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My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision

25 Jun 2018 /  #211
They do but why and when a guy who hates Poland and stayed for just few days would go into the trouble of obtaining new birth certificate?

Not that it matters but it's fun to poke him from time to time.

. Besides, you already said that pictures don't count

I didn't say that. I said they don't correspond the real documents as in 'a person born in that time would have the old style birth certificate and someone who hates the fact that he's Polish certainly wouldn't go into all that trouble of going into USC and all that 'ProszÄ™ Pani'

I am 100% American except for where I was born and raised,

I must admit you can be quite entertaining and hilarious at times. Lol
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 Jun 2018 /  #212
For his age (75), he is very entertaining!

hates Poland and stayed for just few days would go into the trouble of obtaining new birth certificate?

The Birth Certificate he posted was issued in the 1990s.
25 Jun 2018 /  #213
Which is impossible since as far as I know this type was introduced in 2015...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
25 Jun 2018 /  #214
Today, I will buy a LOT ticket and fly back to Poland to show each and every one of you the "official documents".

Well go and buy that ticket and come and visit me so that I can show you that the country and the people are not as bad as you make out, don't worry I won't bite you.
25 Jun 2018 /  #215
Photoshop can be a glorious thing
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #216
...and a well functioning brain - a rare commodity in Poland - even more so.

Look, genius, before you slap something on your screen and press POST, give me an option that would not invite moronic comments like yours.

Considering your heritage, me bringing my BC to your door wouldn't solve anything either because people operating at the 5th grade level would immediately declare it a counterfit.

Now, go to your room and play with playdough.
25 Jun 2018 /  #217
Considering your heritage

You mean Polish heritage , the same you say you have?
OMG, I really wish we had emoticons here right now... I just can't describe how funny this is...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #218
You mean Polish heritage , the same you say you have?

Why do you think, one day, I decided to leave my parents, my brother, my friends, my native language and Poland and just pack up and get the hell out, and go to nobody - not a soul - in the US? And I really mean nobody.

I did all that because I disliked everything about Poland and your way or thinking. I recall a joke why the Polish boiling pot in Hell was the only one unguarded by Satan's helpers to keep those in it from escaping. You know why? There was no need. The Poles in that Polish boiling pot were dragging each other down.

Now you can see how little we have in common. Why did I go back last September after 50 years? Out of curiosity. Now I know. Goodbye. Never again.

As a gift to this forum, I promise never to go back toole this subject again - no matter how many yakking pesky dogs are at me ankles..
Indian Champ  
29 Aug 2018 /  #219

Just wanted to enlighten you guys here:

Indian Households are the highest income households in Britain: ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/pay-and-income/household-income/latest

Indians are the highest income ethnicity in the United States: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income

If you dig a little deeper, we are poised to become the highest income ethnicity in Australia and New Zealand pretty soon.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2018 /  #220
Indian Households are the highest income households in Britain

This is a Polish forum with Polish posters, I don't see how your post has anything to do with Poland, Your bragging its not something we would be interested in to be honest.
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Aug 2018 /  #221
Hi Indian Champ. Those of us who actually know Indian people and have lived alongside them for decades in the UK and Ireland are well aware of that. I myself have worked for Indians, worked with them, been their neighbour, their customer, visited their homes and taught their children. However there are some members of this forum who have no clue what they're talking about and are uneducable - they just want somebody to 'hate' and will continue to do so regardless of the facts. But it's right and necessary to ensure that the truth gets heard too. It may make a difference nto to the ignorant chumps on this forum but to those who come across your post by chance. Always worth putting the message out into the world :)

I don't see how your post has anything to do with Poland,

Come on Dolno! I'm surprised at you. The amount of prejudice and downright hatred expressed on this forum, frequently by Americans (not Poles) towards 'migrants' is staggering. There are many Indian people regularly posting on this forum regarding obtaining visas for work or education, asking about cost of living etc. The OP isn't bragging. He's trying to show that Indian people are not spongers, layabouts and rape squads. Just the other day an ignorant troll, on a thread about visas, was asking what contribution Indians make to the places where they settle.
Indian Champ  
29 Aug 2018 /  #222
This is a Polish forum with Polish posters

I respect that and have no intention to budge in. However, I'm just responding to a specific post that tried to insult Indians living in the UK and USA and told that we didn't do well. Well, we did the best wherever we went ... better than anyone else. Its a fact.

Thank you.
TheWizard  - | 217  
29 Aug 2018 /  #223
Yep i spend some of that money on you at the petrol stations when paying for fuel.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2018 /  #224
Dolno! I'm surprised at you. The amount of prejudice

Huh it wasn't prejudice I just complained about his bragging, ok then I will respond by saying I am probably fifty times richer than him, pointless argument isnt it. he is on about UK and USA nowt to do with Poland.

