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Are there any Muslim areas in Poland?

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Dec 2015 /  #91
I'm enjoying every bit of my stay :)

And don't allow ignorant racist bigots such as Ironside to affect that in any way:)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Dec 2015 /  #92
I'm a black West African Muslim.

No you are not :-)
kaz200972  2 | 229  
12 Dec 2015 /  #93
No one in his right senses will make such demands.

Oops someone hasn't read or understood the post properly. Of course the list of demands is ridiculous, I stated that, I was taking the mick. Don't you realise that the demands made by SOME Muslims ( when they move to non Muslim countries) sound equally ridiculous to the indigenous population.

In Britain there are areas where Muslims demand the closure of butchers who sell pork, members of the LGBT community, people who are have been drinking or women who are dressed in non muslim clothes are not allowed to walk through the area. There are Muslims who kick off if Christmas is celebrated, demand halal meat, try to insist on gender segregation in schools, ban novels, insist that 'honour killings' are legitimate actions, they want all Muslims to be subject to only Sharia law.

All these demands sound totally ridiculous to the average English/Scots/Welsh/Irish person, they also sound pretty stupid to the average, Chinese,Polish, Italian, Sikh, Hindu and other communities that have settled in Britain. Quite a few Muslims find these demands stupid too. It's not just happening in Britain, there's parts of France, Sweden and the USA that have these idiots trying to turn areas into some kind of Muslim mini state. People in Poland don't want that happening there.

Minority groups cannot just march into countries and expect everyone to pander to their whims,it doesn't work. Respect the values of the country you move to, for however long you are there. It's not rocket science,if you don't like the customs/values of the country you have moved to, go somewhere else!
Ironside  50 | 12928  
13 Dec 2015 /  #94
We wouldn't have complained either ;).

We? Who is we? So tell me why would Muslim wanted to move into country with anti-Muslim legislation? Are they dense or have hidden agenda? It doesn't make sense and if something doesn't make sense it is most likely a lie.

Do you make it up as you go along? Its obvious.

You just labelled us as being abusive.

No I labeled you as a impostor from the start. Chance that you are actually a Muslim in my opinion (No way I'm wrong) is 10%, chance that you are a black West African Muslim equals 0.

For that supposed "idiom" you kept fuming about; I'll let sleeping dogs lie because you seem to have little or no knowledge about metaphors.

I know very well that what you deemed to call a vulgar might be seen that way among snotty nosed snobs, so either you don't know common speak or as I have suspected you pretended not to know it just to get back at me like a typical red rat, a progressive douche who trolls this site regularly pretending to be this or other

The term you want is "going to Poland" - not "coming to," as "coming to" would refer to the USA - where you are...

I 'am sure that is not your business whether I'm in Poland or not! I have never posted on those forums info about myself or my whereabouts as I'm set on debating issues and problems rather than troll ad hominem as you and your fellow travelers on PF, you like to gossip like a bunch of washerwomen that is your problem, I have nothing to do with it! Capisce?

Occasionally I debate people when I suspect they troll or spew forth a lot of baloney.

So you are in fact translating from Polish - yet have the temerity to criticise the poster for his English?

Once again Dough go and walk your dog while you on it what don't you take a long walk on a short pier?

I'm enjoying every bit of my stay

I doubt that otherwise you wouldn't have time for trolling.

And don't allow ignorant racist bigots such as Ironside

Listen you red menace, I don't like progressivisms and its apostles especially when they are dense and militant as you are, from now on keep your two cents on your side of the fence or I'll call my old pal Macierwicz and ask him to check on your business practices. Let it sink in!

I think that bringing Syrian Christian to Poland is the best solution, they will make a short work out of any Muslim cocky enough to flaunt his heathen beliefs.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
13 Dec 2015 /  #95
they want all Muslims to be subject to only Sharia law.

I think you've been bias in understanding the Sharia. It's unlawful(sin) for any Muslim to live in any country(whether Muslim dominated country or the vice versa) and refuse to abide by the laws of that particular land. However, if the law says everyone is at liberty to practice any religion then it shouldn't be any problem making demands.

people who are have been drinking or women who are dressed in non muslim clothes are not allowed to walk through the area.

I highly doubt the credibility of the above statement. Islam doesn't teach its followers to force their religion on anyone.

We? Who is we? So tell me why would Muslim wanted to move into country with anti-Muslim legislation?

i'm referring to the fact that i'm a Muslim. Don't forget that most of us(Muslims) who're here are either students or professionals gainfully employed here in Poland.

I know very well that what you deemed to call a vulgar might be seen that way among snotty nosed snobs

So who is being arrogant here?

No I labeled you as a impostor from the start.

Anyone who doesn't walk your way mustn't necessarily be an imposter. Saying whatever you want doesn't take away the fact that I'm a Muslim and an African.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
13 Dec 2015 /  #96
However, if the law says everyone is at liberty to practice any religion then it shouldn't be any problem making demands.

I get what you are saying but the conflicts arise when some men interpret the quran in ways which are against the laws of a country.

This seems to be one of the huge problems in Islam, people interpret the quran in many different ways, especially the hadiths, also the quran changes

in it's later writings and becomes much more imperialist in nature.

I do think it must be made clear in every country that laws are secular and you can only follow parts of a religion that are in agreement with the laws of the country. I think this should apply to ALL religions including my own.

I highly doubt the credibility of the above statement. Islam doesn't teach its followers to force their religion on anyone.

The statement is genuinely accurate. There are serious problems in parts of Birmingham, Blackburn, Burnley, East London and Bradford where CERTAIN GROUPS of muslims are trying to impose Muslim only areas and run the areas by their version Sharia/Islam. There are plenty of muslims in Britain who live happily without problems but the extreme groups are causing problems for everyone including fellow muslims.

