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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Aug 2012 /  #332
Which nationalities would you recommend for Poland?

I suggest Poland should open doors to African continent,and all em Zulus be allowed free pass in Poland,on arrival be given 5star hotel residence for a year to settle down and a 250k euros to start a business interest free but returnable:D.There children should get free schooling and college and a quota reserved in every sector for there development.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
27 Aug 2012 /  #333
I don't understand you. How is it good for humanity to move blacks from Africa to Europe to live under the wing of whites? Can we move all one billion of them? What will happen when whitey is truly overrun and disappears from history due to current demographic trends? Who will help the lower races then (they must be lower since they require help)? Who will be left to make Jesus proud?

From what I've gathered, it's only the whitey who has inter-racial compassion and empathy, so what will happen when whitey is gone? The other races don't, actually, give a damn about egalitarianism, or human rights for that matter. So how do you think the liberal philosophy will survive? And what will have been the use of that philosophy when it won't? Looks like the use of that philosophy was to destroy the white race, just like its talmudist creators intended. But you wouldn't know anything about that, since you get your facts from those same people and never bother with alternative sources.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Aug 2012 /  #334
How is it good for humanity to move blacks from Africa to Europe

Blacks are humans too. A humanitarian wouldn't ask such a question.

destroy the white race

A little bit of fun reading for you:

The thread question was: which nationalities are the best?
The answer is there is no best nationality. Poland needs immigrants who can integrate and make a positive contribution to the country. It's down to individuals, nationality is irrelevant. I realise the OP asked for suggestions on nationality, but maybe PF isn't the best place to get an intelligent answer.

Pawian you should have simply posted your second question:

What should Poland do to successfully compete in the immigration market and attract more than other countries?

Now that is a very good question.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
28 Aug 2012 /  #335
Who will be left to make Jesus proud?

Jesus wasn't a racist
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
28 Aug 2012 /  #336
I don't understand you.

I think MoOli was being sarcastic. I do think countries need to take care of their own first before they let too many foreigners in.
MoOli  9 | 479  
28 Aug 2012 /  #337
lol if Jesus wasnt racist then why he discriminated by giving the Blacks a big one( as is so said):D
jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Aug 2012 /  #338
I don't know where you studied theology and biology but I think you should ask for your money back.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
28 Aug 2012 /  #339
Blacks are humans too. A humanitarian wouldn't ask such a question. A little bit of fun reading for you:

And here it something for you to think over:


And read as well.



Poland needs immigrants who can integrate and make a positive contribution to the country.

Why Poland "needs" something that would most certainly destroy her? All we need is to increase the birthrate again.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Aug 2012 /  #340
Why Poland "needs" something that would most certainly destroy her?

How would:

immigrants who can integrate and make a positive contribution to the country.

destroy Poland?

If you want to talk about gentics and paleoanthropology, I would suggest suggest making a new thread. We can discuss it there.

All we need is to increase the birthrate again

- Need any volunteers? Seriously, too many have left the country. Their children and their childrens children will not be repopulating Poland. Poland may have a serious problem in the future with an aging population. You should address the original 2 questions that Pawian posted.
MoOli  9 | 479  
29 Aug 2012 /  #341
Why Poland "needs" something that would most certainly destroy her? All we need is to increase the birthrate again

Ban condoms and birth control pills/patches,it should be punishable to posses them by 10 years and for life to use them in the territory of poland:D
legend  3 | 658  
29 Aug 2012 /  #342
I understand what you are saying. Abortion should be banned everywhere unless someones life is endangered.
In Ghettos in the US people have abortions like its a sport.

I have read some statistics on abortions.. Even in Europpe (particular Eastern Europe) the numbers are HUGE :(

The only sane countries appear to be Ireland and Poland and Spain/Portugal.

Some extra stastistics: economist/blogs/graphicdetail/2012/01/daily-chart-7
(Europe has it worst than USA)

"Approximately 26 million legal and 20 million illegal abortions were performed worldwide in 1995, resulting in a worldwide abortion rate of 35 per 1,000 women aged 15-44. Among the subregions of the world, Eastern Europe had the highest abortion rate (90 per 1,000) and Western Europe the lowest rate (11 per 1,000). Among countries where abortion is legal without restriction as to reason, the highest abortion rate, 83 per 1,000, was reported for Vietnam and the lowest, seven per 1,000, for Belgium and the Netherlands. Abortion rates are no lower overall in areas where abortion is generally restricted by law (and where many abortions are performed under unsafe conditions) than in areas where abortion is legally permitted."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2012 /  #343
You really, really ought to read what you're quoting...

