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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?

OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
14 Apr 2017 /  #181
Then Jesus was born and the New Testament was written (God's inspired word) from His teachings for Christians to follow as the Old Testament was mostly outdated by that time.

No where in the New Testament that I know of does it say it is o.k. to stone an unruly child to death.
Did you have a point ?
Didn't see any of you at mass this morning on Good Friday so that is maybe why you are so ignorant to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Oh and it was exactly at this time of day in Poland that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins to make it possible for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Please bow your heads in respect and give praise.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
14 Apr 2017 /  #182
Did I answer your question for you ?

The bible teaches that it's OK to stone unruly children to death. Did you have a point?

Your answer is in my post above.
Now let me ask you, did you have a point ?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
14 Apr 2017 /  #183
The point is as I have already said that Islam is not compatible with the western or European civilization - whatever you would like to call it.

Transplanting a large groups of Muslim into those countries is asking for trouble or brewing trouble for various reasons - that is semi-evident.
Seemingly only commies or progressives which is basically the same have this notion that they can by throwing at Muslim money, privileges and brainwashing education to concoct some kind of Islam light - basically the same niche that have for Christianity and they are so dumb and full of themselves that think that can pull it off. Meaning they like Muslim because they have a common enemy - w western civilization. That is it. Nothing more to it.

Whereas if we want to talk about merits and follows of the Islam there is plenty to go around. In fact Islam has many flaws. For example there is no one who can condemn( provided someone would want to do it) terrorist attacks from the point of view of the Islam because there would be plenty of those who condone them and their actions. All those voices count the same in Islam.

Any looser with problems and issues can go out with the bang taking with him as many non Muslim as he can, and is assured that he'll go to heaven by the Islam. That is a main stream Islam not some firings. So, yes if the Islam the way it is can be hold responsible for terrorist attacks - indeed to a large degree it can.

Muslim countries are some of the poorest in the world.

Some Muslim countries other Muslim countries count as the richest in the world.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
14 Apr 2017 /  #184
Agreed yet those countries are not where the invaders are coming from.
They are coming from the poor Muslim countries.
And let's reverse the role here and say a couple million Christians moved into a poor Muslim country and set up shop demanding free handouts, praying Christianity prayer by blaring it over loud speakers down public streets, having women showing their bare arms and legs walking in public without their head not covered with their hair blowing in the wind wearing lipstick, insisting that pork be sold in their meat shops and to demand Western laws be implemented so the Muslims would be required to honor them......just how do you think the Westerners would be treated by FORCING their culture and religious beliefs on a poor Muslim country ?

Poland knows very well the agenda of these people and want no part of them.
nothanks  - | 626  
14 Apr 2017 /  #185
Don't keep people down and they won't behave as if they're disempowered

Lol. Blacks in America are constantly over jumped by Latin Americans with no english (black Americans are capable of at least one language right?) and no technical skills. Blacks are at the bottom because of their own decision making and overall entitlement. Maybe it's different in the South/North but in the West I never saw a black landscaper. I saw Latinos being dropped off at school with a lawnmower in their fathers truck bed. NO WAY you'd see that with blacks. They too cool.
spiritus  69 | 643  
14 Apr 2017 /  #186
......just how do you think the Westerners would be treated by FORCING their culture and religious beliefs on a poor Muslim country ?

This is not a rhetorical question. Can the liberals on this board (you know who you are) please answer Johnny's question ?
jon357  72 | 23361  
15 Apr 2017 /  #187
Blacks are at the bottom

Because white-skinned nomarks kept them there. The future will be very different.
15 Apr 2017 /  #188
Then Jesus was born and the New Testament was written (God's inspired word) from His teachings for Christians to follow

How surprising that you have no idea what the new testament says about Jesus' teachings. In the unlikely event that you do ever read any of the bible, do pay attention to Matthew 5:17-18

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2017 /  #189

"And let's reverse the role here and say a couple million Christians moved into a poor Muslim country and set up shop demanding free handouts, praying Christianity prayer by blaring it over loud speakers down public streets, having women showing their bare arms and legs walking in public without their head not covered with their hair blowing in the wind wearing lipstick, insisting that pork be sold in their meat shops and to demand Western laws be implemented so the Muslims would be required to honor them......just how do you think the Westerners would be treated by FORCING their culture and religious beliefs on a poor Muslim country ?"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Apr 2017 /  #190
Poland knows very well the agenda of these people and want no part of them.

