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The major religion of Poland?

5 Feb 2007 /  #1
Hmm.... Can anyone let me know the major religion of poland and the national statistics for the different religions in poland? I heard that majority of poles are either orthodox or catholics. Is that true? And please dont allow other religions to thrive in poland like in USA or UK. Atleast I want people to be following their own religions than knowing about the Islamic world. Please the poles must stick to their guns. Thanking you.
daffy  22 | 1153  
6 Feb 2007 /  #2
check wikipedia.org id say.

its 90%+ Roman Catholic
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
6 Feb 2007 /  #3

r u somekinda hindu nationalist thing from india?......I'm a Pole, and there are many other Poles....and we know whats good for us. We dont need ur advice. You go and repair your country first. U also have racists and creed etc problems. You look into that.

Religious sentiments if become too much ingrained....then they can cause friction and alot of bloodshed....its another IZM...which I hope us Polish stay away from.

If ur an indian interested in Poland....then talk about the more neutral matters.
OP ravi  
6 Feb 2007 /  #4
Chill dude! I know the world more than anyone else does, cuz i travelled to all parts of the world including zambia and angola and all the 192 countries. But since am curious enough to see some blacks and moslems in this forum i was just as enthusiastic as all of those but truly speaking i've got a polish wife and my kids are raised christians to which i dont regret. And not a hindu rationalist but an atheist who wants to see no other religion than christianity thrives in poland. Thats it. And you dont own poland as well so cheers to my mates in poland and england.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
6 Feb 2007 /  #5
I know the world more than anyone else does, cuz i travelled to all parts of the world including zambia and angola and all the 192 countries.

yeah... well i bet you havent been to the moon but i have... and i got the t-shirt... so ner... :)

... and by the way... my dad's bigger the your dad...
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Feb 2007 /  #6
I know the world more than anyone else does

Pretty bold statement there bukko. I can probably guess not :)

Ha ha .... eff that My dad can kick your dad's a$$. He knows more than your dad too :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
6 Feb 2007 /  #7
yeah... but my dad's name begins with a W... bet yours doesnt... so nerdy ner ner... :)
daffy  22 | 1153  
6 Feb 2007 /  #8
children children stop this, this is silly...we all know my dad is the best and that that...tip my shoe before you!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
6 Feb 2007 /  #9
we all know my dad is the best and that that

hey dude... is that man your dad...? wow dude... your dad is coooool... i wish my dad was like that dude... he's coool... :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Feb 2007 /  #10
Ravi...list the 192 countries that you've been to :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
6 Feb 2007 /  #11
and all the 192 countries

yeah... so how much is the price of eggs in uzbekistan then if you have been there then...?
daffy  22 | 1153  
6 Feb 2007 /  #12
6 offspring of duck!! and you get change of two beatles!
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Feb 2007 /  #13
bug or the band :)?
daffy  22 | 1153  
6 Feb 2007 /  #14
whichever is on the dung heap :P
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
6 Feb 2007 /  #15
I know the world more than anyone else does

you dont for sure.

192 countries

and how old are you?....why do you believe that the SANE Polish majority will believe this note by you?...are you associated with national geography?....you must be in the race for a world record!

i've got a polish wife and my kids are raised christians to which i dont regret. And not a hindu rationalist but an atheist who wants to see no other religion than christianity thrives in poland. Thats it.

If you are an atheist, then why do you choose Christianity?...dont you know the position of the church against atheists?

Your ideological beliefs towards moslems are filled with ignorance. Ignorance against any race or community is just another face of uncivilized behaviour.

Your children were raised as Christians because you wife is Christian?....and maybe thats the reason why you wanna see the world as Christian.... Of if you like Christianity so much, why didnt you convert to Christianity before marrying her?.....or will you now?....to be a part of our society.

And you dont own poland as well

hey hey hey.....ITS MY MOTHERLAND..... mind ur language! Poland equally belongs to each and every Polish, and people who loves it regardless of all differences. I dont mind you being now a Polish, but you cant say that I dont own Poland....because I do.... we all do.

I am usually not so skeptical about anyone here....not even most extreme here.... but I somehow sense a kind of coldness in you. Something is missing....maybe the soul!

I have good opinion about Indians....and people from India to Poland. But you seem someone lacking of self confidence, lacking of the basic moral requirements, and lacking the teachings of some great Indian people. You seem to be among us not to give anything but lies, negativity and help us go closer to the dark ages.

