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Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland?

jon357  72 | 23361  
29 May 2017 /  #331
No. By no means all.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
29 May 2017 /  #332
Who are YOU to judge what's "garbage" vs. what isn't anyhow?

WHO are you to judge othewise? If you unable to judge do you even care? Leave it to those who can.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
29 May 2017 /  #333
The problem with not being judgemental is the eventual loss of the ability to distinguish good from evil.

it is called grey thinking which is eventually as deadly as black-and-white thinking
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
29 May 2017 /  #334
WHO are you to judge othewise?

They have no denomination, they have no faith, which makes it very convenient to judge others knowing we have no recourse to judge their faith or denomination.

Kind of like the people that have no children trying to tell people with children how to raise theirs.
They have enjoyed doing this ever since I joined here and even years before that.
The only time they ever use God's name is when they are having sex or belittling Christians.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #335
I'd say our abilities to judge are clearly equal, Ironside! Those who can?? Who might they be? Have you some advanced degrees in the subject?

Maybe it's merely my American mentality, but not every person needs a license to open their mouth and express their beliefs. Certain people in history have thought so, and we know where that got us:-)

Would you put the Jewish practice of circumcision in the same category as "genital mutilation" etc.?? Rather short sighted. I'm surprise at you, frankly!
spiritus  69 | 643  
30 May 2017 /  #336
Who are YOU to judge what's "garbage" vs. what isn't anyhow?

It's called having an opinion and having the freedom to express it-something that you and your friends on here have no problem demonstrating. Just because you do not share the same opinion doesn't mean we can't express our views.

How many innocent Polish lives have been taken at the hands of Islamic terrorists on Polish soil ? Ever thought there might be a reason for that ?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
30 May 2017 /  #337
Would you put the Jewish practice of circumcision in the same category as "genital mutilation" etc.??

No, because I'm not a complete moron. They are not remotely comprable in severity, painfulnes or longterm health consequences.

Moral equivalence is a sucker's game I don't intend to play.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
30 May 2017 /  #338
you do not share the same opinion doesn't mean we can't express our views.

Well said my friend.
And may I quote:
The only thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil... is for Good - Men to do Nothing !
Edmund Burke

Islamic terrorism is evil and Poland knows that and that is why they refuse to open the door to Poland to let it in.
We will keep right on expressing our views to keep Poland Polish and to counter your propaganda opinions to destroy Poland's culture.
It is a huge lie that Islam will "enrich" Poland's culture and trying to convince us of the opposite is getting rather stale.
idem  - | 131  
30 May 2017 /  #339
WHO are you to judge

It is very biblical statement :-)

I think that everyone is entitled to opinion ( based on personal experience, fact provided...) and different opinions can be debated. The problem is that we need good sample of facts to debate anything but some of examples here are a bit pathetic...like : .because some polish rapist/ criminal committed crime in UK ( or a few of them) it is perfectly fine and justified to let in lots unchecked emigrants to Europe....so they can do the same. I read something like this on one of threads here started by one of local 'progressives'.
30 May 2017 /  #340
You know that sikh are also considered as muslim which sucks really, i dont know when we will be treated as we deserve because we serve the nation where we are
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #341
@Maf, I agree and that is why I'm appealing to your intelligence and (what I hope remains) sharp judgement to separate the wheat from the chaff in this discussion! By declaring that ALL Muslims aka adherents of Islam are by definition members or supporters of ISIS, you would also concur by the same faulty yardstick that ALL followers of Christianity are fundamentalist morons and Jerry Fallwell supporters or that ALL Jews are adherents of Meier Kahan or the JDL etc..

It's the same sophomoric blame game, my friend:-)
mafketis  38 | 11137  
30 May 2017 /  #342
By declaring that ALL Muslims aka adherents of Islam are by definition members or supporters of ISIS

I have never done any such thing, why would you even think I had? This is what not judging anything does, it corrodes your reading abilities (along with your ability to make judgements when needed).

That said, not all varieties of Islam are equally.... unsuited to the modern world, but the the variety that is (Sunni fundamentalism) is one of the largest and growing forms and there's no way to bring sizeable numbers of muslims to Poland without bringing some of them. Not worth the risk.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #343
I am relieved a bit, Mafketis.
spiritus  69 | 643  
30 May 2017 /  #344
By declaring that ALL Muslims aka adherents of Islam are by definition members or supporters of ISIS,

I certainly don't believe that is true but I do believe that Islam is a growing force that doesn't want to "settle and stablise" but by it's very nature will become a growing influence within Western society. In actual fact, I think Islamic terrorism is bad for many muslims as it puts a spotlight on the growing Islamification of many western countries. Without the violent spectacles then cultural jihad would creep along very nicely.

Now I know some of you pretend to be happy, clappy liberals and claim to love the muliticultural ethos but many of us have lived it and experienced it and we know better.

It is a huge lie that Islam will "enrich" Poland's culture and trying to convince us of the opposite is getting rather stale

Poles have had to endure the Nazis and Communists so a few limp wristed liberals writing spammy posts is not going to have any impact
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #345
Sanctus Spiritus, hate to disillusion ya, but I ain't no "happy liberal", rather, a conservative democrat, deeply dismayed at the craven behavior of both my party as well as my country!

I too decry run-away diversity and have come to regret the day affirmative action invaded our midst.

