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How many Jewish people live in Poland?

grubas  12 | 1382  
9 Aug 2011 /  #121
It's true, many Poles have Jewish ancestry and are completely unaware of it.

And what's the point?Even if I learned today that some of my ancestors were Jewish (sometimes I think I may be a bit Jew because of some of my character traits and me and my brother both have super Jewish first names) do you think I am going to put this funny cap on my head and grow pejsy?Hell no!Screw Jews,I am Polish and I am cool with that.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
10 Aug 2011 /  #122
There are good Jews as well as bad ones.

for real?!

How many Jewish people live in Poland?

NomadatNet  1 | 457  
10 Aug 2011 /  #123
So, those people in the list in the linked page above are Jews? even more, Masonic Jews? There are Kacynzski brothers there. Real?
legend  3 | 658  
10 Aug 2011 /  #124

how legitimate is this?
Pierdolski  - | 31  
10 Aug 2011 /  #125
Sobieski speaks closest to the truth.
pawian  219 | 24806  
14 Aug 2011 /  #126
Not quite.

The average Polish attitude to Jews is neutral. On both extremes are fanatic anti-Semites (Sokrates) and Jew-lovers (me). The problem is that whenever antisemites utter their mad hatred, it reverbarates in media all over Europe and the world as an example of "typical" Polish anitsemitism.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
14 Aug 2011 /  #127
Well put but there's a flip side to this as well that a Jew and a Jew-lovers alike completely ignore and in a way making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. When your typical hate filled Jew or his supporter spreads his nonsense through a let's say half truthful if not outright deceitful article or post it usually reinforces this negative stereotype of Poles that had been propagated, nurtured and conditioned in the west, especially in your average American Joe. That's being felt by more and more of the younger generation by being exposed to it through travel. Instead of honestly debating the topic of interest to you, you bring it down to what amounts to be nothing more than a few slogans reinforcing this negative image of us. Most of the Jewish posters here are hatemonger themselves, skillfully manipulating and stirring **** up. While this sort of behavior could have been tolerated by the likes of you and ignored by the rest as not so many Poles were exposed to it by a simple isolation in a sense of travel restriction as well as language barrier, that's not the case anymore.

This leads to resentment and that neutrality you speak of will soon be a part of the past if it's not already. Perhaps someday when even your average westerner has a better grasp on the topic at hand it might even backfire on them on that front too. There's definitely a room for an honest debate but wherever I look all I see is slander and outright attack on us Poles by the Jewish community and if you think that's getting unnoticed or ignored by most of the younger generation than keep living in that bubble of yours and keep deluding yourself. Open your eyes, this forum is a microcosm of a much wider world that exist out there and to be perfectly honest, all I see is a fight for converts to the Jewish cause whatever that might be in a rather nasty way which leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and in turn it is virtually impossible to ignore or stay indifferent to.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2011 /  #128
Most of the Jewish posters here are hatemonger themselves, skillfully manipulating and stirring **** up.

Where are the Jewish posters here?

but wherever I look all I see is slander and outright attack on us Poles by the Jewish community and if you think that’s getting unnoticed or ignored by most of the younger generation

Slander and outright attack?

Care to provide evidence of this? Internet doesn't count - any idiot can write anything on there, including people who are merely trolling Poles.
pawian  219 | 24806  
14 Aug 2011 /  #129
=ShortHairThug]Most of the Jewish posters here are hatemonger themselves, skillfully manipulating and stirring **** up.

Wow, how many Jewish posters do you know here? :):):):)

I know only one poster who has Jerusalem in his profile. And he is quite reasonable.

=ShortHairThug]wherever I look all I see is slander and outright attack on us Poles by the Jewish community..... Open your eyes,

If that is all what you see, you must definitely go to an eye doctor. :):):):)

Contrary to you, I don`t have a problem with my eyes. :):):)

I didn`t see it "wherever" when I was in America 20 years ago.

Because I live in Poland and have no contact with Jews, I must rely on the written word. Yes, there are Jewish publications in which Poles are wronged but there are also fair ones.

=ShortHairThug]his forum is a microcosm of a much wider world that exist out there

The world of guys like Sokrates? :):):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Aug 2011 /  #130
Yehudi, Midas and Rogalski spring to mind. They come across as fair and present reasoned arguments. They don't strike me as being defensive and often know their stuff.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2011 /  #131
Wow, how many Jewish posters do you know here? :):):):)

I count one, same as you...where are the rest of them? Are there any in Poland? I'd love to meet a Jewish Pole - reveal yourselves!

Yes, there are Jewish publications in which Poles are wronged but there are also fair ones.

As far as I can tell, the only publications where Poles are "wronged" are the same ones which would "wrong" Jewish people in Poland.

