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How's the life of an LGBT person in Poland?

Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Aug 2018 /  #61
I suppose a couple of twelve year old boys might carry on like that but it would very untypical behaviour for adult Indian men in the UK who are generally middle class, hard working, educated and socially adept. They don't generally hang around the street exchanging racial slurs and getting into scuffles.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
24 Aug 2018 /  #62
Ah,my apologies.I should have been clearer.
This was working class workers in the work environment.
Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Aug 2018 /  #63
How convenient.

In any case a single incident 14 years ago in some obscure corner of a kitchen or a warehouse, hardly justifies the statement:

When Poles first started coming to The UK there were some problem between Poles and Indians.

You sound like the old lady in The Royle Family, Nana, who refers to her friend Elsie who had a fall in the shopping centre years before:

"Oooh it was dreadful. It's still talked about, to this day" she says to her daughter.

"What?? Who talks about it Mam?"

"Well, me and Elsie".............
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
24 Aug 2018 /  #64
You really are a bit strange........it was several instances and just because they happened a few years ago is no reason to suppose it won't happen again.

I was only trying to help.........

As for The Royle family,I did watch a few episodes but don't remember that story.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
24 Aug 2018 /  #65
You sound like the old lady in

Przywieźli wyngiel! Wyngiel je w wiosce!
Wojna będzie.... przed wojną tyż był.

(They've brought coal! There's coal in the village.
There's gonna be a war.... before the war there was coal too)

Before the last few years people from the Sub-continent were very, very, very rare in Poland and so when Poles went in large numbers to the UK that would have been their first contact.

IINM it was in those early EU years that the slur 'ciapaty' arose so there's probably something to what M is saying.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 Aug 2018 /  #66
Przywieźli wyngiel!

It's 'wegiel', not 'wyngiel'.
Did anyone here consider if Poles in Poland would see a gay Indian as an asset? If your knee-jerk response is 'of course', how about 100,000 gay Indians? No longer an asset or still an asset?

I know asking for numbers is "hateful'. Unfortunately, everything that matters in life boils down to numbers. The problem is that 'polite' people never talk about numbers until it's too late.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
24 Aug 2018 /  #67
It's 'wegiel', not 'wyngiel'.

In the movie it's pronounced wyngiel (like the old lady's tyż meant to evoke a village accent).
Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Aug 2018 /  #68
I was only trying to help.........

You were stirring the pot under the guise of being 'helpful'.

Then lo and behold who adds his voice to the choir but 'Rich Mazur' who just happens to pick up the racial tension/homophobia ball and run with it......

I really don't care but for the fact that you're misleading a young person who's embarking on a very big moment in his life, travelling halfway round the world to a strange place for his education and you're doing it for your amusement. I don't like that.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
24 Aug 2018 /  #69
When I first started reading this forum,even before I started posting.
I thought that the main three female posters on here were "The voices of reason",namely you,Kaprys and Rozumiemnic.
Yeah,some of the guys were pretty good too,but it took me a while to work out who is what etc.....a work still in progress.

But you have disapointed me the most,you are not at all what I thought.Nice,sensible Irish lady,married to a Pole and living in Warsaw.

You are probably all those things,but your judgement is terrible.....
First you accused me of being American.....which even you must see now as a mistake....then you accuse me of being a troll.....hopefully time will show you that you are wrong for a second time.

And now,if I read you correctly,you think I either am,or are in cahoots with Rich Mazur!!!!
Your judgement is atrocious.....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Aug 2018 /  #70
First you accused me of being American

Oh, the horror. :)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
24 Aug 2018 /  #71
Yeah,I thought that was pretty insulting.... :-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 Aug 2018 /  #72
'Rich Mazur' who just happens to pick up the racial tension/homophobia

I know it would some effort on your part. Still, can you kindly point to the post where (1) I was wrong on facts, and (2) I expressed fear of gays.
OP Adidasboy  1 | 32  
25 Aug 2018 /  #73
Please leave this thread, I don't need your opinions nor I give a damn about them. You're just another old homophobe I come across everyday. I see you've got nothing to do with Poland so stop posting stupid hateful comments here.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
25 Aug 2018 /  #74
I will as soon as you cite any of my posts as "stupid" or "hateful" and explain why. Just because you don't like them or have no counterarguments does not make them stupid or hateful. Also, once you put the subject on table, it's a free game for everybody. Just like in a trial.

You don't own the thread or the subject as defined by you. You do realize it's a public forum. Right?

BTW, to even think about going to Poland - an extremely religious and conservative country - makes your plans stupid. You might just as well ask if you should move to Iran or Saudi Arabia or join ISIS. I am sure you would be much better off coming to the US. You could even get married and adopt kids.
25 Aug 2018 /  #75
Many gays in Poland are harassed and if they are open they have been attacked in the streets, this is common knowledge and those on these forums are often times those who live in their gated community expat liberal bubbles or do not even live in Poland at all
TheWizard  - | 217  
25 Aug 2018 /  #76
Cool. Post some news threads from Poland so we can see too this gay hatred.
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
25 Aug 2018 /  #77
I doubt there is one person here who lives in a gated community. I would guess either in a flat or in a modest suburban house.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Aug 2018 /  #78
'm going to live in Gdansk. I consider its a big city in Poland and I wouldn't have much problems being myself ?

No problems in Gdansk and the Three Cities. It's not the medieval side of Poland you see:) Thank God. Even the police are helpful to some degree here. The only thing to be concerned about is to be prepared to spend money on a goretex windjammer.

there was a guy with a moustache walking round the supermarket wearing a woman's skirt

There was a chap of the same persuasion, with moustache, in my housing district in Katowice - which, as Kato and Warsaw are 300 km apart, likely wasn't the same guy. This leads to the assumption that there is more diversity than JR and the the rest would care to admit exists.

