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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?

4 Jun 2017 /  #391

Multi-culti and PC which try to downplay heinous Muslim terrorist attacks on innocent people or refer to them as "incidents" have only emboldened the desert scum and created a state of public psychosis in Europe. Last night, during the Champions League final in Turin, a firecracker was mistaken for a bomb in a fanzone, triggering a wild stampede in which nearly 1,600 people were injured. Things have got to where the Muslim fanatics can win a battle even without sending in a single towelhead warrior. What's the solution? Don't ask a leftist-libretard, because he'll only tell you: MORE PC!
Joker  2 | 2351  
4 Jun 2017 /  #392
I think the tourism industry for Europe especially in England is going to take a big hit this summer. Who in their right mind would want to take a European vacation? You would have to be crazy to go there, its too dangerous and out of control!

Political Correctness is destroying Europe!

Don't ask a leftist-libretard, because he'll only tell you: MORE PC!
@ polonius5

Prime Minister May`s speech wasn't very reassuring, sounds like more PC safe zone rambling and NO action.
UpperSilesian  - | 4  
4 Jun 2017 /  #393
Prime Minister May

Words are cheap. But fighting cyber radicalsm??? LMFAO Are they even trying?
Yay ... I was so afraid lately a bomba cyfrowa might go off while beeing online.

Lads... it's over. Move to Eastern Europe or better yet invest in the future of your children and marry Chinese.
spiritus  69 | 643  
4 Jun 2017 /  #394
Lads... it's over. Move to Eastern Europe

Wouldn't it be ironic if the Brexit'ers who wanted Poles out of the UK end up seeing Poland in 20 years time as a non-muslim sanctuary ?

Maybe, just maybe I'm starting to see a shift in the attitude here in the UK. People are getting pi**ed with the fact that EVERY terrorist act carried out over here is by muslims who make it abundantly clear they are doing it in the name of Allah.
Crow  154 | 9489  
4 Jun 2017 /  #395
What Poles say


peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2017 /  #396
I was in pub a couple of hundred meters away from the attack. Buggers closed London Bridge station so I had to walk to Waterloo instead.

Nice to see that people, thousands of miles away, view this as the end of civilisation as we know it.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
4 Jun 2017 /  #397
Nice to see that people, thousands of miles away, view this as the end of civilisation as we know it.

No. It's just the new normal in western Europe where hardly a month goes by without some islamic crazy killing a half dozen to a few dozen people (and gangs of mostly muslims systematically sexually abuse young non-muslim women to the apathy of goodthinkers). If you're okay with that continuing for the foreseeable future, then.... carry on.

But don't expect other countries to want to sign on for the program that brought it about.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2017 /  #398
You guys tend to forget that most of the disgusting animals who were/ are responsible for the past and recent attacks in Britain have been British citizens. Born and bred in the U.K.! What do you suggest how this issue should be resolved? Deport them based on their faith? That's like kicking out the Tatars in Poland because they are muslim. Prohibit Islam? Then you'd have to do the same for Buddhism, Christianity and every other faith. Legally, you can't do much. Unless you want to copy the Germany of the mid 1930's, that is.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
4 Jun 2017 /  #399
You guys tend to forget that most of the disgusting animals who are/ were responsible for the recent attacks have been British citizens.

Well radically curtailing immigration from countries liable to produce terrorists in a generation or two would be a start.

That's like kicking out the Tatars in Poland

It might be if the Tatars ran around committing terrorist acts, they don't, so it's a terrible analogy.

Legally, you can't do much.

Then welcome to the new normal! Just hope you're not struck by muslim lightning.

There are lots of things worth doing that are completely legal (or should be) but the British public is okay with things as they are now, so good luck!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #400
Nice to see that people, thousands of miles away, view this as the end of civilisation as we know it.

It is even nicer that we don't have to listen to you Europ's tell us about all the mass murders in America anymore now that you are dealing with them too or what an idiot Trump is for wanting to build a wall to secure our borders.

Your Bias Liberal P.C. News media (and P.C. posters here) have gone silent on those issues for some funny reason.
People who witnessed the two deadly terrorist attacks on Saturday reportedly said some bystanders fought back, throwing glass bottles and hurling chairs at the suspects.

