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My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 May 2018 /  #121
Isis fighters return to the UK by the hundreds. Yet only like 50 were prosecuted.

This sucks but I wouldn't be too harsh on the UK law enforcement. How would they get all the evidence?

Did West Germany prosecute STASI's to the fullest extent possible? Did Poland prosecute Polish collaborators with the Soviets? Did the US prosecute every single member of the SS and Gestapo?

Personally, I would execute all of them without a trial. Just for belonging, so please don't think I am turning soft at my old age.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 May 2018 /  #122
Well, pis and numerous others tried numerous times (lustration) only to be rebuffed by former commies with the backing of the eu. Majority of poles want these commies to finally face justice instead of being wined and dined by Kremlin reps like jaruzelskis daughter
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 May 2018 /  #123
Well, pis and numerous others tried numerous times (lustration)

PiS got rebuffed because they wanted selective lustration. A real lustration process would weed out many uncomfortable facts for PiS, and they never put forward any true lustration process that would reveal the answers to many interesting questions connected to people from PiS. Even today, they were happy to strip pensions of some groups, but they mysteriously left PZPR public prosecutors alone, even though they were effectively the sword of the party.

Ask yourself how serious they are about Lustration when Saski just got caught at this -

For non-Polish speakers, the boss of the PiS politbur...political committee just got caught willingly attending a "workshop marking Marx's birthday" at the Chinese Communist Party's event.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 May 2018 /  #124
Well, pis and numerous others tried numerous times

That's not good enough. Try doesn't count, so the answer is no. The Polish-Soviet collaborators didn't get prosecuted, tried, found guilty, and shot.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 May 2018 /  #125
I will try to come back to it later and disect that roach

No need for dissection , you sleep on what I said we both know those times very well from opposite sides of the iron curtain,

Just after the Cuban missile crisis, and a real possibility of armed conflict between east and west and you were shortly due national service in the army, you possibly only saw three choices before you.

If the west attacked the soviets, then

1. fight on the soviet side.

2. Turn on your soviet slave masters and fight to free Poland.

3. Run away from Poland like a chicken

Just remember your kids one day might ask you what you did during the cold war, and yes it was a war, remember to tell them you ran away like a chicken.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 May 2018 /  #126
The Polish-Soviet collaborators didn't get prosecuted, tried, found guilty, and shot

Yes but nonetheless this is poland as and much as some people would simply prefer a tap in the back of the head, it can't happen.

And yes delph there are pzpr functionaries in pis, I dont deny that but nothing even close to po or sld.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 May 2018 /  #127
3. Run away from Poland like a chicken

I don't recall it. I do remember getting on a train at Warszawa Gdanska, waving goodbye to my parents and swearing to never be back again. Just like some here do when released from prison.

I am surprised that you recall the facts of my departure differently. Did we ever meet? If we did, my memory is failing me.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
31 May 2018 /  #128
waving goodbye to my parents and swearing to never be back again.

A vow which you sadly broke.... why couldn't you keep your promise?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
31 May 2018 /  #129
swearing to never be back again.

Well at that time you knew that if you did return you would be thrown into the army to do your national service.

But hey it sounds like you are having a great time living it rich and driving your top of the range jap car, slagging off Poles on a Polish forum, oh your parents and kids should be so proud of you.

do remember getting on a train at Warszawa Gdanska, waving goodbye to my parents and swearing to never be back again

Yep you got it that's when you ran away like a chicken, never lifting a finger to support the struggle to free or or rebuild Poland..

So why would you be bothered to be on this forum at all, I guess its just to trol.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
31 May 2018 /  #130
Come on, guys.
It's great he came back even if only for three days. So many adventures: three cities, dating an organista after following a priest and altar boys into the zakrystia, chatting up a man at a railway station and taking him for dinner, arguing at a clinic and then a hospital (it was emergency! ), having dinner with the hotel owner in Radom, visiting a school in Radom and using a vandalised toilet for kids, visiting a school in Warsaw and arguing about his classmates' personal data while staring at girls' knees. Did I miss anything?

And all of this happened to a man in his seventies! You just envy him. It doesn't happen to you.
So much interaction with real people!
You wouldn't expect such an active man to spend hours posting rubbish online from his room in the institution where he's being held, would you?

