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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

sascha  1 | 824  
22 Apr 2012 /  #241
Yes, what passive souls they are.

on the global level the white 'race/population' is the most aggressive. i dont share your need to have someone 'under you'.

More proud of my nationality than my ethnicity

that is?

Whites built each and every bit of technology you are presently using.

so? that proves nothing but in your world the right to judge and make rankings of like you folks do in this thread?

It already is happening. Millions of non europeans are migrating into europe each and every year.

really? then you and i live on different planets. as for germany the numbers of immigrants is decreasing. they try to attract now doctors, engineers etc because of lack of them...


read this and try to think in larger terms.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #242
that is?

I am a Dub. From the oldest city in northern europe.

on the global level the white 'race/population' is the most aggressive.

Proof please.

that proves nothing but in your world the right to judge and make rankings of like you folks do in this thread

I judge people by my dealings with them. My dealings with africans are always less than positive. My dealings with east asians, for example, are never less than positive.

then you and i live on different planets. as for germany the numbers of immigrants is decreasing.

Eh, no, no it is not.
sascha  1 | 824  
22 Apr 2012 /  #243
I am a Dub. From the oldest city in northern europe.

conragulations. ;)

Proof please.

ww1, ww2, 30 years of war, crusades, roman empire, french revolution, russian revolution, etc. just some highlights. just take your history book and look it up.

I judge people by my dealings with them.

ok. whatever your experience says, but pls dont put that on the general level.

Eh, no, no it is not.

it is...and your world and my world have significant differences in viewing other poeple
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #244
Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

I think Poland and Lithuania fear the new emigration that allows their respective inhabitants to work abroad.
During communism it was closed boarders and in 1994 a couple of million people left, this was a bit of a shock for many Poles and Lithuanians.

Ireland has had hundreds of years of emigration and it still exists, it hasn't disappeared.

As for the "Best nationality", there is no such thing.

as for germany the numbers of immigrants is decreasing. they try to attract now doctors, engineers etc because of lack of them...

This makes sense.

I'm just after watchin some French politician go on about stopping immigration, looking for the votes. Talking about unemployment and patriotism.
What I don't understand is that this whole economic crises was driven by governments, some bankers and industrialists, we were conned, robbed and will be left with the bill for generations and what do the politicians do? blame foreigners.

(I recently got a T.V. and regret it ever since).
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #245
I'm just after watchin some French politician go on about stopping immigration, looking for the votes. Talking about unemployment and patriotism.

Yes, the banlieues of Paris are brim full of productive "French" people.

The French should import more of these cultural enrichers.

What could possibly go wrong?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #246
Saint Patricks Day is an Irish celebration.

St. Patrick's day celebrates an immigrant slave.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #247
Thanks for that, Sean.

What wonderous insight will you reveal next?

That the sky is blue?

Water is wet?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #248
I see sarcasm is not your strong suit.

So what has you so calm these days? When you first came on PF you were much more fun.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #249
So what has you so calm these days?

Realisation that one cannot change the inevitable. Game over.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #250
Realisation that one cannot change the inevitable.

Like the "Irishness" of a Welsh slave bringing a Middle Eastern religion invented by a Jew (which you subscribe to).
Yeah, I suppose you're right.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #251
What were you doing in africa, Sean? Planning on relocating there?

Nab yourself a wee mud hut by the village well!
sascha  1 | 824  
22 Apr 2012 /  #252
le pen got almost 20%....vive la france.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
22 Apr 2012 /  #253
Realisation that one cannot change the inevitable.

Yea that didn't look too much like a European city.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #254
What were you doing in africa, Sean? Planning on relocating there?

Nab yourself a wee mud hut by the village well!

That's better, it felt like I was talking to someone else for a while :)

I was visiting some friends and generally just doing the tourist thing.
Funnily enough, I did have plans to move to an African country but c'est la vie, I ended up in Poland.
It could still happen, no doubt to your delight.

Unfortunately you'll never go and so, you'll never know what you're missing.

You go on about Nigerians and all but have you ever read about Nigeria? from what you have wrote, I very much doubt it.
The oil companies have really done damage there, these new multinational companies are the new empire.
nunczka  8 | 457  
22 Apr 2012 /  #255
Realisation that one cannot change the inevitable.

