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Are there any Muslim areas in Poland?

4 Nov 2015 /  #31
Poland is supposed to receive in the next 12 months 20 thousand illegal immigrants.

No, Poland is not supposed to receive even a single illegal immigrant. All of the approximately 5,000 which Poland has agreed to take are entirely legal immigrants, just as you yourself hope to be.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
4 Nov 2015 /  #32
Once any so called "illegal alien" is accepted by any country, they stop being "illegal" ;). Normal but not to Levy's weird mind ;)
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
4 Nov 2015 /  #33
So yes, answering to the OP, wait until 2 years more and you will have not an area, but an entire city.

Yes Levi these people were originally illegal immigrants that you speak of so they are tagged with that name
unfortunately for them.
And yes WE have seen first hand how these illegal immigrants get settled, start demanding, refuse to abide by the host countries laws, create their own, take over a complete area, (Dearborn Michigan now known as Dearbornistan), demand their children have special privileges in school that the host countries children aren't allowed, demand that all welfare and other government documentations to be written in Arabic, demand that all government agencies have Arabic translators,

Yes Levi, WE have seen this first hand what is going to happen in Poland and the rest of Europe but the libitards still won't admit that they were wrong after the fact.

Just like when WE tried to tell them from the get go that this invasion was going to bite them and they mocked us telling how they were all ready to take families into their homes and what a great move it was. More dumb propaganda talk.

These tree huggers live in a fantasy land and have never witnessed it first hand like WE have.
All WE can keep telling them is, "Wait and see" and we didn't have to wait to long did WE to read the horror stories in the media and even those are being censored to a minimum.

The Polish people are not as tolerant as Americans and I have seen first hand the tolerance level in my country.
There can only be one reason these libatards insist on ruining Poland's culture but I am not allowed to post it.
Levi  11 | 433  
4 Nov 2015 /  #34
There can only be one reason these libatards insist on ruining Poland's culture but I am not allowed to post it.

I tell you the reason (Which you and probably anyone not corrupted and brainwashed by political correctness syndronm already knows):

They want to change Poland into another Somalia. They want to repopulate Europe.

They want to destroy polish culture and aniquilate any sign of polish tradition, of millenar costumes that endured years. Because they know that this is the only way to ensure domination of East Europe and enslavement of Polish Population.
4 Nov 2015 /  #35
They want to repopulate Europe.

Aren't you yourself a non-European who wants to populate Europe at least in part with non-Europeans?
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
4 Nov 2015 /  #36
How about you Harry,
Aren't you yourself a non-European who wants to populate Europe at least in part with non-Europeans?

back to the topic
4 Nov 2015 /  #37
I am trying to stay on topic so stay with me.

The pro Europe politicians have for a long time understood that nationalism is holding back the concept of one European group / community / or call it a new country if you like.

The long term aim of Europe is that All people will consider themselves as European and not British, French, Polish etc.

The freedom of movement legislation was geared towards the removal of the notion of individual nations within Europe, by diluting and dispersing people around EU stares.

The problem with the above is that it has not been working quickly enough and the population of Europe is in decline.

Hence the latest plan to bring in people from outside the EU and integrate them as European citizens, thus having a larger group of pro Europe supporters / voters to support the EU politicians / state.

The concept of having separate Muslim , Asian, Jewish, Chinese areas is anti European as it does not fulfill the European one state plan.

So in answer to the posters question is ....Poland does not have promote separate areas, The government in poland actually does try and integrate immigrants into the Polish/ European society as a whole. (I know people will quote some exceptions to this),
Levi  11 | 433  
10 Dec 2015 /  #38
Poland does not have promote separate areas, The government in Poland actually does try and integrate immigrants into the Polish/ European society as a whole.

The only problem is that mostly of those Illegal Muslim Immigrants DONT WANT to integrate.

They DONT ACCEPT any place that have Pork, Alcohol or even a simple cross (that is why they put the food and water given by the red cross to the garbage).

