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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Aug 2012 /  #361
how about their native land - India

Will the Indian government take them back? Perhaps the EU could give the Indians a bone and sweeten them up. Give the Roma a hundred large per head of population as a resettlement grant.

Or, we could do what the 90s Czech government did and pay them to get sterilized. But that's stepping into seriously dodgy territory.

I remember a while back France was so fed up with the situation that it ended up giving each gypo 500 just so that they would go home. Our reporters took some interviews asking them if they would go back to France again. They said "Of course, but not right now, maybe in a few months or so. They gave us 500 euros to leave. It wouldn't be nice of us if we went back as soon as we left." :-D

Our judges have started to give them suspended sentences under the condition thatthey leave the country at once via repatriation grants. Nothing to stop them coming back, mind. But it plays to the gallery. Even makes it into the official deportation figures released each year. Hilarious stuff, really.

Madagascar plan

Not a bad idea. If they are giving out repatriation money too, I will spend a week on a sunbed and change my name to something more Romani and head off with them. Open up a wee beach bar and spend me days in the sun. O'Romas.
pantsless  1 | 266  
30 Aug 2012 /  #362
The problem is that the Polish nation will cease on its own if it is not backed up by immigrants.

Yea, I know, Poland's population will drop to like 30 milliion or so, and how can a country with 30 million people exist? I mean that's like impossible man.

This thread is the dumbest thing I've read on PF in a long time, and that's saying a lot.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
30 Aug 2012 /  #363
I agree that Poland should create some sensible immigration policy (take in some people but not too many and properly sorted out)

Is it true that once Australia had strict immigration policy which forbade the Chinese to come and settle?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Aug 2012 /  #364
Whites only.

OP pawian  219 | 24806  
30 Aug 2012 /  #365
Whites only.

I vaguely remember it from 1980s. Once in high school we were talking about emmigration and somebody mentioned Australia and the Chinese.

From your link:
The 2001 Australian census results indicate that many Australians claim some European heritage: English 37%, Irish 11%, Italian 5%, German 4.3%, Scottish 3%, Greek 2%, Former Yugoslav 1.8%, Dutch 1.5%, Polish 0.9%. Australians of some non-European origin form a significant but still relatively small part of the population: Chinese 3.2%, Indian 0.9%, Lebanese 0.9%, Vietnamese 0.9%. About 2.2% identified themselves as Indigenous Australians. 39% of the population gave their ancestry as "Australian". The Australian census does not classify people according to race, only ethnic ancestry. (Note that subjects were permitted to select more than one answer for this census question.)[33]
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Aug 2012 /  #366
I vaguely remember it from 1980s. Once in high school we were talking about emmigration and somebody mentioned Australia and the Chinese.

Europe should adopt such a policy.
Szlachcic  - | 36  
31 Aug 2012 /  #367
Whites only.

should have stayed that way.. :(

and I agree with pantsless' post 100%.
legend  3 | 658  
31 Aug 2012 /  #368
The problem is the lefties and Zionists who want open borders Europe (EU, Barbara Spectr, etc). They dont give a rats ass about humans... Only giving "equal rights" to everyone.

They have the power atm.

If you want to preserve your homeland and peoples they call you a racist and hater. Its like this in every EU nation. The minority has power of the majority.

Basically the feminists, gays (minorities) and all that crap unite and they become the new majority (even though they probably arent a majority).
Those double crossing sons of ****** are destroying Europe and its proud history.
Szlachcic  - | 36  
31 Aug 2012 /  #369

An African man was shouting racial slurs on a Paris subway train, exclaiming how white people need to be gassed/killed. His video was posted on Youtube, and this man didn't have ANYTHING happen to him - not even a slap on the wrist! ... Now let me guess, this must be tolerated on account of us whites as having WHITE GUILT, right?? HA!!

Oh, but when the British white woman in the London tube decided to express his distaste for multiCULTuralism, she was criticized to the max., and put in prison!

This is all very, VERY wrong!!!

