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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

Ironside  50 | 12928  
11 Apr 2012 /  #211
You are reading too much into his threads. Saying that Poland needs more immigrants is spreading BS and any sane person can see it.
maciciel  - | 7  
19 Apr 2012 /  #212
All white fair skinned and haired Caucasians boys and girls. Fantastic guys, but this homogeneity can get boring in the longer run.

I have nothing against the Polish class look like British,German, French or Dutch one:

you've got to be kidding...

are you even an ethnic Pole??

how could you say such things?!

Returning emigres, of course.

Keep your nation, Polish.

Otherwise it will cease to be Poland.

I concur.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Apr 2012 /  #213
are you even an ethnic Pole??

No, I am an Australian aborigine. :):):):)

Here is my skull:

If they allowed avatars, it would me mine.

how could you say such things?!

Hmm persuade me I am wrong. If you arguments hold enough water, I might agree with you. Why not?
maciciel  - | 7  
19 Apr 2012 /  #214
No, I am an Australian aborigine. :):):):)

I hope you are not being sarcastic.

we Poles are very happy with our homogeneous country, and WE intend to keep it that way!
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Apr 2012 /  #215
I hope you are not being sarcastic.

Never! It is not my style. I prefer to be serious most of the time.

we Poles are very happy with our homogeneous country, and WE intend to keep it that way!

Good for you.

God bless you Poles!

PS. Excuse me, I am waiting for reasonable arguments to dissipate my rising doubts.....
p3undone  7 | 1098  
19 Apr 2012 /  #216
Paiwan,How do you decide which nationalities are the "best".Do you mean easiest to assimilate?
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Apr 2012 /  #217
Not easiest.

I mean the most determined to come to Poland and stay here for good and have children despite petty everyday life difficulties.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 Apr 2012 /  #218

Pawian -means baboon !

How do you decide which nationalities are the "best"

He throws a dice !
p3undone  7 | 1098  
19 Apr 2012 /  #219
Paiwan,Have you thought about getting into Politics?lol :)

Paiwan, I'm just joking with you I know what you mean.It's hard to relegate these traits to a set of nationalities.The U.S. is a nation of immigrants and it works well for us.I don't know how well it would work for Poland as I don't know enough about your country.I

wonder how a flux of immigrants would bode with most Poles.There are people here who do not like immigration,but are use to it

and tolerate it. I wonder how painful the transition would be.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
22 Apr 2012 /  #220
Pawian -means baboon !

Iron, you promised to keep hush on my nickname. Why did you break it?

He throws a dice !

And you are throwing a monkey wrench into it all!

Paiwan,Have you thought about getting into Politics?lol :)

Never. My morale is too high for that monkey business.

I wonder how painful the transition would be.

Some of my students openly declare they don`t want to see foreign immigrants in Poland. But they are minority. Others don`t give a monkey`s.
Cheery  10 | 126  
22 Apr 2012 /  #221
no. every place needs depopulation if anything, not more people swarming from here to there; especially if they have nothing to truly contribute.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
22 Apr 2012 /  #222
Thank you for sharing your voice. We do appreciate it. Keep at it.
Cheery  10 | 126  
22 Apr 2012 /  #223
thanks for that, you're so honest and credible.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
22 Apr 2012 /  #224
Yes, that is my Polish upbringing and Christian values instilled into me by my parents and a frequent perusal of the Bible.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
22 Apr 2012 /  #225
Paiwan,what age group of school kids are you referring to?And do you think that Poland as a whole,would be alright with more

immigrants?I'm just curious,I'm fine with immigration myself,but as I said my country is use to it.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #226
Giving a guy money that you're fairly confident he'll spend on smack is not looking after anyone.

It is if it stops him robbing an elderly woman.

Anyway, there are hundreds of islands around this nation. Set up a treatment centre on one of them. I was born in an inner city tenement. I know the scourge of heroin. You will never beat it. You can only contain it. Heroin addicts are not necessarily bad people, they are victims of an imperfect society.

They need help, not scorn. The vast, vast majority of addicts start of in their teenager years.

