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How's the life of an LGBT person in Poland?

Adidasboy  1 | 32  
23 Aug 2018 /  #1
I'm a gay guy soon shifting to Poland for my education and would like to know what is the scene of LGBT community in Poland. Are Polish people Anti-LGBT like Russia and other Arab nations or they're supportive like Spain and Germany?

I've heard that polish people are often aggressive and hateful towards the LGBT people.

Though I'm a closeted I don't mind dating a polish guy if things work out so would like to know the scene there.

I appreciate opinions and suggestions!
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Aug 2018 /  #2
Hi Addidasboy. You'll hear some very unpleasant comments on this forum about gay people from a few weirdos and trolls but they're mostly either American or Polish-American (or suspected of being Russians, trolling for Putin) so just ignore it. While Poland is not the most gay-friendly place, it's definitely not in the same category as Russia.

For you, coming to Poland, it really depends on where you'll be living. As you'd expect the larger cities have more of a gay scene and if you want to come out of the closet and make gay friends you should have no problem. Sometimes, while there won't be a gay bar, there will be bars where gays are welcome and you could meet a guy and not get hassled by anyone. Just check online for the area you'll be living in and you'll find out what's going on.

Poland is a predominantly Catholic country and as you know the official line of the Catholic church is that while it's not a sin to be gay and we should respect gay people, having homosexual relations is a sin. Most Polish people under forty would be more openminded about it as they're often not especially religious but there is an element of 'macho' guys who really despise gays, but then you tend to find those in any country really. However in Poland you will hear some very harsh and hurtful words from public figures and politicians which would be unacceptable in Western Europe. It's not just gay people they target however, vegetarians and cyclists have also been denounced as 'un-Polish' :D Basically there is a very, very conservative element in Polish society that still exists back in the 1950s in their heads and unfortunately some of them are in government at the moment :)

There is a big Gay Pride event in Poznań every year. It just took place a few weeks ago and passed off peacefully. There's quite a thriving gay scene in Poznań. I read an interview with one of the organizers who lives there and she said that she gets a bit of hassle sometimes from people in the street who make a few comments about gays but that on the whole it's ok. I would say whatever town you're going to, just google 'gay scene in........' and you'll get lots of information.

To sum it up I would say official Poland under the present government is not supportive of gays, just about tolerates them and that's just because they have to as members of the EU, the Polish Catholic Church doesn't support them at all, the ordinary people of Poland have mixed views.

There was a time in living memory when nobody in Poland would live openly as a gay person but those days are gone, now people have a choice and many are choosing to be 'out' so while it's not as easy as it would be in some other countries, it isn't as bad as you might have been told.

We have one 'out' gay member on this forum so he might be along later and give you some good advice :)
OP Adidasboy  1 | 32  
23 Aug 2018 /  #3
Hey! I really appreciate you for taking time and providing me so much information. I'm going to live in Gdansk. I consider its a big city in Poland and I wouldn't have much problems being myself ?
mafketis  38 | 10911  
23 Aug 2018 /  #4
. Are Polish people Anti-LGBT like Russia and other Arab nations or they're supportive like Spain and Germany?

Somewhere in between. Atch's post sums it up pretty well I'll just add one thing:

Poland is a "hate the forest, but like some of the tree's" kind of place. That is even people who have very negative attitudes towards certain groups (including gay people) can and do make lots of exceptions for individuals so what people say and how they behave are two different things.
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
23 Aug 2018 /  #5
You should be fine in Gdansk. Lived there a few years and met a few gay people, never heard any negative stories from them.

There's not many gay bars to my knowledge, i know there is one on the beach in Sopot.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
23 Aug 2018 /  #6
so what people say and how they behave are two different things.

That's the ringer.
Who would even know a person was gay if thy didn't walk and talk like a Fem.
If the gay (under 2% of the population) don't insist on needlessly flaunting their sexuality there usually is no problem.
You don't want problems then don't ask for problems
The reality is that there are just some things you keep to yourself if you don't want repercussions, unless you are amongst others that have similar views that you do, whilst it be religion, politics, telling your doctor that you smoke, telling your wife about your girlfriend or your sexual preferences.
Tacitus  2 | 1246  
23 Aug 2018 /  #7
don't insist on needlessly flaunting their sexuality there usually is no problem.

