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$3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?

cjj  - | 281  
2 Apr 2011 /  #211
In the beginning everything takes a lot of time - but routines will develop, things will get easier.
And it doesn't rain all the time :)
2 Apr 2011 /  #212
I had been pacing back and fourth in my dark little flat for 1.5 hours worried to the point of a racing heart and fast breathing

There will be many more moments you feel in the dark during the early days in PL, its all part of the challenge. You will need to grab life here, don't wait for it to come to you. So fill your time and get creative. As an example you could offer to get involved in the school your son attends and make a presentation to the kids in english about America. Contact the Embassy in Warsaw and tell them what you are doing and they may have information and posters they can send to you, to promote American culture to the class. Get active...
wildrover  98 | 4431  
2 Apr 2011 /  #213
BAM ! POP ! SMOKE! lights out

Welcome to Poland....don,t get me started on Polish electrics...!
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
5 Apr 2011 /  #214
This one is goning to be a little all over the place! lot of little things to sure...Sorry!

WOW ! this is so cool! I have been watching a LIVE streaming cam from the Marina in Gdynia for months now just to try to connect and see what was there in Gdynia. It is weird to watch this camera from 5500 miles away and then, see it in person !!! I will include the link as well as some pics from this last Sunday at the bottom of this post. If you watch the web cam... stay there for about five minutes as the cam cycles through a lot of different views.

Yesterday was Luke's First day of school !!! He loved it !!! he came home and said " I was better than I thought I would be!" We are so happy that he liked it and wants to go back ! WHEW ! it could have been waaaaaaaay different! With that being said... Had to walk home from dropping him off in the rain again (that does really suck).

Made our first dinner in our tiny tiny kitchen, on our tiny tiny stove last night and it turned out GREAT ! not a lot of room to work and prepare but if you use your space wisely, it is very possible. Since is is chilly outside, the chairs on the balcony have become a staging place (Covered, of course)for my dishes awaiting the stove or cook top. (natural fridge)

Speaking of the Balcony, There is this kinda box on box on box shelving unit out there in a triangle shape (take pic later to show) anyway, I have decided that this is going to be my Beverage storage area! sounds dumb, looks cool! I have one box that is just going to be Spirits, I have three for beer (Piwo) one for Soft drinks and two for water (Gaz i Nie Gaz) <---- that's me trying lol!

I Love to watch this city wake up and go to sleep! as you probably have seen from an earlier post, we live on a quit busy street, 3am maybe the one stray dog runs by, 4am see one or two people stumble across the street,5am the first bus (#27 south bound) comes rolling by with maybe 2 or 3 people on it and 1 minute later the #26 comes by the other direction with maybe a few more people on it. One or two cars following to tow. 5:30a, a bus every 2 to three mins in each direction, cars , cars, and more cars people walking, delivery trucks stopping here and there. 6:00am The church bells ring, the stores open, the buses are filled to capacity, oh did I mention CAR CAR CARS EVERYWHERE!! Parked on the sidewalks, stopping in the middle of the street to drop off the delv. or a person does not matter the bus, other cars and people just go around !! In the states if some one would do that in the middle of rush hour and the middle of a busy street you would have a major back up because the person behind would start screaming to move the flipping car/truck a fight would erupt, some kind of weapon would be drawn, all the while thousands would be slowing or stopping to see what is going on, police called, more back ups and TV helicopters fly over head, more back ups, two hours in the car for a normal 30 minute drive! Not here! they just go around no beep, no yelling! it is just the way it is ! and people move on !

With all that being said and done! the best part is, with only a small problem on Sunday witch was quickly solved, It looks like this place or maybe the whole situation of her dad and whether to move or not, then the actual planning and execution of that plan, the move.... I do not know but I have fallen head over heals in love with my wife again and love the feeling of those butterflies in my stomach when I see her! Walking by the Sea this last Sunday was the Best!!! our son on his scooter 5 meters ahead, birds flying, the sea mist, my wife's arm around mine and just talking!I hope this last forever!

Ok here are the pics and the links


  • That's the web cam!!!!

  • Luke and I

Wroclaw Boy  
5 Apr 2011 /  #215
(natural fridge)

it becomes a natural freezer in the winter just be careful some bastad doesn't steal your bigos. Jokes aside Polish food is awesome.

I Love to watch this city wake up and go to sleep!

Interesting, i rented a flat to an American once, it was right next to a building site - couldnt be closer, i was trying to say that if he works the noise shouldn't be a hassle etc (all the usual salesman crap) but to my surprise he said "no thats great its like a free show".

I hope this last forever!