I.m fed up of things going off topic and getting told off, my own fault I know lets get back to leaving Poland

So here is a question that relates to the thread, Where do all the indian's go when they leave Poland, India or Europe?.

I don't see many curry houses around so it does not appear that they stay here and settle down. I have to nip into Germany for a curry which is a shame.
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Aug 2018 /  #225
Huh it wasn't prejudice

I know it wasn't. I wasn't saying that you were prejudiced. I was saying that I am surprised at your apparent mystification as to why he's posting about Indians on a Polish forum. I can understand why. He's clearly responding to the terrible things that are said here all the time about 'migrants'. There are very ignorant posters here who lump all people from the Indian sub-continent together and whilst Pakistantis and Bangladeshis are often at the bottom of the societies into which they migrate, Indians are a very different matter.

Where do all the indian's go when they leave Poland, India or Europe?.

Well obviously they leave India to go to a variety of other countries where they are clearly visible. As for the ones who leave Poland or 'Europe' what makes you think they leave?? Stop being a smart arse about curry houses. Most Indians coming to Poland are in IT, banking etc. Plenty of authentic recipes on the internet if you want a curry - learn how to make one :)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2018 /  #226
about 'migrants'.

Well the fact is that they are not the damaging undocumented unvetted migrants that people here worry about, they are students or professionals that Poland chooses to invite .

Thanks for the "Smart Arse" comment, I am a very good cook, especially indian and chinese food, I can blow some restaurants out of the water when it comes to quality. Curry houses are a clear sign of Indian settlement just look at sparkbrook as an example,

I was using this example as a social indicator proving that they are not settling here in numbers, I think they are leaving for better pickings once their study or contracts are over.

The only curry house near me is in Wroclaw and its crap, I would like to visit a good one to give me a break from cooking myself, you must know what I mean (smiley face).

So it would be nice to know why in general they choose not to settle here in any numbers.
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Aug 2018 /  #227
the damaging undocumented unvetted migrants that people here worry about,

Dolno, if by people here you mean people in Poland, they have nothing to worry about because there are virtually none. As for people 'here' as in this forum they also have nothing to worry about as most of the people who pretend to be worried about it don't even live in Poland and are just using their 'worry' as an excuse to say the vilest things they can think of about people of other races.

Curry houses are a clear sign of Indian settlement

Yes, I myself was being a bit of a smart arse and rather unfair to you. I know what you mean about the thing of restaurants and shops which serve immigrant communities. But the Indian community in Poland is still relatively small and is scattered between several cities so I'm not sure if there's really enough custom to keep many restaurants in business especially in the region where you live. A lot of Poles find even mild Indian dishes too spicy as you probably know so it would take a long time to educate the local palate. Add to that the fact that it's not that easy to set up and maintain a business in Poland compared to many other EU countries. It's improved but Poland still ranks very low in terms of 'ease of doing business'.However there are more shops where you can buy a range of Indian spices and ingredients and some Polish online outlets that sell them so there's more of a presence than there was ten years ago.

it would be nice to know why in general they choose not to settle here in any numbers.

Well that's an assumption. You'd need the stats for migration for the last ten years or so and you'd need to see how many Indians came to Poland and how many applied for permanent residence to get some idea. You're not going to see droves of them because they come here in relatively small numbers.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2018 /  #228
You'd need the stats for migration

Well I hoped an Indian would join in the discussion and put their point of view across, but all we got was an Indian Nazi proclaiming his national superiority over other nations.
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Aug 2018 /  #229
Oh Dolno, pu-l-eeeease!!! WHAT are you on today?? He never said that Indians were superior to other nationalities. He made the absolutely valid point that they are the most financially successful ethnic minority in the countries where they settle. Incidentally they also tend to be the most integrated. And they are generally law abiding. Working class Indians in the UK for example, don't have a history of crime, drug use, low educational attaiment long term unemployment, all the things that have afflicted the white working classes in the UK for decades now. Although I think his point would have been better made on another, more relevant thread.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2018 /  #230
in the countries where they settle.

I say again nothing he quoted had anything to do with Poland at the very least he was show boating, this only gives rise to those thickho's on the far right and has not opened any useful debate on this thread so i'm off now, enjoy your day Atch.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Aug 2018 /  #231
And they are generally law abiding.

Wonderful. And I still don't want them here. They are the most discriminating people I know. They hire only Indians. I haven't seen one Subway owned and operated by a non-Indian. I still wish them the very best - in India.

