I am Christian and I have not been brainwashed to kill people that mock my bible.
Don't be that ignorant plz..Muslims don't do like you say, what if they claimed themselves Christian, would you change your religion or..?
You'll probably say that they are yelling ''Allahuakbar'', and you think that they are muslims ha ? no it's not, if they called ''your name'' while torturing or cutting head, it wouldn't make you a bad person, either.
You Christians(I don't mean whole Christianity but the Christians like you) have such a prejudice about Muslims that I swear and swear that you're much worse than them..here there's an experiment proving how much prejudiced you are.
P.S : I'm not Muslim (I know that you'd judge or label me as Muslim, too)
They DONT ACCEPT any place that have Pork, Alcohol or even a simple cross (that is why they put the food and water given by the red cross to the garbage).
Ahaha..It's a proof of what a prejudiced blamers we are dealing with here...
Using capital letters THEY DONT ACCEPTTT bla bla..take it easy, who don't accept ? how many of them have you met yet ?