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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?

Bieganski  17 | 888  
16 Apr 2017 /  #211
Is that you Delph, I think i must have got you all wrong in the past

It is interesting isn't it? He was one of the loudest carnival barkers on here when it came to diversity and unchecked immigration while fatuously believing he would be isolated from the effects.

But given what's known about his own current employment situation and long-term prospects (and lack thereof) he very likely is seeing firsthand the bitter harvest now being reaped and how these once upon a time adored "refugees" he beckoned to come to Europe are now living a better lifestyle and firmly on their way to the middle class while he is falling out of the bottom of it.

It's just another case of comeuppance for one of Soros' leftist worker drones.

Don't worry though. He was always expendable. He just never realized it himself at the time.
jon357  72 | 22980  
16 Apr 2017 /  #212
London into one of their "NO GO" neighborhoods

That myth again...

keep your culture

Not much of a culture if it's so fragile that the presence of others is such a threat...
Bieganski  17 | 888  
16 Apr 2017 /  #213
You must certainly disagree then with your cohort Delphia. After all in post #208 of this very thread he said he has a "hardline" stance against non-EU immigration. So how would you debate him to make him change his mind?
16 Apr 2017 /  #214
As I said, think of it more as ignorance than racism.

Most comments above seem more ignorant than purely racist. There is a difference.

Usually the most vocal people are those who have never left their country for any lengthy period of time.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Apr 2017 /  #215
we simply don't need low-cost Asian or African labour.

Here "WE" go again, a Scottish immigrant speaking for the country of Poland. Oh yi yi
You say No Blacks from Africa or Asians from Vietnam ?
You say White people from FSU are welcome in your opinion.
I detect a tad bid of racism there.
This thread is about why Muslims are discouraged to Poland not why people of a different color of skin are being discouraged.

some idiot from the desert who "fell in love" with his exceptionally stupid wife who met him on a beach selling necklaces?

Isn't it a bit hypocritical to call someone stupid and an idiot for selling necklaces on a "desert beach" ? URG !
Bieganski  17 | 888  
16 Apr 2017 /  #216
I detect a tad bid of racism there.


And he made his views known several hours ago. So why hasn't Harry (PF's self-appointed political correctness commissar) publicly demanded for Delphia to be banned?
spiritus  69 | 643  
16 Apr 2017 /  #217
Year on year you see more people in Warsaw whose appearance suggests they have roots outside our Europe. No bad thing at all.

Thanks Jon, I was expecting you to back up Delphian. Perhaps you might be able to back Delphian's claim that Warsaw is "full of muslims" as Delphian appears to be "away from his keyboard at the moment" due to his lack of reply to my request for a factual source to his claim.

Allow me to give a pre-emptive reply to Harry before he joins in. Please provide a source that Warsaw is "full of muslims" before you try to defend and detract from Delphian's claims.

There's more fake news sometimes from certain members here than in a Donald Trump news conference :)

I have. and non of them has the attitude of " I want to come to Europe to enforce muslim law that isn't enforced in my country"

Really ? Not one of them ??

I'll concede a point that most of them may not openly admit to it if someone with a clipboard approached them on the street and asked them if they wanted Sharia law in the UK but I believe that most of them would not lose any sleep over it if it were to happen.

Therein lies the conundrum of immigration from muslim countries to the west. They genuinely desire to live in a Western country but once here they show they are more than happy to impose their culture on the host nation.

I'm not really sure where this ends for Islamification of Western Europe as taking it to it's logical conclusion we will see France, Belgium etc become majority muslim nations who will then presumably have the freedom to impose Islamic sympathetic legislation. This plays well with the muslim majority who continue to vote for muslim politicians. Eventually these countries begin to take on the character of middle eastern Islamic countries which weirdly enough is not something that "Western muslims" are keen on. So where do they move to next ?
Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
16 Apr 2017 /  #218
And he made his views known several hours ago.