A lot of people, in power, get rich due to their addiction. I suggest you look up a certain west Dublin private airport, where the owner has made his fortunes "from scrap metal during middle eastern wars". And then look up the seizure found there.

Join the dots.

If American black males ate twice as much fried chicken than American whites, you could theories that it's genetic too but I do not see anything conclusive about the theory you like because it galvanizes your views.

No, it wouldnt be down to genetics. I like fried chicken. I devour chicken wings laced with spicy sauce at least once a month. I am foodie, I love all foods.

I have the intelligence to understand that fried foods are not a basis of a good and healthy diet. There in, is the difference.

A hit-man is can be a serial killer but they are two different things.

Both are killers. A serial killer may well be more heinous in his murderous acts, but a hitman probably has a higher "score card".

A mass killer is a killer. Simple as.

Etc... but I remind you that I think many countries do not have criminal profilers like Europe do or just out and out lie about what happens in the country.

What do you mean?

Lets look at America, which contains the western worlds largest and oldest black community.

Profiling does not accommodate facts such as the comparative rates of, for example, white on black rape (negligible 0.1%) versus black on white rape (vastly disproportionate to relative populations) in the United States. The criminality is a fact. Whether it is genetic, or the product of environment, is not really the issue. It happens. A lot.

If a threat exists, then it is surely legitimate to point that out, especially when a relatively new country, like Poland, is considering its policy regarding this specific demograph.

American blacks commit 35.6% of white robberies, 37.2% of white robberies where property was taken, and 46% of white robberies where the victim was injured. By contrast, whites were responsible for zero* cases of robbery where a black victim was injured. Again, blacks are negligibly likely to be injured in a robbery by a white person, whereas over 33,000 white people were injured while being robbed by a black perpetrator.

This is all available on the FBI's very own site.

Strange that you think multicultural is anything BUT what you have not experienced, there's no overlap in the above two statements.

Being multicultural does not mean more africans, muslims and more welfare reliant foreigners.

As I said, my earliest memory was as a three year old in the 1990s when Ireland were in their first ever WC. I have vague recollections of that time. But growing up, I would say I experienced a very multicultural upbringing. I played foreign sports. I watched them too. I was encouraged to learn foreign languages. Every Friday, for example, when I came home from boxing training, I accompanied me ma to the local Chinese to pick up dinner for me, her, me gran and all me brothers and sisters. We used to order new dishes every week. After a while, Friday became our night when we tried to cook new dishes ourselves. Cheaper, healthier and more fun.

A bonding experience. I love foreign food, but now I dont need the foreigners here to cook it. I would walk into 90% of kitchens in europe and get a job as a chef. No matter what the cuisine.

There are levels of corruption, Ireland's politicians have destroyed Ireland's economy, when do you think Ireland will be in the plus again?
The point I want to make is that this was Irish people, feckin over what you call "their own".

Each and every Irish politician, if in power, would sign whatever the EU tells them to.

Without question.

They dont give one fook about our country.

PS- Brian Lenihan and Cowen were the lads whom decided to give accession state nationals unlimited right to live and work in Ireland.

Just a point of order.

You posted about how the Turkish King gave foreign aid to Ireland during a famine, it appears he didn't draw a line around Istanbul (or wherever he was from).

Yes, yes I did. I love history and never deny historical fact.

It does not suit narrative, what-so-ever.

It is up to you, to ask yourself, why such a nationalist, whom is up to date on history, is taking such a stance.

We also sent millions to the Turks after their last earthquake. Debt is well paid.

Drogheda Uniteds crest is an incorporation of that historical fact.

I find that the foreigners in Ireland have made Irish people realize what being Irish actually means, you can see it in the upsurge in people wanting their kids to be fluent in Irish.

I would agree and disagree. Some do, some dont. As you may be aware, due to my previous posts, I have a younger brother, still in primary. We took him out of his primary school due to the amount of time teachers had to spend on teaching foreign nationals English. His teacher told me this herself. Lovely young girl. Around my age. I thought I was in there, but I recourse..... My sister spend two hours after school teaching him, so this wouldnt affect him. We choose the english speaking primary school as it is practically next door to me sisters gaff. We made a "donation" and now he is attending the Gaelscoile. Its a 25 minute walk for him each morning, but his thriving.