He's so great that if he weren't himself, he'd be an Indian in position of power in the UK.
So if he says it's true, stop questioning him!
So Poland never again both for Rysiu and Ania!
You tell them!
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
31 May 2018 /  #131
Tragic and butt hurt on hearing the truth ...
31 May 2018 /  #133
Tragic and butt hurt on hearing the truth ...

Forgot to switch between the accounts?
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
31 May 2018 /  #134
why don't you ask your admin if I am real or not?

By the way, don't care..
kaprys  3 | 2076  
31 May 2018 /  #135
Aren't they?
You tell them!

It's important to be STABLE in life. It really is.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
31 May 2018 /  #136
By the way, don't care..

just as no one here cares about you.... go back to watching or molesting sheep or dying of boredom, whatever the national pastime of New Zealand is (I'm betting on the last)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #137
A vow which you sadly broke.... why couldn't you keep your promise?

I am never sad.

I changed my mind after the US changed Poland.

If your head didn't explode yet: yeah, it was the US that broke up the USSR and brought freedom to the slave nations of Eastern Europe. Poland included.

And, hold on to you head, I helped. I paid taxes to fund the US Army and the arms race that the Soviets eventually lost.

So, while I was paying for your future freedom, the Poles were happily collaborating with the Soviet oppressors for the little crumbs like trips to Bulgaria or sklepy za zoltymi firankami.

Now say thank you and go to your room.
31 May 2018 /  #138
might ask you what you did during the cold war, and yes it was a war, remember to tell them you ran away like a chicken.

People dont care bro. Its like me saying kevin markley would have to answer his fsmily why he snitched and let his buddies call cops and lie for him to out a polak in jail (at the time possibly prison) for trying to punk him out of a seat and bully him when outnumbered in a bar. or why raphal luciano the second guy who got in the way of this polak and has a bunch of youtube videos showing his behavior before and sicne he and his lying and fat wife (with their 1or so kids) called cops aftr getting his ass bewt by a polak who ended up going to prison and deported after. do your eally think people like this or umericans care about being snitches, cowards or anything like thwt? just look what happend to me. i already showed dirk dagger my paperork on thst first case so there is no lies there dont care. lying, bullying, punking people in groups, using kids as shield, etc. its how they roll. I kiterally was sent to orisonfor putting this guy in check after confronting him and being attacked not just verbally but phsyically:

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #139
Yep you got it that's when you ran away like a chicken, never lifting a finger to support the struggle to free or or rebuild Poland..

Would you kindly explain to me under what logic would a released prisoner want to stay in prison and try to improve it?

You are wrong about not lifting a finger. I did lift a finger on that train after I lost sight of my parents. It was my middle fingers. Both of them. My final good bye to the prison called Poland and all those suckers who were not smart enough to find a way out of it.

It's great he came back even if only for three days.

Your reading comprehension is scary. What mental disorder is yours. Is it ADHD or PTSD?

Just curious. As a child, did you climbed trees?
31 May 2018 /  #140
What I dont get about Polaks is why they let themselves be treated that way. blacks in u.s. get rights and made strabucks doa wareness training but polaks tteat one another much wors ethan that and the customer service is the worst in the world. so why cnat the govt do something about it like starbucks here? why cant they do awareness training or let these people know they cant yell at their customers, hang up on them or treat them like trash?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #141
Because the trainer would be just like the trainee.

why don't you ask your admin if I am real or not?

Aren't you glad you left?

I know you are. That was a rhetorical question.

Your enemies here are just plain envious. New Zealand is like a little paradise and they know it. A quote:

What they probably don't know is that thanks to incredible natural beauty, a humble, understated style, and few cultural and linguistic barriers for English speakers to hurdle, the island nation of 4.5 million people has become a huge draw for tourists over the past decade.