Nobody should be afraid to show his sexuality in any modern society. Though sadly Poland seems to be somewhat lacking behind Western Europe, so I would advocate some caution.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
23 Aug 2018 /  #8
All good advice above but considering Adidas Boy is from India,where attitudes and even recently laws,are quite different from Europe,I'm sure he will be fine.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Aug 2018 /  #9
Nobody should be afraid to show his sexuality in any modern society.

Everybody should be aware what effect their show of sexuality has on others. When I am having lunch with my granddaughters, I don't want to be asked why those two guys at the next table are french kissing. Neither do I want to run to the restroom to throw up. Just sit, eat and don't show me your sexuality.
Crow  154 | 9260  
23 Aug 2018 /  #10
That`s the wise one.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
23 Aug 2018 /  #11
Nobody should be afraid to show his sexuality in any modern society

or her?
oh come on, if I started stripping off and snogging my boyfriend in public, then I would be arrested, surely?
Tacitus  2 | 1246  
23 Aug 2018 /  #12
LBGT couples should act like any other hetero couple. No more, no less, and that is what they do in my experience.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2018 /  #13
Are Polish people Anti-LGBT like Russia and other Arab nations or they're supportive like Spain and Germany?

Yes. Majority of Poles do not support homosexuality. Gay marriage and adoption is illegal. If you are low key and do not flaunt your homosexuality you will be fine. If you do at most though you'll just get stares maybe some harassment but it isn't like the Arab world where gays are thrown off roofs, have their heads chopped off or thrown in prison for decades, which is kind of ironic due to many arab men preferring the company of young boys (chai boys as they're called) but that's another story....

In 2017, 56% do not support registered partnership, 64% do not support marriage, 84% do not support adoption.
38% would not accept a gay neighbor, while majority would not accept a gay teacher, childminder, MP, boss, coworker, priest, etc.

In Poland there is a saying - To jest Polska, nie Bruksela, tu sie pedalowania nie popiera (This is Poland, not Brussels, homosexuality is not supported here - but rhymes in Polish)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Aug 2018 /  #14
LBGT couples should act like any other hetero couple. No more, no less, and that is what they do in my experience.

No, they should not because they are not the normal. Our kids are raised under the presumption that they will grow up to be biologically useful as parents. To them, mommy and daddy kissing on the lips is normal and reassuring that everything is OK. Uncle Adam and uncle Steve kissing on the lips and patting butts invites 'what the f*** is that all about'.

Would LBGT 'community like to live in a country that is 100% LBGT? That was a simple yes/no question, so, please take your essays and history lessons somewhere else.

I can answer a similar question for the heteros: Yes. We would love to live in a country that is 100% hetero. We tried it over the centuries and it works.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
23 Aug 2018 /  #15
Nobody should be afraid to show his sexuality in any modern society.

I refuse to be dumbed down to accept your modern day progressive propaganda reasoning.
Nobody should be afraid to show his/her handgun strapped to their waist walking down the street either in any modern day society.
It's the Progressive's that want to dictate what should and should not be allowed in modern day society as they see fit by THEIR reasoning and rules.

I am not a Progressive Liberal so like Rich, I don't want to see two guys at the next table French kissing either and be told I must accept it.

I am a Conservative and believe in my Constitutional Rights and shouldn't have to be questioned by the Liberals if I have my handgun holstered to my waist walking down the street legally.

Yet the Progressive (Saul Alinski) Liberals come unhinged at the idea and REFUSE to accept it just like I refuse to accept two males showing off their disgusting sexual preferences in public.

We tried it over the centuries and it works.

I agree with you Rich......., homosexuality is not a cultural enrichment by any means.
How are we ever going to know what a modern day society is if we forget so quickly what modern day society was that worked so well from the get go ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Aug 2018 /  #16
As I noticed, my technique of asking questions is effective but it's also a debate ender. I have to change my approach to let the libs linger a little longer.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
23 Aug 2018 /  #17
Nobody should be afraid to show his sexuality in any modern society

If it involves children, animals or dead bodies... (or some other stuff that exists)....

but rhymes in Polish)

then yes, they should be afraid to show their sexuality...

no.... it doesn't
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2018 /  #18
Would LBGT 'community like to live in a country that is 100% LBGT?

That country wouldn't be around for very long lol. Just like western Europe's society and identity is being destroyed from within.

How are we ever going to know what a modern day society is if we forget so quickly what modern day society was that worked so well from the get go ?

