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Are there any Muslim areas in Poland?

Oranj  1 | 7  
16 May 2016 /  #121
(Hello) Those who can not afford to perform umrah, I would like to provide them facility.
Levi  11 | 433  
25 May 2016 /  #122
Oranj, i think that you should open another thread since it is slightly a different theme.
Oranj  1 | 7  
25 May 2016 /  #123
Thanks Levi for your advice. I have posted another thread.
Levi  11 | 433  
25 May 2016 /  #124
More than Welcome!

Feel free to create as many threads about Islam as you want :)

26 May 2016 /  #125
Subhannah allah islam is increasing in Poland. All places belong to Allah.
Mr Wiech  1 | 39  
26 May 2016 /  #126
Subhannah allah islam is increasing in Poland

You're in for a big suprise mate.
peaceforce  2 | 12  
26 May 2016 /  #127
As a muslim living in Poland, you are going to need VODKA :D
Just joking, abstaining is all about self control man, you can't change the world to suit you but neither can the racists, we have to adapt and learn to live together in peace, DIVERSITY is the future.
26 May 2016 /  #128
sorry peaceforce but as a good muslim you should know that only islam is the future.
nothanks  - | 626  
26 May 2016 /  #129
DIVERSITY is the future.

Then the future is filled with fractured societies and violent neighborhoods. Good luck selling Asians, South Americans or Middle Easteners this "future". South Africa is illustrating how much they liked diversity.
26 May 2016 /  #130
nothanks, South America (at least Brazil) is already very diverse. Probably the most diverse country in the world.

Doesnt mean that i support multiculturalism. Even in Brazil it went totally on the wrong way and now we have basically the region of Italians, the region of africans, the region of germanics, the region of japaneses, lebaneses, armenians, poles (Curitiba) and there it goes.

So multiculturalism didnt worked there. As usual. But say that South America is not diverse is untrue.
27 May 2016 /  #131
There is an American who lives in Amman and works in Saudi Arabia; Dennis Fetcho. "The Fetch", of 'Insidetheeye-live' podcast. He says that when the Muslim Arabs get a chance, when they can do so in secret, they all drink alcohol. Being invited to a White mans party is their dream come true. They knock back the Al kohl faster than the Prophet can behead 100 of the faithful. He says that he never has Muslims at his functions. They become extremely violent when drunk. Any blame he'd get for any misdemeanor and his permit would be revoked and he'd be on the first plane out of Riyadh to anywhere.

I have a cucumber in my garden. If I named it Mohamed, would I be stoned to death? What about the 70 virgins?
1 Jul 2016 /  #132
Merged: Muslim Community in Białystok

Hi everyone.

To make a Photo Project about Muslims in Poland, i am searching for any contact or community in Białystok.

Could anyone helpt me to suggest any contact (mail adress or facebook).

Unfortunately I can not speak Polish. Preferably anyone who may speak English would be great.

Thanks a lot!
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
14 Jul 2017 /  #133
Oncug, my advice would be to learn at least the basics of the language before undertaking such a journey:-)
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2017 /  #134
Plenty of people in that area of Poland speak English reasonably well, and due to the Eighteenth Century wooden mosques that attract a lot of visitors, there is decent tourist infrastructure in those villages.

You could contact these people, the Muslim community in Kruszyniany (Google it for pics of the mosque). There are plenty of places to stay round there, several restaurants serving traditional Polish Halal food and most of the residents round there are Muslims: kruszyniany.com.pl

The other village (not too far away) is Bohoniki, much the same: bohoniki.eu

You will probably need to put the websites through google translate or similar, however when you email them, it should be fine in English. They are certainly used to being contacted from outside Poland. You may need to wait for a reply, especially from Kruszyniany, since most of the people there are older.

This is the umbrella organisation for Islam in Poland, also worth contacting (many Tatars are dispersed round the country) and whoever checks the email certainly speaks English: mzr.pl
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
14 Jul 2017 /  #135
You might be right, jon. Nonetheless, I feel that oncug, for that matter anyone, is better served by having minimum survival command of the local lingo:-)
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2017 /  #136
Oncug will probably not have the chance to do that, before a short visit. It's always useful, however if someone's visiting for, say, a week, they're unlikely to learn more than please, thank you, how much, and the bill please. If that, since English is the lingua franca of hotels, restaurants, business etc. Besides, it would take a long time for someone to pick up any language well enough to converse at even the most basic level with someone like an octogenarian villager who speaks Podlasian dialect.

When I was in that Muslim area of Poland, I was with a friend who doesn't speak Polish at all (sadly despite living here for a decade) and he managed fine.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
14 Jul 2017 /  #137
No doubt.

Again at the risk of becoming tiresome, of course, a few "Dzien dobry!" "Dziekuje!", "Prosze, ale gdzie jest...?" etc. can go a LONG way in fostering a bond between (foreign) visitor and host:-)

I only put myself in the position of any outsider who is admittedly a sort of duck out of water, arriving in a country so different from their own, soooo homogeneous, and then expecting folks to sort of pop up out of the woodwork who know fluent English. It's just not realistic, that's all I'm saying.

Whilst I know NO word of Pangla, Deri, Pashto or any one of a number of languages off the beaten path, I'd surely make it my business to pick up a little if I intended to spend more than merely a few short days in that country!