The world of guys like Sokrates? :):):):)

The internet generation - paranoid to the bone ;)

Perhaps if they got out once in a while, they'd see that there aren't Jews on every street corner.
pawian  219 | 24806  
14 Aug 2011 /  #132
As far as I can tell, the only publications where Poles are "wronged" are the same ones which would "wrong" Jewish people in Poland.

Hmm, not only. :):):):)
I have just read Gutman`s Resistance, quite famous, and was a bit disappointed with his undercover anti-Polish stance. I will elaborate on it in a seperate thread after I reread the book and prepare quotes.


Isn`t Midas Turkish?


Isn`t Rogalski from PiS?

I'd love to meet a Jewish Pole - reveal yourselves!

Ask Ironside.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Aug 2011 /  #133
Nope, they are Jewish PF posters who come across as fair.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2011 /  #134
Isn`t Rogalski from PiS?

He's Irish if I recall correctly. Not Jewish at all.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Aug 2011 /  #135
Um, I know for a fact that poster is Jewish. There is no debate as we PM'd each other a few times.
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Aug 2011 /  #136
Isn`t Midas Turkish?


Jewish here.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Aug 2011 /  #137
Mephias is Turkish. Midas has just told you he is Jewish.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Aug 2011 /  #138

Here in the US, most of the anti-Polish propaganda has come from old Lefty-media Jews. However Conservative Jewish Americans tend to be more fair minded about Polish people.

Lefty Jews are basically still fighting WWII and deep down, Lefty Jews are paranoid and see virtually all White Christians as being their enemy especially Polish people.

Conservative Jewish Americans think this way of thinking is insane and are more realistic about threats against Jews. They don't see Poles or any European nation as their enemy and are more rightly focused on the anti-semitic lunatics in the Mid-East talking about whiping Israel off of the face of the earth.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Aug 2011 /  #139
Which anti-Semitic, MW? Ahmedinehad? For a start, he didn't say anything about wiping Israel off the map. Secondly, he is anti-Zionist, not anti-Judaism.

What I liked about your post was showing the different kinds of Jews rather than tarring them all with the same brush.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2011 /  #140
Here in the US, most of the anti-Polish propaganda has come from old Lefty-media Jews. However Conservative Jewish Americans tend to be more fair minded about Polish people.


Murdoch : Jewish. Fox News : Conservative.

"Polish Death Camp", you say?

And let's not forget that Fox broadcast a line alleging Poles to have collaborated with Nazis.

Your "Conservative Jewish" aren't so squeaky clean, are they?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2013 /  #141
Merged: How many Jews in Poland?

Out of a population of 38 million, it is estimated that 20,000 Polish citizens are Jewish.

Wikipedia on national minorities in Poland states:
The first figure given (7508) is the total, the 2nd (2488)- Jewish as first identificaiton inlcuding the only one, Jewish as only identification (1636), Jewish, as second identification (5020) and both Polish and Jewish identifcation (5355).


The difference bwteen 7500 and 20,000 is quite considerable. Over the years the figure of 50,000 has bounced around, but I'm not sure what certeria were used. Jewish criteria are clear and straightforward: anyone borne by a Jewish mother is Jewish!

Some people learnt they were Jewish only after 1989. Some Jewish parents supposedly have stiłl not told their children.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
13 Jun 2013 /  #142
So...what is your "afterthought" behind this posting?
In Belgium live 42.000 Jews on a population of about 11 million. So what?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2013 /  #143
what is your "afterthought" behind this posting?

Since I've heard no substantive reply from you on the obvious nuermical discrepancy pointed out in the post, I can only sit back and eagery await your as always 'enlightened' explanation.

Does the Belgian press claim there are 120,000? That was the point -- the discrepancy.

BTW (different subject) To what extent are Dutch, Flemish and Afrikaans mutually intelligible. Can you tell a Dutchman and Afrikaner by their speech?
13 Jun 2013 /  #144
The difference between 7500 and 20,000 is quite considerable.

But smaller than the difference between the official number of Vietnamese (4,027 according to your link) and the widely accepted estimate of 30,000 to 50,000: rp.pl/artykul/2,223266.html

Apparently the official figures may be less than completely reliable.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
13 Jun 2013 /  #145
Does the Belgian press claim there are 120,000? That was the point -- the discrepancy.

In Belgium this is not even a point.

To what extent are Dutch, Flemish and Afrikaans mutually intelligible

Afrikaans is basically a different language, developed from 18th century Dutch spoken by the Dutch settlers on the Cape, and has evolved separately. I understand it, but not 100% and have to concentrate to do so. Dutch is the official name for the language spoken by the Dutch and the Flemish, and teached in school and used in daily life.. Flemish is a common name for the numerous dialects spoken in Flanders. Almost every village here has its own dialectic variant of Dutch. In some Flemish or Dutch areas in the East speak a form of Dutch which I hardly understand. Local patriotism is very strong where I come from (to a village / town level) and your local dialect is an explicit expression of that.

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