Abortion rates are no lower overall in areas where abortion is generally restricted by law (and where many abortions are performed under unsafe conditions) than in areas where abortion is legally permitted."

You've just provided conclusive evidence as to why there's no need to ban abortion. I mean, if the numbers are the same anyway, what's the point in banning it?

And I assure you that the "official" statistics are rather misleading in respects to Poland.

Then again, I suspect you've never been in a situation when abortion has been an option.
legend  3 | 658  
29 Aug 2012 /  #344
And I assure you that the "official" statistics are rather misleading in respects to Poland.

If the official statistics are misleading. then maybe that quote i had was too lol.

Abortion rates are no lower overall in areas where abortion is generally restricted by law (and where many abortions are performed under unsafe conditions) than in areas where abortion is legally permitted."

kondzior  11 | 1027  
29 Aug 2012 /  #345
If you want to talk about gentics and paleoanthropology, I would suggest suggest making a new thread. We can discuss it there

Hey, you started it.

immigrants who can integrate and make a positive contribution to the country

Is it even possible? In country that is not created by immigrants? In case when immigrants would make up significant % of the population, I mean?

Just because some countries are ready to let themselves to be overrun does not mean everyone must follow the suit. As we speak, in EU this trend is diminishing fast rigt now. Look at the Dutch for example.

Depending on which poll you want to believe the Dutch Socialist Party (a party which has been branded "national socialist" by German liberal media) is either the strongest or second strongest party right now. The competitor for first place is your standard issue globalist plutocracy party (VVD). The infamous PVV (the one with the Brovik Seal of Approval) fights for third place against yet another standard issue globalist plutocracy party (Labour).

The Dutch liberals will survive the upcoming election but they will have to form a really grand grand coalition. I am no expert on Dutch politics so I don't know just how many liberal parties will have to team up to form a viable government. But they are certainly on the road to Weimar there.

The news here is, support for liberalism is collapsing in the country which used to be its poster child.

P.S.: The Dutch SP is not actually Nazi.. at all. In Germany everyone who represents the interests of indigenous workers is considered "basically a Nazi " by the liberal media.

PS2 : Basically we just need a major economical collapse ala 1929 and Europe would revert back to pre-1935 state of politics it seems.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2012 /  #346
Depending on which poll you want to believe the Dutch Socialist Party (a party which has been branded "national socialist" by German liberal media) is either the strongest or second strongest party right now.

Oh dear. Where do you read this stuff?

The Dutch socialists are just a plain standard social democratic party that has elements of Trotskyism about it. They're not "national socialist" in any way, nor are they extreme by European political measures. There's nothing Nazi about them at all, - and if you knew anything about Dutch politics, you'd know that the reference in the German media was in the way that the party is heavily controlled from the centre.

Then again, you're a child of immigrants yourself. Perhaps you should be deported, too?
Frantisek  1 | 20  
29 Aug 2012 /  #347
Czechs are afraid for poor immigrants come and take country`s wealth.
I do not see problem here if immigrants are poor. Poorishness is not sin, most people in world are poor. But they must be hard working and ambitious, it is enough. They want to contribute there hard work to this rich country in which they plan settle. And not suck this country and its citizens like leeches.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
29 Aug 2012 /  #348
Then again, you're a child of immigrants yourself. Perhaps you should be deported, too?

Why do you think that, I a Polish through and through, born and risen in the last bastion of Europe standing against multicult hordes.
For the record, I don't mind limited immigration as long as they are neither black nor muslim, for obvious reasons.


Must invite them to Poland and allow them to live off welfare.

That's the human way.

Or we need the Spanish inquisition asap.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
29 Aug 2012 /  #349
The only sane countries appear to be Ireland and Poland and Spain/Portugal.

Here, the girl just makes an appointment, books a Ryanair flight to Heathrow, gets the procedure done and comes back that evening. No abortion in Ireland, sir. Indeed.

Why do you think that, I a Polish through and through, born and risen in the last bastion of Europe standing against multicult hordes.

