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Are there any Muslim areas in Poland?

gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Dec 2015 /  #61
more than of any Polish male. :D

and more science Noble Prizes than entire Muslim population together at 3 prizes:
DuRnaa  - | 6  
10 Dec 2015 /  #62
I am Christian and I have not been brainwashed to kill people that mock my bible.

Don't be that ignorant plz..Muslims don't do like you say, what if they claimed themselves Christian, would you change your religion or..?

You'll probably say that they are yelling ''Allahuakbar'', and you think that they are muslims ha ? no it's not, if they called ''your name'' while torturing or cutting head, it wouldn't make you a bad person, either.

You Christians(I don't mean whole Christianity but the Christians like you) have such a prejudice about Muslims that I swear and swear that you're much worse than them..here there's an experiment proving how much prejudiced you are.


P.S : I'm not Muslim (I know that you'd judge or label me as Muslim, too)

They DONT ACCEPT any place that have Pork, Alcohol or even a simple cross (that is why they put the food and water given by the red cross to the garbage).

Ahaha..It's a proof of what a prejudiced blamers we are dealing with here...
Using capital letters THEY DONT ACCEPTTT bla bla..take it easy, who don't accept ? how many of them have you met yet ?
Levi  11 | 433  
11 Dec 2015 /  #63
Using capital letters THEY DONT ACCEPTTT bla bla..take it easy, who don't accept ? how many of them have you met yet ?

Since i had been living in Middle East for the last 2 years, much more than you (unless you are another Pakistani / Turkish trying to impose Sharia Law and Muslim Areas at Poland).

And Yes, is the RIGHT of Polish people to refuse to convert to Islam, and you CANNOT DENY that right to them, even wanting that so bad.
11 Dec 2015 /  #64
You Christians
P.S : I'm not Muslim

Then what relegion are you??
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
11 Dec 2015 /  #65
Levi-unless you are another Pakistani / Turkish trying to impose Sharia Law and Muslim Areas at Poland

You living in the Middle East doesn't mean you know anything about Islam. In case you don't know, the religion Islam is against coercing anyone into accepting Islam. You can google this chapter, it will enlighten you a little.

Quran 109:1-6

Binaca-Then what relegion are you??

Unless you are telling me she has no right to belong to the other religions such as Buddhism among the others, perhaps an Atheist if you've forgotten.

There are already Muslims in Poland and our community 'll continue to grow bigger. In sha Allah!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Dec 2015 /  #66
There are already Muslims in Poland and our community 'll continue to grow bigger.

I read in the news that a lot of muslims leave Poland due to the increase of attacks on the streets lately caused by immigration crisis in Europe.

In sha Allah!

Allah snack bar!

Are there any Muslim areas in Poland?

No and hopefully there will never be, as the latest news about British police agreeing to wise Trump's idea of not letting muslims in to the USA. I can confirm the areas in Birmingham where you won't see the police officer in the uniform: Sparkhill and Saltely.

mafketis  38 | 10911  
11 Dec 2015 /  #67
There are already Muslims in Poland and our community 'll continue to grow bigger. In sha Allah!

How secular are you? How do you deal with the presence of so many things in daily life that strict muslims think are immoral?

Almost all the muslims I know in Poland are pretty lax about following most things (as are muslim Tatars who've been here for centuries). How can very observant muslims hope to integrate in an environment filled with so many things that are haram?
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
11 Dec 2015 /  #68
Wulkan-I read in the news that a lot of muslims leave Poland due to the increase of attacks on the streets

I'm not going to argue about that because I haven't heard from any Muslim saying he is going to live Poland or has been attacked after the unfortunate incident in Paris. I still see the same faces I have been seeing in the mosque except that there are new faces popping up every Fridays. Believe or not, Poles are embracing Islam here in Wroclaw. If you doubt what I am saying then I can invite you to where we worship in order for you to meet and speak some of them. We're not as your media portray us.

mafketis-How do you deal with the presence of so many things in daily life that strict muslims think are immoral?

You can practice Islam where ever you find yourself in this world. Thinking something is immoral is different from doing it. So yes, I abstain from what ever is unlawful in my religion.

mafketis-How can very observant muslims hope to integrate in an environment filled with so many things that are haram?

Like I mentioned earlier, living in an environment where so many things are haram is not enough to prevent a muslim from living there. Of course if the environment was hostile that would have been a different case, which in my case it is not so I'll go on with my religion and they go on with their way of life. It's as easy as that.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
11 Dec 2015 /  #69
I'll go on with my religion and they go on with their way of life.

So.... no integration then. To clarify, a society with religious groups that self segregate doesn't seem very healthy.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
11 Dec 2015 /  #70
mafketis-no integration then

Are you telling me that I have to be a Christian in other to be integrated here? My Polish friends respect my values and I respect theirs too. If there weren't differences then no one would have talk about integration. They don't give me a shot of Vodka or a bowl of soup that contains pork when they invite me for dinner. I suppose they understand integration better than you and I, don't they?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
11 Dec 2015 /  #71
Are you telling me that I have to be a Christian in other to be integrated here?