As for men "sitting at the next table "'snogging,"' isn't it embarrassing when men and women do so? What's the difference? (in a sensible modern society......which happens to exist here in Tri-City (directed to the OP)
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 Aug 2018 /  #79
Gdansk and the Three Cities. It's not the medieval side of Poland you see:)

Somebody should explain the Tri-City to the OP (I'm too tired).

Isn't it a mixed bag culturally? Some years ago a gay acquaintance had been offered a job in a small town in the area (easy driving distance to the Tri-City). The problem for him wasn't the small town but Gdańsk which he found to be a lot more culturally conservative than other cities of similar size. But this was in the heyday of Jankowski so things might have changed a lot since then.

One think I liked in visits was how the trains were (still are?) integrated into the mass transit system.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Aug 2018 /  #80
Gdańsk which he found to be a lot more culturally conservative than other cities of similar size.

IMO :) :) A large number of young professionals in the new gated communities of Gdansk.....they are the new liberals. The Old City too is Bohemian as you might expect - paradoxically a large population of rehoused tenants still reside in the inner city areas from the previous system, and the OP needs to steer clear of some of these people - but then again, so would you and I.

Culturally diverse to a tee - nobody cares who you are, and what you are, except - Tri-City is similar to Scandinavia here - if somebody thinks you are behaving anti-socially, then they will tell you.

In the industrial south they will keep to their own opinions.

the trains were (still are?) integrated into the mass transit system.

Yes. No need at all to own a car here, except for so called standard of living.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
25 Aug 2018 /  #81
As for men "sitting at the next table "'snogging,"' isn't it embarrassing when men and women do so? What's the difference?

I am glad you asked.
My Pavlovian reaction: men kissing - AIDS and death, man and woman kissing - wedding and baby. Disgusting vs wonderful.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Aug 2018 /  #82
men kissing - AIDS and death

Lol. Only hate causes death. BTW Rich - you didn't reply to my PM :) :) Edit: It appears you are a Kremlin BOT after all rich - I mistakenly thought you were Johnny in disguise! :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
25 Aug 2018 /  #83
Only hate causes death.

I am so sorry. I confused AIDS with diarrhea. Gays never get AIDS and never die from AIDS. It's easily curable with aspirin and affects only infants in the first week after birth.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
25 Aug 2018 /  #84
I confused AIDS with diarrhea.

Vladimir? More and more Rich we can see that you ARE a Kremlin bot. Only NeoCon Russians propogate such tosh and are as tedious as you.

Meanwhile, the OP does not have to worry about life here (assuming he is genuine and not on a wind up himself.........) as the huge huge majority of Poles could not give a damn what other people do or what their private life entails, and are too busy living their own lives and sneering through their noses at the idiotic Speaker of the Sejm proclaiming "Jesus Christ is the King of Poland."

The real facts are that Poland is no longer in Eastern Europe, but in Central Europe. These politicians enjoy living the material life that this sea-change has brought, but are happy to see the rest of the population fooled. That's what conservatives do. They wouldn't want the rest of us to share in their "material success", but reckon that "Jesus, King of Poland" will cut the mustard.

And you are paid by their friends to pollute this board. Clearly. So well done. You have my permission to go and have a hand shake. :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
25 Aug 2018 /  #85
Vladimir? More and more Rich we can see that you ARE a Kremlin bot. Only NeoCon Russians propogate such tosh and are as tedious as you.

Can somebody here at least try to show me where the f*** I am wrong on facts and logic? Too much effort or are you too stupid? To all of you, geniuses, it should be a walk in the park.

Instead, it's always that tired 'Kremlin bot' in various versions. You are really a disappointment to your high school teachers. Like what kind of moronic sentence is this one: "Only hate causes death". Really? And cancer has nothing to do with dying? Or AIDS?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
25 Aug 2018 /  #86
Can somebody here at least try to show me where the f*** I am wrong on facts and logic?

Sorry Rich that's impossible, the thing is you already know that you are always right, think about it.

Gays have been in Poland for as long as Poland has been in existence, as far as I know Poland is the only country in europe never to have any laws against homos.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
25 Aug 2018 /  #87
Sorry Rich that's impossible, the thing is you already know that you are always right, think about it.

What I know about me is not relevant. But you could at least try. Please don't tell me that you don't want to hurt my feelings.

Gays have been in Poland for as long as Poland has been in existence,

And so have the blind, mute, and deaf. So what? What's the conclusion? You want more of them in Poland just because they exist in nature?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
25 Aug 2018 /  #88
But you could at least try.

No, I know it would be pointless for me to try, but i'm sure we would get along fine down the sports bar.

And so have the blind, mute, and deaf. So what?

You answered your own question , gays don't have a choice, just like the blind, mute and deaf who cannot chose to see,speak or hear.

Yes nature has its way, do you really want to hurt or demean someone because nature dealt the a blind,deaf, mute or gay card?

Think for one moment, could have been you or me.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
25 Aug 2018 /  #89
"Yes nature has its way, do you really want to hurt or demean someone because nature dealt the a blind,deaf, mute or gay card?

Think for one moment, could have been you or me."

Or ir could have been one of Rich Mazur's daughters......hey Rich,would you really love them any less if they were afflicted??
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 Aug 2018 /  #90
Rich,would you really love them any less

You think he does or could love anyone? Silly.....

He doesn't even know when his own mother died, the old fraud.

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