WOW!!!! I never reailized that Dublin was that integrated. RN. In your mind, how long will it be before the minorities are the majority in Dublin?? Is there white flight?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #256
Yea that didn't look too much like a European city.

In my teenage years you could go days without seeing a non european.

Ten years later, non whites are the majority is some areas.

Food for thought there for Poles who claim that it wont happen there.

Unfortunately you'll never go and so, you'll never know what you're missing.

I would rather crawl through glass.

It could still happen, no doubt to your delight.

You would probably end up dead. So, no, no I wouldnt be delighted.

You go on about Nigerians and all but have you ever read about Nigeria? from what you have wrote, I very much doubt it.

Half my estate are Nigerians. I know about Nigerians. Unfortunately. I know enough about them to wish they return home to whence they came from and never ever grace my presence again.

The oil companies have really done damage there, these new multinational companies are the new empire.

I believe Shell are acting the bollix big time over there.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #257
WOW!!!! I never reailized that Dublin was that integrated. RN. In your mind, how long will it be before the minorities are the majority in Dublin?? Is there white flight?

The truth is that most of the immigrants in Ireland are from other E.U. countries. Just cause RevokeNice walks around video taping a highly edited youtube video to push his own weak fear of Irish culture, is just no worth believing.

Nationalities in Ireland
Irish (including dual-Irish/other): 88.9%, UK: 2.7%, Other EU 25: 3.9%, Other Europe: 0.6%, Africa: 0.8%, Asia: 1.1%, USA: 0.3%, Other countries: 0.5%, Multiple nationality: 0.1%, No nationality: 0.0%, Not stated: 1.1% (2006)

It's just fear mongering, while the Irish crooks have ruined the country, foreigners make for easy scapegoating.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #258
The truth is that most of the immigrants in Ireland are from other E.U. countries.

Sean, the census called. They want you to revise your figures?

Them figures were wrong in 2006 and they are still wrong now.

Just cause RevokeNice walks around video taping

Its not my video. It was an American tourist who posted it.

is just no worth believing.


RTE's audience research unit have compiled statistics from Central Statistics Office figures which reveal that 3 local election wards in and around O'Connell Street in Dublin have over 50% foreign-born residents. One third of these come from outside the EU. One of the wards is now over 55% foreign national.

RN. In your mind, how long will it be before the minorities are the majority in Dublin??

Primary schools in most working class areas have foreign children in the majority. Working class areas will be predominantly foreign in a generation.

In upper class areas, such as south Dublin, the only foreigners you will meet are those working in cafes, shops and takeaways.

Where I live, I am in the minority.

Is there white flight?

Yes. Most of my school mates have moved out. :(

OP pawian  219 | 24806  
22 Apr 2012 /  #259
Our subject was already discussed in PF 4 years ago: Video about Immigrants in France, is Poland going the same way?

It is quite pessimistic.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #260
Them figures were wrong in 2006 and they are still wrong now.

That's from 2007, any reason why I should believe them either?

That youtube video just shows the incompetence of the government.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
18 Jun 2012 /  #261
I am well aware of the declining birth rate in Poland.

I agree.

If the Polish state encourages people to have children, then we won`t be so desperate for immigrants to come here.

The Polish government is planning to introduce a reform of child tax exemption in 2013. Parents with 3 and more children will be allowed to deduct 1668 PLN for each per year.

With regard to changes in income tax from individuals, which last fall announced in the expose , Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The draft amendment provides for amendments in the relief pro-family . In accordance with the proposals of the Ministry of Finance of the family who have income above 85 thousand . 528 zł and have only one child will not be eligible for family tax relief .

In the case of taxpayers with two children , relief will be given regardless of the amount of income, and for taxpayers with three or more children , increase for the third and each subsequent child by 50 percent . - Will be a month 139,01 zł , ie 1668.12 zł per year.

Immigrants should still be welcome, yes. But taking into account the current economic situation in Poland and Europe, we probably need only these most venterous ones. The ones who are able to start their own business and enjoy good life from a start.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
18 Jun 2012 /  #262
If the Polish state encourages people to have children, then we won`t be so desperate for immigrants to come here.

it comes down to the income and resources needed to raise children in today's civilized world.

