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$3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?

sylwiasta  - | 5  
1 Feb 2011 /  #121
Wielki Pan, you are just a jerk! s2good2 asked a question and here you are, just being an ass. Wouldnt u ask how much do u need if you were going to a country you barely know and have to start from scratch?! Especially that it is a TEMPORARY situation!

No flat- have to rent one, would you buy new vaccum, iron, hair dryer, fridge, washer if you are going to be somewhere just for a year?! especially that you CAN NOT take it back with you?

Give me a break! He asked and very nice people are answering! that is all FORUMS are about
But there is always one smart alec like you.
What am I doing? wasting time on typing to you, ugh!
wielki pan  2 | 250  
1 Feb 2011 /  #122
Wouldnt u ask how much do u need if you were going to a country you barely know and have to start from scratch?!

Just read and understand what I was saying, this gentleman had the ability to read numerous threads on this topic, to state that 3/4000US dollars 12,000zl) is enough is a insult to people who earn around 2500zl a month and manage, can I suggest very few poles earn 12000zl a month...you Americans are very defensive, time to have a hard look at the mirror before making nasty comments.
1 Feb 2011 /  #123
Americans have stuffed up there own country and now they want to stuff up Poland.

s2good2, will arrive in PL - will a annual spend of 40-45,000 USD - that is more money for Pl. I see him as a contributor - he does not want to take anything from PL, except the experience of living here. So why the " beef " wielki pan" or should we say Mr Great/important - get a life buddy and back off.

Just read and understand what I was saying, this gentleman had the ability to read numerous threads on this topic, to state that 3/4000US dollars 12,000zl) is enough is a insult to people who earn around 2500zl a month and manage

Maybe you can contribute, rather than rant.

How much money will it cost for a family of three, inc of, Flat/apartment, food, electricity,private medical insurance,private school ( boy).
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Feb 2011 /  #124


Now you know what I was talking about when I said...

This is not the exact place though ... but yes this thread seems to have treated you well somehow. Some people would like to throw stones at anything they see (because ofcourse, some people are just too big a looser).

But hey, anyways ... it doesn't matter does it?

You guyz have yourselves, she has a father ... and you two have a son! Its all good. You will find the nice people surely in Poland (just look at your wife!) ... but then there will be a few stray people who got no other better thing to do. Just tell your son not to be like them when he grows up. Its like, he also gets to see a few examples about whom not to be like!

By the way ... move around the forum ... people of East or West ... all the good ones can very normally come across good Polish men or women with whom they quite happily spend a good life. Other things (every other thing) come only after that, and believe me, with time and effort - everything is manageable. What matters is that you are doing something good, having courage and patience in your hearts. You rely on each other, and have the warmth and power of love within.

Just come Poland ... your money is alright! ... And whatever might you face, you will do good if you all are together facing it :). That is what families are about! ...

Even a million mathematics don't tell that everything is foolproof. Wouldn't then life become so boring?

Come along my friend... here is a Polish inviting an American with the title "FRIEND"!

You are welcome ... :)
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
1 Feb 2011 /  #125
I can guess only as I never been to Poland.
Living conditions by $3000-$4000 a month in USA (say, LA) can give you similar living conditions in Poland where $700-$1000 can give. It is not different than comparing LA and TN where tomato price is $3 in one of them while $1 is in the other.

But, Poland is another country where people are not using even Euro in daily life, but, Zloty. If global crisis goes in this increasing trend, $100000000.. or €10000000.. or £1000000.. per month may not be enough to live in Poland either. Simply, there is no trust in any other currency of the world out of a country anymore other than where they are printed.
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Feb 2011 /  #126
How? Rent for 3 bedroom flat is 2500 to 3000zl Those prices were posted here earlier by people that live IN Poland !

Because as was posted, most Poles are already well enough established that they live much cheaper... there's grannies flat, or the property inherited from your godfather, the company car, free childcare... the home ownership rate in Poland is one of the highest in the world. Most people aren't renting (that's changing...). You've got EU money from the villages, and a pile of other sources of income...

Your original question was a put down, you don't have to be boy genius to work out that a lifestyle on 12000zl approx 4000US$ per month would have to be pretty good if the average Pole earns 3500zl... (I must say that I know very very people who earn that sort of money)

He asked about maintaining the same quality of life as he had in the US. 3500zl will in no way cover someone that is used to a middle class US life. 10k....getting warmer.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
1 Feb 2011 /  #127
Come along my friend... here is a Polish inviting an American with the title "FRIEND"!

Thank you ! Truly appreciated!
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Feb 2011 /  #128
Americans think their S..t don't stink and think because there American they should have the best..

Some do,some don't.

the truth is that the average Pole has a better quality of life than that of the average American..

I do not think so.

If America didn't have any credit they would be a third world country.

Maybe, but they do,so lets stick to the facts not some speculations.

THIS IS WHAT I WAS TOLD ABOUT! Angry Polish people!

