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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?

spiritus  69 | 643  
4 Apr 2017 /  #151
alienated and unsettled muslims deciding that if the locals are too wussy to make sure their culture is dominant then they will make _their_ values dominant

100% agree with this
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
4 Apr 2017 /  #152
"Multiculturalism" merely translates into cheap labor, unwanted by the masses and brought in by the higher ups without referendum and without consultation:-)
paul02  - | 16  
5 Apr 2017 /  #153
@spiritus touché

I feel a little proud of Russia and Poland, it seems to be the few countries left where people seem to have backbone and religious faith in Christianity.

Look at the secular Europe and USA, all slowly crumbling because they have been deserting their beliefs.

Hope you guys keep it up and keep the faith.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
5 Apr 2017 /  #154
In Christianity alone??!

Last time I checked, we call it the JUDEO-Christian tradition:-) Where then did all the stuff come from which Christians hold so dear aka monotheism, code of ethics (Ten Commandments)?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2017 /  #155
I feel a little proud of Russia

Fortunately, we in Poland feel no pride towards Russia.
paul02  - | 16  
5 Apr 2017 /  #156
You speak for the whole of Poland?

What's the story behind your statement anyway?
Kuzyn  - | 22  
6 Apr 2017 /  #157

Rosjanie 22 23 50 5

Russians - sympathy 22%, indifference 23%, reluctance 50%, hard to say 5%

The biggest "reluctance" according to this raport:
Gypsies - 58%
Russians - 50%
Romanians - 43%
Turks - 36%
Palestinians - 36%
Jews - 32%
Ukrainans - 32%
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
7 Apr 2017 /  #158
Fortunately, we in Poland feel no pride towards Russia.

You're a foreigner and you live in Poland long enough to know that us Poles don't give a crap about what you feel.
Russian Vodka  
7 Apr 2017 /  #159
Religion of peace << HaHa :)
Muslim universal solutions = Chop off head Hahaha
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
7 Apr 2017 /  #160
Fortunately, we in Poland feel no pride towards Russia.

Here he ( a Scotsman ) goes again speaking for the Polish people.

us Poles don't give a crap about what you feel.

Thank you, I have told him that endless times now, however, just "maybe" having hearing it coming from a Polish native he "might" just get it this time.

Why Conservative Poland lets these Liberal Marxists live in Poland to spread their ilk is beyond me.
Keep Islam out so to Keep Poland Polish !
paul02  - | 16  
7 Apr 2017 /  #161
Ok so indifferent to Russians in general then. Thanks for pointing out that he's not a native.

Yes, keep Islam out if possible. If you can't understand why, go dig into the Quran and the life of their "prophet".

All I saw were bad things. Bad bad things.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
10 Apr 2017 /  #162
Poland nor any other western Country can save the Muslims from themselves.
Poland is very aware of this so why open their doors of conservative culture to such dysfunctional people and allow it to become a problem in Poland's back yard.

copy-pasted removed
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
10 Apr 2017 /  #163
Academically, that is, in theory, I tend to agree with maintaining a conservative standard within society. We've seen thus far right here in the US that the melting-pot culture has been falling apart at the seams for quite some time now. I also believe that the death knell of our country was first rung as soon as we abandoned our sense of tribalism aka solidarity, and elitism aka catering to the highest levels of society by raising the bar and then keeping it raised.

Problem is, the world's changing, perhaps the worse, and Poland (like the rest of the Continent) can run, but she can't hide forever. Sooner, rather than later, she's going to have to stop running and, like the old saying goes, "If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em!", gut wrenchingly painful and a blow to national pride as this may well be!!

Realizing Poland ISN'T the US or Britain, one can't stop the pace of regress:-)
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
10 Apr 2017 /  #164
Muslim countries are some of the poorest in the world.
Muslim countries also have the highest birth rates.
The Muslim world is expanding unsustainably.
Muslims tend to underperform their non - Muslim neighbors both educationally and economically.
Muslims carry with them the dysfunction of their culture that will make them a burden and a threat to any civilized country.
Muslim countries are running out of room to grow.
We can't save Muslims from themselves.
We can only save ourselves from their violence.
spiritus  69 | 643  
10 Apr 2017 /  #165
Problem is, the world's changing, perhaps the worse

That's certainly the direction we're heading in.

I wonder if the fall over the edge of the cliff is inevitable or is there still time to redress the balance.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
10 Apr 2017 /  #166

Naturally, I meant that tribalism, that is, the feeling of belonging to the same ilk, tribe or peoples of common origin, was still quite pervasive in the States prior to the mid-sixties when "Do your own thing!" overtook "Do the RIGHT thing!!".


@sanctus spiritus, indeed that inevitable precipice continues to loom large on the horizon. Hopefully, sanity will soon prevail before we're all pushed over the brink!
Joker  2 | 2211  
13 Apr 2017 /  #167
We can only save ourselves from their violence.

Put a ban on them before they destroy Poland and the US as well.

Trump was right to ban the 7 countries, it didn't go far enough.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
13 Apr 2017 /  #168
"Hate the sin, but not the sinner"

That's a Christian principle too, Johnny:-)

Again, learn wisdom, NOT certainty.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
13 Apr 2017 /  #169
"Hate the sin, but not the sinner"

I do believe that and is EXACTLY what I said professor.

We can only save ourselves from their violence.

