A marijuana addict's life is controlled by marijuana
It is scientifically impossible to become physically addicted to marijuana.
Psychologically yes, a very small minority of heavy users can become so. But once a person decides to take the step to stop smoking they can do it. It's not like heroin or cocaine addiction where they need the drug to function.
Marijuana is not a gateway drug. Most reputable researchers say there's no such things even as a gateway drug.
However, once recent study: news.ufl.edu/2012/07/10/alcohol-gateway
Says that alcohol is
the true gateway drug.
"In the sample of students, alcohol also represented the most commonly used substance, with 72.2 percent of students reporting alcohol consumption at some point in their lifetime. Comparatively, 45 percent of students reported using tobacco, and 43.3 percent cited marijuana use. In addition, the drug use documented found that substance use typically begins with the most socially acceptable drugs, such as alcohol and cigarettes, then proceeds to marijuana use and finally to other illegal, harder drugs. Moreover, the study showed that students who used alcohol exhibited a significantly greater likelihood - up to 16 times - of licit and illicit substance use."
However, I tend to side with this study. One that was carried out of a 12 year period by the University of Pittsburgh:
Another question; in most countries now in Europe there is a vocal minority who are demanding that soft drugs such as marijuana be legalised. Is there something similar here?