I'm sure it's been said, but also people need to stay in the country for the birthrate to climb. With all those Poles jumping ship after 2004, Poland lost a lot of young adults (baby making machines).

But taking into account the current economic situation in Poland and Europe, we probably need only these most venterous ones.

the problem there is the most "venturous" have to choose Poland over all the other countries, which they generally do not. why earn PLN when you can be successful with a bank account full of euros, pounds or dollars, in a more advanced country? if you want the cream of the crop, you gotta make it worth their while, and that little ZUS break they get for the first 2 years isn't gonna cut it.
legend  3 | 658  
18 Jun 2012 /  #263
Poland does NOT need more immigrants unless of course they have some family ties to the country(coughpreferablyofslavicpolishtypecough).

It needs sex and babies.

Europe has a low birth rate indeed. I actually wrote a letter to someone in Poland in regards to this once, wont say much further.

Britains birthrates are higher than most of Europe but you can be sure its mostly Muslims. The same thing is happening in France.
Eastern Europe have extremely low rates. Its very sad that people are busy buying expensive cars, have 5 pets and only 1 kid.

The Polish government is planning to introduce a reform of child tax exemption in 2013. Parents with 3 and more children will be allowed to deduct 1668 PLN for each per year.

Thats great to hear. This is similar to Putin and Russia I think right (I recall him giving "bonuses" to families with more children)?

I'm sure it's been said, but also people need to stay in the country for the birthrate to climb. With all those Poles jumping ship after 2004, Poland lost a lot of young adults (baby making machines).

With the EU this happened true. I recall reading some source stated that many Poles from Britain and Germany had actually returned home.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
18 Jun 2012 /  #264
who are living in dirty suburbs in old ****** up concrete bulidings.

You use this as an example and yet, when I mentioned it, you said this problem did not exist. I also published a report by a Polish researcher from 2006 which said that virtually all these buildings are defective and repairable and yet you never made a comment after.

You seem to be very selective with your taunts and trying to belittle other peoples opinions. You are not as clever as you think.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
19 Jun 2012 /  #265
I'd venture to say that immigration is probably not the best idea for Poland. They're just not ready for it. The Polish language is too difficult, not enough people speak English/German/Spanish in Poland, and Poles are generally unreceptive to "the other kind" so you'd have to be really careful with which countries you start bringing in.

it comes down to economics. Poles generally live in tiny apartments unsuitable for large families and if you want to live in something bigger, you're probably looking at new construction, or a house, and that's something most Poles simply can't afford. If they could, they'd all be living in them. They live in their handed down apartments, or they bought one and it's only 50 sq. meters, and expanding is simply not an option for many. Packing 3 or 4 kids in a little apartment years ago in commie times may have worked somehow but nowadays, children and young adults simply want more as well as their parents. At some point, parents are saying to themselves, "do we really want to sleep on the couch for the next 20 years?" Times have changed.

I also think it has a lot to do with Poles simply having more at their disposal now which provides more opportunities and many of them want to take advantage of it and they end up persuing a career first and thinking of families later. I don't blame them, I'd be the same way if I were in their shoes but with socialized countries, birth rates are essential to the economic health of the country.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
19 Jun 2012 /  #266
You use this as an example and yet,

No, I don`t. I used it, quoting a user from the past called Kuchi, to illustrate my remark that the subject of immigrants in Europe had been already discussed in PF and the views haven`t changed that much.


Does quoting somebody like this mean I agree with the views?

Come on, after spending some time in the Forum you should have learnt how to grasp such things more efficiently. After initial fun, your low intelligence is really causing serious depression in me. :(:(:(:(:

Do sth with it!!

You seem to be very selective with your taunts

Yes, I am selective. I taunt halfwits with shrunk brains but overblown ego who love to have silly issues with me and other smart valuable members of PF.

trying to belittle other peoples opinions.

Not people`s, but halfwits`. It makes a difference. I never belittle people`s opinions.

You are not as clever as you think.

OK, I can subtract about 10% potential from my intellectual faculties that I usually boast of in the PF.

It can be even 15%.

But no more! It is my final word.