Delph also complained on another thread that areas in London and parts of Manchester resemble Mogadishu (without the sunshine).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Apr 2017 /  #219
I believe that most of them would not lose any sleep over it if it were to happen.

nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2017 /  #220
Western Europe's cuckolding is making me resent Muslims. I did not have these feelings before the Migrant Crisis began
spiritus  69 | 643  
16 Apr 2017 /  #221

I'm stating an opinion not a verifiable fact, hence my use of the words, "I believe".

Still waiting your source for the claim that Warsaw is full of muslims or did you think I had forgotten about that ?
23 May 2017 /  #222
You ****.... stupid idiots. You have another terrorist attack in the UK (not incident). We have never had a terrorist attack in Poland. That's why we don't want islam in Poland. This is sick religion that allows killing people. No to muslim people!!!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
23 May 2017 /  #223
By the same token is Christianity a "sick religion" because of the bloody Crusades she unleashed by forcing baptism and conversion on innocents??! Is Judaism also in keeping because they fed the Christians to the lions etc...
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
23 May 2017 /  #224
Correct, the Crusades were aimed at recovering the Holy Land from Islamic rule.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
23 May 2017 /  #225
Therefore, does one wrong deserve a second wrong?? You seem to forget that unwillingness to accept defeat, error or personal responsibility begins to resemble our own sitting (duck) president Donald, a man who by his own admission can do no wrong because he's the Pres and you ain'tLOL

Geeezloueezz man, smarten up for pity's sake!!! The rule of Islam was surely no crueler than centuries of Christianity being proselytized and stuffed down people's throats, don't forget the lovely Inquisition as well as our very own homegrown Salem Witch Trials, where bigots burned a woman for the right to be and think differently!!
Bieganski  17 | 888  
23 May 2017 /  #226
That's why we don't want islam in Poland.

Islam isn't about integration and tolerance. It's about domination and subjugation. These are the words and aims of the battle cries of its fanatics which is met with silent and even gleeful consent by its billions of cult followers worldwide rather than with shame and derision.

is Christianity a "sick religion" because of the bloody Crusades...Is Judaism also in keeping because they fed the Christians to the lions etc...

The cult of Islam is what is driving the current waves of violence around the globe over the past decade. They are organized, armed and funded. The Crusades occurred between the 9th and 13th centuries and today Christianity is a spent force in decline.

As seen daily for decades now Judaism has been waging a campaign against Christianity under the guise of atheism. Although always hostile towards Christianity these fake atheist typically have a Jewish heritage and are always ready to deliver words of praise and sympathy for Jews and Judaism. It's seen in the news, schools, courtrooms, books, film, art and even right here on PF. Although the Palestinians get no sympathy because Zionist Jews want all of their land Jews are otherwise very sympathetic towards Muslims. Both naturally oppose Christianity since they share unitarian mystic beliefs and similar cultish practices. They always display solidarity when laws in the West are passed to ban sick and outdated barbaric acts like ritual slaughter and completely unjustified genital mutilation of babies and children who are in no position to give consent. Jews are frequently the lobbyists, politicians, ministers and secretaries in Europe and America rallying for nations around the world to join coalitions to spill other people's blood and treasure to fight radical Islamic terrorism. Yet, conveniently Israel is never called upon to do its part. Rather there are reports in the mainstream media of Israel offering medical assistance to so-called "rebels" in Syria; the same ones often labeled as al-ka'ida or ISIS on any given day of the week.

That must explain then why bombs, shootings, beheadings and now a regular occurrence in Western nations but dear old Israel keeps growing economically, its population enjoys regular global travel for business and pleasure, and it saves its munitions (paid for by the West of course) to further oppress the Palestinians.