How could you possibly suggest my wisdom was 'certainty' ? lol
Poland is not blind to the motives of their agenda as Poland is seeing how the EU is being destroyed by the great invasion.
Poland does not want this to happen to their Country by any uncivilized nation.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
13 Apr 2017 /  #170
Syria, Saudi Arabia etc. are NOT "uncivilized" nations, Johnny, this is typically W.A.S.P. ethnocentrism. They've been around much longer than we, and, if you recall, brought algebra and medicine (the great medaeval doctor Rhazez) to Western Europe.

Fundamentalist extremism has marred their once much admired reputation for science and learning.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
13 Apr 2017 /  #171
Syria, Saudi Arabia etc. are NOT "uncivilized" nations, Johnny, this is typically W.A.S.P. ethnocentrism.

Are you suggesting that is what I was implying AGAIN ????
You must have misunderstood again.
RE read my post and dicipher it the way I intended it and not the way you want to for the sake of argument.
(your annoying trait)
Poland sees how the invaders are destroying the EU's culture and economy which has NOTHING to do with W.A.S.P. ethnocentrism.
This just shows how bitter and hateful you feel toward us conservative people who have WORKED building our successful cultures over generations of hard work and civilized morals.

Something you Socialist take and enjoy but give nothing back.
Poland wants no part of their Country to suffer because of such uncivilized unsuccessful cultures.
Cultures that beat their women, use poison gas on their own people, push gays off roof tops, rape children, chop fingers off...........
Is that more better or will you double down to argue your useless point.
My guess is you will choose the later of the two which I will not reply to your stupidity.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Apr 2017 /  #172
Cultures that beat their women

Poland, then. Domestic violence is a huge problem in PL.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
13 Apr 2017 /  #173
The inroads made by cultures from lower-wage countries are to be sure jarring, perhaps even unnecessary, but as long as the industrialized nations continue to lust after cheaper and cheaper labor, there will be more presently Third World societies streaming en masse, unwanted (albeit invited) into the European continent!
spiritus  69 | 643  
13 Apr 2017 /  #174
there will be more presently Third World societies streaming en masse, unwanted (albeit invited) into the European continent!@ Lyzko

"invited" ? The masses of migrants from the African continent are certainly NOT invited. Why did you say that ?
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
13 Apr 2017 /  #175
Domestic violence is a huge problem in PL.

The high alcoholism rate in PL might have something do with that.

as the industrialized nations continue to lust after cheaper and cheaper labor,

Once the worlds economy crashes, and it will, people will be forced to swallow their vanity and pride and be begging for those jobs.
Government welfare programs is what draws these invaders, not cheap labor.
Most of them have no desire to work, learn the local language or acclimate to a host country.
They offer absolutely nothing besides vicious crimes, can't read or write and take everything they can for FREE, things that they never contributed to, things that the host country have worked for for generations.

I laugh when I hear "cheap labor" and think to myself, "hey Bud, you ain't worth anymore then that with an eighth grade mentality and a long arrest record and can't pass a drug screening test.

You are only worth the minimum because that is all you have to offer is the minimum."
Don't tell that to a Liberal Socialist though.
jon357  72 | 22980  
14 Apr 2017 /  #176
The high alcoholism rate in PL might have something do with that.

In rural areas especially this can be a big problem. And it's usually the wife (and always the children) who suffer. Muslims here aren't part of that though - they often see alcohol the way someone from Britain sees marijuana; they know it's legal in some places and they know that others use it, they might even break the rules if they're on holiday and try some however it's something that they've been told throughout their whole lives that they should stay away from.

Once the worlds economy crashes, and it will, people will be forced to swallow their vanity and pride and be begging for those jobs.

A lot of people in Europe (I'm thinking Brexiters) conveniently forget that the gastarbeiters working on building sites in Germany before 1989 did not come from Poland, Czech and Romania.

Most of them have no desire to work, learn the local language or acclimate to a host country.

I've never met any immigrant who doesn't want to work hard and ensure their kids have a better life than they did.
nothanks  - | 626  
14 Apr 2017 /  #177
invited" ? The masses of migrants from the African continent are certainly NOT invited. Why did you say that ?

Which makes Western cries of "we owe it to humanity" even more laughable considering the only difference between Middle East and Africa is oil (and Israel).

Invited or not - Western Civilization (especially Europe) are trapped in some out dated honor system. Sure my father left Germany when he was instructed to because he wasn't starving and/or facing life or death back in Poland

When do we see external European borders reinforced? Will we ever? I know its "just an English/German/Swedish or even Italian problem" today but eventually these people or at least their off spring will be in possession of European passports. Imagine the frustration when Polish university graduates still have to get behind some "German born" ethnic that graduated in Germany. Germany has already lowered academic standards recently in response to the migration.

I've never met any immigrant who doesn't want to work hard and ensure their kids have a better life than they did.

Recent Islamic migrants aside - that drive and sacrifice tends to decrease in the 2nd generation. Look at blacks in America - laziest bunch on the planet. Their ancestors during the Civil Rights movement surely were not
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
14 Apr 2017 /  #178
For a Muslim alcohol is not needed to commit domestic violence the Quran teaches that is acceptable to beat your wife

"admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great."
jon357  72 | 22980  
14 Apr 2017 /  #179
acceptable to beat your wife

Acceptable (and perfectly legal) in Britain until a few generations ago. Most people didn't of course and nor do most Muslims now.

blacks in America - laziest bunch on the planet.

Don't keep people down and they won't behave as if they're disempowered.
14 Apr 2017 /  #180
the Quran teaches that is acceptable to beat your wife

The bible teaches that it's OK to stone unruly children to death. Did you have a point?

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