You really should visit Warsaw sometime. Warsaw is full of Muslims, particularly in the centre. You've never been here, so you have no idea about the open door policy that Poland has.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
15 Apr 2017 /  #191
A government open door policy has nothing to do with how the majority of Polish citizens feel about it.
Don't have to live there to read the post on this forum, read e-mails from my Polish friends who live in Poland, read the newspapers, read the news on the internet from it's news agencies and many other sources to so I have a very good idea how the Polish people feel.

You being a Scottish foreigner guest in Poland may see it different which is your personal 'opinion'.
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2017 /  #192
Warsaw is full of Muslims, particularly in the centre

You've never lived amongst the muslim community but it doesn't stop you from thinking that you know better than people who live among them
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Apr 2017 /  #193
A government open door policy has nothing to do with how the majority of Polish citizens feel about it.

You haven't got a clue how Polish people feel about it. The fact that there's no voice (except among the very, very fringe minority) saying anything about it says it all. Try passing through Warszawa Centralna sometime, you'll see a huge amount of foreigners there.

You being a Scottish foreigner guest in Poland may see it different which is your personal 'opinion'.

I'm not a "guest" here.

You've never lived amongst the muslim community but it doesn't stop you from thinking that you know better than people who live among them

As I've just said, Warsaw is full of Muslims. Perhaps you'd be wise to take a trip yourself before making comment.
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2017 /  #194
As I've just said, Warsaw is full of Muslims. Perhaps you'd be wise to take a trip yourself before making comment.

Au contraire ma Cherie. I do not live in Warsaw so I'm not qualified to comment on your claim although "full of Muslims" does seem a little of an exaggeration.

I was pointing out your hypocrisy in dismissing someone else's opinion because they do not live in the country/place that is being discussed yet you find it very easy to do the exact same thing on matters connected to the UK and the muslim community in general.

I was going to end it there but........ in for a penny in for a pound. What % of Warsaw's population is muslim ? I am presuming you wouldn't just make a wild, outlandish claim without any factual reference.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
15 Apr 2017 /  #195
I do not live in Warsaw

Neither does delph.
That makes your claims/opinions equal on Warsaw matters.
Do I have to live in Poland to now that it snows there ?
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2017 /  #196
Neither does delph.That makes your claims/opinions equal on Warsaw matters

Let's wait for him to back his claim up with some facts.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Apr 2017 /  #197
Last census in Poland was in 2011. Warsaw has changed a hell of a lot in 6 years.

Just take a trip to Warszawa Centralna and see it for yourself. You'll be staggered to see just how many brown skinned people are walking around.
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2017 /  #198
Just take a trip to Warszawa Centralna and see it for yourself. You'll be staggered to see just how many brown skinned people are walking around

Right. So you've gone from declaring that Warsaw is "full of muslims" to "you'll be staggered to see just how many brown skinned people are walking around".

Are you going to inject a fact here at any time or just make pronouncements as and when you see fit that are based on nothing more than your own personal perception ?

I'm surprised that you obviously equate "brown skinned people" with muslims-how do you know what religion the people you pass on the street are.

I await some facts to back up your claim that Warsaw is full of muslims.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Apr 2017 /  #199
I await some facts to back up your claim that Warsaw is full of muslims.

You're welcome to wait until the 2021 census to establish a number. Or you can go and see for yourself, which is easy enough to do.
spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2017 /  #200
Why should I be the one who has to establish a number ??? You are the one who claimed that Warsaw is full of muslims so lets have the facts that led you to make that claim.

You've had three attempts so far and wriggled out of every opportunity to support your claim
jon357  72 | 23361  
15 Apr 2017 /  #201
Just take a trip to Warszawa Centralna and see it for yourself.

Year on year you see more people in Warsaw whose appearance suggests they have roots outside our Europe. No bad thing at all.
nothanks  - | 626  
15 Apr 2017 /  #202
As I've just said, Warsaw is full of Muslims

I see you intensely defending the EU in another thread and I believe we both agree the EU is supportive if not even forcing the importing of Muslims/ethnics

What is your personal goal/thoughts? Do you view Poland as too homogenous, too one track minded, too close minded and/or too excluding to foreigners? Are you an European expat living in Poland that believes more foreigners over time will make your life easier in Poland?

No bad thing at all.

Your statement is equal to "Non-Poles only bring trouble"

The truth is somewhere in between
16 Apr 2017 /  #203
The country is 98% Polish.

I have Polish friends, foreign friends, and 1 Palistinian friend.

The only thing I will say is that some people can quickly make you feel very educated when they open their mouths on the subject, even some of your best friends. The fact that nobody here speaks French is another reason. Okay, France is now one of the most islamophobic places going, but anyone who has lived there has interacted with and socialised with Arabs.