Not necessarily but strict Islamic practice and European lifestyles do not seem to be a close match.

They don't give me a shot of Vodka or a bowl of soup that contains pork when they invite me for dinner.

Sounds like all the work is on their side, what contribution do you make? Besides tolerating their immorality?
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
11 Dec 2015 /  #72
mafketis-Sounds like all the work is on their side, what contribution do you make?

I don't hug your boys, neither do I kiss them on the cheek when greeting them :D. Besides that, none of my way of life is considered contrary to the Polish life style. Afterall there are some Poles who don't drink nor smoke.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
11 Dec 2015 /  #73
There are already Muslims in Poland and our community 'll continue to grow bigger. In sha Allah!

Not in Poland, Deo volente! We don't need some moon gods or whatnot neither Muslims!

Are you telling me that I have to be a Christian in other to be integrated here?

DuRnaa  - | 6  
12 Dec 2015 /  #74
Since i had been living in Middle East for the last 2 years, much more than you (unless you are another Pakistani / Turkish trying to impose Sharia Law and Muslim Areas at Poland).

Ahaha do you really think I'm trying to impose Sharia Law? I have never done such a thing in my life and if you ask me I really don't want Sharia in any country but the way you blame that religion is completely wrong. I'm Turkish by the way and I don't have any religion OK never try to label me, but my family is Muslim for instance and I swear and swear many times that never a head was chopped by any of them OK? Now stop blaming people here and be a good Christian plz, don't think that I impose anything to you or to anyone, just don't be ignorant and don't blame Muslims here.

You Christians

I really wonder if I can call a Christian as "you Christians" unless I'm Muslim...

Work your brain and get rid of your bias. Because here you're soiling the whole Christians' name..

Ah, to answer you ; have you ever heard about "deism, atheism etc.."?

I don't have any religion at all
kaz200972  2 | 229  
12 Dec 2015 /  #75
To the OP and anyone else of a similar mind,please read.

I would like to live in a pretty area of Normandy or maybe the Ardennes. I'd also like to bring a few carefully selected friends and family members.

''However this area must sell only Indian food and some Polish cakes, maybe a few French ones too. Fish and chips would be okay too, I like fish and chips.

People can only drink coffee or hot chocolate because I don't like alcohol,tea or fizzy drinks.
The men must all look like Denzil Washington, Johnny Depp or some of the Indian film stars. They must be young too, even though I'm middle aged as are my friends.

These men must do exactly what they are told and stay in the house unless us ladies say otherwise.
I only want Sikhs around me or maybe a few pagans as well because some of my friends are a bit new age.
I will possibly tolerate a few Mormons because they are usually quite nice people but they can't talk about their religion.
I will only allow Bhangra music and the Cure to be played because that's my favourite music and I only want gangster/political thrillers on TV/Cinema. Education has be done via the writings of Brian Cox, Stephan Hawking and a couple of historians etc... that I approve of.

Pigs are welcome in my area but not small dogs because I only like large dogs. Smoking is okay because I'm a hypocrite who chose to ignore that part of my religion. I'm just thinking about a few other things to demand.''

Of course this is totally ridiculous and fortunately for the rest of the world no one will allow me to behave this way!

It's equally ridiculous to walk into Poland or any other non muslim country and start making requests for a muslim style area to live in.

I'm not against controlled immigration but if you go to live in another country you live by the majority rules!!
I don't believe in persecuting minority groups but it works both ways.
Immigration can bring benefits to places but unreasonable demands and ghettoisation don't.
If you want to live in another culture, INTEGRATE. You can still be a muslim, catholic, buddhist whatever just don't expect special treatment.
Poland is right to avoid pandering to minorities because it only breeds resentment.
The Tartar muslims in Poland are probably far happier than many of the muslims in other non muslim countries who are not willing to accept the status quo!!
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
12 Dec 2015 /  #76
Ironside-Not in Poland, Deo volente! We don't need some moon gods or whatnot neither Muslims!

What are you going to do now that we are already here?

kaz200972-To the OP and anyone else of a similar mind,please read.

Are you sure that wasn't written by a junky? No one in his right senses will make such demands. Besides that, it doesn't even reflect the life style of Muslims in case you're of that thought.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Dec 2015 /  #77
What are you going to do now that we are already here?

Son, you are another **** taker not as Muslim but in case you are, make a life for you uncomfortable.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Dec 2015 /  #79
What are you going to do now that we are already here?

A small deportation could fix some past mistakes...
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Dec 2015 /  #80
What are you insinuating?

