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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Oct 2012 /  #451
The real figures are around 40% or so and falling.

LOL ! Don't get so overexited, this figure is sunday mass attendance, I'm far below it by the way :)))

You simply can't read between the lines, so you think that when some people complaining about the church are by default hardcore atheists, vast majority simply isn't, I do complain on them too, many priests are clearly idiots, just like any other people, It doesn't mean I am some feckin palikotist. Poland in regard to religion will never become like the UK (at least not in this century) the worst may happen here is Russian kind of approach, they don't attend masses much, but vast majority follow Orthodox customs and find it an importent element of their identity. I thought that you are simply stupid but now i see you clearly don't understand what is going on around you.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
2 Oct 2012 /  #452
Except that they aren't declared Catholic at all. The real figures are around 40% or so and falling.

Hmm...learn something everyday. But thats why I'm here : D

Some encyclopedias, websites and travelgogues need some serious updating (and no, not counting particpatory like Wiki)?

Heh, if what you say is stastical; even my BF may need to poke his head out of college enough to see whats up around him...lol (his home is Bialystok)..it was his comments that made me look on net to see.

Edit: I see it is not quite agreed fact
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Oct 2012 /  #453
Except that they aren't declared Catholic at all. The real figures are around 40% or so and falling.

What does that mean?
Jerome_buffalo  3 | 6  
2 Oct 2012 /  #454
AMEN to that. Poland would become america where we now have two languages and working on a third. We are becoming so seperated in this country
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Oct 2012 /  #455
desperately flocking

Lol. You could say mass.

Of course, I don`t mind foreign competition. It is already happening. Thousands of English natives are desperately flocking to Poland to take up teaching, especially in Krakow, bringing the prices down, so it seems that my monthly earnings this October will fall below 10.000 zlotys for the first time within last years.

Bollix again. They are english language tutors. Not your field, amigo.

Some Indian teachers make less than 3,000 euro per annum. Lets double that and invite ten thousand of them over to teach in Poland. If that goes well, another 10,000.

How would you like them apples?
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
2 Oct 2012 /  #456
Bollix again. They are english language tutors. Not your field, amigo.

Bollix, indeed. :):):):):):):):):)

Some Indian teachers make less than 3,000 euro per annum. Lets double that and invite ten thousand of them over to teach in Poland. If that goes well, another 10,000. How would you like them apples?

I have nothing against, on condition they either bring their families here or get married in Poland and have 10 children each!
Huh! What you say to that? :):):):)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
3 Oct 2012 /  #457
You will need them to have 25-30 kids a couple to even start to break even on the job front, Paws!
ilmc  4 | 136  
3 Oct 2012 /  #458
Yes it does. America is a successful multicultural country

ahaha this is funny in so many respects.
American is successful.... not really , not anymore not for the other cultures living in it look where most of them live. America has one of the worst education systems of the developed world, one of the worst health care systems one of the worst crime rates etc...

yes so successful the problem with america is that it values material wealth and it's army over education and health care. those who live well in America are american born white people those who live in american constantly trying to reach the "american dream" are immigrants.

America is only grand in the eyes of americans and those who don't know any better (but soon find out when they get there) wake up and read a book about the world see how the rest of it views you and you all may stand a chance.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Oct 2012 /  #459
Still, immigrants from Nicaragua, Salvador and a few other banana republics whom I met in NYC once, said they prefered US with its crime and other drawbacks to their own countries, torn by cruel wars, poverty, corruption.
ilmc  4 | 136  
3 Oct 2012 /  #460
saying they prefer the u.s does not make it successfull ... perhaps more successful than some third world countries but in what respects?
they have higher crime rates than the u.s in those countries but the u.s has a higher crime rate than most of the developed world. If those immigrants were to go to an actually multiculturally successfull country perhaps they would prefer it to the u.s.

Congratulations american you are more succesfull than nicaragua? .... with so much more available to them economically and resource wise i would hope so. With so much more available to them than the rest of the developed world you would think they should be much more successful than they are but the resources and money are spent poorly in the wrong areas and so as far as the developed world goes they are bottom of the barrell. Arrogance and ignorance will keep them there.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
7 Oct 2012 /  #461
I am new to the site and just wanted to take the time out to introduce myself to any of you who may be interested.

I warmly invite you to come and settle in Poland. Acquaint a pale-skinned blond female, fall in love with each other and have 8 children with her. Raise them as Polish patriots of American origin. There are quite a few inter-racial marriages like that in Poland, but we still need many more.


RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
7 Oct 2012 /  #462
Them dudes in pawains photos are absolutely horrid looking !
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
7 Oct 2012 /  #463
I am sure you look much w arse.... :):):)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
7 Oct 2012 /  #464
I am very decent looking actually. For a mick. :)

Much better looking than any ethnic fresh off the boat! I had my photos up on here, before I started getting threats by pm.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
7 Oct 2012 /  #465
I am very decent looking actually. For a mick. :) Much better looking than any ethnic fresh off the boat!