We ought to start judging people once again based on what they ARE instead of what they AREN'T:-)
mafketis  38 | 11137  
30 May 2017 /  #346
Now I know some of you pretend to be happy, clappy liberals and claim to love the muliticultural ethos but many of us have lived it and experienced it and we know better.

I still maintain that one of the reasons that Poland is against resettling Merkel's pseudo "refugees" is that almost everyone in Poland has either worked in Western Europe (or has family or friends who have). They've seen what muslim immigration looks like up close.... and are convinced it's a bad idea.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #347
Spot on there, sir!
spiritus  69 | 643  
30 May 2017 /  #348

I hate we when we all agree :(
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #349
I too, but, that's what makes horse racing!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
30 May 2017 /  #350
I have never done any such thing, why would you even think I had?

Because Liberals here like to 'insinuate' what they want you to say instead of what you really say.
They like to put words in your mouth and then hold you to things that you never actually said.
How many time have we explained the difference between Muslim Christian Syrian REFUGEES welcomed into Christian countries to acclimate compared to Muslim Islamist Economic Immigrants that have no desire to acclimate to their host country.

Poland is very aware of this.
The Bleeding Heart Liberals refuse to acknowledge the difference and lump Muslim refugees/immigrants all into one category.

you pretend to be happy, clappy liberals and claim to love the muliticultural ethos

If you ever wanted to infiltrate the Millienial Liberals all you would have to know is their three major words, "Inclusion, Sustainable and Equality".
Those Liberal Socialists love spending other peoples money to support those three words.

I ain't no "happy liberal", rather, a conservative democrat,

LOL - Right, just like I voted for Crooked Hillary.........you are so full of little green apples sometimes Lyzko. LOL
You are a Bleeding Heart Liberal Socialist all the way Buddy.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #351
...and your continued, not to mention unfounded, espursions, are giving me a green apple bellyache, pal!

So reactionary conservatives have something over liberals?? Pray, do tell:-) Bleeding heart? At least I have a heart to bleed. It's what separates the humans from the four-legged variety.
idem  - | 131  
30 May 2017 /  #352
It's what separates the humans from the four-legged variety.

I think 4 legged variety can show lots emotions :-)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
30 May 2017 /  #353
unfounded, espursions

You must mean 'aspersions' which are Totally founded by self guilt from your posts.
I apologize if you think that I am 'attacking you' as I am simply attacking your Liberal propaganda.
You have the liberty to post your liberal opinions to brainwash the Polish youth here and I simply point out the truth to them.
You guys with your propaganda almost had them convinced that the Polish people were welcoming the Muslim Immigrants with open arms until we came along and proved you totally wrong on the issue.

Sorry the truth gives you a belly ache.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 May 2017 /  #354
Conversely. I'm "attacking" your conservative propaganda, so he with the stronger ammo wins by default:-)

Nothing to apologize for. You've merely strayed from the path of reason and I'm just trying to set you straight, no more, no less!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7974  
31 May 2017 /  #355
You've merely strayed from the path of reason

That would be all in who you are telling your story to.
So now you want to stay on topic for a change.
We are making progress with you finally.
I win by default as I post the truth and you post what you want to be the truth.
Here Lyzko this is WHY Poland does not want Muslims in Poland.
France "NO GO ZONES" show what these people are really all about.
Watch what the Liberal media will not show you and then argue this truth Buddy.

Click here:
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 May 2017 /  #356
Any agenda, be it "ultra=" liberal, conservative, or green etc. is showing its particular slant. Only your agenda of course is slanted in the "right" direction, eh?
idem  - | 131  
31 May 2017 /  #357

That is true any 'extreme' or 'ultra' is dangerous does not to matter on left or on right but there is one theme always repeated on left-liberal side.

Theme to hide or twist uncomfortable truth as if it does not exist. ...Sweep under the carpet.....
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 May 2017 /  #358
The right does the same thing though, idem! The prevailing trend however is that the right is "now", "today", and "cool", whereas the left is someone "doughty", "too sixties", "too earthy crunchy", "too out for the underdog"!

See, the latter is the unfortunate fallout from the Reagan Era. His administration let all the stops out regarding standard, political correctness, decency, and fairness. His represented as much a sea change in world thinking as Hitler and the Nazis represented in their time; it stood existing, even pre-existing convention concerning right and wrong on its head, challenging people to almost short-circuit life by removing all the unpleasantness, the stuff which makes us all human, not perfect.

As far as Poland and the "threat" coming from the Muslim community, the real threat comes from the far-right which has been stoking hatred for so long, it's now backfired!
spiritus  69 | 643  
31 May 2017 /  #359
Only your agenda of course is slanted in the "right" direction, eh?

From your perspective on the left then any opinion not shared by you and your ilk appears to be on the "right".

Poles have seen what happens when you allow Muslims in large numbers to settle. It's a disaster. Thankfully, by continuing to keep posts like this open we are given the opportunity to educate any Poles who may have thought otherwise.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 May 2017 /  #360
Counter intuitive, spiritus! By definition as well as sheer logic, if something's not "right" and not "center", it's gotta be "left":-) What else is there? Short menu there, bud.

If you mean that I'm categorizing, well of course I am and I freely admit it. It's human nature to judge. Why deny it?

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