I insinuate nothing just saying that if you are Muslim then you are a cheeky bugger.
In case you are unable express yourself properly and you asking in what way I would make life uncomfortable for you,, by closing all Mosques that are less than 70 years old, by taxing heavily all support you get from the Saudi Arabia or other foreign sources, by forbidding wearing hijab. I hope my answer sated your curiosity!
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
12 Dec 2015 /  #81
Grzegorz_-A small deportation could fix some past mistakes...

I came here willingly, if you care to know. Don't even think the Muslims in Poland are here illegally. I have no reason what so ever to stay here for the rest of my life and the same applies to most foreigners I know here. So don't worry, we are already planning to leave in the near future. The nation can save that deportation money for other pressing issues facing your country.

Ironside-I insinuate nothing just saying that if you are Muslim then you are a cheeky bugger.

Do you even have conscience? Just read up then you will see the vulgar language you're using on the platform.

Ironside-In case you are unable express yourself properly

What a good way to flaunt yourself.

by closing all Mosques that are less than 70 years old, by taxing heavily all support you get from the Saudi Arabia or other foreign sources, by forbidding wearing hijab.

Don't be naive! Clossing Mosques, forbidding hijab among others you can name cannot stop a practical muslim from abadoning his religion. Those laws are already binding in some countries yet there are still Muslims.

I'm not even aware of aid from Saudi Arabia that goes to Muslims in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Dec 2015 /  #82
Just read up then you will see the vulgar language you're using on the platform.

You don't speak English, not really or rather you speak an artificial language called by some international English.

Don't be naive! Clossing Mosques, forbidding hijab among others you can name cannot stop a practical muslim from abadoning his religion.

It doesn't mean to, it means to be a deterrent for Muslims thinking about coming to Poland.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
12 Dec 2015 /  #83
Ironside-You don't speak English, not really or rather you speak an artificial language called by some international English.

Yet you could understand what I'm writing. Isn't that surprising for someone who claims to know the Queen's language?

Ironside-It doesn't mean to, it means to be a deterrent for Muslims thinking about coming to Poland.

That still wouldn't deter Muslims from coming here, provided they have tangible reasons to be here. What will you even say about the Polish Muslims? Will you suggest an exile?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Dec 2015 /  #84
Yet you could understand what I'm writing. Isn't that surprising for someone who claims to know the Queen's language?

Yes I did but that just proved my point, it is you who seems to have a problem to understand idioms.

That still wouldn't deter Muslims from coming here, provided they have tangible reasons to be here

Well, you are not a prophet! We could always introduce the jizya tax for Muslims.

What will you even say about the Polish Muslims?

Nothing, they are none of your business.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
12 Dec 2015 /  #85
Ironside-Yes I did but that just proved my point, it is you who seems to have a problem to understand idioms.

I'll suggest you correct the grammar, punctuate your sentence correctly, before we start talking about idioms.

We could always introduce the jizya tax for Muslims.

We wouldn't have complained either ;).
Ironside  50 | 12333  
12 Dec 2015 /  #86
I'll suggest you correct the grammar,

I suggest you kiss my dog under his tail before you try to patronize me, it is you who has failed to comprehend a simple idiom/or understand correctly a simple expression so either fess up or shut up.
Levi  11 | 433  
12 Dec 2015 /  #87
What will you even say about the Polish Muslims?

The few thousad tatars? They are not the problem.

The problem are the dangerous pakistanis and north-africans wanting to implement Sharia Law.

Just like you.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Dec 2015 /  #88
I'll suggest you correct the grammar, punctuate your sentence correctly, before we start talking about idioms.

It's funny how one of the british users here are pretending to be muslim using another account from different IP address.

A small deportation could fix some past mistakes

Indeed, it would be good to happen before 3rd world war starts.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Dec 2015 /  #89
It doesn't mean to, it means to be a deterrent for Muslims thinking about coming to Poland.

The term you want is "going to Poland" - not "coming to," as "coming to" would refer to the USA - where you are...

In other words - where the poster wishes to live is of no concern to you and non of your business because you don't live here.

In Poland.
So you are in fact translating from Polish - yet have the temerity to criticise the poster for his English?
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
12 Dec 2015 /  #90
Ironside-I suggest you kiss my dog under his tail before you try to patronize me

You just labelled us as being abusive. Like seriously? For that supposed "idiom" you kept fuming about; I'll let sleeping dogs lie because you seem to have little or no knowledge about metaphors.

Levi-The problem are the dangerous pakistanis and north-africans wanting to implement Sharia Law. Just like you.

It 'll be irrational for a Muslim to live in a Christian dominated country and demand for implementation of a Sharia Law.

I'm a black West African Muslim.

So you are in fact translating from Polish - yet have the temerity to criticise the poster for his English?

I couldn't agree more ;)

I'm living here in Poland and yes, I'm enjoying every bit of my stay :)

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