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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?

idem  - | 131  
31 May 2017 /  #361
I think far left hides uncomfortable things and far right emphasise them .

Both are dangerous - by hiding bad occurrence people cannot deal with them on time but emphasising them cause intolerance, prejudice.

I don't think there is threat from 'muslim' community in Poland now but looking at west/east Europe prognosis are sad. Not so much threat from muslim communities but threat of thousands of unchecked people coming from everywhere. It is like if you opened door in your house and invited everyone from the street. It is not going to happen as we invite people who we know,or friend's friend....

Why do you think that far right backfires in Poland now?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 May 2017 /  #362
To be continued in private:-)

I see your box no longer accepts private messages from member posters at this time. Pity. I think your native language might be interfering slightly with your understanding of my point.
idem  - | 131  
31 May 2017 /  #363

I am not sure about it. I have been living for long enough in UK to understand perfectly well different points of view including very British sarcasm maybe just Americans speak in 'different language' :-)
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
31 May 2017 /  #364
the far-right which has been stoking hatred

I have never seen the Right do things the Left has been doing like burning the American flag, having violent protest on the street physically assaulting people, burning buildings, bussing in protesters to agitate, lie in the bias Left news media and on and on

The Left are the ones that are full of hate.
The latest is the big lie of global climate change to suppress the poor people that the Left says they are trying to help.
Just for and example how the poor people of Africa are sitting on a wealth of natural resources like oil and the Left Greenies refuse to give big oil permits to go in and harvest it because it would ruin the environment in Africa lie.

God forbid people be independent from a One World Order of Greenie Environmentalists so they can be successful in life.
Meanwhile the poor people suffer with no chance of a better life because of this.
The Muslims population will be 50% of the world population by he end of this century and that means Sharia Law Buddy. Wake up.
I have never seen so much HATE that the Left have been demonstrating in the last forty years and it is getting worse every year.

You are one Low Information Voter Lyzko if you really think the people of Poland are so dumb that they can't see through your propaganda.

The TRUTH is always RIGHT and the LIES are always LEFT !
The Left can not debate the FACTS and that is why the Left is having so many meltdowns and stomping their feet with their demands.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 May 2017 /  #365
?? I've had countless years of experience with multi-lingual multinationals such as yourself and can see from your English that something's definitely "lost in the translation":-)

Juz sprobujemy prywatnie napisac sobie po polsku, dobra?

TheOther  6 | 3596  
31 May 2017 /  #366
The TRUTH is always RIGHT

Yeah, and we all know that the Clown d'Orange and his followers always tell the truth. Why don't you go and covfefe yourself? LOL!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Jun 2017 /  #367
@Joker, who's patting? I'm merely being honest, that's all:-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
1 Jun 2017 /  #368
German man who tied a noose around his wife's neck and dragged her through the streets tied to the back of their car as their two-year-old son watched is jailed for 14 years

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4561744/Man-jailed-dragging-ex-wife-car.html#ixzz4imOmY8tk


The judge blasted the 'outdated' views that the accused held about women in general and his wife in particular that had 'no place in modern times.'

May the government of Poland protect our women and girls from this horror.
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 Jun 2017 /  #369
Terrible. Great sickness befall those who consider themselves to be Germans. Its the punishment by God, for as people say, when He wants to punish one, He make mess of ones brain.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
1 Jun 2017 /  #370
Don't quite see the point here, nor do I for one appreciate the errant and random German bashing!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
2 Jun 2017 /  #371
random German bashing!

C'mon, random German bashing is one of the few ways that Europeans from different countries can bond! Why do you want to take that away?
spiritus  69 | 643  
2 Jun 2017 /  #372
Don't quite see the point here, nor do I for one appreciate the errant and random German bashing!

Right but Pole bashing on this forum is perfectly acceptable to you ?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
2 Jun 2017 /  #373
Who's bashing the Poles? Yo dude, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!! Sure, the truth hurts, but in the long run the more you love someone or something, the more you'll be willing to tell unpleasant truths...in a tactful way of course:-)
spiritus  69 | 643  
2 Jun 2017 /  #374
Who's bashing the Poles?

you really can't see what Delph has been doing this last week ???? I don't believe you
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Jun 2017 /  #375
erman man who tied a noose around his wife's neck and dragged her through the streets tied to the back of their car as their two-year-old son watched

I could hardly call him German. He is Kurdish/Turkish bringing the culture of beating the wife with him into Germany. It is irrelevant he has a German citizenship.

really can't see what Delph has been doing this last week ????

Maybe Delph will come up with a similar story about a Pole dragging his wife through the streets.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
2 Jun 2017 /  #376
He is Kurdish/Turkish bringing the culture of beating the wife with him into Germany.

That was my point it was the newspaper headline and the German court refering to him as German.

Hmm I see that in hindsight I should have put the article headline in quotation marks ,
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2017 /  #377
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?

Nothing! You already told her twice!

No but seriously that's not right... That's always really bugged me when id see a man hit, even if its a slap, a woman. Then the jury gasps when the prosecutor explains how the woman murdered her husband or cut off his junk..

You'd think you wouldn't have to explain to some men that you can't hit your wife, you can't have sex with a teenager, you can't force your wife to stay in the house but no...

I remember watching this one documentary (I believe vice) on Afghanistan where a rather high ranking us officer explained to his counterpart in Afghanistan that he can't have citizens - especially chai boys - at forward operating bases or police stations. The afghani officer responded 'well what do you expect them to fxxk? Their grandmothers!?'