I attend meetings when my sister cannot. The amount of parents whom cannot speak a word of Irish, but nod their heads when the teachers/principles are talking is hilarious.

Nearly as hilarious when they wrap it up and ask if anyone has any questions. When the young lad, with the short back and sides, West Dublin accent and Shamrock Rovers tracksuit on, asks them a question in perfect Irish, half the room looks back in shock. I find it funny.

I get the feeling that you think Irishness or Irish culture is something stagnant, something too weak and can't stand up with cultures. I really don't believe that at all.

No. I think it can be overwhelmed. Like any culture. I could list examples if you are interested.

You scold at how St. Patrick's day is, it's not Irish anymore etc... It changes, evolves and trying to hold on to something that was way crapper before foreigners got a hold of it is folly. when I was a kid St. Paddy's day was crap, it was the Americans who really celebrated it.

Saint Patricks Day is an Irish celebration.

I was in the Dublin parade as a four year old with me homemade car(large pampers box with a steering wheel).

Me ma still has it on VHD.

I won the bonny bay contest in 1988. My big blue eyes won the day!

Its an Irish day.

We also have africa day.

A large celebration for Chinese New Year.

Our culture isnt included. Why should we include theirs?

At the end of the day, immigrants are sinners and saints, like the rest of us. I wouldn't think that which nation of immigrants is best but that a criminal record be checked.

Well, I would say America. The thing is, America is a continent sized nation with the resources to match. It was vast, it was open. Why do you think they awarded the masticated black slaves with with 40 acres and a mule?

They had the land. It was conquested land, but. When I was in America, I made contact with the choctaw tribe. I feel bad for the trail of tears and that my fellow compatriots forced them to walk that trail. Yet, they still sent my people, vast amounts of cash. Millions, in todays cash. We should award the remaining 300,000 of them Irish citizenship.

I am an immigrant living in Poland, this topic is about me (not just me unfortunately:)

Yes, I know that. But it is up to the Polish citizens, if they want immigrants. If the Irish people voted yes in a hypothetical referendum regarding immigrants and all Irish immigrants were sent home, yet Ireland voted yes in a hypothetical referendum to accept all foreigners, I would accept it.

Poland is a nice country. I visited it twice, briefly. I spent a grand total of eleven days there.

I found Polish people nice, aware of Ireland, they have good beer but I prefer Czech.

The beer is unreal.

And Poles in my nation? Even they claim most came here to make a quick buck, by any means possible.

Theres a Polish barmaid in my local. We get on well. Shes a lovely wee lady.

If 10,000-20,000 Poles arrived in Ireland, I wouldnt even care.

Its the number I am worried about. Just the number.

Theres actually two Polish kids in me wee brother Jays class. Them two will learn Irish too.

But anyway, Polands immigration policy should reflect the needs of the nation. Just because the UK, Ireland, America, Canada and Australia accepted Polish citizens, does not mean Poland should have to accept everyone whom wants to live there.

These countries accepted them for a reason. Not for their benefit. Not because of "humanitarian".
rybnik  18 | 1444  
22 Apr 2012 /  #227
Which nationalities would you recommend for Poland?

Polish Jews should come home!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
22 Apr 2012 /  #228
You can only contain it.

How on earth is giving a heroin addict money for his addiction helping him? Clinics, yeah sure but giving a guy money for his next fix doesn't make you a saint or even slightly helpful.

No, it wouldnt be down to genetics. I like fried chicken. I devour chicken wings laced with spicy sauce at least once a month.

Europeans have committed a huge amount of killings and rapes, I doubt that your "Black = violent gene" has anything got to do with genetics either.

Same way I doubt that the stereotype of African Americans liking fried chicken has anything to do with genetics either, as we are all capable of killing, raping and eating fried chicken.

That's exactly my point.

A mass killer is a killer. Simple as.