As always, I have a question that will conveniently remain unanswered: If they are so awesome, how many would be too many in Ireland? 1 million? How many awesome Chinese? Another 1 million?

I know, I am a bigot. Now that we have this settled, back to my question. How many is too many?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
29 Aug 2018 /  #232
I will also add that,besides being hard working and generally quite well off,Indians are very peaceful.I live in an area dominated by Indians and Poles and you rarely get much trouble or crime from Indians.
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Aug 2018 /  #233
And I still don't want them here. They are the most discriminating people I know. They hire only Indians.

By here you mean America - again. I've worked for Indians so they don't hire only Indians. Maybe it's a different story in the U S of A.

If they are so awesome, how many would be too many in Ireland? 1 million? How many awesome Chinese? Another 1 million?

Now, we have a population of under five million people in Ireland so I think that a million ofany nationality would be too many. In fact I wouldn't like to see too many more native Irish either as one of the lovely things about Ireland is the low population density and the many places where you can actually be alone, even in the city. We have an amazing coastline in Dublin where you can walk for miles along the beach and hardly meet a soul. But immigration into Ireland has worked very well on the whole - as to why, that's not a discussion for a Polish forum.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
29 Aug 2018 /  #234
Rich Mazur,I would suggest that more Indians in The USA would benefit your country.
Besides what they add economicaly,they would help to bring down the overall average crime rate too.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Aug 2018 /  #235
Predictably, you the 'oh, so nice' guys are not answering my question: how many is too many.

Indians do not add to the host's wealth. The reason is that they are in the service sector, which does not produce wealth. It only moves the wealth created by manufacturing, mining and agriculture around. Anybody who spent an hour in Econ 100 knows it.

Another point: even a growing economy is a zero-sum game at any given time. Ireland needs only so many gas stations and Subways. When a gas station is sold to an Indian immigrant, the economy needle in Ireland does not move one bit. Opening another one does not change anything either because the locals need only so much gas and no more.

The immigrant Indians merely replace the native owners. F****** brilliant.

BTW, the natives should not have to compete with the immigrants because it's the native that generously allowed them in. And stupidly. If competition with the guests is so great, why doesn't Japan, China and Korea remain so dumb? It's a rhetorical question because the 'oh, so nice' ones here already know the answer.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Aug 2018 /  #236
why doesn't Japan, China and Korea remain so dumb?

Because they don't have hordes of leftists calling for open borders and realize how stupid it is to bring in boatloads of third world migrants who cannot effectively compete in modern 1st world economies and hence end up being supported by taxpayers for generations ehich only makes them want to assimilate and contribute even less. This is the cancer of multiculturalism which has now created a giant malignant tumor in western Europe that's causing untold suffering of native Europeans and threatens the still european wonderlands of the East. Poland Hungary Czechy Slovakia and noe Austria Italy and others who have joined up are the chemotherapy that will effectively remove this tumor. In fact, Hungarys God emperor Obran told his fellow Mt Olympus dweller salvini that Hungary has no problem helping itaky financially to send africans back to africa.

I don't have a problem with Indians personally. I know what you're talking about when you say they hire their own and own a ton of gas stations, motels (colloquially known as Patel motel), dunkin donuts etc. When Indians come to the us, atleast in Chicago they first congregate in little India especislly around Devon near the lake. They live like 5 6 10 whatever to an apartment. They will put their money together and buy a franchise or store or whatever and then all work there together. Then they end up reinvesting their money into a 2nd location. Before long they've amassed a large property portfolio. Also yes they don't technically create anything but rather merely provide a service. Nonetheless services is what 1st world economies are based on. Doctors and lawyers don't create anything, teachers don't create anything yet they're clearly an asset to any society. Most of the Indians are either entrepreneurs or go into medicine and it. They all fill a role and contribute. In fact if you look up the stats on Indians they have the highest average income of any immigrant group in the us. It's mind boggling how a guy coming from India and being totally new to the us can amass a small fortune in a decade or two while blacks who lived here for generations continue to live off welfare and have the lowest average income of any group in the us, despite being citizens and knowing the language, culture, etc.

I can totally respect that and personally I wish other immigrants were like the Indians or Chinese. Sure they hire their own well so do most ethnicities. We only employ poles and hispanics in our business. But they don't cause anywhere near the problems that others do. In fact, they contribute to society while africans and middle easterners tend to subtract from it. Whens the last time you heard of Indians or Chinese asking for gibs - food stamps, welfare, disability, free housing, etc?