Perhaps it would be a good idea to place incoming migrants and refugees into a sort of education camp for a short period of time so that they can learn the social norms, customs, and also provide them with info on how to obtain language lessons, hospital services, whatever. This is what south Korea does to north Koreans once they arrive in the country. No one there complains that its cruel or anything and the people who go through it appreciate it because without it they'd feel even more lost in a new society. However some people equate such education centers as concentration camps even though clearly its meant only to help newcomers assimilate.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
2 Jun 2017 /  #378
Germans refer to such fellow citizens living within their midst who hold German citizenship, were also BORN in Germany (though aren't technically "ethnic" German) as "Auslandsdeutsche" aka "foreign Germans"!

While perhaps judged unfair from an Anglo-Saxon perspective, Germany is far from the only country which tends to single out those of foreign parentage or lineage by their ethnicity as different from their nationality:-)
Crow  154 | 9260  
2 Jun 2017 /  #379
Why deterrent?

Because Poles aren`t blind and naive.
spiritus  69 | 643  
3 Jun 2017 /  #380
and what seems like another terrorist attack is unfolding in London at this minute.

I am going to take a wild guess that Islamic terrorists are behind it
idem  - | 131  
3 Jun 2017 /  #381
BBC reports it as 'major incident' so nothing to worry......they will again: put some flowers, hold hands ,draw big hearts and problem will go away.....That is like progressive lefties deal with 'incidents' like this.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
3 Jun 2017 /  #382
Oh you two racists !
How can you judge all of these Islamists when only a few of them are killing innocent people.
Come on Lyzko, let's hear your rational on tonight's attacks in London that we told you at the beginning of this thread over and over that this was going to happen as you denied it and denied it and called us racists.

Well...........We told you so now didn't we.
To late for London as it is only going to get worse and worse until Sharia Law is imposed throughout the U.K.
Ask Poland one more time why Poland voted to keep them out.
Call Trump more names for trying to keep them out of America.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
4 Jun 2017 /  #383
Hey leftards! Was it worth it? How's your multiculturalism working for ya? Buahahahaha. So stupid. You brought it upon yourselves! Sooner or later if not put to end us Poles will suffer consequences of your failures!

You make me sick! All leftards should pay for deaths and suffering of the innocent.
Crow  154 | 9260  
4 Jun 2017 /  #384
London and Britain aren`t real anymore. As if Britain ceasing to exist as state in front of our very eyes, turning into something chaotic and amorphous as ultimate proof what restless government can do to its own country. I know what British ruling establishment did to my country- side by side with Islamic league and leading NATO/EU powers took part in dissolution of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbia, using state terrorism, economic, military and media propaganda means. And now, they shatter from within in who knows which kind of schemes and experiments on its own population, transforming Britain into global soup full of mad extremists.

Britain. Good example for Poland, how one country don`t have to behave.
UpperSilesian  - | 4  
4 Jun 2017 /  #385
Ah yes. Khan is life on the telly. Same gibberish every time... "They want to disturb our way of life... we should vote regardless... there will be more police presence ... we are safe..." Every time I see one of those 'liberal' politician speak, I have the impression they were told to pacify, to calm the public.

If you see the state as a system like in control theory all you do with this gibberish is delaying the response. They try and till now succeed in adding a negative feed back to the system that counteracts a natural response. But be aware, some day, the system will go unstable and the reaction will overswing regardless what countermeasures the modulator applies.

I do not want this to happen. I do not want fascism to rise. I don't know whether liberals secretly aim for it or are just dumb...
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Jun 2017 /  #386
Ah yes. Khan is life on the telly

Ah yes, the muslim mayor gathers the people and urges them to ignore the muslims with long knives snakeing through the crowd....
idem  - | 131  
4 Jun 2017 /  #387
As I remember it was him who -as a lawyer-defended terrorists in courts and it was him who said 'we should get used to terrorist attacks as it is every day normal adventure'
UpperSilesian  - | 4  
4 Jun 2017 /  #388
counteracts a natural response

Lets talk about what would be a natural response...

Without those liberal pacifiers we would take it to the streets. We'd become angry towards our representatives who allow this to happen and spend resources to pacify the public rather than fight the breeding grounds. We'd question the attitude of our 'moderate' muslim neighbours, who do not take it to the streets.

Yes, they do not take it to the streets.
But for what reasons? We do not because we do not want to be viewed as rascists. But every time a white-on-nonwhite crime happens you see outraged whites march throuh the streets. What are the Muslims reasons to not stand against their mislead brothers?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2017 /  #389
Why couldn't the crazy van driver in uk be more like the boys in saudi : /

Joker  2 | 2211  
4 Jun 2017 /  #390
BBC reports it as 'major incident' so nothing to worry......they will again: put some flowers, hold hands ,draw big hearts and problem will go away...

Climate change is of more importance to these PC idiots!

Well...........We told you so now didn't we.

Yep, If this isn't a wake up call, what is?

Ah yes, the muslim mayor gathers the people and urges them to ignore the muslims with long knives snakeing through the crow

it was him who said 'we should get used to terrorist attacks as it is every day normal adventure'

Its unbelievable how this guy could be voted into office???

I hope Poland stands strong and doesn't let this scourge infiltrate its sovereignty! Tell the EU to kiss you Dupa!

quote=UpperSilesian]What are the Muslims reasons to not stand against their mislead brothers?

They are complicit because they seceretly agree and hope the terrorist achieve their goals, like the mayor of London, its a happy day for him!

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