There is a difference between a serial killer and the guy who pushed the button that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.
As there is a difference between all mass killers, their "reason" is the main point.

Whether it is genetic, or the product of environment, is not really the issue.

You are the one that claimed it was genetics, not me. And not even looking at the root of the problem doesn't help, a lot like you giving a smack head money for gear.

What do you mean?

That I have a healthy skepticism when I read that Africans have a "Violent gene" or that whites have a "Serial killer gene".

The thing I find strangest about the stuff you say is that it used to be said about Irish emigrants and worse.


They dont give one fook about our country.

PS- Brian Lenihan and Cowen were the lads

And these "Irish lads" have done enough damage to last at least a life time. You're trying to make the point "Ireland for Irish", yet fail to even see that the problems Ireland has were orchestraited (sic) and perpetraited (sic) by Irish people not foreigners.

Its an Irish day.

We also have africa day.

A large celebration for Chinese New Year.

Our culture isnt included. Why should we include theirs?

Our culture is most certainly included, I was in Africa for St. Paddy's and they do celebrate it, just because you don't think so, doesn't make it so.

SeanBM: I get the feeling that you think Irishness or Irish culture is something stagnant, something too weak and can't stand up with cultures. I really don't believe that at all.

No. I think it can be overwhelmed

So that's a 'YES' then not a 'no'.
And as I said before, I really don't think so.
"Irishness" has survived occupation, it has flourished in other countries.
I have yet to go to a country that has not heard of Ireland for it's music, stouts and the IRA.
And this from a tiny little country in the arsehole of Europe.
Hundreds of years of Irish emigration, many "to make a quick buck, by any means possible."
You think very little of Ireland to think it so weak.
And our culture will, is and always has changes, that is what cultures do.
Desperately holding on to you're own interpretative of what "Irishness" should be is to deny what in fact it is.

if they want immigrants. If the Irish people voted yes in a hypothetical referendum regarding immigrants and all Irish immigrants were sent home, yet Ireland voted yes in a hypothetical referendum to accept all foreigners, I would accept it.

This is never going to happen, you know it and I know it, so why do you bother your arse?
If I was going to raise a unrealistic hypothetical referendum, it would be how many life sentences should the Irish governement, some bankers and developers be put in prison for treason. But I don't rant about it because it'll never happen. I know you are a good citizen and pay your house hold tax, right?

These countries accepted them for a reason. Not for their benefit. Not because of "humanitarian".

So what was the reason UK, Ireland, America, Canada and Australia accepted Polish citizens?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #229
not just limited to blacks.

Yet, in every nation and city that there is a large black population, blacks commit more murders than any other ethnic group.

Must be a coincidence.

There are probablty 100,000 blacks in my country.

Ive been forced to fight three times since I finished school. I hate fighting outside of a boxing ring, so it takes an awful lot to draw me into a scrap.

All three times, blacks.

I speak from experience.

As a teen, I used to donate some of my meagre weekly wage to sightsavers, by direct debit.

Experience made me dislike them. Ive had no good experiences with africans.

Africa. Leave them there. Cut all aid. Mother nature do your willing.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
22 Apr 2012 /  #230
All three times, blacks.

Why were you forced to fight? I have never been in fights with blacks because I never bother them or speak out against them, make fun of them and whatnot so they just leave me alone.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #231
Why were you forced to fight?

Twice, to protect myself. Third time was when I was in a cab with my then girlfriend and the black tried to overcharge. Couple of euro overcharge and I would have let it slide, but he more or less doubled the fare as we had a few beers taken. When I pointed it out he got aggressive. When he put his hands on me, I took exception.

I have never been in fights with blacks because I never bother them or speak out against them,

Neither do I. I am probably one of the politest people, in real life, that you could meet. Due to my training and upbringing. FFS, Ive to stop myself at times from holding doors open for strangers and saying "after you, sir/madam" whilst bowing the oul noggin in shops etc.

make fun of them and whatnot so they just leave me alone.

I am never disrespectful to anyone in public.