I just don't understand why the ethnic Europeans are allowing their governments to do this to their nations. The only ones I see, who are at least putting forth some effort, are the Russians.

Even many young Poles, although a small minority, are all for this multiculturalism shenanigans! Are they all blind, and cannot see how it has ravaged the western European countries?

Even on this forum, when an ethnic Pole, for example, expresses his/her God-honest opinion about something that non-Europeans would deem racist, it becomes filtered and/or deleted!
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
31 Aug 2012 /  #370
Moscow is a great city. I was there as a child and bought myself a toy which was the dearest of all.
PierogiBoy  - | 5  
1 Sep 2012 /  #371
I hope one day the walls (racism, hate, religion, skin color, etc) that separates us all will be broken. Poland needs to welcome the highly skilled, the wealthy Businessmen who can create job opportunities for Poles, students that can afford to study in Poland without recourse to public funds.

Students bring in a lot of money to any nation that welcomes them. Because of students many are employed, shops are patronised, new small businesses are opened. I have seen how small cities/towns in the UK are booming as a result of the foreign students population.

Poland needs to open up, be open, and welcome foreigners and their children, just as poles are welcomed abroad. The average polish child (tenagers also) has no knowledge about other tribes, race or culture. They are scared when they see foreigners on the bus, metro, street, etc.

It's time to welcome the brightest and resourceful from Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia. Please no descrimation.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
1 Sep 2012 /  #372
I have seen how small cities/towns in the UK are booming as a result of the foreign students population.


Poland needs to open up, be open, and welcome foreigners and their children, just as poles are welcomed abroad.

Quite right.

It's time to welcome the brightest and resourceful from Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia.

There is a problem, though. How to select the brightest? IQ tests?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Sep 2012 /  #373
Because of students many are employed, shops are patronised, new small businesses are opened. I have seen how small cities/towns in the UK are booming as a result of the foreign students population.

so true,look at Brighton, it's a 'win win' situation
PierogiBoy  - | 5  
1 Sep 2012 /  #374
IQ tests or quiz, I can't say which method will be best. However, if am to select, I will select those that are willing to learn/study and are from families with good financial standing. Am sure one day, they will invest and employ people here if and only if, they are welcome here.

It's not difficult to asses a skilful individual. For example, in sports. Sports brings in a lot of opportunity to any nation that has foresight. Why can't talented athletes be nationalised in Poland?
Mister H  11 | 761  
1 Sep 2012 /  #375
Returning emigres, of course.
Keep your nation, Polish.Otherwise it will cease to be Poland.

To do that, they need to pay enough in wages and benefits to make prospects viable.

They have to offer something people will want.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
1 Sep 2012 /  #376
Poland needs to welcome the highly skilled, the wealthy Businessmen who can create job opportunities for Poles, students that can afford to study in Poland without recourse to public funds.

Think you'll find the wealthy businessmen care less about giving jobs to people and more about paying others as little as possible so they can cash in the most and this is why the are wealthy businessmen.

PS - Your name makes me hungry.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
2 Sep 2012 /  #377
I opt for "Iranian solution":

Any solution to this problem is going to have tradeoffs involved. For example, female dominated European societies have elected to import a bunch of foreigners to make up the demographic shortfall, with results that we've discussed ad nauseum.

Iran has hit upon a solution that could reverse the demographic decline without endangering their unique national character. That solution is sending women back to the kitchen. If they pull it off, they could ensure that in 100 years Iran will still be recognizably Iranian, unlike certain Western countries which will no longer be recognizable due to the influx of foreigner.

I for one applaud Iran for this measure.

One can wonder why these ad hominem attacks are tolerated by mods.
Anyway, the the topic at hand is fertility.
Or, more precisely, sub-replacement fertility, the same problem entire Europe has.

Shrinking the population using this method has some bad side effects.

As the fertility rate drops, less and less children are born. But advances in medicine mean that old people hang on for a longer time.

So under sustained sub replacement fertility, the population ages, dramatically. Take Japan as an example; in 1989 only 11.6% of the population was over 65. By 2005 over 21% of the population was over 65. If current trends continue, then by 2050 over 38% of Japan's population will be over 65.