That's the whole point of the far left - disregard everything that made society great, destroy tradition and custom and create a socialist utopia where every degenerate, freak and pervert is considered a hero. The left is even starting to push that having sex with animals and children is okay - namely salon. They had an article titled I'm a pedophile not a monster while other leftist outlets talked about how some dude had sex with dolphins and made him out to be a hero. It's ******* disgusting.

It's Always the same - you let them have partnerships then they push for marriage, you give them marriage now they want to raise kids, you give them that then they start pushing for pedophilia and sex with animals. That's why the best line is what Russia and to an extent Poland are doing - just make it all illegal. The majority of people don't want that sh1t and they sure as he'll don't want their kids around it.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
23 Aug 2018 /  #19
disregard everything that made society great,

What exactly makes a society great?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
23 Aug 2018 /  #20
Ethics, people asking what they can do for their country and not asking what their country can do for them......J.F.K.
Hard working God fearing people with high morals, common sense, freedoms and safety for starters.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Aug 2018 /  #21
What exactly makes a society great?

Society is great when we do what is sustainable.
Unsustainable: unlimited hordes of migrants, deficit spending, 100% LBGT society
Sustainable: closed borders, living withing means, 100% hetero society

Would you like to add to either list or remove from them?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
23 Aug 2018 /  #22
Hard working God fearing people with high morals, common sense, freedoms and safety for starters.

Nah...that all sounds nice but is open to interpretation...

god fearing = Taliban? Catholic inquisition?

high morals = beating up gays?

common sense = ??? (Who doesn't claims that for himself:)

freedoms = allowed to be being not-god fearing and gay?

safety = from the state too?

Society is great when we do what is sustainable.

Absolutely agree! I would call that the #1 priority....the rest can be discussed but it makes no sense if the society is drowning.

I disagree though about which poses the biggest dangers...muslims and gays are not the most destructive. It has surely something to do with the financial policies...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
23 Aug 2018 /  #23
That country wouldn't be around for very long lol.

They know it and that is why they never answer that question. They also know that they need heteros to replenish their ranks. In that sense they are parasites living off the host. Bottom line: they need us. We don't need them.

That does not mean that we should be mean and intolerant. Just go easy on the pride and stay the f*** away from the kids. That was a paraphrased quote from my dear friend, Putin.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
23 Aug 2018 /  #24
Well...Putin has after that list a freedom and safety problem.

When I have to fear to be thrown into jail or being poisoned for criticizing his state (even as fully committed hetero) than that is definitely not my kind of society. No amount of being allowed to beat up gays or deporting muslims can make up for that.

Then there is the question of being sustainable. How sustainable are the finances of a state which concentrates on selling raw materials?

I think the judgement of the perfect society is a just a matter of priorities...
23 Aug 2018 /  #25
Yeah, keep it ti yourself and if ever asked about your personal life just ile. ile course

Would LBGT 'community like to live in a country that is 100% LBGT?

Why not?
Beside being hetero ( so a bit lonely in such country ) I see no problem.

That country wouldn't be around for very long lol. Just like western Europe's society and identi

You are really very narrow- minded, aren't you?
Tacitus  2 | 1246  
23 Aug 2018 /  #26
Well, we must show some patience with Poland (and Eastern Europeans in general). They are not mature democracies yet, and sadly, and thus sadly, there acceptance of LBGT is still underdeveloped. It is just a matter of time until this changes though, each generation will be more accepting to this then the last.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
23 Aug 2018 /  #27
Or maybe they just don't want to look their cities like Cologne at Silvester 2015 and go about rather at a slower pace?

Especially concerning immigration the West did not always do everything right...

(But then one should not mix up the gay with the muslim question...most liberal western gays are not exactly happy
about the immigration of so many stone age muslims themselves)

Tacitus  2 | 1246  
23 Aug 2018 /  #28
Especially concerning immigration the West did not always do everything right...

True, but most definitely regarding LBGT rights. The fact that Eastern Europeans are unusually often involved on attacks against LBGT in Germany is an indication that there is still a lot of room for improvement.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
23 Aug 2018 /  #29
Eastern Europeans are unusually often involved on attacks against LBGT in Germany

cite? from where specifically and what ethnicity specifically?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
23 Aug 2018 /  #30
True, but most definitely regarding LBGT rights.

Yeah...but then, Berlin is only ever einen "Katzensprung" away, heh:)

Now it started raining here...the hottest summer since weather recording ends now...puh!

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