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Is 10500 monthly is enough for a family to live in Warsaw Poland

sachinjain777in  - | 4  
14 Jul 2014 /  #121
Thanks for your reply!

One final question on this topic.. Usually do landlords charge more if we mention upfront that I want apartment just for 6 months?
For example, if an apartment is advertised for 1500PLN on one of the website and if we contact landlord and mention we need just for 6 months then will they ask for more than 1500?
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
14 Jul 2014 /  #122
Legally speaking most of contracts don't state that you loose deposit when you terminate it earlier.

That is a grey area so landlord can keep the kausia?
3 Nov 2014 /  #123
Hi . will anyone help me in answering my question.Is 4000 PLN be sufficient to live in warsaw , poland? I belive the above amount is gross. So will the net amount be enough to manage one person"s life in warsaw, poland?
smurf  38 | 1940  
3 Nov 2014 /  #124
So will the net amount be enough to manage one person"s life in warsaw, poland?

You'll survive, but you won't save much money and you probably won't enjoy it......unless you don't have to pay rent, if you need to rent then you're basically screwed on that money.
16 Apr 2015 /  #125
Merged: Work in Poland, 15000 PLN gross income per month. Is this enough to live on in Warsaw?

Hello all,

Can anyone help out with a question I have? I am in discussions with a Polish company and they offer me a maximum of 15000PLN gross income per month. Is this enough to live on in Warsaw? Thank you
PolishNewbie  - | 5  
16 Apr 2015 /  #126
I'm sure it is. I Just got an internship in Poland and it's 3,500 zloty a month! Huge pay cut from USA but experience will be worth it I hope.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
16 Apr 2015 /  #127
@ AndreiTheRed, I am surprised that any company would offer you 15000 PLN gross per month in Poland, if you can not work out yourself whether that is enough to "live on" in Warsaw.

That's a salary enough to "live on" in the UK so why wouldn't be enough to "live on" in Poland?
15 May 2015 /  #128
Dear all!

I have already scrolled through many of posted answers and they are all very helpful. Still I would like to post a question.

I look forward to moving with my whole family to Gdansk (2 children). Since my wife will most probably not get job position asap, we expect to live on single paycheck for at least half of year or more.

What are the living costs and renting of approx. 100m2 flat? How about costs of schools?

Also does anyone have an impression how much could kindergarten teacher earn per month in Gdansk?

I expect around 15000 PLZ per month.

Thank you
DominicB  - | 2706  
15 May 2015 /  #129
Since my wife will most probably not get job position asap

Also does anyone have an impression how much could kindergarten teacher earn per month in Gdansk?

If by this you mean that your wife hopes to get a job as a kindergarten teacher, dream on. Chances of that happening are nil. In fact, make your plans on the very, very safe assumption that your wife will not be able to earn a single penny during your stay in Poland.
teargas  - | 71  
15 May 2015 /  #130
I expect around 15000 PLZ per month.

Net or gross?

Also does anyone have an impression how much could kindergarten teacher earn per month in Gdansk?

Around 2000zl/gross in a private kindergarten.

Dominic is wrong. Jobs are pretty easy to come by in kindergartens.
DominicB  - | 2706  
16 May 2015 /  #131
Not for non-EU citizens that require a work permit and don't speak a word of Polish.
16 May 2015 /  #132
Jobs are pretty easy to come by in kindergartens.

If you speak Polish, have Polish recognized qualifications and don't need a work permit, they are. If you don't, they certainly aren't.
25 Feb 2017 /  #133

I am a SAP developer. I have been offered a job with package 30k euros in Warsaw. I am single, wld it be feasible to accept the offer.

Thanks in advance for the suggestion.
DominicB  - | 2706  
25 Feb 2017 /  #134

That is about what toilet cleaners make in the richer areas of the United States. SAP consultants are in desperate demand just about everywhere. Why you would even consider working for a measly 30 K in Poland when you can earn three or four times more in a richer country is strange. Even for Poland, that is a little low for an experienced SAP consultant. You'll live decently enough, but your savings potential is going to be much, much smaller that in a richer country, where you can easily SAVE as much as you EARN in Poland.

My advice would be to ignore recruiters and websites, and concentrate on finding a good job in a richer country using your network of real-life contacts. The best jobs are advertised solely by word of mouth. Recruiters and websites end up with just the table scraps. And also bypass HR departments as much as you can, and communicate directly with the hiring managers.

As a rule, Poland has little to offer qualified mid-level IT professionals from outside of the EU. Whenever I see an Indian or Pakistani asking about jobs in Poland, I know that they have not done a proper job search, and are probably answering to a mass email from some recruiter. Do yourself a favor and conduct a proper job search, and ignore low-wage countries like Poland. In the meantime, build up a well-developed network of contacts in your own country, especially focusing on colleagues who have worked in richer countries. Working in Poland is unlikely to help you much as far as career advancement is concerned any more than working in India will. Don't think of it as "getting your foot in the door".
Marsupial  - | 871  
25 Feb 2017 /  #135
Poland has an iq base too high for medium level to be valued that much. Degree and fluent Polish is like nothing, normal stuff. So you need that and EXTRA to win bigger. There are heaps of places which pay way more but have a lower base and ypu can speak English which is 1000 times easier than Polish.
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 Feb 2017 /  #136
a job with package 30k euros in Warsaw. I am single, wld it be feasible to accept the offer.

A single person can live comfortably on that in Warsaw, and it is a nice city to live in.

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