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$3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?

Wroclaw Boy  
15 Mar 2011 /  #181
The owner changed her mind and now wants to sell instead of renting!?!?!?!?

WTF!? Why would she list it and show it if 2 days later she says NO???? WHY? I am so frustrated!

Welcome to Poland, annoying isn't it?

maybe she will be able to find something for us..

if she looks in the right places she will, always easier when the tenants are physically present.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Mar 2011 /  #182
AGAIN the owner showed the Flat on Saturday to her brother and said she would tell him what the price would be on Monday (yesterday) then called him and said "It does not calculate, I am not going to rent!" ?????????????? WTF!? Why would she list it and show it if 2 days later she says NO????

Playing silly mind games, with a clear financial goal. Not unusual in Poland, sadly.

Well, she will be there in two days.... maybe she will be able to find something for us... I hope.

No no no no. Ignore her and be terse about it. If she has anything for you, she will change her tune quick enough, if not, move on.

Did not think it would be so hard to rent a flat in Gdynia.

It isn't. Try onet or gumtree. it is a renters' market.
15 Mar 2011 /  #183
Welcome to Poland, annoying isn't it?

First rule in PL, make sure your brother in law or wife do not tell the owner you are a foreigner or that you are arriving from the states. Also do not mention that you have a child that is going to live there. Just advise your wife to say as little as possible about your family situation and that she is moving back for family health reasons. The Polish psyche is that they should be able to charge more for a foreigner. Also if you are too interested in a place the owner will think he/she is under charging. Everything in PL is about money. Just learn to complain and say everything is sh1t and you will have a less stressful life.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Mar 2011 /  #184
Spot on. Very sound advice.

I'd add that he should keep at least one flat in reserve even when he's chosen the one he wants. The landlord would have no qualms about doing the same with tenants. This is insurance agaist the time honoured Polish tradition of the landlord waiting until the tenant is packed and ready to move than putting the price up.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Mar 2011 /  #185
do you guys think that she thought she would be able to sell the apartment to the Americans instead of renting? I dont think thats the case (although the thought did cross my mind), nobody can be that stupid - surely. I'm sure she simply changed her mind and decided selling was a better option.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Mar 2011 /  #186
do you guys think that she thought she would be able to sell the apartment to the Americans instead of renting?

I suspect she's hoping they'll come across as desperate and beg her to rent, of course for more money, or she'll turn around in two days and say she might be prepared to if the price is 'right'.
15 Mar 2011 /  #187
I'm sure she simply changed her mind and decided selling was a better option.

What went through my mind, the brother in law got excited wanted to do the deal with a entrance date of end March, begin of April because the family was moving from the states. She has spoken to her husband and he has told her to up the price because it is too cheap. Selling it is just an excuse.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Mar 2011 /  #188
Exactly - why suddenly change her mind when she's found a tenant? She could let the flat and then put it on the market.
15 Mar 2011 /  #189
It is always better to find a landlord that has a mortgage on the property. than one who owns outright. The one thing you can do s2good2 is find a building that you like that was built after 2005 and mail drop all the owners, you will get a feedback of someone that wants to rent to you.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
17 Mar 2011 /  #190
OK so the wife is gone (On her way to Poland) and Luke and I on on our own the finish the packing and the final details here in the USA. Wow I feel ALL ALONE now and quite scared. I think I will be able to do it but still very nervous. The storage unit in the drive way is about 1/3 full and I have about half the house left to put in it (Hope there is room)! Gosh I hope she gets there in time to say her goodbye's to her Dad! I Love you baby !
17 Mar 2011 /  #191

I will be in Gdynia from the 30th June -4th July, we can meet up one afternoon for a coffee or something stronger.
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Mar 2011 /  #192
I Love you baby !


Wow I feel ALL ALONE now and quite scared.

Come on over for the Polish party mate you'll be just fine, nothing but Brits - we'll look after you buddy.

OK so the wife is gone

Ooooh sheeyaaat.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
17 Mar 2011 /  #193
Wow I feel ALL ALONE now and quite scared. I think I will be able to do it but still very nervous.