Perhaps it's time to give the people back their guns, that the P.C. government was so hell bent on taking away, so the citizens can defend themselves. :-/

About the first time one of them would say, "I am doing this in the name of Allah" as he swung his knife I would be pointing my .357 at his eye saying, "I am doing this for the sake of self preservation, tell Allah that I said hello." BOOM ! Next.

the UK end up seeing Poland in 20 years time as a non-muslim sanctuary ?

And how many times have I posted those words in the last year here.
I saw the hand writing on the wall of Poland becoming the Safe Sanctuary Country of all of Europe just because of this.
The wealthy will be buying up land like hotcakes in Poland.
Amazing how a Christian Country suddenly is one of the most sought after when the rest of the immoral countries of Europe start falling apart because of P.C.

Perhaps it is time for Poland to start building a wall around their country before it is to late like it is for the rest of crumbling Europe.

better yet invest in the future of your children and marry Chinese.

That may seem far fetched now however you are spot on, just hide and watch.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2017 /  #401
Well radically curtailing immigration from countries liable to produce terrorists

So forget about Commonwealth citizens?

so it's a terrible analogy

No, it's not. No one can guarantee you that one of them won't be radicalized in the future. Same goes for the kids of law abiding British citizens who happen to be muslims. You cannot single out people simply because of their faith. Unless you want to go down the slippery slope that they tried in Germany. Yellow half moons this time? The problem is far more complicated than it looks.

Then welcome to the new normal!

Nothing new really. It goes back to the time when the former colonial powers Britain and France allowed tons of people from their ex colonies in.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
4 Jun 2017 /  #402
So forget about Commonwealth citizens?

Clearly the UK is helpless and nothing can be done. The UK must simply allow large numbers of muslims to immigrate, let some of them radicalize and kill some civilians (every dog gets one bite) and let nature (or in this case radical islamic fundamentalism) take its course.

If that's what the British public want, then fine. Not what I'd choose, but I'm not British. Just don't criticize countries that don't want to go down that path.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2017 /  #403
Just don't criticize countries that don't want to go down that path.

I don't. You'll have to face the facts though. Many of the perpetrators are not migrants/ refugees from Syria and beyond, but domestic terrorists. Who is influencing them? My bet is on the Saudis, but they are now Trump's chums. So much for that.
idem  - | 131  
4 Jun 2017 /  #404
You cannot single out people simply because of their faith.

It is bad idea to single out people because of their faith I think that the only way is to infiltrate religious schools, mosques and get taught on them. Unfortunately they are untouchable because Pc is like committing suicide.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #405
You'll have to face the facts

And the facts are:
My bet is on the Saudi's too except the facts are that Muslim obama was the chum of the Muslim world, not Trump.
(Remember obama's saying the "Muslim Brotherhood".) (Remember Trump saying "bomb the hell out of them ?")
The majority of weapons exported under obama went to the Middle East and Persian Gulf.
obama's chums Saudi Arabia topped the list at $46 billion.
Trump supports Poland for upholding their NATO pledge and refusing to let Merkel force this mess on Poland.
First the Liberals blamed everything on Bush and now they are back trying to blaming everything on Trump when he has only been President for four months ! lol

Trump wants to ban Muslims from certain terrorist countries from entering the United States and the P.C. Liberals are blocking him in the name of Political correctness.

Those are the facts.
Lyzko  43 | 9679  
4 Jun 2017 /  #406
Rather than blame any one president for the excesses of radical extremism, I suggest a book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by a certain Perkins felllow (can't recall his first name), detailing the US role in depleating various Emirates of their oil as well as other natural resources and exploiting their citizens (among the poorest on the planet, except perhaps for Haiti) through deal making with wealthy sheiks, sultans, and other such potentates:-)

Ex-Pres. George W. was often seen just before and after 9/11 literally holding hands with members of Osama's clan and nobody said a thing. Or it they did, they

were roughed up (Randi Rhodes, the radio host) or silenced! Those are facts too!

Although I'm not rationalizing Muslim extremism. it is important to understand its roots in order that we can be clear about the problem we're trying to eliminate.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2017 /  #407
If you're okay with that continuing for the foreseeable future, then.... carry on.