Is delirious think about integration with a culture (the Muslim) that instead of integrate, want to DESTROY your culture.
10 Dec 2015 /  #39
mostly of those Illegal Muslim Immigrants DONT WANT to integrate.

How many Muslim immigrants in Poland have you met? My guess is that it's a grand total of none. And why do you claim that they are illegal immigrants? You clearly have no idea who is and is not an illegal immigrant, as is shown by the fact that you yourself have become an illegal immigrant.

They DONT ACCEPT any place that have Pork, Alcohol or even a simple cross

That is news! Last week I had some absolutely excellent Shirin at a Muslim-owned and managed restaurant. Forgive me for not naming it, although it won't be hard to guess which restaurant might have that wine, but it was served somewhat under the table as a gift for friends rather than being sold to us (I'd imagine that you're yet to find out how problematic it can be to get an alcohol licence in Poland).

And today I'm meeting another Muslim friend for dinner and a few cocktails.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
10 Dec 2015 /  #40
The long term aim of Europe is that All people will consider themselves as European and not British, French, Polish etc.

The problem with the above is that it has not been working quickly enough and the population of Europe is in decline.

I doubt if it ever works. What is on the minds of Brussels bureaucrats may actually not be on the minds of people of Europe.

This happened in the US where they feel 'American' first, but in Europe people feel 'British' or 'Polish' or 'French' first and only after that they are 'European' and this even without any EU in Europe.

Notice that in the UK, people still feel 'Scottish' and 'Welsh' despite the fact that both nations have been linguistically conquered (along with the Irish in the Irish Republic) by the English. Being 'British' isn't as strong as being 'French' or 'Polish' and with a separation of Scotland the term 'British' could have come closer to existing as a mere geographical term rather than a political or cultural one. Ireland, linguistically conquered by England, decided at one point to break apart from Great Britain.

No wonder that so many Muslims of Europe do not want to assimilate. The differences between themselves and indigenous Europeans are far greater than between the Irish and the English. The dreams dreamt in Brussels are just dreams.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
10 Dec 2015 /  #41
How many Muslim immigrants in Poland have you met?

Muslim immigrants to Poland are self-selected and mostly well educated and more secular in outloook. IME they are not necessarily pleased by the prospect of large amounts of their co-ethnics (they're often in Poland to get away from them)

today I'm meeting another Muslim friend for dinner and a few cocktails.

It's perfectly normal to have muslim friends, but individual experience is not necessarily a sound base for policy decisions which are better made at the group level, no matter how uncomfortable that is for some.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #42
They DONT ACCEPT any place that have Pork, Alcohol or even a simple cross (that is why they put the food and water given by the red cross to the garbage).

that has not been my experience with the kind of middle class people I have mixed with.
Still if you want to simply use lazy stereotypes, carry on.
10 Dec 2015 /  #43
that has not been my experience

Actually that is an educated guess since there are plenty of cases islamists demanding removing of crosses and demanding mosques or fe. women covering their bodies. I do know and even befriended muslims. What i do though is distinguish muslim from islamists(radical) and shamely any muslim(on my scale) is a potential islamist until i become to know one better.

What is on the minds

Only money and power! There's no ideology behind it. Maybe someday we will grow up enough to have one.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #44
well yes Nocy but it is a bit of a fallacy isnt it? Some Muslims are fundamentalists, ergo all Muslims are the same....?
10 Dec 2015 /  #45
well yes

Thing is Islam is very easy to pick on and alien enough for us to generalise it's worshippers. Good muslim people pick and live to the good "parts" of it. Radicals pick in "kill the infidel for salvation" fragments and therefore you can't/shouldn't loathe the Westerners being uncertain on how to approach the Muslim. You can interpret the the Holy Bible in a multitude of ways too but none of them makes the act of taking someone's life a way to reach "the Heaven".
10 Dec 2015 /  #46
individual experience is not necessarily a sound base for policy decisions