Of curse you can do it. And it's quite natural to be scared. It's actually a god sign. If you are nervous you pay more attention to details, and therefore make less mistakes. Good luck!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Mar 2011 /  #194
Everything will be fine my friend. Still not in Poland? ... I hope you could meet your father in law before the last goodbye :(
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
18 Mar 2011 /  #195
I will be in Gdynia from the 30th June -4th July, we can meet up one afternoon for a coffee or something stronger.

I would Love that please contact me the week before and will will make arrangements!

Come on over for the Polish party mate you'll be just fine, nothing but Brits - we'll look after you buddy.

Address please !!! LOL!

Everything will be fine my friend. Still not in Poland? ... I hope you could meet your father in law before the last goodbye :(

I have been there many times and have met with and had some drinks with him... that is why this is so hard right now! Sylwia left early to be with him before the end. Lukas and I leave on the 29th of this month.

Of curse you can do it. And it's quite natural to be scared. It's actually a god sign. If you are nervous you pay more attention to details, and therefore make less mistakes. Good luck!

Thank you! I have cleared the upper level of our home today! 4 bedrooms 3 Closets and two bathrooms !!!! YEAH !!! now just have one of the living rooms, a bath room/laundry room and the DREADED KITCHEN !!!! but it is looking better !

1 Week and counting ! Just the kitchen left and I am going to tackle that today! My Wife's father opened his eye's yesterday but quickly closed them again, we hope it is a sign of healing but right now are just crossing our fingers and praying. Wife signed the lease on our flat today (the original one I posted here) Go figure after they said no rent they wanted to sell..... hummm, a week after we said "No thank you" they called back and said they wanted to rent again. Oh well, at least we got it and it is so close to my In-Laws. More later as it develops!

Shawn & Lukas
22 Mar 2011 /  #196
hummm, a week after we said "No thank you" they called back and said they wanted to rent again. Oh well, at least we got it and it is so close to my In-Laws. More later as it develops!

Welcome to Poland Shawn.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
23 Mar 2011 /  #197
Just a quick Facebook update:

Shawn Twogood
Finally, The Kitchen is PACKED !!! wow what a job that was ! BUT it is done! now just little odds and ends around the house ! Phew!

3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

Carol Twogood That was a major Feat! Good Job! How is Syl doing & her Dad? Luke getting along ok without mom around - I hope? Looks like you'v ebeen keepiong very busy.

2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Shawn Twogood
Syl is doing good Just got the keys to our new flat today ! she took alot of pics for me to see. Her dad opened his eyes fully today and was actually answering questions with yes and no motions to her!! very exciting !!! Luke is doing much... better than thought he would but still is wanting to know when we will go to Mommy! and yes I have been unbelievably busy!!! never a time to sit and realize how much I miss her until i wake at 2:00am and have nothing to do until Luke wakes up.. then.. that is the time I have to reflect and know how much I miss her! Thank you for caring and helping so much ! see you shortly!

Welcome to Poland Shawn.


I think I am ready !!

Looks like I am the only one following this anymore but, that is OK I am doing this more for a record for me when I look back.

It is now Saturday, everything has been removed from the house with the exception of our travel bags, 1 mattress, and the TV (witch will all be taken care of Monday morning) I now have the task of cleaning all the surfaces and floors. I should be able to accomplish this today! Had my "going away" Party last night (if you want to call it that) but the most important people were there anyway ... after talking to some of them, the most poplar topic of the night was.....(exact words) Jesus, who else would have the balls to do what he(me) is doing. kinda scared me again. I am thinking "Holy **** ! if everybody is thinking this maybe this is way wrong" But then I think to myself... No this is just their closed American minds talking I WILL MOVE FORWARD! My wife and New life awaits!

Will update when necessary!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
26 Mar 2011 /  #198
Looks like I am the only one following this anymore

u keep posting and i'll keep reading
grubas  12 | 1382  
26 Mar 2011 /  #199
Looks like I am the only one following this anymore

You not the only one.