Its a direct result of the actions of the US president Bush and Tony ******* Blair.

There is nothing we can do about it now, except hunt down and kill the *****. Panicking like the Americans are wont to do is pointless.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #408
it is important to understand its roots in order that we can be clear about the problem we're trying to eliminate.

The root is that this is a declared Holy War where Islam's goal is to have Sharia Law prevail world wide.

Panicking like the Americans are

Seems we've heard this song and dance before.......oh yeah, here it is.
A top aide to Mr. Trump added to the criticism of the mayor.
Dan Scavino, the president's director of social media, posted a message referring to Mr. Khan's criticism of Mr. Trump a year ago for his "ignorant view of Muslims."

Today Trump responded to that with the following.
WASHINGTON - President Trump assailed political correctness, gun control supporters and the mayor of London on Sunday, arguing that the world needed to be more serious about fighting terrorism a day after seven people were killed and dozens more wounded in the latest attack in Britain.

"We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people," he wrote on Twitter.
"If we don't get smart it will only get worse."

Rather than blame any one president

Of course since Trump has only been in office for four months trying to clean up obama's messes that obama made in the last eight years it seems hardly fair to blame Trump now does it.

How about the $500 BILLION of frozen assets that obama gave back to Iran who is now selling rocket technology and parts to North Korea to attack the United States with a nuclear war head. Does that count ?

Thank God we now have a President to tell the Politically Correct Liberals that they had a chance and botched things up so bad that it is going to take a whole lot of work to make America Great Again.

The sad part is that there are going to a whole lot of dead people before it is over thanks to the political correct liberal idiots.
Crow  154 | 9489  
4 Jun 2017 /  #409
Why deterrent?

For one, Poles, as sane people and good Slavs, don`t like mutilation of vaginas. Viva la free vagina!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2017 /  #410
The majority of weapons exported under obama went to the Middle East and Persian Gulf.

Americans were always hypocrites when it comes to doing business with the enemy. Starting with George W. Bush's grandfather and Ford, IBM, GM and others making deals with the Nazis, ending with Trump and the military industrial complex selling the Saudi Neanderthals weapons for a cool 100 billion dollars. Forget about "Fighting for freedom and democracy" or "The war on terror" - it's always about making a quick buck.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #411
Starting with George W.

How about starting with Lyndon Bayne Johnson and Vietnam ?
The Liberal Political Correct Greenies (I call them that because the Democrats presently have no leader) are fighting for men to be able to use women's bathrooms while Trump is fighting trying to stop North Korea and Iran from obtaining nuclear warheads capable of hitting he United States since obama didn't have the stones to stop them after they crossed the red line in the sand.

Now we are in one hell of a mess where Poland and the rest of Europe is going to suffer because of it.
You can just blame it on the Conservative People and Trump who have been trying to tell you this for the last eight years.
This is the end result of Socialism, Liberalism and Political Correctness that doesn't work.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
5 Jun 2017 /  #412
Although I'm not rationalizing Muslim extremism. it is important to understand its roots

The roots are roughly:

The overthrow of the Shah by religious extremists in Iran. Well, a majority thought they were just using religion to get rid of a hated dictator, joke was on them as now they're saddled with a religious dictatorship (ironic since Iranians are not especially religious - mosque attendance is almost non-existent).

The seizure of the grand mosque in Mecca in 1979 - this one has really gone down the rabbit hole. But part of the fallout of this typical internecine arab conflict were concessions to radical hardliners at home and a systematic program of exporting wahhabism abroad. This is basically ground zero of the modern jihad movement.

US helping the afhan mujahadin in Afghanistan. The US thought it was helping bog the USSR down in a quagmire using religious crazies. The religious crazies were far too stupid to realize they were pawns in a proxy war - they message they took was that if they were pious enough allah would help them defeat any foe (including the kuffar who irritated them just as muc as the Sovietes did).

In the 20th century up until the 1980s the the muslim world had hitched its cart to westernization, but government misdeeds and corruption and intra-arab and intra-muslim coflicts sunk that creating an ideological vaccuum that the religious crazies were able to take over.