Heaven in Gdynia?
cjj  - | 281  
5 Apr 2011 /  #216
I was down there on Saturday morning (pirate ship was all tied up :) )
There's a swimming pool just beside the aquarium building. it's part of the Akademia Morska but open to the public on saturday morning (at least). not a US leisure centre by any stretch of the imagination, but perfectly adequate for swimming lengths and for kids' swimming lessons.


5 Apr 2011 /  #217
I finally had to tell myself that I need to lower my expectations and take accept things the way they are. This way I became much happier here:).

Good advice. Poland is different to the US (and Australia). So changing one's expectations is the key. Not so much lowering, but changing expectations is vital.

It's all part of a great experience and becomong more accepting, liberal, undertstanding, respectful and tolerant of others. Being flexible in expectations makes one a better person. (Being intolerant doesn't. - this is for the trolls!)

When returning to one's native land some years later one often can experience a very strong form of culture shock because in our mind we often idealise our native country, but after living elsewhere for years, we can see that each country has it's own strengths and weaknesses.
5 Apr 2011 /  #218
I do not know but I have fallen head over heals in love with my wife again and love the feeling of those butterflies in my stomach when I see her! Walking by the Sea this last Sunday was the Best!!! our son on his scooter 5 meters ahead, birds flying, the sea mist, my wife's arm around mine and just talking!I hope this last forever!

You old romantic ! Here is a link to a restaurant in Orlowo, I met the owner on a plane a number of years ago, he is Polish but lived in Canada for many years, he has a daughter about the same age as your son who is English speaking - so maybe someone you could shoot the sh-t with tawernaorlowska.pl/menu.html Take care be good, one day at a time...
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
16 Apr 2011 /  #219
WOW! it has been a while since last post ! things have been crazy here with the hospital visits, setting up the flat, dealing with an infected finger and for the big problem... My INR (blood thickness indicator ( Had blood clots before)) is incredibly low! trying to get it under control right now but the pain in the left arm is almost unbearable. Anyway, some complaints first then the fun stuff! I know many of you said I would not like the beef here but.... I can NOT even find beef here except for ground beef! WHAT UP? even in the restaurants it is hard to find! I had thought YEA!! I found a little place in the market place here that had New York Sirloin roast Who hoo!!! So while waiting in line to have two steaks cut off of this roast, the person in front of us asked for a rack of ribs then asked for the lady to cut it in three (I guess easier to carry home) so the lady takes the rack to the back table and whacks it with this huge axe looking thing, the last strike sends about four ribs to the rather dirty floor. Expecting her to pick it up and at least rinse it off, she just put it in the bag with the other ribs and hands it to the person and moves on.... icky !!! we turned around and left ! If they do that in front of people what do they do when we do not see! anyway next... Why is it so hard to find REAL pepperoni here? They call it pepperoni but it is salami. Do not get me wrong the pizza here is really good but miss the pepperoni.

On to another observation, I smoke quite frequently out on our balcony which faces a rather busy street. I have noticed over the last 2 1/2 weeks three guys (30 to 40 years old) that just hang out on the street corner. they live in the building behind me and one always has a black shoulder bag with him. They are loud and always cussing. They take turns at being drunk, but one is always drunk. One seems to be a leader because the other two follow him around like a dog in heat. Actually watched the "Leader" kick in a door yesterday in the middle of the day! hummm wonder what they are up to but still keep my distance far and my lips closed!

By the way... Does the fricken sun EVER come out here! I know you all told me it is gray here but WOW ! Now I know why you all have such a fair complexion! no sun !!! hehehehehe

On to my on going work in progress! Told you I have a balcony that I smoke on, well on that balcony is a shelf (will show a picture at the bottom) I decided I want to make that shelf my "Beverage Center" I have some more work to do but here is a pic what what it looks like so far. Still need to add the wine and more spirits but, it is starting to look better!

Till next time !!


wielki pan  2 | 250  
16 Apr 2011 /  #220
I have noticed over the last 2 1/2 weeks three guys (30 to 40 years old) that just hang out on the street corner. they live in the building behind me and one always has a black shoulder bag with him. They are loud and always cussing. They take turns at being drunk, but one is always drunk.

Thats just part of Polish life, theres always a group of drunks hanging around apartment blocks, if you haven't been robbed or assulted by now you are safe..
17 Apr 2011 /  #221
Why is it so hard to find REAL pepperoni here? They call it pepperoni but it is salami.

If you are looking for decent imported products, then try Kuchnie Swiat

They are more expensive, although the quality is about as good as it gets. There is one in Galeria Bałtycka, al. Grunwaldzka 141, tel.: 0048 58 345 25 07. Its is not so far from you and it will satisfy your needs.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Apr 2011 /  #222
Told you I have a balcony that I smoke on, well on that balcony is a shelf (will show a picture at the bottom) I decided I want to make that shelf my "Beverage Center" I have some more work to do but here is a pic what what it looks like so far. Still need to add the wine and more spirits but, it is starting to look better!

