Would this be true that we have to pay to keep our own pets,

Would it not be easier to kill them at birth or would i be charged for animal curety(spelt wrong i think)? if this is the case where is the money going? I dont see doggie bins anywhere or dog wardens,just people asking for money in there 4x4 leaving there big houses,
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Feb 2010 /  #2
Hi We have 4 little dogs and have been given a 180 zloty bill for us to keep them in our village (siemiany) Loched up when im not walking them, Would this be true that we have to pay to keep our own pets,

It's a dog licence. You can get a waiver if they're neutered and microchipped. Quite sensible - the money goes back towards dealing with stray dogs.

if this is the case where is the money going?

The money is going towards dealing with the consequences of irresponsible dog owners who would rather leave their dogs unneutered and not microchipped.

just people asking for money in there 4x4 leaving there big houses,

What does having a 4x4 and a big house got to do with the requirement to have a dog licence?
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Feb 2010 /  #3
Hi We have 4 little dogs and have been given a 180 zloty bill for us to keep them in our village (siemiany) Loched up when im not walking them, Would this be true that we have to pay to keep our own pets,

Sounds like complete BS to me. Ive got a dog and never had anyone ask me.
OP andrewwright  8 | 65  
23 Feb 2010 /  #4
What does having a 4x4 and a big house got to do with the requirement to have a dog licence?

I didnt say a dog licence has any to do with a 4x4 and big house,Its just the person(So called Mayor of Siemiany)has these 2,Comes Asking for this money,no reciept would be given,No proof off where the money is going,The village is a **** hole but he cant be asked to get it cleaned up,But will always find time to drive out of his way to knock on the doors wanting money, By the way we have a 4x4 a big house a van,car,tractor loads of land and buildings,so its not im jealous, just pd of give people money in this country and seeing nothing back,
z_darius  14 | 3960  
23 Feb 2010 /  #5
No receipt = no payment.
Consider getting a 5th dog. A really, really big and vicious one.
But you can start with a hidden cam to record the transactions. Sounds like this is extortion.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
23 Feb 2010 /  #6
Does anyone in your household speak Polish?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Feb 2010 /  #7
Comes Asking for this money,no reciept would be given

You want to tell us that a mayor comes to your house and wants cash for dog license ? 180 zł ?
Crow  155 | 9700  
23 Feb 2010 /  #8
is this about Germans?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
23 Feb 2010 /  #9
No..you don,t need any licence to keep a German in your house...unless its a German shepard..
OP andrewwright  8 | 65  
23 Feb 2010 /  #10
Does anyone in your household speak Polish?

Only my fiancee,her father,her mother and 3 of the dogs the other 1 i taught english from a puppy,

You want to tell us that a mayor comes to your house and wants cash for dog license ? 180 zł ?

No iv'e told you!

Consider getting a 5th dog. A really, really big and vicious one.

I thought the mother in law was bad enough,I was wrong :-(
Piorun  - | 655  
23 Feb 2010 /  #11
No..you don,t need any licence to keep a German in your house...unless its a German shepard..

Either way you may simply ignore to pay this fee, it’s just a German after all ;)

Joking aside the law governing the tax for dog owners has changed in 2008. Prior to 2008 it was nationwide tax in effect since the 40’s, although never enforced but since 2008 it is up to Gmina to decide if they should have such tax or not, who should pay it, who should be exempt etc, and it’s up to the local authorities how to collect it. There are many laws governing the exemptions from this tax provided you meet the requirements. I.E if you are senior citizens you may be exempt from paying this fee, if the dog you own is a seeing eye dog or you may have any other disability other then blindness where owning a dog is necessity you are exempt or if you are a farmer or land owner you do not have to pay this tax since you already pay the tax on the land you own and you may keep up to two dogs without paying this fee. Members of the diplomatic mission are also exempt. Fees are collected and govern by local laws and it differs for each Gmina; some do not have this tax at all. It all depends on where you live. I.E some municipalities might have 50% discount for senior citizens who are the dog owners, while senior citizens in other cities might be exempt all together. If you adopted your dog from the shelter you may be exempt from paying this fee or it might be at a discount. Even if you do not qualify for the exemption from this tax, the fee for owning one or two dogs might be set at one level, while the fee for each additional dog that you own might be at a much higher level. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the owner to know those things and pay this tax.

You should inquire at Gmina to see what the law is in your area, what are the exemptions, how much are the yearly fees, where should you pay this fee and what is the deadline.

Since there are so many dog owners who are exempt from this tax it is hard for local authorities to enforce it especially in rural areas, hence it's all done on an honor system. Many dog owners are not aware of this or simply ignore it and choose not to pay this fee. The only way for the local authorities to demand the payment if such tax exists in your area is when there is an inspection of the property and you are found out that you own a dog or through vetenerian services which might be required by law to report it to the local authorities. Since it’s the responsibility of the owner in the first place many vetenerians and inspectors simply ignore it, too much paperwork.

You are the land owner, you are exempt from this tax or at least on two of your dogs. Since the mayor himself shows up at your place to collect it I would simply tell him - only if you bring a good bottle of scotch.
Olaf  6 | 955  
23 Feb 2010 /  #12
Would it not be easier to kill them at birth or would i be charged for animal curety

You should've thought before you let your doggie be pregnant. Killing at birth? Why not get the vasectomy/sterilization (if that's a correct terminology)? It's cheaper than those fines and not to mention - more sane.
pantsless  1 | 266  
24 Feb 2010 /  #13
andrewwright are you a native english speaker because your english is terrible, or are you drunk all the time? Probably the second.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Feb 2010 /  #14
What has that got to do with his bloody dogs?

My advise would be to ignore it unless you get some receipt for the money they want you to part with.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Aug 2019 /  #15
Would this be true that we have to pay to keep our own pets,

The fee is imposed by local councils. The minimum fee in 2019 is 130 zlotys per dog. Some places charge less, e..g, Szczecin - 50 zlotys. Funny but most big cities don`t charge anything - e..g, Warsaw.

More here - and see the cities where keeping the dog is free.

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