Today approximately one in four Japanese people is over the age of 65. This creates a high "old age dependency ratio" - few workers and lots of retirees. Currently, Japan's retiree population is 35.1% the size of Japan's labor force. But by 2050, Japan's retiree population will be 73.8% the size of its labor force. IE: Every four workers will be supporting three retirees.


Fewer workers supporting more retirees creates a large burden on the economy of a country. Health care and pension costs increase, but there are fewer workers to pay for them. Harvard Economists David Bloom and David Canning attribute at least one third of a country's economic success (or failure) to the dependency ratio.


Some European countries have tried to avoid this demographic crunch through immigration. Arguably, this hasn't gone so well for reasons we've discussed in many other threads. And the dirty secret is that they can't possibly bring in enough immigrants to solve the problem anyway. Italy would need to bring in 2.2 million immigrants annually just to maintain its worker to retiree ratio.


Another potential way out is to have more children. But it isn't easy to reverse the problem in this way. As each generation reproduces at a sub replacement level, the next generation has a smaller and smaller pool of fertile women. This creates a sort of "reverse compound interest" effect, where the population decline accelerates, even though the fertility level stays at the same sub replacement level.

It's probably too late for Western Europe to reverse the problem by having more children, but it may not be too late for Iran if they act quickly and drastically. Recent fertility rates have been disastrous, but more than half of Iran's population is still under 35.

Educated women have less children, as do career women. They are after all, busy with university and careers during their prime child bearing years. So limiting education for women makes sense from that perspective. But even more important is the issue raised by that horrible British lawyer troll, Shirin Ebadi. This is a big step towards smashing Iran's fledgling feminist movement.

If Iran can keep women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant for another 100 years or so, it can stave off population decline while many of its rivals succumb to it. This will give it enormous power, both economically and otherwise. Also, it can maintain its national character, instead of importing foreigners to make up for demographic shortfalls.

Maybe, just maybe, the same solution could be used by Poland. It would be much more difficult to introduce such a measures, though. It may be virtually impossible if Poland is still the member of the EU, so regaining our independence should be the first step.
Mister H  11 | 761  
2 Sep 2012 /  #378
so true,look at Brighton, it's a 'win win' situation

Brighton is now an immigrant sh!t-hole that wasn't that great even before immigrants.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
2 Sep 2012 /  #379
I was talking about language students.....and their contribution to the economy of the city.
jon357  72 | 22981  
2 Sep 2012 /  #380
so true,look at Brighton, it's a 'win win' situation

Exactly. A wonderful place.

The sadly amusing thing (in the sense of black comedy) about these people who are railing against immigration is that they can't stop it. The world is getting smaller and nobody can turn the clock back. On the whole that's a good thing. Some of the posters here praise Poland's homogeneity however this didn't just spring up overnight. It formed itself naturally out of population movement and mixing - just as the homogeneity of the human race is slowly forming. One day, black and white will be a thing of the past.
marcelo  4 | 24  
4 Sep 2012 /  #381
damm the kids in poland go to school dressed as they were going to a weding!!! here in cali in usa i olny dress like that once a year hahaha!!!!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
4 Sep 2012 /  #382
One day, black and white will be a thing of the past.

You wish you would have time machine and could travel to those times would you?
You are just another example of dark skinned guy having insecurity of his coulor of skin... sad
rybnik  18 | 1444  
4 Sep 2012 /  #383
the kids in poland go to school dressed as they were going to a weding!!!

it seems that only in the US do kids go to school looking like they do
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
5 Sep 2012 /  #384
damm the kids in poland go to school dressed as they were going to a weding!!!

Because Poles are elegant

here in cali in usa i olny dress like that once a year hahaha!!!!

while Americans are casual.