It simply boils down to respect.
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2017 /  #138
Here's their Facebook page. I noticed some interesting links on the left hand side that could be useful for Oncug: Facebook.com/pages/Meczet-Kruszyniany/182095521973262?fref=ts
19 Nov 2017 /  #139
Living in Britain it is so refreshing to see the Polish people totally awake to the obvious threat of Islam to their country and the pride they feel for their country, traditions and culture. Poland will be seen as a guiding light to other countries in the near future who are experiencing an obvious Islamic invasion. As far as alcohol is concerned I think most people would need a good drink after seeing the disgusting beliefs, culture and attitudes these heathens bring with them.
jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Nov 2017 /  #140
an obvious Islamic invasion

Don't be daft
Joker  2 | 2390  
20 Nov 2017 /  #141
Living in Britain it is so refreshing to see the Polish people totally awake to the obvious threat of Islam to their country

Poles definitely don't want their country turning into another Londonistan. Stay strong Poland!!

jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Nov 2017 /  #142

No such thing, and to get back from bigotry to the actual topic of the thread, yes there are Muslim areas in Poland and hve been for centuries.
Joker  2 | 2390  
20 Nov 2017 /  #143
No such thing,

Don't start with the misconceptions again, if you choose not to ignore the facts its your problem.

Living in Britain it is so refreshing

Jon357 doesn't believe you and you live there, right?

There is plenty of hard evidence proving the Islamist terrorist plan on taking over the EU. Londonistan is just one city.


actual topic of the thread,

It has everything to do with this thread. Poles say No to terror.
Joker  2 | 2390  
20 Nov 2017 /  #144
Poland will be seen as a guiding light to other countries in the near future who are experiencing an obvious Islamic invasion.

I seen what they did to the iconic WEMBLEY district, it has been totally taken over by invasion. What a disgrace!

Poles and Americans should watch and learn from the mistakes of the progressive liberal Brit.
20 Nov 2017 /  #145
Jon357 is still living in his virtue signalling pussified false reality where he voluntarily chooses to stick his head in the ground regarding islam. Two things will occur when this happens. One, he will have to be on his knees and two he will get screwed from behind as is part of their enriching culture. Parasites like Jon357 will one day be held accountable for their inactons and it will be a pleasure seeing them punished for it. He is on the wrong side of history and knows it.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
20 Nov 2017 /  #146
yes there are Muslim areas in Poland and hve been for centuries.

Tatars are not a true muslims, they are not radical nor aggressive.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Nov 2017 /  #147

And well assimilated... both the meiji and lipka
A secular Human  
28 Jun 2018 /  #148
I am a secular person without bias, but atleast on this page i see who is non-tolerant = polish christians and who is being polite and just asking = mulsims. So people you are not showing good example here. Coming on to the question;

1- Alcohol is proven to be biggest source of fatal diseases and biggest source of nuisance with drunk people - so undoubtedly agreed universally that its the worst enemy of health. All scientifically proven. So all should avoid this and keep kids away from this disease.

2- Immigrants come to countries because we western countries keep going to middle east and keep bombing them and keep stealing their money and resources. So to fix immigrants problem, we need to leave middle east/africa to live in peace and not go and steal. If you look at stats, globally most people killed are by USA attacks on countries. ISIS has killed 2 million muslims and only 7 thousands non muslims. so lets lets define who is terrorist.

3- I urge all of you to act human and live in harmony, dont be influenced by politicians and media - which is all bullshit. Make your opinion by your own experience trying to understand and accept all humans equal.

I urge all to read the book Quran once and then decide what muslims are. and you will realise that christians and muslims are coming from same faith. Only difference is on the status of jesus as; "son of god" in bible versus "mightiest prophet" in Quran.

We all need to live with each other in harmony and peace - so understanding each other is the best way forward.
cms neuf  1 | 1844  
28 Jun 2018 /  #149
This is Poland - alcohol is awesome and along with sex and drugs it is the most source of fun in the world. Who are you to lecture us on that ? You muslims would be much more relaxed if you drank
28 Jun 2018 /  #150
i see who is non-tolerant = polish christians and who is being polite and just asking = mulsims.

The muslims are so tolerant that they support every terrorist attack in the name of allah.
You are a liar. "Secular" is um codeword to "anti white" and "anti christian".
In my country, the wonderful "secular" ones were caught up in audio recordings making plans of how they would exterminate the Christians: shooting or throwing in the sea.

I'll be polite to whoever deserves it. But Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Blacks, Jews, Cultural Marxists, Leftists, always create a hostile situation and always behave as a victim in the end.

I have never seen a "Polish Christian" going to the Middle East to "advance the plan of world christian domination". But why do the muslims leave their horrible countries and come to Europe to dominate it? You are a muslin ******* liar.

Immigrants come to countries because we western countries keep going to middle east and keep bombing them and keep stealing their money and resources.

Before existing bombs, there were Islamic invaders around the world.
And modern wars are Jewish/AIPAC issues, not White/Christian issues.
You're trying to demonize Polish Christians and sanctify Muslims, you're just a lying cultural Marxist. People like you should be barred from being in Europe. You are an enemy.

Christians's defense you interpret as an attack.
Muslin's attack you interpret as defense.

In my country there is a lot of people like you. All of the communist party (or bought by them).
The truth is: from the moment muslims are majority in a europe country they are going to chase Europeans.

Make your opinion by your own experience trying to understand and accept all humans equal.

Do you really want to know my experience?
I live in Brazil.

1 - Everyone here is afraid to leave the house at night. Everyone I know has been assaulted by armed hands. In my country, corruption is the rule.

You think that's "Europe christians" stuff?????

2- The communist party bought journalists, artists, philosophers, teachers, to promote Hegemonic Totalitarian Cultural Marxism (Anti white, Anti Christian, anti-Family, that is: "secular").
You think that's "Europe christians" stuff?????

If all humans are equal, why do all people want to go to white countries?

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