Some useful facts about immigration in Poland can be found in the forum migracyjne pages. The materials are both in English and Polish, but - as usual in such cases - the Polish version provides much more useful information than the former one. For example, the section "Infolinia Migracyjna" contains a database of questions already asked and answered, while the English version of the corresponding section is empty. Of course you may try to ask your own questions in English and see if and when you'll get your answer.
The category "Data and statistics" is relevant to this topic and can be found here:
The following is my translation of some of the topics taken from that category. The emerging picture is a total information mess caused by many factors: political correctness, lack of comprehensive policies, ad hoc solutions, overlapping responsibilities. Add to it an estimated number of 500,000 illegal immigrants a year (100,000 from former Soviet Union alone). In addition, Polish Border Guard reported that, in the year 2003 alone, they stopped 5800 foreigners at the border due to lack of documents, refused entrance to 66,000 foreigners, and deported 6200 persons to their country of origin.
Question: I would like to know how many foreigners live in Poland ...
Answer: According to our knowledge nobody knows the answer to your question. At the website of the Main Bureau of Statistics and the Office for Affairs of Foreigners you will find some data related to various groups of foreigners in Poland. They show some picture of the situation, but they do not answer your question directly.
Answered on 2010-08-07 18:22:09
Question: How many Chechens live in Poland?
Answer: There are no official data on this subject. Estimates from various sources vary between 5000 and 10000 persons.
Answered on 2009-07-14 11:43:08
Question: How many accepted refugees currently live in Poland? How many persons with tolerated stay currently live in Poland?
Answer: No mechanism exists in Poland to retrieve such information. Available information presents number of foreigners who have obtained a refugee status, or a tolerated stay, in some given year, but there is no way to find out how many of them are currently in Poland. The expert estimations are in the range of several thousand people.
In 2007 180 foreigners obtained a refugee status: 165 from Russian Federation, 5 from Iraq, 4 from Belarus.
In the same year 2910 foreigners obtained acceptance for tolerated stay: 2864 from Russian Federation, 18 from Iraq, 9 from Sri Lanka and 5 from Turkey.
One can assume that some of those still live in Poland, using yearly integration support. But not all foreigners use this support. Besides there are some foreigners living in Poland who have obtained a refugee status of some other status in previous years.
Certain knowledge on this subjects comes from analysis of integration programs for foreigners, but data of this sort are slow to be collected at the state level. For example, The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies currently publishes such data for the years 2005 and 2006.
The data quoted above are taken from the Office for Affairs of Foreigners (Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców). The Bureau has significantly improved tis system of data collection - the comprehensive and readable collections are available at (, in the Statistics category.