Think of it more as ignorance than racism and you won't get offended.

The ones who keep their mouths shut in Poland are the smartest. I have heard and seen this discussed a lot and after the 3rd or 4th time started to notice a lot of Poles I know saying nothing while others I know were arguing over it with other foreigners. I took that as a sign of intelligence and followed suit.

A lot of white foreigners here are guilty of the same thing. Don't kid yourself-if you live here you're an immigrant too.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
16 Apr 2017 /  #204
No bad thing at all.

Unless you are a Polish native living in your predominantly conservative Catholic country and want to keep your culture 'Polish only' for your children.
Something ex-pats must learn to respect while being guest immigrants in their host country.
It's not the place as an ex-pat to try and influence to "enrich" another's culture to your personal liking.
Poland does not want their Country infiltrated with Islam despite what an ex-pat from Britain may wish for them.
Look what they have done in your home country so why would you call that "not a bad thing" ?
Why would you wish such a burden on Poland ?
Seems if you enjoyed these invaders so much that you would move back to London into one of their "NO GO" neighborhoods with Sharia Law.

Keep Poland Polish !
16 Apr 2017 /  #205
In my experience most of the real racists are middle aged or older men with nothing else to whinge about in life.

That fact crosses borders. Just look at Brexit, Trump, PIS voters etc.

They're usually fools who only speak their own native language and have very limited intelligence.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
16 Apr 2017 /  #206
most of the real racists are middle aged or older men

That's because with age comes wisdom.

The younger whipper snappers usually have no common sense.

And common sense is like deodorant, people that need it most don't use it.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Apr 2017 /  #207
In my experience most of the real racists are middle aged or older men with nothing else to whinge about in life.

really? i tho kukiz,onr,korwins party all based on young people electorate(NOTthat they racist in my book).while KOD ,SLD and PO in the other hand are all grumpy ,old ,post commie beton

how about compare polish nationalist parade to KODorasty horde and see yrself
so much from your experience.why so much generalising from such "tolerant open minded " person?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Apr 2017 /  #208
Are you an European expat living in Poland that believes more foreigners over time will make your life easier in Poland?

Actually, my views are quite hardline. I'm against non-EU immigration unless there's a clear shortage of labour, and even then, we should be giving priority to those from the former Soviet Union over anyone else. We can make exceptions for highly skilled engineers, programmers, doctors, etc, but not for idiots without an education and experience. There's no purpose whatsoever for Poland to give residence permits to "students" (like we see on PF) that are coming to work in kebab, and I think the criteria for citizenship for non-EU citizens should be considerably tighter - even 10 to 15 years. I don't see any need to allow Ahmed to work in kebab when Ihor from Ukraine can also work in kebab.

The current system where Poland offers cheap "studies" to non-EU citizens who use it as a backdoor into Europe while working full time is simply not acceptable. We can access (easily) around 300 million people from the FSU - we simply don't need low-cost Asian or African labour. Should we take in someone from Africa who has a PhD and is an expert in his field? Yes, of course. Should we take in some idiot from the desert who "fell in love" with his exceptionally stupid wife who met him on a beach selling necklaces? Hahaha. No.

I'm not against taking refugees, but I absolutely think that we shouldn't worry too much if they simply vanish into Germany. I mean, we could settle them near the German border, and what they do from there is their own business and not ours. We could even settle them in somewhere like SÅ‚ubice or Kostrzyn, where they only have an hour on the train to Berlin. It's in fact the easiest way to do things, and would have avoided a pointless clash with the EU.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
16 Apr 2017 /  #209
Actually, my views are quite hardline. I'm against non-EU immigration

Is that you Delph, I think i must have got you all wrong in the past
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
16 Apr 2017 /  #210
having women showing their bare arms and legs walking in public without their head not covered with their hair blowing in the wind wearing lipstick, insisting that pork be sold in their meat shops and to demand Western laws be implemented so the Muslims would be required to honor them

which poor muslim country doesn't allow such ? In Syria (where a big portion of refugees come from) everything of the above is available, most muslims come from countries that have secular laws, and just few have "sharia laws" , mauritania, sudan, saudi arabia, iran, afghanistan and pakistan, now how many of these come to Europe and want to "enforce" their laws on westerners ?

You've never lived amongst the muslim community but it doesn't stop you from thinking that you know better than people who live among them

I have. and non of them has the attitude of " I want to come to Europe to enforce muslim law that isn't enforced in my country"

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