STONG words from me.....but these are the last for you. I sense negativity with this guy... and God bless all.
9 Feb 2007 /  #16
Roman Dmowski was atheist too but choosed christianity for ideological reasons
9 Feb 2007 /  #17
how can you be an atheist but choose a religion for "ideological" reasons?
Ranj  21 | 947  
9 Feb 2007 /  #18
Realistically, you can't. It's a contradiction of terms. The man was not a true atheist.
sledz  23 | 2247  
9 Feb 2007 /  #19
I was a pedestrian then somebody ran me over..
9 Feb 2007 /  #20
I am not an atheist, agnostic or religious, I really have no idea what I am and haven't thought much about it all, but I respect religion in others most when they know what they're for, aren't hypocritical about it, aren't smug about it - and, very important: don't get too upset when someone else baits them or provokes them with some offensive comment or action. I think part of a strong faith (this from faithless me, admittedly!) is the knowledge that what you are doing is right (bearing in mind the points made above) and that others can say or do what they like - it won't deter you from your path.

That to me is strength.
I am not condoning violence or hatred against people for their religious belief, I am talking about a ridiculous over-reaction to a "blasphemous" cartoon or soundbite, etc.

I was a pedestrian then somebody ran me over..

hahahaha nice one
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Jul 2010 /  #21
The major religion of Poland? Catholicism
Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Jul 2010 /  #22
its 90%+ Roman Catholic

- sadly the method is efficient: registering (by baptising) newborn babies means joining the club. And that's how you work on the statistics. If it was only by choice and because of one's faith - the percentage would be much lower. The only way not to be counted as a Catholic is to go through the pains of apostasia.
alexmac  3 | 52  
7 Feb 2012 /  #23
Merged: Religion in Poland

How would you describe the average Polish view on Religion in Poland. what Christian celebration do most poles celebrate?

How do Polish people see the non- catholic polish citizens of Poland weather they be Polish Orthodox, Lutheran or anything else

Non catholic Poles what's it like belonging to a religious minority in Poland?
Chris1977  1 | 6  
7 Feb 2012 /  #24
Non- Catholic Poles, I don't think I've ever met one. Of course their are Poles who are baptised and choose not to practice,there are Poles who are baptised and are disgruntled with the Catholic church, but a non- Catholic Pole I don't think there is such a thing.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
7 Feb 2012 /  #25
a non- Catholic Pole I don't think there is such a thing.

There are Polish Orthodox, Anglicans, various types of Protestant, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, a very long-standing Muslim community, Jews, Bahai's and plenty of Atheists.
alexmac  3 | 52  
7 Feb 2012 /  #26
My Family are Polish and orthodox Christian and both sides of my family have been orthodox for as long as we can remember
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Feb 2012 /  #27
How would you describe the average Polish view on Religion in Poland. what Christian celebration do most poles celebrate?

Christmas, Easter, All saints day are probably the most important. (although I think some of them were incorperated into Christianity, to make the conversian easier).

Most of the people I know couldn't care less about what religion others are.

Non- Catholic Poles, I don't think I've ever met one.

How would you know? fair enough the hard core religious dudes and dudetts could have a funny costume or hat, dead giveaway but most don't flaunt it.

plenty of Atheists.

Saw this bumper sticker the other day in Krakow, made me laugh, you know the usual one of the fish (relating to Jesus).

Richfilth  6 | 415  
7 Feb 2012 /  #28
but a non- Catholic Pole I don't think there is such a thing.

I live close to an Orthodox cemetery, and there's plenty of visitors every weekend. And I work alongside a Lutheran, who loves pointing out the extra holidays he has.

Saw this bumper sticker the other day in Krakow, made me laugh, you know the usual one of the fish (relating to Jesus).

I saw an FSM badge, complete with spaghetti tendrils, on a car a few years ago. Unsurprisingly it was a Maluch, so I'm not sure the owner knew both meanings of the FSM acronym. I do spread the word of His Noodly Goodness as much as I can though, and no-one is offended by it.
7 Feb 2012 /  #29
Jews, for instance, are "non-Catholic" Poles, yet certainly as "Polish" as any Catholic Pole. Imagine Polish popular high culture without the likes of Jan Brzechwa (like Jesus, Jewish on his mother's side), Artur Rubinsztajn, Julian Tuwim or a host of others. I defy any Catholic Pole, even the former Pope himself, to tell the above three that they weren't as Polish as their Christian neighbors. Doubtless they'd have spit in their eye and charged them for the eyewash:-)
8 Feb 2012 /  #30
Imagine Polish popular high culture without the likes of Jan Brzechwa (like Jesus, Jewish on his mother's side), Artur Rubinsztajn, Julian Tuwim or a host of others

Sorry to burst your bubble but all the mentioned above were assimilated Jews. They all wrote in Polish, not in Yiddish or Hebrew.

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