I didn't say it was; I was just pointing out that Levi's statement is entirely wrong. But I suppose it's a bit unrealistic to expect an illegal immigrant such as Levi to know much about Muslims in Poland.
10 Dec 2015 /  #47
pick on

pick in
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #48
You can interpret the the Holy Bible in a multitude of ways too but none of them makes the act of taking someone's life a way to reach "the Heaven".

well it certainly has been interpreted as a licence to kill in the past hasnt it?
10 Dec 2015 /  #49
No. Not by all Muslims themselves. Like i said. I'm friends with a few and even asked them about it. They told me they skip/ignore the evil parts of the Quran.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #50
No. Not by all Muslims themselves.

I was talking about the bible Nocy...
Levi  11 | 433  
10 Dec 2015 /  #51
But I suppose it's a bit unrealistic to expect an illegal immigrant such as Levi to know much about Muslims in Poland.

Admins, Again Harry does an off-topic comment accusing me of a crime that i never commited and insulting me.

For the same i got 4 warnings, while with him nothing happens.

Interesting, no?
10 Dec 2015 /  #52
I was talking about the bible Nocy

Centuries ago when humans were mostly illiterate and priests were basically the intelligence and the elite Christianity was commonly abused as a tool of power and control over the masses. Dark Ages indeed. Don't think we should even mention this though. It's so obvious. Can't say that about the present where even a sheppard uses a GPS device to locate his sheep. Can you?
10 Dec 2015 /  #53
Harry does an off-topic comment accusing me of a crime that i never commited and insulting me.

If you were a legal resident of Poland, you'd be able to learn more about this wonderful country. You could meet some of the Muslims who have settled here and discuss with them the problems of doing everything legally. You could almost certainly compare notes about how frustrating it is to meet immigrants from countries such as the USA who are able to get away with working while on tourist visas and just popping over the border to Ukraine every couple of months in order to get another tourist visa. You'd find you have a lot in common with them.

But you aren't, so you can't. Pity.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #54
Centuries ago when humans were mostly illiterate and priests were basically the intelligence and the elite Christianity was commonly abused as a tool of power and control over the masses.

yeh only it wasnt 'centuries ago' was it?
And you know what, dismissing a woman's contribution to a discussion as 'too obvious to be worth mentioning' is just a bit....dark ages u know?
10 Dec 2015 /  #55
Centuries ago when humans were mostly illiterate and priests were basically the intelligence and the elite Christianity was commonly abused as a tool of power and control over the masses.

Awkwardly they were those contributing and making a major push in what we call science nowadays regardless. What was the Islamists contribution? Except the oil-billionaires they're still the Third World.

yeh only it wasnt 'centuries ago' was it?

When did that recently happen? Who and how many died?
10 Dec 2015 /  #56
What was the Islamists contribution?

Zero for a start (which is coincidentally exactly how relevant your question is to Muslims in Poland).
10 Dec 2015 /  #57
woman's contribution

Either you got what i wrote wrongly or you just stick the now common "sexist" label on whatever you feel like to. What i meant was crimes and wrongdoings of Christianity in the past are very well known to basically everybody.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #58
" What i meant was crimes and wrongdoings of Christianity in the past are very well known to basically everybody."

no they are not, obviously. ..:)
You were extremely dismissive of me, perhaps that is something you might want to think about..:)
10 Dec 2015 /  #59
You were extremely dismissive of me, perhaps that is something you might want to think about..:)

You mentioned it first and i acknowledged. Was there anyone else needing it being thoroughly explained in a conversation between the two of us? Also please do not accuse me for discriminating women. I ain't Muslim.. I'm proud of Skłodowska(and of her daughter too. There were 4 Noble Prizes in her family) more than of any Polish male. :D
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
10 Dec 2015 /  #60
NocyMrok-They told me they skip/ignore the evil parts of the Quran.

Whoever told you there is something evil about the Quran is already not a Muslim.

I ain't Muslim

You seem to be nursing a great deal hate against Muslims. Who told you the Muslims discriminates against women?

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