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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Sep 2012 /  #421
You saw that those numbers were from 2001?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
11 Sep 2012 /  #422
Happily. I wonder if he's going to hang around hospitals telling parents that they can't have a bone marrow donor for their kids even of they aren't of mixed heritage.

Like Wulkan suspected your response is BS and not even remotely clever sounding. Asking what I am going to do instead is a diversion to draw attention away from yourself so you don't have to admit that you are wrong.

The world is a safer place without you practicing licensed medicine on anyone.

Indeed, your absolutist refusal to acknowledge the racial diversity that is staring you in the face each day is akin to those fanatics who deny their children medical attention based on religious convictions; not because they are right (they're not) but because they are out of touch with reality.

Humans are visual creatures. We compare, contrast and label everything around us including ourselves and each other and that covers race and racial differences too. That's why there are terms regarding race in every single language out there. There are common words for it, slang words for it and offensive words for it. People know what they are looking at even when people like you go around saying there is no such thing as race.

What's next for you? No such thing elephants, whales, squirrels, cats, dogs, apes or humans because we are all just mammals? No such thing as male or female because we could have turned out as either so that makes us all inherently neuter?

You would make fantastic writing material for George Orwell if he were still alive today.
jon357  72 | 22981  
12 Sep 2012 /  #423
Your reply is quite funny, but ignores science in favour of prejudice. There is only one race and all humans are descended from a common ancestor. Skin colour is merely adaptation to environment.

I remember all the fuss over a rather silly American book called The Bell Curve a few years ago. One of the book's premises was about variation in IQ level according to skin colour. It completely ignored the fact that there are greater variations withing the same skin colour group.

Fans of scientific racism often try to mould the fact to fit their prejudice, but in the end prejudice is all it is.

When the BBC did DNA tests on a group of volunteers several years ago the results were surprising. A group of people from the UK, all white skinned English turned out to have amazingly diverse heritage.

There is only one race. The human race.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Sep 2012 /  #424
Skin colour is merely adaptation to environment.

Revokenice showed you a pictures of African albinos, although they are white in colour you can still see they are a negroid race. You deliberately ignore certain facts that are against you bs theory.

I remember all the fuss over a rather silly American book called The Bell Curve a few years ago. One of the book's premises was about variation in IQ level according to skin colour. It completely ignored the fact that there are greater variations withing the same skin colour group.

How do you explain the fact that African countries are on the bottom of the list of the average IQ level

Fans of scientific racism often try to mould the fact to fit their prejudice, but in the end prejudice is all it is.

this is exactly what you do, how ironic is that.

When the BBC did DNA tests on a group of volunteers several years ago the results were surprising. A group of people from the UK, all white skinned English turned out to have amazingly diverse heritage.

How would that be suprising. England has a rich history and many difrent groups of people of diferent races passed this place for over many ceturies. What that has to do with you theory?
jon357  72 | 22981  
12 Sep 2012 /  #425
Spurious pictures of Albinos (by the way, albinism occurs throughout the human race as well as other species) don't help your argument. In fact they weaken it. Greater variations within the human genome occur inside groups you would no doubt consider a 'race'.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Sep 2012 /  #426
Spurious pictures of Albinos don't help your argument. In fact they weaken it.

sure but again... you didn't say why

human race as well as other species

you mean human species? You need at least two diffrent kinds to divide species to races and as you keep stating there's no human races so please get your facts right


Greater variations within the human genome occur inside groups you would no doubt consider a 'race'.

jon357  72 | 22981  
12 Sep 2012 /  #427
There is only one race. No such thing as differences in character based on ethnicity etc. Nurture rather than nature. I've stated my point of view, perhaps you should tell us yours, if you feel otherwise.

By the way, you may find this interesting.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Sep 2012 /  #428
I've stated my point of view, perhaps you should tell us yours, if you feel otherwise.

Yes, I feel otherwise, I agree with what science says... (scientific rasism as you explain to yourself)
legend  3 | 658  
12 Sep 2012 /  #429
How do you explain the fact that African countries are on the bottom of the list of the average IQ level

You "evil evil racist". How dare you mock the Africans. We are all equal. There is no difference between white and black. Its white mans fault that African IQ is low! Dont you know slavery?!

The "evil" white man killed Natives, now the white man must suffer White Guilt or else he is a White Supremacist!

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Sep 2012 /  #430

The only "lol" is that you're an unemployed foreigner in Canada trying to preach about other races.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
12 Sep 2012 /  #431
If Poland would need immigrants (where's the evidence?) they should look to their Eastern neighbours, Belarus, Ukraine,Russia.

Coming from Western Europe i would strongly advise against importing any Africans or Arabs, it will completely destroy Poland's culture.
legend  3 | 658  
12 Sep 2012 /  #432
Coming from Western Europe i would strongly advise against importing any Africans or Arabs, it will completely destroy Poland's culture.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Sep 2012 /  #433
If Poland would need immigrants (where's the evidence?) they should look to their Eastern neighbours, Belarus, Ukraine,Russia.

They already do. Except that most people in Poland - surprisingly - don't trust Russians!

Coming from Western Europe i would strongly advise against importing any Africans or Arabs, it will completely destroy Poland's culture.

