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My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision

Ironside  50 | 12941  
1 Jun 2018 /  #151

Indian accent get on my nerves. It bloody terrible. Good D'Souza got rid of his - otherwise I wouldn't be able to listen to him.
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
1 Jun 2018 /  #152
At least they are doing well in the USA and UK and Australia and even in NZ. What did we do? Ever cared to check?

But you know what, its useless. This forum reminds of all the useless chatters of old Poles when they had nothing better to do (which was most of the time).

Anyone with even half a brain left the country.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
1 Jun 2018 /  #153
Seems like a pretty harsh indictment of your mother....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #154
If it was so good, why would they flood the countries whose diversity they so much hate?

Money... not because we care about diversity or another other bs. In fact, more people are returning to poland than going to the UK now.

Sick, ignorant and uncultured.

Is that why poland gets tens of millions of tourists every year and millions of migrants from all over - ukraine, Belarus, russia, India, Pakistan etc wanting to live and work there? Poles must be doing something right since so many people want to visit and work.
Crow  154 | 9531  
1 Jun 2018 /  #155

We live in difficult time. When evil cultists start to knock on your door, you won`t be able to swim from Zealand back to Poland. Instead, you can at least recall you memory how it was back in Poland.

And don`t worry for Jehovah`s witnesses, one more of numerable evil sons of Roman mental sperm. They will come to you for sure, with suggestion.
1 Jun 2018 /  #156
'When I say Indian I mean the whole of the subcontinent which includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka.' Thanks for the clarification, as ridiculous as it is.

Not that it's made much of a difference to the list I sent you

Bloody Indian Prime minster (White)
Bloody Indian Chancellor (White)
Bloody Indian Foreign Secretary (White)
Bloody Indian Queen (White)
Bloody Indian head of the number FTSE company (white)

If you mean lots of Indians, men and women, and other people from the sub continent have progressed into successful white collar jobs in the UK, you are correct. So have lost of Polish people. Lighten up.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #157
What I find funny is that the average indian expat makes more money than the average of the country. It's the same in poland, us, uk, Canada, etc. It's all small business people and professionals. You go to a tiny village in the middle of rural usa and its an Indian dude who owns the local hotel gas station etc and his whole fam works there. Same with corporations whether in poland or us or uk its all Indian dudes in the it department and a lesser extent finance. Amd they never ***** about handouts or reparations or other b.s. No they use their minds and working to get ahead, not handouts.

But politics... eh not so much outside of India

We just got done remodeling this Indian dudes house. He spent 50 large just fixing up his basement and laundry room. Dudes a straight baller hes got like 6 or 7 cars including a Ferrari 360.
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
1 Jun 2018 /  #158
tens of millions of tourists

Because Poland as a "country" is beautiful. I never said that my birthplace was ugly as a country. It has been truly blessed with natural beauty. The people, however, have a lot to work on themselves. The big cities are still trying to move forward, but I wonder for how long...

Seems like a pretty harsh indictment of your mother....

Yes. Exactly. However much I love her, I am harsh on her and harsh on the rest of Poland that I've grown up among. I have my reasons and so do most, I just like to tell it as it is. You don't like to read that? Poor you ~ just cover your eyes :).


Not just money, its the lifestyle. Money you can make anywhere if you have the capability, but the lifestyle you cannot have with a regressive community.

If you have no capability for money, you will be a burden anywhere you go.

Poles do tend to be better than other Slavs. But we are just not there yet... and its not just immigration. Its the sheer patriarchy, the everyday oppression of thought and freedom forced on others. The dumb hate of what is different .. and as I find it, its mostly propagated by men suffering from inferiority complex and fear.
1 Jun 2018 /  #159
more people are returning to poland than going to the UK now.

Do you have any citations to back up that statement? I'm genuinely interested.
Crow  154 | 9531  
1 Jun 2018 /  #160
Not just money, its the lifestyle.

So you decided to belong exactly to civilization that invested effort to put Poland down.
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
1 Jun 2018 /  #161
such rubbish :/
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #162
Do you have any citations to back up that statement? I'm genuinely interested.