Sorry, that`s what you say, but seem to forget that beauty is in the eye etc....

Being a beholder of your own beauty, you may be gravely wrong!

I had my photos up on here, before I started getting threats by pm.

Of course, you felt they wronged you and treated unfairly??? :):):)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Oct 2012 /  #466
Much better looking than any ethnic fresh off the boat!

you're an 'ethnic', will you ski to Poland on a water biscuit?
Dziedzic  3 | 42  
9 Oct 2012 /  #467
I think culture and tradition are what makes us all unique. I believe that preserving our borders, our languages, our cultures makes nations what they are. Immigration dilutes all of that.

Polish natives should be absolutely proud of their nation and preserve their values.

In the United States we have a huge problem with immigration. Our system is abused simply because it is the nature of our country to take in everyone. We are doing that and look where we are at. Our economy is bottomed out right now. Immigration while some don't want to hear it.... it contributes to alot of our problems. Believe me, the United States is not all "sunshine and lollipops" for lack of a better term.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
9 Oct 2012 /  #468
Our system is abused simply because it is the nature of our country to take in everyone.

Not really anymore... other than the free and easy way of "asylum" or illegals with anchor children. Even tighter since 911.

But even before that my neighbors at Ft Campbell. A russian professional couple that had to downgrade and he was doing military service and still needing the unit support to fight for his wife's visa. Or my dear Slovak freind Janka who married an American. She also had extra woes and requirements.

My German friend however, even divorced, became a citizen in 8 years.

Try being a Pole for example today and simply get a Visa! My BF was treated like a potential terrorist!
OR the poor Australian family from Phoenix Arizona a few years ago who had 4 citizen children and were fighting DEPORTATION after living here, working, paying taxes.. LEGALLY... over 10 years! they were Americans of australian descent by then! You still hear bout stuff like that. Our immigration is actually VERY strict and grueling for many educated caucasion/euro professionals : /

I do agree that a country with a national identity should hang tight to it!

Example: I move to Poland to work -I work and respect local custom. If I immigrate doesn't that mean I want to be Polish at least by design? Don't accomodate me... assimilate me!(even if my accent ends up so atrocious I have to pass notes).

Technically , my dearest's plan is marry, stay stateside, sock money away and then we move to Poland with our commercial art kids.

All for the cause!!! Hahaha....
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2012 /  #469
You still hear bout stuff like that. Our immigration is actually VERY strict and grueling for many educated caucasion/euro professionals : /

Indeed. And the Catholic church is bringing in impoverished africans and parachuting them into rural communities where they have absolutely no ties or support networks. The tens of thousands of Somalis in Maine, for an example.

If the flock is decreasing, import more.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
9 Oct 2012 /  #470
Multikult is a symptom, not the disease. West has been in a state of cultural decay ever since Christianity fell out of favour. It's a lack of self identity and moral absolutes that has made West what it is now.

Your native population is made up of old people, like the majority in some of your countries. You people utterly refuse to have children, I mean to the point were you all seem to chastise each other for having more then one child with ridiculous "pro-sustainable growth" movements or whatever other bullshit. Not to mention the rather hypocritical views on immigration and other ethnicities. You want them to leave, but you can't stomach the idea of hurting them. You don't like their culture so you want them to be like you.

And what's worse is that you actually DO need them to do jobs your majority won't do, but what's funny is that you literally flood your nations with them, as though you really needed a million people to do the jobs of a few hundred thousand.

So currently, when I see the youth of Western nations (and to some extent, those of the US) I see kids that are given free everything from birth to 22 (or so) all taken for granted of course, who dress like Americans (whom they hate) who hate nazis, but "dislike" Muslims, except for the one or two "cool" ones that adhere to their social palette, whose precious "freedoms" include the ability to use pot, to celebrate whatever holiday their nation has by drinking heavily, and finally by believing marriage to be an archaic institution not to mention that having children is bad for the environment.

But Poland will prevail over multikult hordes. In this thread, we praise the great Antemurale Christianitatis
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2012 /  #471
You people utterly refuse to have children

"you people"?

Do I need to remind you that the birth rate in Poland is lower than it is in many Western countries?

But Poland will prevail over multikult hordes.

Spoken as only a hypocritical emigrant can speak.

Anyway, Poland has far more liberal immigration policies than Western Europe.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
10 Oct 2012 /  #472
Anyway, Poland has far more liberal immigration policies than Western Europe

I understand that is the reason why multikult is slowly raping the cultural soul and identity of Western Europe, but not so much predominately homogeneous nations like Poland.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
10 Oct 2012 /  #473
Give it ten years, bro. Its absolutely remarkable how fast a homogenous nation can change into a multikulti utopia.

The first black man I ever saw was at a BA checkpoint in the mid nineties. Now, I am a minority in my own area. Finished school in the mid 00s and there were about twenty foreign students out of nine hundred boys. Now, its majority minorities.

