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One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Apr 2015 /  #1
One advantage of living in Poland is the cultural lag, or maybe Poles are a bit smarter than their Stateside cousins? Lot of the nonsense is seeping over but it's nowhere as bad as in the US. Take the current anti-police hysteria or the gay-cake nonsense. All these oddities are inflated out of all proportion by the tabloidised, sensation-seeking media cluttering public space and human brains with loads of useless and needless garbage and trivia. One example:

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them

Say that "Bestiality Is Wrong" or "Polygamy Is Wrong" and it's not considered hate speech, but if you have the opinion that "Gay Marriage Is Wrong" the whole world jumps up and down screaming "racism" "bigotry" and "hatred".

This is becoming the politically-correct norm, but no matter what one argues, this is suppressing free speech.

No one targeted pro-gay bakeries, but gay activists target Christian bakeries. "Support Gay Marriage" is one Christian bakery was sued for refusing to put that slogan on a cake for an event to support the gay agenda.

27 Apr 2015 /  #2
EU is forcing that stuff on Poland. Ten years from now it may be worse than in US.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Apr 2015 /  #3
As they say: Pożyjemy, zobaczymy (we'll live and see).
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
27 Apr 2015 /  #4
The Muslim bakeries in Dearbornistan Michigan refuse to bake wedding cakes for gays so
maybe it's the gays way of retaliating with their two circles and a snap.
jon357  72 | 23361  
27 Apr 2015 /  #5

Cakes are cakes. I pity some of the poor bakers in the US having teabaggers knocking on their doors. In Poland, people just buy them to eat.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Apr 2015 /  #6
That was precisely the point of this thread: too much nonsense and trivia from America. In Poland cakes are cakes to be eaten and enjoyed, but in the States all manner of off-the-wall fringe groups try to turn everything into an ideology, a cause, a boycott, a parade, a PR extravaganza and God knows what all!

And the compliant media hyenas are there ready to whip it all up into a hysterical frenzy. Very un-European, but you know what? -- Europeans are increasingly trying to ape all the nonsense seeping over from the States!
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
27 Apr 2015 /  #7
Europeans are increasingly trying to ape all the nonsense seeping over from the States!

You worry about how silly crap that is slowly seeping over from the U.S. yet you don't seem to be worrying about the speed of the dangers of Muslim influence that is racing into Europe. What about that ?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Apr 2015 /  #8
The commercial commerpop crap with its carpe diem hedonism is merely accelerating the Muslim takeover. The West has long been in a state of creeping moral decline and the advocates of the "anything goes" mentality, whether for philosophical or commercial reasons (mostly the latter), are simply speeding up the eventual collapse. Throughout history this has always been the case. The fat, flabby and decadent are always overtaken and overthrown by lean and mean barbarians.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
28 Apr 2015 /  #9
yet you don't seem to be worrying about the speed of the dangers of Muslim influence that is racing into Europe.

A good illustration of this is the scandal with the gangs of "Asian" rapists in the UK. And I'm not saying that those gangs exemplify the Muslim influence on Europe. I'm saying that the authorities, both local and national, in the UK used to turn the blind eye on the activity of those gangs for years because of the fear that trying to persecute them would evoke accusations that British racism is involved. The town of Rotherham has been most heavily affected with 1400 white girls of English origin as victims. As a result, no one wants to work for the city council of this crappy British town, so they had to offer salries of 25% higher to attract specialists. The lawyer of the victims says that their number may actually be higher than that. And Rotherham is not the only town where such gangs operated.

My post is not about Muslim rapists in Britain, however. It is about how political correctness has been developed "ad absurdum" recently in the UK.

The political correctness on the PF on the other hand does not embrace "the Polish", "the Roman Catholic Church" or "Slavia" as talked about by Crow, however. A lot about RCC sins all over the world (and yes, the RCC has many sins, indeed), but never a word about "Asian" (in fact Muslim) rapists in Britain on the PF! Roger says he will never visit Serbia because of Crow's ranting about Slavia. But what about never setting foot in the UK again, Roger, because so many English girls had to endure so much suffering followed by the complete indifference on the part of the British authorities towards the activity of the so-called "Asian" gangs?
jon357  72 | 23361  
28 Apr 2015 /  #10
A lot about RCC sins all over the world (and yes, the RCC has many sins, indeed), but never a word about "Asian" (in fact Muslim) rapists in Britain on the PF!

Probably because the forum is about Poland rather than the UK. Though it has to be said that there are perjorative posts here about Muslims at least twice daily.

carpe diem hedonism

Carpe diem in Latin from Ancient Rome and hedonism deriving from Classical Greek... And you're ranting about the modern world as if all this is new when in fact the core of the issue is that you're getting old.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Apr 2015 /  #11

And we all know where carpe diem led the Roman Empire. The fat, flabby and decadent Romans were defeated by the lean and mean barbarians. Today's promoters of perversion, pornography and unbridled hedonism should at least know that it will happen again and they are greatly accelerating the process.
jon357  72 | 23361  
28 Apr 2015 /  #12
And we all know where carpe diem led the Roman Empire. The fat, flabby and decadent Romans were defeated by the lean and mean barbarians.

And the world eventually became a better place.

Today's promoters of preversion, pornography and unbridled hedonism should at least know that it will happen again and they are greatly accelerating the process.

As it will continue to do .
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Apr 2015 /  #13
More proof that Poland is a more sensible place, at least for the time begin until more of the crapola seeps over, which was the initial theme of this thread. After Ferguson and other cities where slum-dwellers of a certain unmentionable race went on a destructive rampage, we now have the Baltimore riots and a stupid Afro lady mayor who promised them "space to destroy". Don't believe it, read on:

jon357  72 | 23361  
28 Apr 2015 /  #14
Pol3 ="slum-dwellers of a certain unmentionable race"
That's not a very Christian thing to say.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Apr 2015 /  #15
More proof that Poland is a more sensible place

Poland did not have an African slave trade or a colonial background did it? So obviously problems encountered in eg UK, USA, are not going to happen in Poland, silly to suggest they might.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Apr 2015 /  #16
OK, how about inhabitants of blighted and neglected urban neighbourhoods full of crack houses and littered with trash with rusting disused fridges on front porches and the few surviving shops operating behind protective iron grates? Ever been to Detroit? Try it for your next holiday instead of Thailand or Ibiza! And be sure to pack a rod! You may need it.
jon357  72 | 23361  
28 Apr 2015 /  #17
Ever been to Detroit?

Yet another casualty of US capitalism. Poland is somewhat more liberal.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
28 Apr 2015 /  #18
A rod, Polonius? Damon Runyon is not forgotten!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Apr 2015 /  #19
The Polish equivalent is gnat or spluwa or (in the older generation) even giwera!

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