Whoa easy,don't paint everbody with the same brush.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2011 /  #129
to state that 3/4000US dollars 12,000zl) is enough is a insult to people who earn around 2500zl a month and manage

Doesn't it depend on expectations?

I've read recently about someone in Geneva who was earning 800CHF A DAY, and yet still couldn't make it work financially.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
1 Feb 2011 /  #130
Whoa easy,don't paint everbody with the same brush.

Sorry !
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
1 Feb 2011 /  #131
You are experienced already in business? Since your spouse is a Polish, you may have some good oppurtunities especially in working with a Polish company to export their products to USA and sell them there in retail field. I already have a company in my mind in Poland who are producing kitchen utensils. It can be a good temporary work for you while you stay in Poland for a year or two.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
4 Feb 2011 /  #132
It can be a good temporary work for you while you stay in Poland for a year or two.

Please do tell, this is in an area I was not thinking of. please more details, If you can?

I was thinking of teaching "conversational" English when I get there Husband and wife thing. Advertising .... Husband and Wife team, She Native Polish, Him Native American to teach Conversational English. Take your base English to the next level and feel comfortable speaking English on your next business trip or vacation!

Not sure that will be the exact ad but something close. Sure to be "cleaned" up a bit before posted!.

Does anyone know... We were going to wait until June to move because my son is in school..... but Her Dad is not doing well and we do not know if he is going to make it until June. In America I can take my son out of school at any time and move to another state and put him back in school mid term. Is the same possible in Poland? can he continue mid term there? or will he have to re-take 1st grade?
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
4 Feb 2011 /  #133
gerlach.com.pl - more details are given on their web site. They have a good president who you may like to work with. I, being in Turkey, too could be interested in working with them, but, we couldn't agree on which currency we shall use. This is not a problem for you, however.

Conservational English to make money as a family team? Why not.. But, there is not much money in English anymore, many competitiors. Maybe, you can teach Native Americanish, but, then, there is no enough demand for it to make money. Maybe, with a campaign till there is enough demand, you can teach it for free. They do so.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
8 Feb 2011 /  #134
WOW !! ok the tickets have been purchased and we now have the date ! March 29th, 2011 we head out to out new life ! please wish us the best and please do not stop posting about poland and things I will need to know! it is so helpful !

Like why do some charge rent and (going to spell this wrong) "Wysokość czynszu" and some do not? If I want to teach English, do I NEED the TELF? or anything else you can think of!

Thanks to all of you to help make our decision. I will be updating more as we go through the process and the move !

Shawn & Sylwia
grubas  12 | 1382  
8 Feb 2011 /  #135
WOW !! ok the tickets have been purchased and we now have the date ! March 29th, 2011 we head out to out new life ! please wish us the best

Good luck.Good thing is that winter will be over (hopefully)when you arrive.

Like why do some charge rent and (going to spell this wrong) "Wysokość czynszu" and some do not?

Because "wysokość czynszu" or simply "czynsz" may change (read GO UP) ,not much but the person renting to you doesn't have anything to do with it."Czynsz" is what he/she pays to Spółdzielnia or Wspólnota for stuff like trash,repairs,elevators etc.Some include it in your rent,some don't.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
10 Feb 2011 /  #136
Another question... We will be renting a flat and We have two cats we are bringing with us! (they are family) I have only seen two or three Ads (for Flats) that said NO PETS! my wife , who has not been in Poland (living) in 12 years, says that no one will accept two cats! Is this true? well behaved and litter box trained (Indoor only)? Come on is it that different there? Pls let me know !

Thank you for your input!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Feb 2011 /  #137
two cats!

What is their good names? Have they been baptized?
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
10 Feb 2011 /  #138
Hehehehe ... Vector (I fly planes( well used to)) and Wall-E
convex  20 | 3928  
10 Feb 2011 /  #139
I fly planes

buy my TB10, it's US registered and is looking for a new home.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
11 Feb 2011 /  #140
buy my TB10

I used to fly :( Lost my Medical!
convex  20 | 3928  
11 Feb 2011 /  #141
My condolences. Did you lose it, or not renew it because you knew they wouldn't sign off on it? If it's the latter, thought about LSA? There are quite a few ultralights (light sport) and gliders are starting to become popular again around here. If you're interested in flying over here, just let me know.
puella  4 | 170  
11 Feb 2011 /  #142
who has not been in Poland (living) in 12 years, says that no one will accept two cats! Is this true? well behaved and litter box trained (Indoor only)? Come on is it that different there? Pls let me know !

I know ppl who were renting a flat and had cats. It depends on landlord.
convex  20 | 3928  
11 Feb 2011 /  #143
My two worthless cats have lived here for over two years...
jonni  16 | 2475  
11 Feb 2011 /  #144
says that no one will accept two cats!

I never had a problem having two cats in a flat. But of course if you don't mention it, it won't be an issue at all, even if the owner later notices. If you do mention it, it might become a very big issue, whether justified or not. This is a very Polish thing.