I've posted links before regarding this that explain how polish moving companies are booked solid and its all moving from uk to pl, how brexit has caused a huge decline in poles going to uk and an increase in poles moving back to the UK. I am a partner in a currency exchange and can tell you that pounds are our most converted currency followed by euros in a distant second and then dollars.

Not just money, its the lifestyle. Money you can make anywhere if you have the capability, but the lifestyle you cannot have with a regressive community.

That was true when poland was communist. Then people left for a better future in general - more freedom, more money, free press, etc. However many do those poles both in UK and usa are starting to move back. The immigration of poles to USA has slowed to a tiny trickle. But in the 70s 80s and in the 90s it was enormous. Then when poland entered the eu poles started going to uk. Nonetheless, much of these poles have gone to western nations especially in recent times to make money, not because they like the diversity. I live in Chicago which has more polish immigrants than warsaw. And I'm not talking about people whos great grandma was polish..im.talking about fob and 1st gen poles who speak the language and keep.the traditions. Yes many have decided to stay for good and retire in the us usually moving to a.state with low cost of living, but many poles have moved back after theyve reached their financial goals, or they move back to retire. Quite a few poles also work in the US but send money to their families in Poland.

Money is money. And the us/uk and the west in general offer more money than pl. Even during commie times young people and students would go to germany to pick strawberries

however, have a lot to work on themselves.

I beg to differ. In fact many europeans wish their country was in a position like poland. We don't have a bunch of Marxist politicians running the country and allowing hordes of undocumented migrants from the third world to come in. Other countries arrest and fine people simply for repeating facts and statistics that show migrants are overwhelmingly responsible for the huge increase in rapes, murders, violence and terrorism. Poland doesnt have that problem. While places like sweden and uk sweep the problems under the rug and refuse to properly investigate crimes for fear of being called racist as in the Rotherham scandal, poland insteaf makes videos showing that their position was correct and they made the right move by refusing to abide by the migrant quotas.

Second, our economy is doing amazing. Unemployment is at record lows and is now.among the lowest in Europe. Peoples wages are steadily rising. The infrastructure, the malls, the stores, cafes, etc are nicer than those in the us. Although the graffiti is a bit annoying. Poland even grew during the global recession while other countries like greece needed to be bailed out. Everyday more and more businesses are opening up facilities in poland. There's so many jobs and good paying ones relative to the cost of living that they don't have enough people to fill them. Lastly, poles have finally regained their balls. Maybe you dont like it and call it xenophobic or chauvinistic or whatever but guess what poles dont care. They really dont. You may not be proud of your roots and your country but the vast majority of poles are. Poles are fighters and fiercely independent. We're not going to allow for our culture and traditions to be diluted and eventually replaced by social marxists from the eu. The eu can call the 60k fascists that march on independence day but guess what we don't care and well do the same thing in 2018. Poles dont care if theyre called xenophobe or homophobe or uncultred or whatever. We know our worth and thats what counts. If xenophobia has kept poland free from having a single islamic terror attack so be it. If being homophobic was written into our constitution to prevent the destruction of traditional marraige so be it.

You know during the partition years there were poles just like you. They said that the partitions were a good thing because it made poles more 'diverse' and exposed them to other cultures while destroying their backwards slovenly ways. They didn't want any more confederations and uprisings and figured poles were better off under the thumb of the russians, germans and austrians. Those poles didn't want to see an independent poland and most poles considered them traitors. Well today poland is independent and the majority of poles are very happy where their country is. Even poles who dislike the party in power, they still love their country and are proud of how poles rebuilt their country after going through a 60 year occupation and before that ww2.
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
2 Jun 2018 /  #163
not because they like the diversity

They like everything else that diverse countries are all about. Those countries are diverse, that is the only reason the Poles could be there. Its such an oxymoron, your comment that it is ludicrous.

Yes, and yes again! Poles prefer to leave for the lifestyle. If they cannot earn money in their own backyard, they are loser anyway.