I doubt very much Paiwan has ever lived in a multikulti environment.

Czechs are afraid for poor immigrants come and take country`s wealth.

Czechs are afraid of their own shadow.

I do not see problem here if immigrants are poor. Poorishness is not sin, most people in world are poor. But they must be hard working and ambitious, it is enough. They want to contribute there hard work to this rich country in which they plan settle. And not suck this country and its citizens like leeches.

And being relatively wealthy is not a sin, either. We owe the third world nothing. In fact, we, as Europeans, are at economic war with the developing world. Our governments subsidise their infrastructure programs through "aid" and we subsidise their people by allowing them live here and send home remittances.

Cut all aid and only allow the highly skilled in.
29 Aug 2012 /  #350
Poland needs to embrace her immigrants; the powers to be of Europe are determined to fulfill a policy of multicultural, although Poland may be on the periphery of the “ need to be “ countries it is still considered as a soft entry to Schengen.

The question is what does Poland do “ embrace” or “ isolate” what is best for Poland – Poland since 2004 has experienced a Brain drain, therefore the most interesting solution would be to supplement the drain with an influx of Entrepreneurs from other countries: How should Poland supplement the coming managerial and intellectual social void.
Frantisek  1 | 20  
29 Aug 2012 /  #351
Poor people alwys find the way where they want settle. You can not stop they. France tried and failure. Italy tried and failure. England tried and nothing. One day Central Europ also takes immigrants and can not stop it.
antheads  13 | 340  
29 Aug 2012 /  #352
make post graduate education free. Fund R&D cells.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2012 /  #353
it is still considered as a soft entry to Schengen.

It is remarkably soft. It surprises me to see just how soft it is.

How should Poland supplement the coming managerial and intellectual social void.

Actually - I don't think there will be a void. There are enough people coming through to fill the positions that are needed, and there is an "export" market just waiting for the rest.

make post graduate education free.

It is free, genius.
29 Aug 2012 /  #354
It is remarkably soft. It surprises me to see just how soft it is.

Exactly there needs to be a firming here.

Actually - I don't think there will be a void. There are enough people coming through to fill the positions that are needed, and there is an "export" market just waiting for the rest.

Delph the problem is not middle but higher, its is a big future problem for Poland and all Polish analysts consider it a reality.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Aug 2012 /  #355
I agree that Poland should create some sensible immigration policy (take in some people but not too many and properly sorted out) but first of all this country should be fixed, so people stop running away (and at least some come back) and can afford more than one children. Without that, nothing will help.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Aug 2012 /  #356
France tried and failure

They are in the process of kicking a load of Roma gypsies out. Again.

The Roma question is a major problem. Perhaps we need to give them their own homeland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Aug 2012 /  #357
The Roma question is a major problem. Perhaps we need to give them their own homeland.

What they should have done was create some sort of Roma state out of that area near Michalovce (SK) / Mukachevo (UA) / Satu Mare (RO) - perhaps even the whole southern part of Ukraine could have gone to them. Post-WW2 would have been the perfect time for it - it could have been some sort of Roma SSR in the Soviet Union.

Their lack of a clearly identify sovereign homeland is one huge issue in Europe today - and as Slovakia says, they've been trying for 70 years to solve the problem.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Aug 2012 /  #358
The Roma question is a major problem. Perhaps we need to give them their own homeland.

how about their native land - India
kondzior  11 | 1027  
30 Aug 2012 /  #359
What about the "French solution" to the problem?

I remember in the 90's when western nations kept baaaaaaawing that we should treat gypsies better and try to integrate them into society. Flash forward 20 years later and suddenly they aren't so keen about them anymore. What's wrong Western Europe? I thought you were tolerant, evolved and democratic, not like those dirty scum in the east. Why are you so racist now?

I remember a while back France was so fed up with the situation that it ended up giving each gypo 500 just so that they would go home. Our reporters took some interviews asking them if they would go back to France again. They said "Of course, but not right now, maybe in a few months or so. They gave us 500 euros to leave. It wouldn't be nice of us if we went back as soon as we left." :-D
30 Aug 2012 /  #360
The Roma question is a major problem. Perhaps we need to give them their own homeland.

<engage sarcasm mode> Perhaps the old Polish government Madagascar plan could be dusted off? <exit sarcasm mode>

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