The results of decades of western interference and native fecklessness are the modern jihadi movement. It took decades to create it will take decades to dismantle (and pretending that there is no problem - or that the problem is western "islamophobia", the preferred strategies of politicians, or that modern supremacist political islam is just another religion (the preferred strategy of those that know nothing of history) mean that the effort has not even begun yet.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
7 Nov 2017 /  #413
It has been well over two years now since I started this thread.
All I can say is "WE told you so" didn't we.
This was before Sig & Adrian were here.
We told THEM the same exact things that you are telling them and they still refuse to listen.
Now that the mess has just started in the EU all I have to say is just wait for all their multitude of off spring from these people to start radicalizing and having ten children of their own for the next generation to take over the EU.

Poland seems to be the only country in the EU with an ounce of brains.

The sad part is that it is already to late to fix the problem without deporting the whole lot of them back to where they came from.

Keep Poland Polish !
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
7 Nov 2017 /  #414
and look down on the Polish people

Funny you say that too as a multitude of people have already point that out to him over the years here.
I think the answer to my thread question has been answered by the ACTIONS of these people in the last two years not to mention the tremendous drain to the EU's pocketbook.

And people, it has just started.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
7 Nov 2017 /  #415
@johnny reb

Those stupid Poles, they were really accepting of minorities and people from different cultures, until 2013 and then they just all decided to have a hive mind and completely shift the paradigm of their politics to the right, all due to people who lie and spew bigoted, racist, ideology based on a false narrative and using false facts and scare mongering tactics. They literally changed their political viewpoints based on the influence of some right-wing blowhards. Those of us on the left bare absolutely no responsibility in our policies for Poles waking up on the wrong side of the bed in 2013 and deciding to abandon the idea of multiculturalism that they showed such a promise of embracing 1 year prior.

Roger5  1 | 1432  
7 Nov 2017 /  #416
Sig, Poland is not as conservative or as Catholic as the numbers might suggest. If you ever migrate here, you'll find out.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
10 Nov 2017 /  #417
Why do you keep sublimating by pushing such propaganda on the youth of the EU and especially Poland Roger ?
You are another one that wants to destroy Poland's conservative and Christian culture to promote your Commie Liberal Socialism with your brainwashing.
Poland is more Catholic than any other place in the world next to the Vatican.
That is another reason Poland does not want Muslims in their country.
They do not want their ideologies to be censored, to feel uncomfortable or shamed by Islam. (or ex-pats)
Poland wants to be sure that Christian traditions are not subject to "ideological censorship" in the European Union, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Thursday, emphasizing her party's opposition to Muslim immigration.

The greater majority of Poland does not want Muslim immigration.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
10 Nov 2017 /  #418
@johnny reb

When you are so heavily invested in a worldview that is crumbling before your very eyes, you have two choices 1)admit you're wrong and chart a different course, or 2.) double down on stupid.

After Brexit I thought the EU might wise up, they've decided to double down on stupid. The Democrats suffered one of the biggest political upsets in American history, and the party has the lowest approval ratings in the last 25 years, they also for the time being, have decided to double down on stupid.

When you espouse things for instance, like Harry said the other day, that Poland was really accepting of other races and ideologies until 'people like me' started 'lying' about them. Yes of course, leftists bare no responsibility for pushing all of those fence leaning centrists to the right, and the right leaners, to the far-right. When people believe (whether real or imagined) that they are under assault, their way of life, their heritage, they will push back. It really doesn't matter if your argument is correct, or if multiculturalism is a good or bad thing (it's a proven failure now, it is decisively bad, as Al Gore would say 'the debate is over), those people will act to protect their interests. Shaming people for being white, shaming people for being Christian, shaming people for being successful, if you really think that is the way to build bridges, to condescend, to white-knight for special interests, to fight for 82 genders, police peoples speech, and to overdose the world on political correctness; if you think that will build bridges, you are sorely mistaken, but don't take my word for it, just keep on losing elections until you learn.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Nov 2017 /  #419
... multiculturalism ... (it's a proven failure now, it is decisively bad

So you're saying the 250 year old American experiment has failed? Got any alternatives?

just keep on losing elections until you learn.

You mean like in Virginia and New Jersey? LOL!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7911  
11 Nov 2017 /  #420
What changed in New Jersey and Virginia ?
It's still the same ole same ole.
Now have some self control and get back on topic. (doubtful)

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