And lately, it's more than tourists: the billionaires are moving in too. West Coast titans like Internet investor and Gawker slayer Peter Thiel and Titanic director James Cameron have recently bought spreads on the island. Cameron, who directed and starred in a New Zealand tourism video in 2016, owns a 3,700-square-foot organic farm in Wairarapa, two hours east of the capital city of Wellington. Thiel, who is reportedly a newly minted Kiwi citizen, has built a stunning glass box of a house (with a tree growing out of its center) in the Bay of Islands perched above the Pacific Ocean, along with another in Wanaka on the South Island.

So, there, haters. Eat s***.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
31 May 2018 /  #142
Please, tell me all about my mental disorder. I'm sure you're an expert in it.
Yay, I can't wait!
And yeah I have problems with reading comprehension. I'm Polish, ty wiesz?

And did YOU climb Polish trees on your last visit here? Perhaps in that park in Radom.
I'm getting really curious about your adventures in Poland.
Come on, next story please!
You could write a book about it!
What a pity there won't be a sequel :(
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #143
Please, tell me all about my mental disorder. I'm sure you're an expert in it.

Did you ever own a full-auto machine gun?

If you ask nicely, I will be happy to teach you how to organize your thoughts before you make them public.

After that, I would show you how to write like an adult. Playing a scattered school girl can get you only so far.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
31 May 2018 /  #144
No, I have never owned a full auto-machine gun.
Can you, please, teach me how to organise my thoughts before I make them public? Pretty please.
Right now I can't write like an adult. It looks as if I was playing a scattered school girl and it can't get me that far.

I have been thinking of you, Rysiu, and I can't help but wonder what a wonderful place Poland would be today if you hadn't left on that train from Warszawa GdaƄska in 1966...
TheOther  6 | 3596  
31 May 2018 /  #145
New Zealand is like a little paradise

Ha ha ha. If you consider a major meth (they call it "P") and gang problem, widespread child poverty and abuse, and a poisoned environment "paradise", then you might be right. New Zealand's "100% pure" marketing slogan is a total scam that only stupid tourists and naive migrants from Europe fall for. The locals prefer to leave their country if they can and settle either in Oz or the U.K..
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Jun 2018 /  #146
My final good bye to the prison called Poland and all those suckers who were not smart enough to find a way out of it.

Yeah but with all the opportunity to make money in the US you still drive around in a twelve year old banger, for all your boasting here you should have your own private jet .
1 Jun 2018 /  #147
Yet Indian men in the UK are so successful and at all the positions of power

I mean, there is a lot of stupidity on this thread but this actually made me laugh out loud.

Bloody Indian Prime minster (White)
Bloody Indian Chancellor (White)
Bloody Indian Foreign Secretary (White)
Bloody Indian Queen (White)
Bloody Indian head of the number FTSE company (white)
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
1 Jun 2018 /  #148
Aren't you glad you left?

We all are glad that we left. These people are filled with inferiority complex and want to pull things out of context and the worst among them live in some unknown medieval past to extract some sense of pride as they lack any of it in the real world.

Sick, ignorant and uncultured.

If it was so good, why would they flood the countries whose diversity they so much hate? They should've lived in their own countries or moved to Ukraine - its very much of exactly what they seem to love about the world.

Indian men in the UK

If course they are successful. Why are you so jealous? I have no connection with them but keep hearing of their success and witnessing it. The best students in New Zealand are Chinese and Indian, and a simple google browse will show it. When I say Indian I mean the whole of the subcontinent which includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka. They are doing good. But where do Poland stand with such a proximity to Western Europe? No where.

Apparently there is nothing to argue with a mind already set on something. So arguing with a blind person is useless.

Both Polish and Indian immigrants went out, one made it better than the other. Thats a fact. The Chinese have done even better, they have excelled and will soon be the best in the world.

We Polish are going to make Poland a rotten hell hole even worse than what it is.

good riddance. Now froth in your mouth as I spoke TRUTH and you can't handle it.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
1 Jun 2018 /  #149
We all are glad that we left.

You're boring. He is boring. You both or one and the same is/ are boring.
Even delphian or Harry used to be more fun and entraining that your collective efforts. I just feel sorry for you.
OP Ania30  1 | 24  
1 Jun 2018 /  #150
and I feel sorry for your bored and obviously useless life. Who invited you to comment on this "boring" thread? :)

Look at all yourselves you all ... its remarkable how much you prove the point.

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