In fact many europeans wish their country was in a position like poland.

Of course they do. You're high on right wing propaganda. Is xenophobia all about Islam? If you think it is you are stupid.

You take the name of countries and rape and violence? Those countries have different laws on rape and they have there statistics to show. It is not their fault that you are a stupid man with a massive inferiority complex who would only listen to those who confirms to his belief and not really look at the truth.

Homophobia, xenophobia is OK for you? GOOD. Stay in Poland and be a proud king and kindly keep there. When you grow old you will inspire others to either correct Poland or just leave.

I wish Poland would change, and I know perhaps one day it will. Till then, I'm OK to be selfish :)

You don't like it? Good. I hope you never do. That is your curse.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
2 Jun 2018 /  #164
Yes many have decided to stay for good and retire in the us usually moving to a.state with low cost of living, but many poles have moved back

That's me except for moving. Poland is out of the question: weather, language, Medicare, no family. I can almost see myself rotting away alone and lonely.

Arizona: perfect except how often would I be able to see my granddaughters. Plus my wife can't stand heat. So I am stuck here in the worst state of the union enjoying my long rides to where I will never live.
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
15 Jun 2018 /  #165
Does that sound Communist to you too?

You tell me Harry.
The UK government decided to make Tommy Robinson vanish by giving him a death sentence.
The UK's brutal attack on free speech and due process is a frightening 'test case' for a future world where dissenting voices are made to disappear.

Ask Americans again why they will never give up their guns.
Robinson has been moved to a maximum security prison with a 71% Muslim population.
His sudden transfer to Onley prison means "certain death"
This may certainly be a death sentence for Tommy.
Looks like Communism is alive and well in the U.K.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Jun 2018 /  #166
Tommy Tommy Tommy Robin...sin!!!

Dude everyone knows that UK is now a total police state. I mean our government has problems but at least we don't have arrests for thought crimes of reporting on a public court case. The UK literally has a new thought crime division that goes on the web. Look at what happened with that dude in Scotland - he got arrested and they made this whole big deal and in the end he got a 800 pound ticket... All this ******* media just because he made a video that went viral where he made his girlfriends pug raise his paw to sig heil. Honestly though I feel sorry for them as there are some real people who care about their country and heritage. The UK were like the bosses of the world for centuries. But **** man they totally shot themselves in the foot. And now this BS with sharia courts, people going to jail and fined for thought crime, speakers being denied entry into the country (always right wing figures - never far left types like known antifa people), no freedom of speech whatsoever. And the hilarious thing is the Brits tlak all this sh1t about RT when their own main media is state owned.

Its crazy man. Honestly though much of the people who live in the west don't really know about communism beyond what they read. The older generations in in Eastern Europe and a lot of places in Asia went through communism. And it's legacy still lasts and the way the society, politics, etc. are today. And this type of **** is EXACTLY what the commies did. Germany is no different but UK takes it even further.

There is set to be a polish referendum that will ask people 15 yes/no questions including 'should Poland's 1000 + year Christian history be stated in the preamble of the constitution 'does polish law trump EU and international law (imo they should've phrased that different or left the international law part out)' 'do you agree with the 500+ program' and a bunch of other things/ The EU HATES referendums. Any movements to make people vote on what they want in their own country the EU opposes.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
16 Jun 2018 /  #167
Poland is a nice country, warts and all. Its in the 'feel' of it. I look around and say 'this place is good to call home". I say this after living 23 years in UK home counties, 7 years in Canada in 4 provinces, and 5 years in US i IL, CA, and TX. Today, all these places to me feel at best like luxury refugee camps.
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
16 Jun 2018 /  #168
Dude everyone knows that UK is now a total police state.

Articles about the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Tommy Robinson were rapidly scrubbed from the internet after the British government put restrictions in place banning any reporting on the matter.