What does all of this have to do with Poland? Everything! Poland should not be drawn into any of this. Not politically, not financially, not militarily, not socially. Every single Western country which has paid financial tribute to Israel to prop up that apartheid regime, which has sent troops to the Middle East to protect the interests of Israel, and which has accepted Muslim refugees so Israel doesn't have to, all have been repaid with ingratitude and scores of injuries and deaths.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
23 May 2017 /  #227
Violence DOES beget violence, I'm givin' ya that much. Yet does it justify using the tactics of our enemy while pretending we're doing it, all in G_d's, Jaweh's, and Allah's name???! Seems a mite hypocritical now doesn't it, not to mention disingenuous:-)
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2017 /  #228
while pretending we're doing it, all in G_d's, and Allah's name???!

No one is pretending anything besides you with your propaganda.
Only the Muslims are doing it in Allah's name as their Koran instructs them to but we Christians are certainly not doing it in the name of God as our Holy Bible gives no such instructions.

In case you haven't heard yet, "It's the Christians (infidels) that are being persecuted" world wide and not only by the Muslims !
Even right here on this forum we Christians get persecuted by the Left ilk.

What does all of this have to do with Poland?

The identities of the victims in the Manchester bombing were becoming known little by little.
They included an eight-year-old girl, two teenage girls and a 28-year-old man.
A Polish couple who had come to collect their daughters after the concert also died, Poland's foreign minister said.
The daughters were safe.
Just one more reason Poland doesn't want them in their country.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
24 May 2017 /  #229
And so, a la Archie Bunker, you're arguing that any sins Christians commit against their own or especially "others" is therefore all right because sanctioned by the Bible???! You are an unrepenetant, hopeless ignorosis, Johnny! Then again, don't suppose you even care, your kind never does. Heck, you elected a hack numbskull for President:-)
spiritus  69 | 643  
24 May 2017 /  #230
you're arguing that any sins Christians commit against their own or especially "others" is therefore all right because sanctioned by the Bible???

Hmmm I don't think he said that. I think he was saying that yes, Christians do commit acts of barbarism and terrorism but NOT in the name of their God whereas Islamic extremists are completely motivated by the belief that their actions are in the name of Allah.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
24 May 2017 /  #231
Oh, great! And I suppose then that the Crusades, the Inquisition, even the KKK, burned crosses, burned innocent citizens, and committed unprovoked acts of brutality because they were atheists??! They were all the ultimate hypocrites, committing murder in the name of Man, but blaming it on G_d LOL
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2017 /  #232
Hmmm I don't think he said that.

I didn't but as you can see some people insist on going OF F - TOPIC again and again to argue some point that they want argued which is TOTALLY irrelevant by Baiting and Provoking.

Muslims actions speak louder then words and the Polish people are not blind to what is going on.
I pray that the Polish stand strong in their convictions.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
24 May 2017 /  #233
How about the actions by those Crusaders of yore. How loudly did they speak? Pretty loudly, I'd wager:-)

I'm merely trying to say that Muslims in and of themselves are no better or no worse than the adherents of any other religion.
spiritus  69 | 643  
24 May 2017 /  #234
Therefore, does one wrong deserve a second wrong??

It was YOU who made this point wasn't it ?

WTF kind of juvenile point are people trying to make when they bring up the Crusaders ?? That was hundreds of years ago and bears no relevance to what is happening today.

How can you deny that there is an element within the Muslim community who believe in a twisted interpretation of the Qu'ran and believe it deeply enough that they are willing to kill for their beliefs ?? The whole world and his dog accept there is a problem yet you deny it. I consider people who share the same opinion as you no better than Holocaust deniers.

Islam isn't just a religion it is an ideology which is why so many of the comparisons people try to make e.g. Crusaders, IRA, white extremists are wrong.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2017 /  #235
Well we obviously disagree with you Lyzko.
I don't see any Christians cutting peoples heads of just because they believe in Christianity and not Islam.
I don't see any Christians throwing gays off roof tops.
The Christian Bible does not say kill all the infidels that do not believe in Christianity.
Can't smoke screen with thick Liberal logic can you.
Poland being a Christian country is no place where it is going to welcome Islam and the Quran any time soon.

