in poland it doesnt exist and we dont prey on our own race and set up what ifs. its called gdybywanie. you and your country have court systems that try to destroy people using gdybywanie tactics, we destroyed that with the solidarity movement. you made your bed doward now you have to life in a dount ry with laws where yiu yourselfes made and foted for. when you start poking fingers neighboor at neighboor and because or cowardice preying on your own and everyf amily having one person behind bars years one end, all I can say is you deserve it your whole country deserves it and when you end up behind those bars due to them wanting to make money off you and your american heritage and white skin dont save you eventuslly, all I can say is you made your own bed. here ir you google my name there is so much respect nothing in the polish or european google search even shows up but a little sign on bottom saying results ommited due to eu privacy laws. fuking coward.
lol black lives matter, what a homosexual movement even though those cops are even more filthy then them. they all should just be on an island and set up an ustawka.
Because you are not in Poland or eu, there is something called the right to be forgotten law here and citizen privacy rights, esp after many yrs after the incident unlike in your country where you poke fingers at others like cowards all their lvies try to hold them down. go to polish or eu google and type the same thing and you wont see any results. by the way i smashed a pint glass over a coward american like you and am proud of it just like entire legia is proud of me, i was circled, surrounded, and some short fuk tried to punk me and all i did was hold him with one hand and he couldnt egen move so the coward later tried to attack me and got served. and the whole time all i was doing is sitting down and minding my own business when he came over like a lunk saying i was in his faggot chair. The cowards name is Kevin Markley for the whole web to see.
getting back to the original heated discussion of the first page of this thread, this video says it all:
the person talking says the hope lies in the young people, who refuse to leave he country, who do not align themselves with any political country, who go to the sradiums with a message behind their movement.
I just googled your name and all I saw were articles about child sex abuse
Specifically about his conviction and jailing for paedophilia with a lttle girl he groomed online. I wonder how well that would go down in 'the last bastion of Europe'.
"Specifically about his conviction and jailing for paedophilia with a lttle girl he groomed online. I wonder how well that would go down in 'the last bastion of Europe'."
why dont you ask Pruszków or the Ukrainian and Polish mafia what they think, maybe I could make some koney with a east euro based cp website?
I wonder if Ukrainian Angels should be reopened and maybe called Polish Angels? maybe just a modeling site with making out?
i wonder if they smuggle young girls too maybe we can seriously make a great porn netwrok full of illegal girls or something?
maybe its time for polish to joun the ukraińians in this great business opportunity?
the only reason he was in trouble was because the u.s. went after him cause he wss too stupid and met them, if ukrainians dont care im sure polish domt either since the aoc and mentality is similar.
Well Poland isn't going to turn into France, Germany, Sweden, etc. where we have special urban zones (no go zones), regular riots where entire neighborhoods go ablaze, teenage girls being moved down with ak's, bombings against soft targets, etc. We won't allow it and our government backs us up 100%. We'd rather be poorer than the west but keep our traditions alive and our people safe. We'll accept migrants - as we have - over 1.5 million work permits issues to Ukrainians just last year as well as Georgians and Chechens who assimilate, work and are a net benefit to the society. But we'll be damned if we have to in masses of people who we know nothing about from an entirely different culture, religion, and style of life that spits on liberal European values and Christian tradition. We see what these new comes have done to W. Europe in the past 2-3 years. There were never terrorist attacks in Europe as frequently as there are now. It's like at least once a month there's some kind of stabbing, vehicle ramming, some kind of rape, not to mention the more serious attacks. Plus all the other crimes that these new arrivals commit on natives in the subways - pushing people down the stairs, groping women, mugging people, etc. which gets no media attention. Even the cops say themselves they'll arrest the same perp 20 30 times and he just gets out the very next day and does the same damn thing. Why aren't they deporting them if they're causing crimes - especially crimes like sexual assault, robbery, etc? I don't understand it.
Well Polish society has agreed that we won't tolerate this kind of stuff.
ultras or pseudofan gangs are into smuggling, wtf r u talking about. same with mafia. how can you say they wouldnt tolerate me someone who is attracted to younger chicks when they themselves tske part sometimes in such porn (just resd up on the lordofthering gang). the link above shows ultras smuggling people for instance, and no im not into kids. i like girls 15 and up unless theyre already slutty and corrupted than i never was into anything below 12 and ive never succeded with sleeping with a teen girl anyway, so whats ur issue with me?
oh trust me, there is no reswon to investigate me. like I said, resd that article on ther ukraińian guy. the ukrainian govt was trying to bring him back from the u.s. right away. in this part of europe its wild west and they dont care about that kind of stuff, plus im just throwin ideas out there, its free speech. i can say i blew buildings up online but unless you have proof it means nothing.
Anthem of Yugoslavia, inspired by Polish national anthem and Pan-Slavic anthem
It's a very nice anthem Crow.
Maybe you can answer a question for me? Was there a common Serbo-Croat version of the anthem, or did they use different versions for the Western and Eastern variants of Serbo-Croat?
There were local versions in many dialects. But anthem of Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1st Yugoslavia) was combination of Serbian-Croatian-Slovenians anthems