The few that I've met all embraced Polish culture.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
12 Sep 2012 /  #434
The "evil" white man killed Natives, now the white man must suffer White Guilt or else he is a White Supremacist!

LOL :)
Today i counted 7-8 ******* in my Polish city and also a few guys who looked like Turks.
The Poles once beat the Turks out of Europe. What's left of this brave spirit today?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Sep 2012 /  #435
How do you explain the fact that African countries are on the bottom of the list of the average IQ level

Lack of health care, quality education, access to nutritious food, clean drinking water, proper housing, computers and other modern technologies.

What's the point in me posting it's not as if you're going to listen to any sense.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
12 Sep 2012 /  #436
Lack of health care, quality education, access to nutritious food, clean drinking water, proper housing, computers and other modern technologies.

Ultimately, what it boils down to is that the Whites are of the genetic stock that conquered both poles, navigated the world's oceans, rounded cape horn, discovered the North West Passage, climbed Everest, invented steam power, electricity and the internal combustion engine, landed on the moon, invented the computer and the internet, Shakespeare, Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci, and so on, and so forth, etc, etc, etc, and the Blacks belong to the race that invented raping babies as a treatment for Aids and peanut butter
jarnowa  4 | 499  
12 Sep 2012 /  #437
They already do. Except that most people in Poland - surprisingly - don't trust Russians!

Ok, no problem, enough Belarussians and Ukrainians.

The few that I've met all embraced Polish culture.

They embrace Polish culture just to win Polish people's hearts.
They hope it will lower the resistance against them living in Poland, dating Polish women and taking Polish jobs.
I am not impressed at all by a black talking Polish fluently just because he hopes it helps him to get laid.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Sep 2012 /  #438
Depending on which poll you want to believe the Dutch Socialist Party (a party which has been branded "national socialist" by German liberal media) is either the strongest or second strongest party right now.

Just wanted to post an update to this nonsense - bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19566165

Looks like the claim that -

The news here is, support for liberalism is collapsing in the country which used to be its poster child.

has just been totally discredited. Not a surprise, of course.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Sep 2012 /  #439
Ultimately, what it boils down to is that the Whites are of the genetic stock that conquered both poles, navigated the world's oceans etc,

How many of those things did you do? Don't worry I know the answer.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
25 Sep 2012 /  #440
I was browsing for immigration information (planned in far future at present) and this strange and entertaining debate moved me to register. ^_^
I would think the best immigrants in general would be those that can embrace the society instead of need special allowances. Who will assimilate not overpower. Are willing to work or already set in retirement savings. Can accept the Church even if not Catholic themselves.

I know that eventually my paramour will wish to go back to Poland because of his family. He is after all the eldest and only son. So I just want to see how hard it will be to flip back over the atlantic. Specially any children we have in interim will be US citizens. Anyway that was my two cents worth.

(As 1/4 tsalagi..I can tell you how uncontrolled immigration can bury the native ethnotype LOL. I'm a tall white redhead anyway)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Sep 2012 /  #441
Can accept the Church even if not Catholic themselves.

Why? Assimilation means that you engage with society - and being against the Church is every bit as Polish as being for the Church.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
25 Sep 2012 /  #442
If you move to a Muslim country you can't be offended by all the Muslims wandering around or throw a rock at a mosque.

So since Poland has like ? 90= percent of the citizenry declared Catholic..the same should apply, no?
Accepting catholics being your neighbors and all around is not like your going to go join or want to be one as well. So Why..not? Why be a rebel without a cause?
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
28 Sep 2012 /  #443
Immigrant children are needed now! Polish teachers don`t care where they come from - Africa, Asia, Europe, the moon, Mars, another galaxy. Everybody is welcome to save thousands of schools and positions!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
1 Oct 2012 /  #444
Would it not be more to the benefit of Poles if those who control such things actually introduced bills (and enacted them) which made having children less of an economic deterrent?

NOOOOO, let's just import a bunch of people who couldn't care less about where they go as long as it's in Europe, yeah I'm sure that won't go t*ts up...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Oct 2012 /  #445
Why not import thousands of smart and educated teachers from the third world? Teach them Polish for a year and throw them in the mix. Whats good for the goose and all that.

How would you like that Pawian?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Oct 2012 /  #446
So since Poland has like ? 90= percent of the citizenry declared Catholic..the same should apply, no?

Except that they aren't declared Catholic at all. The real figures are around 40% or so and falling.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Oct 2012 /  #447
Probably culturally catholic. There is a difference.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
1 Oct 2012 /  #448
Why not import thousands of smart and educated teachers from the third world? Teach them Polish for a year and throw them in the mix.

What for?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Oct 2012 /  #449
To teach. You want to import immigrants so a child boom will keep you in a job.

Would you be so willing to import teachers that would be directly in competition with you?

Everybody is welcome to save thousands of schools and positions!

OP pawian  219 | 24806  
1 Oct 2012 /  #450
Wow, you are clever after all! Good question! :)

Of course, I don`t mind foreign competition. It is already happening. Thousands of English natives are desperately flocking to Poland to take up teaching, especially in Krakow, bringing the prices down, so it seems that my monthly earnings this October will fall below 10.000 zlotys for the first time within last years.

If I did, I wouldn`t have started such a thread, would I?

Let the better win! :):):):)

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