I wonder how long it'll be before someone steals all the alcohol from the balcony. Any bets, anyone?
wielki pan  2 | 250  
17 Apr 2011 /  #223
I'm sure those guys lurking around your units might get wind that you have a bumper supply of grog and may target you...never pays to advertise these things!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Apr 2011 /  #224
They won't target him, they'll just target his alcohol ;)

I wouldn't put it past such guys to actually climb up/down on his balcony to steal the booze, especially spirits.
convex  20 | 3928  
17 Apr 2011 /  #225
On to my on going work in progress! Told you I have a balcony that I smoke on, well on that balcony is a shelf (will show a picture at the bottom) I decided I want to make that shelf my "Beverage Center" I have some more work to do but here is a pic what what it looks like so far. Still need to add the wine and more spirits but, it is starting to look better!

Just make sure that it's not observable :) I used the balcony as a big fridge too.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Apr 2011 /  #226
Seems like Poland is treating you good. I hope you enjoy your time and have only good memories. You seem like a smart man with a good head on his shoulders.

Being a foreigner is not so tough in Poland, specially with a Polish partner and a good heart, along with a good brain.

Good luck :) ...
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
18 Apr 2011 /  #227
never pays to advertise these things!!

You can not see it from the street ! I am up a level and I have gone out and looked from all angles... My wife said the same thing...sooooo I went out to see if anyone could see, But thanks for the advice.

Good luck :)

Thank you very much! Just need to find a Good Burger and I will be happier ;) lol!!

With that being said... Do ANY of you live in and or around Gdynia??? Dying to just meet up with someone who speaks my language. I know I am supposed to be learning Polish, and I am, But would like to have a real conversation with someone and can not find an English speaking person to save my life!

On another subject, I was suggested to start a blog and stop typing here. Is that protocol? after a while of posting here... Move it to a blog somewhere else? Please let me know if I have out stayed my welcome here. Just like telling you guys what's going on and getting your opinion's. Like the Balcony thing, it really helped!

Anyway til' next time!
wielki pan  2 | 250  
19 Apr 2011 /  #228
Please let me know if I have out stayed my welcome here

keep it up, its interesting reading, straight from the horses mouth so to speak, before have been saying that you wouldn't make it, you will have to prove them wrong.
ChrisPoland  2 | 123  
19 Apr 2011 /  #229
I was the one that suggested the blog :) but it wasn't because you are unwelcome here :)
cjj  - | 281  
20 Apr 2011 /  #230
Do ANY of you live in and or around Gdynia???

Well yes -- I think I have dropped a few comments to that effect in earlier posts!
Right now I'm sitting in Gdansk, but my daughter goes to school in Gdynia and we're down at the swimming pool (think "opposite the pirate ship and beside the aquarium") every saturday morning.

i'm irish - but i've lived in vancouver b.c. so i can do north american too :)
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
21 Apr 2011 /  #231
Well yes -- I think I have dropped a few comments to that effect in earlier posts!

What time are you usually at the pool on Saturdays?

I was the one that suggested the blog :) but it wasn't because you are unwelcome here :)

I know you were not saying anything bad, just was curious if that was protocol?? no worries :)

So went to the doctor yesterday... ( a little back ground, I have had blood clots in the past and am on blood thinners) well, while I was packing up to leave for Poland my right index finger tip cracked from being dry. I thought nothing of it and went about packing. Apparently, all the dust and dirt got into my finger and got infected. Needless to say I have poor circulation and not enough of my blood could get to the tip of my finger to fight the infection. In the last three weeks it has got so bad that the tip of the finger is completely raw and I can even type with out pain. Then to make things worse the infection has moved it way down into my right forearm and is slowly cutting of blood supply to my hand soooooo that is the reason for the trip to the doctor and why I bring this up, is it was interesting to me that while the cost to see the specialist (Surgeon) was 80.00zl the dressing she put on my finger (a band aid) was 40.00zl !! WOW! anyway they gave my some antibiotics and told me to change the dressing once a day. Let's see what happens in a couple of days. Still a little worried because my INR (measurement of blood thickness) is still very low, so not a lot of blood making to the finger to bring the antibiotics. we'll see ! :)

try Kuchnie Swiat kuchnieswiata.com.pl/ang/store.html

They are more expensive, although the quality is about as good as it gets. There is one in Galeria Bałtycka

Hopefully going to go there today or tomorrow !!! FIRST TRAIN RIDE!!
cjj  - | 281  
21 Apr 2011 /  #232
Let's try again with added references for Gdynia (why did my last post end up in the random thread)

There are a number of native-english speaking ex-pats in the area - but most I know have families and jobs so catching up with them is difficult sometimes.

