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Least doctors per capita in Poland?

sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Nov 2014 /  #1
Very entertaining map. I never thought there were so few doctors in Poland though.

The European Union has 28 member countries. And kinda like Captain Planet, when their powers combine, they make for a pretty great place to live.

But that doesn't mean each country is without its flaws. It's like the Planeteer who controlled the element of Heart. Sure, he helped make Captain Planet. But he was the worst at getting haircuts.

Anyway, here's what every European country is the worst at.

jon357  72 | 23711  
19 Nov 2014 /  #2
Very entertaining map. I never thought there were so few doctors in Poland though.

They make up for it with an excess of chemists. Seriously though, they do train a lot of doctors and I wonder where the data came from - certainly there seem a lot in PL.

If you drive carefully, I'll chop the ching.
OP sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Nov 2014 /  #3
They make up for it with an excess of chemists

That is for sure. From my home to Metro Młociny, a 2 km stretch, there are 4 chemists. I don't know how they all manage to survive.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
19 Nov 2014 /  #4
Seriously though, they do train a lot of doctors and I wonder where the data came from - certainly there seem a lot in PL.

In 2012 it was 3000 people on the 1st year.

The project will develop further places in medicine and dental faculties - informed the DGP Isabella Życzkowska, a spokesman for the Silesian Medical University in Katowice.

The university, according to the draft regulation, will adopt 508 people in October on a stationary medicine (about 58 more than at present). Such an investment performs Medical University of Lodz. Medical school here in day mode will start 480 people (about 60 more than this year). More places for medicine will also be at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (20) and the Medical University of Warsaw (8). Other medical schools admissions quotas will not change.

This means that in five years on the labor market will come at once over 6 thousand doctors. Those who begin their studies in October, complete it in fact a year earlier than previously. Graduates cease to apply a year training in hospitals. Immediately after graduation will be able to start learning the choice of specialization. By this, however, in 2017 for residencies, or specializations funded by the state, will be running at the same time two annuals (currently the first year of medicine and the one which just starts their studies in October).


Out of 134 000 doctors 19 000 is above 70 years old. I mean to tell if the number of graduates is big one should compare it with the number of doctors retiring each year and take into account that in next years this number will be increasing.

Also for comparison 70 000 people were studying Computer Science last year. If simplify that each of them spends 5 years in school that around 14 000 students of 1st year. Much more than on medical studies.

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