The problem is that if you took over my 15%, you would be three times smarter than you are now. :):)

Now, do you have anything interesting to say about the main topic of the thread or you are going to make my depression deeper? :):):)
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Jun 2012 /  #267
Poland needs some English and German immigrants and for sure some Russian expats.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 Jun 2012 /  #268
The main topic of the thread makes the assumption that Poland needs more immigrants but no one has yet established why there is a need and how it would benefit all of Poland since immigration is a national issue.

The current Eurozone crisis should have shown the labor market mechanism within the European Union operate at its finest. Those EU countries currently suffering massive long-term unemployment (especially among the youth) in places like Spain and Greece should have seen job seekers from there move in very large numbers to those EU areas where the economic situation is at least stable if not more robust such as in Poland and Germany and where their prospects for employment would be better.

But this has not happened.

Granted there is a language barrier but this never stopped European immigrants in the past from moving to places like North America or even current immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East from coming to Europe today with nothing more than ambition and empty pockets.

Younger people from the EU today tend to be quite educated, skilled and bilingual (particularly in English as the lingua franca) so this and the EU rules regarding resettlement should have made their transition all the more easier than that experienced by their ancestors or the current wave of non-EU migrants.

Even before the current crisis Polish citizens have been exercising their right to settle elsewhere in the EU and not all of them are or were fluent in the languages of their host countries or had exceptional talent that locals didn't.

What is absent in Poland is a nationwide demand from the Polish business sector to get people (qualified or at least trainable) to fill lots and lots of vacancies.

Although the labor market is always the slowest to correct itself compared to other traded commodities I don't believe there is demand in Poland that would justify a need for more immigrants. It isn't a matter of Polish politics throwing up barriers at every level either. Many other countries have far more restrictive immigration policies and attitudes. Poland always has had permanently settled immigrant communities from all around the world. They just aren't at the scale seen in some other countries.

But the market knows best and currently the conditions don't exist in Poland to attract immigrants. The supply of workers is there but there is no demand for them. That is why you have seen Poles in their millions leave. If businesses in Poland needed the labor they would be paying the wages to attract and keep it and you can be sure they would be twisting the arms of the politicians to get more immigrants in if they truly believed having them would make up any shortfalls.

On the other side of the border it is evident that even in dire circumstances most other EU citizens don't find Poland as a nation attractive to find work and settle in. They certainly have the right but they find the conditions don't exist there for them to want to go. This isn't to say that Poland has a problem because of this. You haven't seen a mass migration out of Spain or Greece to any of the other EU countries either like Germany or France. Both Spain and Greece still have high unemployment. If their job seekers left you would see a corresponding drop in their local unemployment rate. They may be thinking of moving but they obviously don't see their life chances improving by resettling anywhere.

As far as non-EU migrants go their motivations for making the EU a destination are different. Yes, better jobs prospects are at the forefront. But their is no pull coming from the EU since there is no genuine demand for their labor especially nowadays. Instead conditions like overcrowding due to unsustainable populations, rampant corruption, poor sanitation, hunger, war, etc. are all push factors which make them seek out the EU as a first if not ultimate destination.

The non-EU migrants simply show up. Poland and other EU nations have been very gracious and accommodating hosts to them too. Certainly without comparison if you were to reverse the situation.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
20 Jun 2012 /  #269
Mr Biegański, a very wide insight into the matter, as usual. Thanks.

What is absent in Poland is a nationwide demand from the Polish business sector to get people (qualified or at least trainable) to fill lots and lots of vacancies. [..] But the market knows best and currently the conditions don't exist in Poland to attract immigrants.

Yes, true. Current Poland isn`t Germany of the 1960s with their urgent need for Gastarbeiters. Still isn`t.

This isn't to say that Poland has a problem because of this.

Good you are optimistic on it.
Ydaleriverdale  - | 2  
27 Jun 2012 /  #270
It's amazing what I'm reading, and makes me sick.
I'm Argentine and enter the forum to get to know better the country where my grandfather was born and I find this.
Sounds like you want to improve the race by asking what nationality is better.
What is the best nationality? What are they saying?
What do they offer as a country? have jobs to offer or simply go abroad to Poland to have a bad or starve

I really think there better than other nationalities? I think this because I was told and Poland was not very good view ...

Possibly the problem of summarizing population density do not want to F**K your wives.

I have to learn more about history because the truth after reading the messages did not expect so many fascists in Poland, and I thought that man can learn from mistakes ...

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