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
7 Sep 2012 /  #385
I doubt that black and white is going to be a thing of the past any time soon. Do not forget, any time you get a black TV show, black sitcom or awards for black people only or 'ethnic minorities' only such as the NAACP awards in America, this is a reminder that we are different. As long as stuff like this continues to last, it is going to constantly remind us of color. You know sometimes you can be watching a sports event and completely forget about color, then if a black players scores a goal [say it is football], you might get 'he is the first black player to score in this type of final' or something similar to that and then is hits you, oh yeah, he is black, and I'm not, so we're different.
Mister H  11 | 761  
7 Sep 2012 /  #386
I think you have a point.

The problem with everything from the MOBO Awards (Music of Black Origin) to the National Black Alliance is that however much they like to cover themselves with the cloak of tolerance and right-on PC thinking, all it really does is create further divisions.
texas  1 | 21  
7 Sep 2012 /  #387
I excluded it at the very beginning. Poles are restless travellers, have always been. No matter how well things go in Poland, some Poles will always leave and try new opportunities abroad. The grass is always greener etc sayings are appropriate to describe this matter.

So why not make the grass greener in Poland?

Poland is heading in the right direction, but I believe that the country needs a few more decades of development before it can seriously think about competing for highly skilled immigrants.

Yes, exactly. The question should be "What can Poland do to make herself attractive to immigrants (and, by extension, Poles and expats)?" not "What immigrants can we import?" As it stands, I don't see how a giant influx of immigrants would do anything, except create too many job-seekers for too few jobs.

Unfortunately, I am seriously doubtful if they are going to increase reproduction. No, they are going to start and run their own businesses to increase their personal prosperity.

Um what?? You honestly expect people to return to Poland just to f**k and pop out kids, but GOD FORBID they thrive and prosper and contribute to job creation, innovation, and economic growth?? Who's going to pay for all those kids? YOUR taxes? Let me ask you this: how are you going to be able to pay your taxes if you don't have a job -- which THOSE Poles would be creating by increasing their "personal prosperity." Maybe THIS is why Poland isn't exactly attracting droves of highly skilled and educated immigrants, and is causing 2.2 or 3 million Poles to MOVE OUT. Because Poland apparently wants millions of jobless babies instead of jobs and economic growth.

News Flash! Poland isn't a communist country anymore! Time to wake up and smell the coffee!
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
7 Sep 2012 /  #388
Time to wake up and smell the coffee!

Do I have to? I hate coffee.

You honestly expect people to return to Poland just to f**k and pop out kids,

Yes, why not?

but GOD FORBID they thrive and prosper and contribute to job creation, innovation, and economic growth??

These are secondary matters. Unless you mean creating better conditions for future immigrants.......

Maybe THIS is why Poland isn't exactly attracting droves of highly skilled and educated immigrants,

Ok, so have both have immigrants in mind after all. Good.

o why not make the grass greener in Poland?

If you endeavoured to check some easily available data, you would know that we are working on it.

HDI, 2010:

Norway 1
Germany 10
United Kingdom 26
Poland 41 (in 2011 it is 39)
Belarus - 61
Russia - 65
Ukraine 69
Turkey 83
Viet Nam 113
Congo 126
kondzior  11 | 1027  
9 Sep 2012 /  #389
Oh dear. Where do you read this stuff?


The Dutch Socialist party (SP) is an organisation once known for its Maoist sympathies and habit of throwing tomatoes at political opponents. It now finds itself within touching distance of becoming the biggest parliamentary force, eclipsing its more moderate rivals in the Labour party and on course to gain at least 30 parliamentary seats. Just as the unexpected success of the leftwing Syriza party in beleaguered Greece set alarm bells ringing in Brussels, the SP has become another surprise package of European politics at a time when more centrist politicians seem to lack ideas.

So, support for liberalism IS collapsing in the country which used to be its poster child
jon357  72 | 22981  
9 Sep 2012 /  #390
You wish you would have time machine and could travel to those times would you?
You are just another example of dark skinned guy having insecurity of his coulor of skin... sad

Wrong on all counts. You should be used to that by now. We have a pretty good idea how people will look in the future based on how other, older species have evolved. And differences in skin colour will vanish, as they're getting less now. There is only one race: the human race.

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