You can see examples on Youtube of these areas, happens in Paris and Marseilles too.

Everybody - please stop this discussion about Islam - focus on the Poland instead
Levi  11 | 433  
14 Dec 2015 /  #97
Saying whatever you want doesn't take away the fact that I'm a Muslim and an African.

You forgot the part where you want Sharia law in Poland and is promoting it openly at this thread

I think that bringing Syrian Christian to Poland is the best solution, they will make a short work out of any Muslim cocky enough to flaunt his heathen beliefs.

I Sign to that. They adapt fast to the culture and have the same beliefs as poles (Specially Maronites).

In Britain there are areas where Muslims demand the closure of butchers who sell pork, members of the LGBT community

Well, the fact that this thread was created asking for a Sharia area in Poland already says a lot.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
14 Dec 2015 /  #98
We were discussing Islam because the OP appeared to be looking for an area in Poland where he could live in an Islamic cultural setting.

It was pointed out that some of the lifestyle choices in Islam would seem weird to many Poles, Obviously this would necessitate discussing why they would seem difficult to people and examples of what had occurred in other countries are actually relevant, Threads sometimes go slightly off track for a reason.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
14 Dec 2015 /  #99
You forgot the part where you want Sharia law in Poland and is promoting it openly at this thread

I never advocated for Sharia in Poland. I'm from a Christian majority country where everyone is governed by the constitution. I'd rather promote it in my country if that was my intention after all I'm just here temporarily.
Levi  11 | 433  
18 Dec 2015 /  #100
First you said that you are from North Africa Mediterranean country. Now you say that you are from a Christian Majority country.

You are really bad at lying or at geography. Probably at both. There are no christian majority country at the North Africa Mediterranean coast. All of them are Muslim Majority, from Morocco to Egypt.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
18 Dec 2015 /  #101
First you said that you are from North Africa Mediterranean country

Could you quote where I said I'm from North Africa?
Paritosh  10 | 62  
18 Dec 2015 /  #102
Zero for a start (which is coincidentally exactly how relevant your question is to Muslims in Poland).

Zero was given by India - just saying
Levi  11 | 433  
24 Apr 2016 /  #103
Apparently there is an idea of some Wahabbi sects instaled close to the Mosque o Mókotow to make it a Sharia Law zone, where alcohol will not be allowed and all crosses and other christians symbols will need to be removed.
24 Apr 2016 /  #105
Apparently there is an idea of some Wahabbi sects

There is no such idea. Your statement is complete and utter bollocks. There isn't even a mosque in Mokotow.
Levi  11 | 433  
24 Apr 2016 /  #106
Again you lie, Harry. And lie about something obvious. Maybe to hide your radical fellows.

There is a mosque at Ulica Wiertnicza 103, Mokotow. And there is where supposedly they want to stablish a Sharia Zone.
24 Apr 2016 /  #107
There is a mosque at Ulica Wiertnicza 103, Mokotow.

Please stop exposing your ignorance of all things Polish. Wiertnicza 103 is not in Mokotow, it's in Wilanow.
7 May 2016 /  #108
It is funny that you argument based on the name of the district, what actually doesn't change the fact that Warsaw Central Mosque is a cradle for the recruitment of islamists from the most radical sect of Islam.
jon357  72 | 23482  
7 May 2016 /  #109
Warsaw Central Mosque is a cradle for the recruitment of islamists

No it isn't.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 May 2016 /  #110
Neither of you would know.
7 May 2016 /  #111
Actually it is easy to know. That mosque is Wahabbi.

Wahabbism is by far the most extremist version of Islam. The same of Boko Haram, for example.
Pakistan_Lahore  - | 19  
8 May 2016 /  #112
I dont know but knows only one think that Refugees must leave Europe asap and must go back to their home.
Oranj  1 | 7  
13 May 2016 /  #113
Merged: Polish Muslims reverts

Dear Friends

I wish all of you are good and doing well.
I write this post to find out any Muslims revert (male or female) form Poland, irrespective where ever they are living i.e. UK or Poland.

I would appreciate if anyone knows anyone or could recommend someone who are or knows anyone.

Many Thanks
Honest Pole  
13 May 2016 /  #114
Polish Muslims reverts

You mean reverts to Catholicism or reverts to Islam since according to Islam everyone is born muslim?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
13 May 2016 /  #115
I write this post to find out any Muslims revert (male or female) form Poland, irrespective where ever they are living i.e. UK or Poland.

should they also be proficient in making bombs?too hard to blend brown ones in Poland? need converts?
why looking for converts in poland? war in yemen not going good and cubans stop coming?
Oranj  1 | 7  
14 May 2016 /  #116

Dear All

I am looking to get in touch with Polish muslims, either born or reverted. I would appreciate if anyone could help me in my search.

Many Thanks
Levi  11 | 433  
16 May 2016 /  #117
1st: The are around 30k polish muslims (mostly tatars), so that means less than 0.1% of the population. No one is on this forum (the muslims of this forum are mostly turkish or north african).

2nd: Say "revert", specially in a christian country, is highly offensive . If you say that in front of a catholic, may he land a punch in your face. There are no such things as "revert". The word is convert.
jon357  72 | 23482  
16 May 2016 /  #118
I am looking to get in touch with Polish muslims, either born or reverted.

This might be useful to you; there are contributions here from Polish Muslims, both reverts and Tatar.

Oranj  1 | 7  
16 May 2016 /  #119
I am just looking to find muslims in Poland. I apologise for using the term 'revert'. I meant convert to Islam.

Thanks alot. much appreciated.
Hellooo  - | 28  
16 May 2016 /  #120
Oranj for what exactly you need a muslim ?

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