The landlord shouldn't ever access the flat without making an appointment anyway, in which case you can pop the pu$sies in the piwnica for an hour.
ChrisPoland  2 | 123  
12 Feb 2011 /  #145
As a person who has rented I can tell you that your landlord may very well enter your flat without making an appointment. I am not talking about the law, but rather the practice. It happened to me when I was renting and quite a few of my friends who rent out their places feel it is perfectly alright to do it. I, as a renter or rentee, feel that it is a violation but I am just giving you a heads-up. Oh...what my friend found in her tenant's apartment one day...

And about the cats, I think you should inform the owner. I never rent to pet owners for the simple fact that I am severely allergic to animals.
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
13 Feb 2011 /  #146
Packing, Packing, Shipping Shipping!!! :) Shipped 4 box's so far (large) just over 178 pounds. Throwing A LOT away (unbelievable how much crap you save over the years), Have a huge piles in the garage for a Garage sale! Still looking for a flat, finding this very hard to do over the net and phone. But we push on ! I feel we are not doing enough to make the March 29th deadline, But we will see !
13 Feb 2011 /  #147
Still looking for a flat, finding this very hard to do over the net and phone.

Just get yourself a short stay apartment for a month and then, when you are on the ground, start the hunt for a place to live. There is so much available out there and because of the slow down in the economy, you can get a deal when you are in PL. In my opinion trying to get a flat long term when you are in the USA is not a good idea.

Try this company - reppel.pl
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
16 Feb 2011 /  #148
OMG! I can not believe how much "CRAP" you collect in 11 short years! we have packed the Garage and the basement For storage ! While we only have sent 4 box's to Poland so far...(178 lbs.) We have only 3 box's for storage! the rest is in the trash!!! or Garage Sale items (Crap we have not touched in over 6 months) Wow, and now it is time for the "BIG GARAGE SALE" just need good weather! Still have 1/2 the Crawl Space (basement storage) to go through! but making A LOT of progress! Still feel we do not have enough time but !!...we will do it ! The Storage Box (10' X 16' x 8') will arrive on March 15th and then we just have to load it and they will come back to get it and store it in a temperature controlled environment until we get back!. This is a MAJOR task and I did not know how MAJOR until now! Cant wait to get there but it is taking a lot of planning right now to make this happen ! Sorry if I am boring you all... just want to share what is happening right now as we go through the process of moving to another country!

Just get yourself a short stay apartment for a month and then, when you are on the ground, start the hunt for a place to live.

Good Info... Sylwia's Brother will be back on March 7th and will (in person) go find something for us. I have been told by many, we will get a better deal if we deal in person and that is exactly what her brother is going to do for us !! THANKS so much for all the info... please do not stop posting ! all is helpful !!

Shawn & Sylwia

Having the first of many garage sales today. Trying to get rid of the piles of stuff we have collected over the years.

On another topic.... We really do not need a car do we? we will be living close to the city center and as far as I have seen... the public transportation is pretty good. I am talking about everyday life, I do not think we will need one. If we want to go for a weekend trip somewhere we could always rent a car right ? or is this not standard practice there?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Feb 2011 /  #149
or is this not standard practice there?

well, it depends. I think you might be better off if you ship a car from the US. It will cost you less then purchasing it in Poland and it will be handy since the parents are old and sometimes you need to drive them around to the docs/bigger shopping and weekend trips. that is if you can. It will give you more freedom.

Another tip: take all the good quality stuff such as: dishes and pots and so on, otherwise you will be shopping for that in Poland forever, unless you want to shop at IKEA. I find that all those small things matter and will make you feel more at home, especially at the beginning when you are tryign to settle in. Also, it is time saving and money saving to get as much of the necessary stuff as possible. I find that kitchen stuff lacks quality here and the one which is good is fairly expensive here.

I skimmed through the thread, so I am not sure, but bring your computer - lap top, if you have any(they are more expensive here), make sure you buy the electricity adaptors - the proper one for all the electronics you are bringing in.

Make sure you get an internet connection at your new place. This will help you to stay connected at the beginning and useful when settling in.

Aha: IKEA (there is one in Gdansk)is a place to get some inexpensive stuff eg. furniture and so ...

You are moving to a Tri- City and I am sure you will love it. Good luck and ask away:) and relax, you will be fine. I have moved across twice - it is hellish at times, but it is doable:)
OP s2good2  1 | 72  
19 Feb 2011 /  #150
Well... Owe too much on the car so, wer are selling it and getting a loan for the balance and just pay for that while we are gone. At least that is the plan.

take all the good quality stuff such as: dishes and pots and so on, otherwise you will be shopping for that in Poland forever

Yes! all are being packed in the 1 checked bag per person (we have three (that's 150lbs of households goods we can take with)) Already have sent over 200lbs ahead.

I sure we will be ok, just nervous, have never MOVED to another country before, visited but not moved. I have always loved new places and new things. I hope this will prove to be the same.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?Archived