Well I am reporting on it ain't I.
Now I am most likely banned from ever entering the U.K. unless it is with the U.S. Military to liberate it's citizens from the governments tyranny.
TheWizard  - | 217  
16 Jun 2018 /  #169
Yes the uk has become a sharia hole soviet union.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
16 Jun 2018 /  #170
Poland is out of the question: weather, language, Medicare, no family. I can almost see myself rotting away alone and lonely.

That would be worth re-considering. A perfect place for you. Just saying ...

imprisonment of Tommy Robinson were rapidly scrubbed from the internet

Who the hell is Tommy Robinson?
Joker  2 | 2374  
16 Jun 2018 /  #171
Yes the uk has become a sharia hole soviet union.

The UK is a toilet

Now I am most likely banned from ever entering the U.K.

The just did you a huge favor! lol
TheWizard  - | 217  
16 Jun 2018 /  #172
Poland is going forward. Uk is going backward soon to be an isolated island. Hope the scots escape though. You can still get into the uk johnny, there are several ways like wearing mid east attire for example.
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Jun 2018 /  #173
There is set to be a polish referendum that will ask people 15 yes/no questions

It will be only ten questions, selected from a list of fifteen. A firm decision regarding whether such a referendum will take place is due to be made in July and the referendum, if it goes ahead, would take place in November.

'do you agree with the 500+ program'

The actual wording of the question is whether the 500+ program should be guaranteed in the constitution which is a very different matter.

'does polish law trump EU and international law

Again that's not the wording of the question because EU law DOES override Polish law. That's not in dispute. All members agree to that when they sign the EU treaties. However EU law does not override the Polish constitution. Poland retains the sovereign right to refuse to comply with an EU law on the basis that it violates the Polish constitution. If they feel strongly enough about such a matter, they can seek to have the EU law changed or can leave the EU. The question is therefore pointless as it won't change the current situation at all.
17 Jun 2018 /  #174
Now I am most likely banned from ever entering the U.K. unless it is with the U.S. Military to liberate it's citizens from the governments tyranny.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Jun 2018 /  #175
**** EU treaties and EU law. We just want the structural investments and in return well provide cheap polish labor and the largest market in eastern Europe. For a decade that worked fine till Merkel invited in millions of undesirables that no one wants and hence they're forcing countries to take in burden quotas. And they're sticking their nose in sovereign affairs. That's the point of this referendum. To see what polish people think about asserting their thousand years old Christian history and placing polish law and constitution above Eu law - that is exactly what the Polish wording says and if an English language source is telling you otherwise needs to hire a new translator.
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Jun 2018 /  #176
that is exactly what the Polish wording says

The Christian tradition thing is a separate question on the list.

We just want the structural investments

The EU doesn't work that way. And it doesn't give money in return for cheap labour. Loads of EU nationals work all over the EU for normal wages. If Poles are prepared to work for low wages in other European countries that's their choice although it's increasingly rare nowadays especially among those who speak reasonably fluent English.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
18 Jun 2018 /  #177
Every industrialized country, to a certain degree, will depend upon (cheaper) foreign-born labor to pick up the slack, so to speak,
often left behind by a native-born, Caucasian, internally-educated work force.
cms neuf  2 | 1834  
18 Jun 2018 /  #178
With the boss still in hospital i cant see this daft referendum going anywhere
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
18 Jun 2018 /  #179
Who the hell is Tommy Robinson?

someone who broke the law making videos in the courtroom. Him and his supporters don't like the idea of them following the law of the land. Good on the UK.

"He admitted committing contempt of court by publishing information that could prejudice an ongoing trial via a live stream on his Facebook page."
Source: independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/tommy-robinson-jailed-contempt-court-facebook-live-video-stephen-yaxley-lennon-a8374121.html
jon357  72 | 23482  
18 Jun 2018 /  #180
@Nickidewbear The Jehovah's Witnesses aren't a cult Nicki, and are very far from any standard definition of one. BTW, people can decide for themselves what they understand as 'real Christianity', something in which historically Rome has to say the least had an immeasurably huge role.

someone who broke the law making videos in the courtroom.

Exactly. And not only that, it was for the second time; he was actually on a suspended sentence for having disrupted jury trials before.

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