No this is just their closed American minds

That's what it is.We all know how they picture Eastern Europe don't we?Most Americans are really backwards with their view of outside world even though they think otherwise(I am not trying to offend anybody just stating the fact).What are you worrying about?You don't have to look for a job in PL,you have a pretty income and you will be with your wife who is native of PL.I understand you are nervous about the move and true it is a hussle but in your case there is no reason to worry.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
28 Mar 2011 /  #200
Ok. It is Sunday night the 27th and the house is EMPTY!! Totally ! We have put the lock on the storage unit (they will pick up on the 29th) and the keys and garage door opener on the island in the kitchen.... And we have left the house for the last time. Now at my brothers house for 2 nights. Tomorrow I and Lukas will go say our" Goodbyes" to Grandma and my brother (other) and Niece, Get a hair cut, take my boy to a nice (last) dinner in America, and then at 6:00 am the next day we are off to our new adventure. I hope it is all what is cracked up to be. I feel tightness<----- is that a word? in my chest can't catch my breath. but I know it is just all the stress of this move. I am sure it will get better once there. Will update when the situation requires.
cjj  - | 281  
28 Mar 2011 /  #201
This is the hardest part - clearing the house and saying goodbye ... without having left ... and without having your new home/life to focus on.

From my experience it's easier once you get going/moving.

It's been a bit chilly this weekend (we had a light dusting of snow on Friday/Saturday) but ... spring will come soon.

and there's a nice pancake place not too far from where I understand your new home is ... pancake and coffee for 10zloty between 10 and 12 on a Saturday morning :)

cjj in gdansk
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
28 Mar 2011 /  #202
and there's a nice pancake place not too far from where I understand your new home is

Please do tell , where is it at? I would love to know ! love the breakfast thing !
scottie1113  6 | 896  
28 Mar 2011 /  #203
You'll soon find that Polish pancakes are in no way, shape or form what you used to eat in the US. I've been following this thread from the beginning. Don't worry. You'll be fine. It's all in the mind.
cjj  - | 281  
29 Mar 2011 /  #204
You'll soon find that Polish pancakes are in no way, shape or form what you used to eat in the US.
ha ha yes, i forgot that !
ok - these are not IHOP pancakes ... not by a long shot.
The locals will probably say they're not nalesniki, either ;)
Place called Fanaberia on Swietojanska (Gdynia) down at the 10 Lutego end. Bit twee inside I must admit -- but it was a cold, cold windy day with icy rain falling sideways and we escaped into chocolately warmth for a modest cost (between 1000 and 1200 :D )

OP s2good2  1 | 72  
31 Mar 2011 /  #205
Quick update.

Ok we made it to Poland with no problems! Yeah!! Now I sit here on the first morning of my new life and wonder.... what the heck I am doing in this foreign land that I truly know very little about (although I have put many hours of research into)? I saw Dad last night and yes... He did recognize me.. there was even a smile! Other than that we moved into or new flat and started to put things away. Uneventful but still exciting. Lukas and I were,and still are, very tired from the travel but this soon shall pass. Now I sit and wait for my family to wake to see what today will bring... Exciting huh?

Very gray here... Hope the season will change soon

Shawn, Syl & Luke (all together once again)
Misia  - | 31  
31 Mar 2011 /  #206
I just skimmed through this thread, sounds like a whole new chapter/adventure of your life just began. Good luck to you and your family. It's really wonderful that your wife can be there for her dad.

I visited Gdynia a few times, and I have to admit, if I were ever to move back to Poland I'd move there. :-)