Ive never started a fight in my life. That may be a sign of weakness to the blacks.

I avoid them. No good comes from any interaction. Best for both parties.

african women are even worse. So aggressive.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
22 Apr 2012 /  #232
african women are even worse. So aggressive.

Not the mixed ones. Full black women, tend to look masculine because of the higher levels of testosterone, hence more aggression. For example Aleksandra Szwed, or Patricia Kazadi (black/Polish mix) tend to look and act more feminine.

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #233
. For example Aleksandra Szwed, or Patricia Kazadi (black/Polish mix) tend to look and act more feminine.

No interest in them and no interest in looking at videos of them.

Repatriate them to their ethnic homeland.

One drop.........
sascha  1 | 824  
22 Apr 2012 /  #234
hence more aggression

african women are even worse. So aggressive.

it seems that you are experts in that field. any personal experience or just empiric bla?

Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?
this thread implies kind of raking which nationality 'is best'. nice, nice, you will reach the austrian guy some day....
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #235
it seems that you are experts in that field. any personal experience or just empiric bla?

Its a scientific fact that africans have more testosterone than other races.

this thread implies kind of raking which nationality 'is best'. nice, nice, you will reach the austrian guy some day....

If the EU keeps allowing third worlders enter the EU, eventually the EU will resemble, and be, a third world entity.

The average african, has an iq of a retard. The average east asian is smarter than your average european. Again, a scientific fact.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
22 Apr 2012 /  #236
I was being fair in my assessment,. It's true, here in the US even black women say that the darker ones are more 'butch' and loud mouthed. But then again the African immigrants are very well mannered, so it's also a cultural thing.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #237
But then again the African immigrants are very well mannered, so it's also a cultural thing.


Many Nigerians in your neck of the woods?

Never seen the likes of them before. Queuing and basic manners are a foreign concept to them.
sascha  1 | 824  
22 Apr 2012 /  #238
Its a scientific fact that africans have more testosterone than other races.

i was talking about the connection between african american and aggression... ;)

The average african, has an iq of a retard

you seem to be a 'proud white then'? maybe member of kkk?? ;)

If the EU keeps allowing third worlders enter the EU, eventually the EU will resemble, and be, a third world entity.

with growing nationalism hardly to happen.

I was being fair in my assessment

not quite... ;)

The average african, has an iq of a retard.

any studies? proves? pls not from some fascho institute like bb's data...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
22 Apr 2012 /  #239

Many Nigerians in your neck of the woods?

You'd be surprised how integrated America's cities neighborhoods have become, more or less since the year 2000, even the better ones. When I came here in 91' African immigrants were very few, now there are many Nigerians, Ghanians, Liberians etc.

Queuing and basic manners are a foreign concept to them.

On the whole compared to Africa-Americans they are better behaved. But then there are people for whom it doesn't matter how polite their neighbor is. White or Black many don't want interracial mixing. Here's Muhammad Ali explaining it on a British show..
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Apr 2012 /  #240
i was talking about the connection between african american and aggression... ;)

Yes, what passive souls they are.

you seem to be a 'proud white then'?

More proud of my nationality than my ethnicity, but yeah, I am proud of being white. Whites built each and every bit of technology you are presently using.

with growing nationalism hardly to happen

It already is happening. Millions of non europeans are migrating into europe each and every year.

any studies? proves? pls not from some fascho institute like bb's data...

Wicherts, Dolan, and van der Maas (2009) contend that the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans
is about 80. A critical evaluation of the studies presented byWDMshows that many of these are
based on unrepresentative elite samples. We show that studies of 29 acceptably representative
samples on tests other than the Progressive Matrices give a sub-Saharan Africa IQ of 69; studies
of the most satisfactory representative samples on the Standard Progressive Matrices give an IQ
of 66; studies of 23 acceptably representative samples on the Colored Progressive Matrices give
an IQ of 71. The international studies of mathematics, science, and reading give a sub-Saharan
African IQ of 66. The four data sets can be averaged to give an IQ of 68 as the best reading of the
IQ in sub-Saharan Africa.
ˆ 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.

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