Anyway - this swimming pool in Gdynia does swimming lessons as well as 'free' swimming - so maybe your son would like to attend? It's not a leisure pool because it's marked out in lanes and everyone obediently swims up and down.

We're down there around 9am on Saturdays. Leave shortly after 11am usually - sometimes up to Swietojanska for brunch :)

jwojcie  2 | 762  
6 May 2011 /  #233
so, what about this thread? It was quite entertaining...
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
6 May 2011 /  #234
Sorry I have not posted in a while... A lot of things to report next time I type but for now please give my wife and her family your prayers and good thoughts as her Father passed today and many plans need to be organized. Will update more later when time permits!
6 May 2011 /  #235
May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you now and in the days ahead.
Stu  12 | 515  
6 May 2011 /  #236
I'm very sorry for your (wife's) loss. Good luck and a lot of strength in the days, weeks, months ahead.

Take care of yourself and try to give your wife as much support as she needs.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 May 2011 /  #237
I am sorry for your wife and your family, but also pleased that she made it in time to see him through.

It must be of great delight to her father to see his daughter married and with a good child and husband, doing well in her life.

It is really wonderful of you to keep us informed. I love such stories. You are a good man from a far off country who have really been supportive to your wife! Respects.

If you ever hear any bad for any racist or any evil statement due to your foreign origins, please remember that a thousand voices are in favor of you against that one voice.

I have friends from USA, India, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Mexico, East Asian (Korea and Japan mainly) and also Belgium and Greece. They are all wonderful people, and with your account I believe that wonderful people often usually just don't go out screaming about their good lives. Only, they are at peace with themselves, and painful people scream and disorient other people. However, as a matter of coincidence, sometimes good souls post inquiries like yours through which we know a little about your good life and values.

Thank you again, and ofcourse, my condolences, he will surely be in Heaven...RIP
jwojcie  2 | 762  
6 May 2011 /  #238
I'm sorry for your family loss.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 May 2011 /  #239
her Father passed today and many plans need to be organized. Will update more later when time permits!

sorry to hear that.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
10 May 2011 /  #240
Hello to all ! The Funeral is over and my wife's Father has been laid to rest. The healing can finally begin and the hopes of tears turning into laughter is on the horizon. I will say that even though I did not understand what was being said... It was a beautiful & moving service. VERY different than a funeral in the States (not worse, not better) Just VERY different. Among other things, The one thing that stood out most of all was the procession when we arrived at the cemetery. Everyone gathered by the entrance gates. Three Priests on foot in front, the Hearse directly behind and then immediate family and friends behind. We walked all the way to the grave site (Very far and up hill! Hand in hand, arm in arm. very quite and somber. Watching the Casket lowered into the ground was new for me, as in America, you have the choice of leaving the site or staying to watch and I had always chose to leave. Here this was not an option. Sylwia was very strong for her Mother and should be proud of the way she presented herself. Although, Like most families, they argue and disagree, This family has A LOT of love for each other and is very close. This was shown today.

On a lighter note, (just can not believe this happened, so I MUST share) We were standing outside the hospital this morning to say our good bye's the Grandpa before they sealed the coffin. Try to picture this, We all were standing on the sidewalk by the door to the hospital. Some of us on one side and others on the far side of the sidewalk. There was about a 3 or 4 foot area of the sidewalk TOTALLY CLEAR, no one in the way at all! A bus pulls up and people get off and start walking toward us. EVERYONE I mean EVERYONE, Knew why we were standing there (by the way we were dressed and our location) Everyone walked through with no problem EXCEPT!...... One woman about 30 to 35 years old was looking straight at me and actually changed her direction to walk directly toward me. She was walking fast and furious, I really thought maybe she thinks she knows me. I looked at her, and she walked right up to me and stopped maybe an inch away and said something in Polish (I am now going to tell you what she said as if I understood, but what I going to tell you was with translation from my wife.) so anyway she stops looks at me and says ahhhh EXCUSE ME ! and I said what? She says Move! and I pointed at the ground with my finger and drew aline around me and said " ahh Go that way " ! she then said something that my wife would not translate (probably best) and my wife pulled me aside so the Bi&ch (oops did I say that out loud) could walk by...... Am I crazy or is that total Bull$hit? I may be wrong but walk toward me to MAKE me move, when I am not in the way !!! ohh pi$$ed me off BUT not the time or place to say anything, I just moved on.

I have a lot more I would like to ask, share and talk about but this update is way to long as it is so I will save it for the next!

C ya

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?Archived