There's always a culture shock, so just don't let it get to you.
ancia  - | 1  
31 Mar 2011 /  #207
I think you would have a ball in Gdynia. Im from London (Polish origin) and lived there for about two years in the late 90s and found it great. Although I did speak Polish, and knew a lot about Poland, Im sure that you will pick up a lot living in a Polsih environment and you have Lukas to help! I have a number of friends who lived in Poland because they married Polish partners and all managed really well. Gdynia is a lovely city and I have always found people there really friendly. You are also in a lovely area for exploring the Baltic coast and the surrounding countryside, as well as the neighbouring cities of Sopot and Gdansk, both of which are great - Gdansk is particularly beautiful and has lots going on. You can explore some of the gorgeous countryside including the Kashubian (Kaszuby)area with its distinct dialect/language, and folklore and arts, you will be within fairly easy reach of places like Malbork - it will be great - go for it!
cjj  - | 281  
31 Mar 2011 /  #208
Welcome to Gdynia :)
I'm typing this from 20 minutes away and it wasn't a bad day weather-wise ... we hit 13C today in Gdansk !
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
2 Apr 2011 /  #209
Ok, sooooo yesterday, Lukas was to meet his new teacher at school at 9:00am. He, not yet used to time change, Pitched a fit crying, falling down, not listening, not getting dressed all while we were threatening him (not really but...) Made us late for the bus to the school and the next bus would make us late for the appointment. so we had to walk... Oh, by the way did I tell you is was raining??? when we got to the school we were soaked (did not have time to go buy umbrella yet) we met with the teacher and his new school mate for about 45 mins and were off back to the flat. The bus that normally stops right in front of the school was not going to show up for another 1:45 mins soooooo walkin in the rain again back home. once home dried off and planned the trip to Hala (fresh food market place) after 2.5 hours of shopping (and miles of walking) Back on the bus home to make dinner for Sylwia's Mom and brother before the hospital visit. Once home and racing to get dinner in place for the family, the phone rings and well, Mom decides she going to stay home and Brother is going to go to Moms instead of coming to our place..... Hello that was why we went shopping ... for the food for dinner...oh well hang up and start to put thing away... phone rings, it is brother "plans changed... Could you come to my house (30 minutes away) and help me install a wireless router?" ahhhh ok after stumbling through Polish instruction booklet and 1.5 hours later all was working and we were off back to my flat Just in time for the family to go to the Hospital. The Hospital (in this ward) does not allow children so I said to my wife " I will stay here, the flat, with Lukas you go ahead with your family and I will put some stuff away." well.... Luke has been very bored due to the lack of toys so I thought ok! time to get the adapters and transformers out and get the WII hooked up so he has something to play with! Oh did I mention the location of the WII will be in the same entertainment center as the TV, Cable box, Wireless router, Polish home phone, USA home phone (Vonage) and Wireless printer? Well I mention that because before I plugged the Wii in I looked and the power cord and to me it looked like my computer power cord and could swear it said 110 -220. ok just need an adapter right ?! plugged it in and BAM ! POP ! SMOKE! lights out, all electronic componts mentioned above ..LIGHTS OUT GONE. I now have no phones not internet and no way to contact anyone for help. So I began looking for the breaker box, High, low in between... Swear even out in the hall..NOTHING!!! So nervous I just blew up thousands of dollars of equipment... here comes Sylwia waltzing in 45 mins later than she was supposed to (don't care normally) but this time I had been pacing back and fourth in my dark little flat for 1.5 hours worried to the point of a racing heart and fast breathing. Anyway I tell Sylwia what happened, she calls her Brother and ... oh!!! the flipping breaker box is above the entry door!!! Never would have guessed! oh well flip a button and Poof! everything back on ! WHEW! only thing is I think I fried the WII! Going to go buy a new power cord for it to see if that works but !!! WOW what a day !!! AT that point I said " IT IS TIME FOR A BEER!!!'

post more when something interesting Happens !!!! Hope today is not so eventful !

Shawn, Sylwia and Lukas's New adventure !
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
2 Apr 2011 /  #210
post more when something interesting Happens !!!! Hope today is not so eventful !

welcome to Poland:).

What a great story. I know you must have been frustrated, but it will take about 6 months for you to settle in. I was going through the same thing even though I grew up in Poland, but the culture change, electricity change and all those things we take for granted suddenly become a big deal:). I moved in in September and by Christmas I had had enough. I finally had to tell myself that I need to lower my expectations and take accept things the way they are. This way I became much happier here:).

Looking forward to more stories and all the best:). Congratulations on the move - it is a big work:) and you should pat yourself on the shoulder for the job well done.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?Archived