That was hundreds of years ago

Actually 6 - 7 THOUSAND years ago.
Don't get caught up on one of his three glasses of wine pointless merry go rounds.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
25 May 2017 /  #236
The way the ancient missionaries would torture, sometimes put to death, harmless locals in order to convert them to the Christian way is nothing I'd ever be proud of, Johnny! Do your research and finally get it through your thick head that not everything your people stand for is automatically right.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
25 May 2017 /  #237
The way the ancient missionaries

Ancient is the key word here.
Christians have progressed with the first coming of Jesus Christ's teachings while the Quran has not progressed in the last 7 thousands years.
Now get it through your thick head, I'm not taking your Bait, this thread is not about me defending my Christianity to a daft Jew boy as hell bent as you are to take it Off - Topic.

Poland has voted only to be re enforced by this weeks bombing by Muslim Islamic terrorists in Manchester targeting children.
25 May 2017 /  #238
"By the same token is Christianity a "sick religion" because of the bloody Crusades she unleashed by forcing baptism and conversion on innocents??"

The Crusades just STARTED after Muslims slaughter almost 2 million christians and take other 5 million as slaves.

That was pretty much 85% of the total christian population in Middle East. Since them, we* never were able again to be christian without the risk of be killed in Middle east.

And i say WE because i am a christian from Middle East.

If there was a problem with the crusades, it is that they started too late.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
26 May 2017 /  #239
Year on year you see more people in Warsaw whose appearance suggests they have roots outside our Europe. No bad thing at all.

The same can be said of other Western European cities. For example, your home country's city of Manchester:

The faces of diversity indeed.

It's quite telling that these fanatics lived in Blighty for decades and in some cases were even granted asylum as well - just like all the millions of other so-called "refugees" pouring into Europe from the Middle East and Africa are claiming.

They have demonstrated that after decades of residency they not only failed to integrate but they became rabid against their new homeland and fellow citizens. They did not subscribe to the untenable "civic nationalism" that leftists push in a desperate bid to hold together the fractured societies they have willfully created.

Similar patterns have been seen in France, Germany, Sweden and other European countries. Not just in the past few years but over decades now where those "whose appearance suggests they have roots outside of Europe" have not integrated either. Nor have their offspring.

So why on earth should anyone believe it would be different in Warsaw or anywhere else in Poland? Case in point, take some of the notorious posters on here. They boast about living in Poland for years if not decades now. Yet they became little more than recluses who never integrated either. Instead they vent their frustrations through antagonistic posts railing against Poles and Poland virtually daily on PF. Sure their bad conduct can be regarded as a regular nuisance to be largely ignored because they are aging out. But they too have behaved in disturbing anti-social ways in the real world such as stalking and seeking to ruin other posters' careers and relationships. So if they can hold such ungrateful and bigoted attitudes towards Poland as their host country and act spitefully towards those who love Poland then imagine hordes of others migrants to Poland who are much younger, motivated, and radicalized. Hordes whose appearances not only suggest they have roots outside of Europe but whose violent goals to disrupt, destroy and replace Polish society confirm that their roots outside of Poland are not only deep but well watered with the blood of unbelievers who refused to submit.

Poland was affected by this disgusting attack in Manchester.

Other patriotic posters have shared the tragic reports that a Polish couple were violently murdered by that racist Semitic extremist loser and his network of thugs. Now their Polish children must face a long sad life ahead without their parents. How are they supposed to just move on? Are they supposed to find comfort when an entitled buffoon like Sadiq Khan - the affirmative action mayor of London - says that terror attacks are just 'part and parcel' of living in a major city?

What's even more telling is that the usual gang of diversity pimps on here have suddenly gone quiet following this horrendous crime. I take it their silence equates to their gleeful consent to this Medieval barbarism.
jon357  72 | 22980  
26 May 2017 /  #240
Most terrorism in Manchester (and there has been sadly plenty over the years) was actually carried out by Catholics from Ireland. This latest outrage was done by a born and bred British citizen - certainly not a migrant.

And Manchester stands strong, with local churchgoers and mosque worshippers reaching out in friendship, and will remain every bit as diverse as ever before.

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