delphiandomine 86 | 17823
21 Aug 2010 / #61
I might look for teaching in the polytechnic when I feel that I am in tip-top condition to do it justice.
Nice, stable employment if you can get it, I suppose - I'd probably lose my rag with the bureaucracy, but from what everyone says, it's a great gig in terms of stable, regular employment.
Do you know why it's overpriced, delph? I mean other than the import costs
No, how come? I assume it's the old case of "people think it's expensive, so let's make it expensive", but you're the Japanologist here ;)
Poland really isn't changing that much in a dynamic way, McCoy (not visibly). At least not in little Gliwice ;)
I'll tell you where it is changing quite rapidly - it would seem that the State bureaucracy is diminishing (and with it, less jobs for young people) - but the same people are now finding jobs in State-funded NGO's. The amount of people I've met with worthless non-jobs recently has been staggering - and their wages aren't too bad, either!