As soon as Poland and other accession states reach the level of prosperity that we enjoy here in the old fifteen states, you too will get your share of enrichers.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Oct 2012 /  #474
As soon as Poland and other accession states reach the level of prosperity that we enjoy here in the old fifteen states, you too will get your share of enrichers.

Thanks God. I can`t wait. Why are they so slow?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
10 Oct 2012 /  #475
Dunno. You guys dont exactly have a labour shortage there, do you?

Anyway. Heres an article from the Irish Times.

ANDREAS TILTS HIS HEAD up towards the strip lights in the kitchen. "Here," he says, rubbing three fingertips across scarring just behind his left ear. "Here. Bottle," he says with a heavy Polish accent. With the point of his thumb he shows how the glass beer bottle was stabbed into his throat. Behind him other middle-aged men sit over rickety tables eating yogurt or rice, or playing cards.

"At the Liffey," he says. The boardwalk? "Yeah, boardwalk. He was drunk too." He shrugs. "Life is brutal, you know?"

The Santa Maria off Harcourt Street in Dublin is the city's only homeless hostel specifically for foreign nationals. Here are Hungarians, Slovaks, lots of Polish people, Lithuanians, one Spaniard and, some nights, a Nepalese man.

It's men only, 50 at capacity, all of whom have been accessing homeless services for two years or more. There are 47 medium-term beds and three night-to-night beds with a different head on the pillow every night. Three floors, four or five beds per room, mostly bunks. Opened six months ago, it is due to close in the coming weeks. An existing hostel with 35 beds in the north inner city is to be assigned to migrants.


Sad article. Probably best not to read it fully before bed as it will get you down.

Yer mans story is replicated a thousand times in both Ireland and the UK. Maybe you should be looking at ways to help out your fellow citizens and to bring them home instead of forgetting about them and importing their replacements. I am not trying to be offensive here. There are thousands of my fellow citizens sleeping rough in the UK tonight, too. Not that either of our governments give a damn. Citizenship only matters to these pr*cks when they want a vote.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
10 Oct 2012 /  #476
In the long run developing critical mindset is the best cure, in the short run - controlling immigration, preventing unwanted immigrants and grabbing the existing ones by the sack with an iron hand if they try anything but being good citizens should prove sufficient.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Oct 2012 /  #477
Maybe you should be looking at ways to help out your fellow citizens and to bring them home instead of forgetting about them and importing their replacements.

Good point.

But read the article carefully:

t’s men only, 50 at capacity,

Why do you think are men over 50 staying in homeless shelter?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
10 Oct 2012 /  #478
In the long run developing critical mindset is the best cure, in the short run - controlling immigration, preventing unwanted immigrants and grabbing the existing ones by the sack with an iron hand if they try anything but being good citizens should prove sufficient.

That's it. A countries immigration policies should be that of an exclusive nightclub. No riff raff, no freebies, any trouble and you are out the door and only valued patrons allowed to become members.


Fifty is the maximum number of men they can accommodate, not the cut off age.

That's only one of the many, many shelters available.

The shelters are absolute kips. Seriously, seriously dilapidated. The UK on the other hand has much better hostel and shelter accommodation available to their homeless population. Especially in London.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Oct 2012 /  #479
Fifty is the maximum number of men they can accommodate, not the cut off age.

Aaah! I see. :):):)

However, as much as I pity them, let`s be honest - they would land in a similar place in Poland one day too.

So your suggestion

Maybe you should be looking at ways to help out your fellow citizens and to bring them home instead of forgetting about them and importing their replacements.

isn`t so useful after all.

Will Poles warmly accept their new immigrants or will they close the door?

Of course they will accept them. How can you even ask such questions?

Don`t you know about post WW2 Greek emmigration to Poland?

Most self-identified Greeks in Poland today trace their heritage to the large number of Greek citizens who fled as refugees from the Greek Civil War and were admitted into Poland. [3] They consisted largely of former partisan units from the Macedonia region of Greece.

Most had been farmers before their flight from Greece.[4] In total, from 1949 to 1951, 12,300 people from Greece came to Poland, of whom roughly one-fourth were children.[5]

Most refugees arrived by sea through the port at Gdynia. The Polish government chose to settle them in the territories west of the Oder River near the border with East Germany, especially near Zgorzelec.[5] About 200 were also sent to KroĊ›cienko in the southeast, near the Bieszczady Mountains in a formerly ethnic Ukrainian area.[6] Initially, the refugees were celebrated as anti-capitalist heroes and given significant government assistance in building new lives and integrating in Poland.[4] Initially, they found employment on farms, for which they were well suited because of their rural background; however, they later gravitated towards urban areas.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Oct 2012 /  #480
In the long run developing critical mindset is the best cure

I love when you read a Polish emigrant talking about the 'cure' for immigration.

preventing unwanted immigrants and grabbing the existing ones by the sack with an iron hand if they try anything but being good citizens should prove sufficient.

What about grabbing others with an iron hand? Why would you, for instance, treat someone differently because of an accident of birth?

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