Also if you replaced muslim and african migrants in europe with Chinese migrants the rapes, arson attacks, terrorism, etc would effectively drop to zero. You wouldn't see a single group of indians marchinf with Hinduism for UK or Chinese with atheism/Buddhism for Belgium, unlike Muslims who march with sharia 4 uk/belgium/germany etc signs. You wouldn't have anymorr paki rape squads. There wouldn't be anymore car rammings. Girls could wear skirts again. Rape prevention classes could be cancelled.

And Poland realized that. That's why despite taking in sizeable numbers of Indians and Chinese we don't have any problems with terrorism, mass rapes, etc. Look at all the Indians eben on pf trying to get into Poland. And most of them will get there sooner or later. That's because the polish people and our government would much rather take in dudes that are skilled it pros or engineers than a bunch of africans and middle easterners who don't know how to d9 anything besides make kebab and sell t shirts - and those are the productive ones not leeching welfare.

Like I've said a thousand times before, it's from WHERE you take in the migrants not even necessarily how many. You could take in 5 million Indians or Chinese and I guaruntee there'll be far far less problems with terrorism, no go zones, rapes, unwillingness to work, economic burden, etc than even 500k middle easterners or africans.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Aug 2018 /  #237
Doctors and lawyers don't create anything, teachers don't create anything yet they're clearly an asset to any society.

I never claimed that the service sector should not exist because it does not create wealth. My point is that to operate a gas station or a Subway, I don't need or want foreigners, no matter how brilliant they are. I want native born Americans because I like the way Americans speak and engage in casual small talk. In this respect, Orientals (yes, I wrote Orientals because I felt like it) are the worst. They even avoid eye contact out of fear that the other guy may say something and they would be caught not getting it. Hold the door for an Oriental woman and she won't even look at you. A thank you, maybe? Forget that. Harakiri time. A-holes.

Bottom like: I can't stand foreigners with their bad accent. My own is enough. The type who still speaks their native crap language at home after half a century in "America", which, allegedly, they craved so much for while begging for an immigrant visa back home.

Speaking of doctors, the way I chose doctors would make libs go nuts. My specs are: white, male, US-born, US-educated, 40-50 year-old. No give. When my a** is on the line, nothing matters except how I feel.
Crow  154 | 9531  
29 Aug 2018 /  #238
Every link to Poland should be re-connected, not die. More connection, more sanity.

I know that. We Serbians are 300% Polish and look on other Poles from above.
Indian Champ  
1 Sep 2018 /  #239
Indians merely replace the native owners

Indians never replaced any Native American or other immigrants in the United States. Indians created their own space.

I am an Indian whose wife is a Polish and I live in Canada where our 3 children and one daughter in law lives. My eldest son's wife is also a Polish. Thus, I am the minority in my family - the only full blood Indian. My younger brother also married a Polish woman and his two children are half Polish, and they too live in Canada. Thus, even in my extended family, me and my brother are the minority (ethnic minority). We all love each other of course, and we are lucky to have each other and celebrate our diversity.

Your thought is small and your experiences very unfortunate. Many Indians I know have Polish or other European family members, and also Blacks and Hispanic family members. The UN Spokeswoman Nikki Haley is also a full blood Indian (ethnically) with a White husband (I don't know his specific ethnicity). Many other important people in the US, Canada, UK and other parts of the world have such mixed families.

Our businesses are not only in the service sector but also in manufacturing. Your explanation on how the service sector helps the economy is nothing but shallow and stupid (I couldn't find a better word, I don't usually like to insult people).

As for my own family: My wife learnt Hindi for me initially, but I had to learn Polish as my children mostly use Polish and so does my daughter in law who is expecting a child (and the child would be 75% Polish ethnically, and a Polish-Indian-Canadian). My own brother is now proficient in Polish.

Grow up Mazur. I keep coping to Poland every few years and I meet good family members.

As for your choice of doctors, keep that rubbish to yourself. Indian doctors are known to be the best in the United States and one day you will end up on a platter with an Indian surgeon (might have a Polish wife...) operating on you. Then cry yourself a river ...
Joker  2 | 2374  
1 Sep 2018 /  #240
After reading your post, it hasn't anything to do with American Native Indians and you live in Canada.

My wife learnt Hindi for me initially,

Thanks for clarifying that you have nothing to do with the USA and RM is absolutely correct when he stated..

Indians do not add to the host's wealth. The reason is that they are in the service sector, which does not produce wealth

Illegal border crossing having increased dramatically from from Indian nationals.


Build the wall! We already have enough 7-11`s here already!

Indian doctors are known to be the best in the United States

Ive lived in the USA my entire life and never had heard of these doctors being the best, matter of fact, I've heard quite the opposite.

Speaking from my experiences. I would never visit a hindu doctor or dentist again.

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