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How many Jewish people live in Poland?

14 Jun 2011 /  #91
Jan Karski, Karol Wojtyła and Leopold Socha were great Polish patriots, particularly the late Jan Paweł, who bucked the Polish trend towards anti-semitism. Good people can be found everywhere. How about the German 'White Rose', yound students who willingly gave up their lives to help save Jews. Though few in number, they cleared the poisonous air of hatred in their own land, as Wojtyła et al did in theirs!

If Jews became usurers, it was because they were forced by the Catholic Church to practice money lending. Pawnbroking was often the only way to make a living, as Jews couldn't own land, fight in the military or join guilds, perhaps ONLY, if they converted! Look at Spain and her conversos!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jun 2011 /  #92
particularly the late Jan Paweł, who bucked the Polish trend towards anti-semitism.

Indeed, his clear rejection of it, combined with some personal acts were something that every Pole should try and emulate.

The fact that he asked the Jews for forgiveness (without them asking for it, something that anti-semitic Poles use as justification for not forgiving) says it all.

It seems a shame that a minority of Poles seem hell-bent on ruining his legacy.
15 Jun 2011 /  #93
It seems a shame that a minority of Poles seem hell-bent on ruining his legacy.

Sorry, hon, to burst your bubble but majority of Poles today don't give a flying-you- know-what about Jews one way or the other. Seeing antisemitism in Poland is just a hobby of couple of bored out of their minds foreigners living in Poland. Enjoy if you really have nothing better to do. Hell-bent my ass.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
15 Jun 2011 /  #94
Are you sure that[quote=Lyzko]If Jews became usurers, it was because they were forced by the Catholic Church to practice money lending.

The RCC did not force the Jews into usury.
usury had nothing to do with the demonization of Jews in Poland?[/quote]
Jews were invited into Poland precisely because they dealt with money as it was considered sinful for a Catholic to do so.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Jun 2011 /  #95
The post above numbered 92 purports to quote me, but it was not I who posted that which is quoted.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Jun 2011 /  #96
Sorry, hon, to burst your bubble but majority of Poles today don't give a flying-you- know-what about Jews one way or the other.

You're right, a majority really couldn't care less.

It's only a small vocal minority that scream and yell about Jews - and thankfully, that minority will never again win any sort of power.

Seeing antisemitism in Poland is just a hobby of couple of bored out of their minds foreigners living in Poland.

Come on, you know fine that it exists. But it's no worse than in any other European country - when the most shocking thing is the vandalism of a couple of graves, you know things aren't bad.

Most of it is just talk, nothing else.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
15 Jun 2011 /  #97
that minority will never again win any sort of power.

wishful thinking
Ogien  5 | 237  
15 Jun 2011 /  #98
Most of it is just talk, nothing else.

I read on Haaretz an article a while ago about how antisemitism is most prevalent in western Europe because of Muslim immigration.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jun 2011 /  #99
Do you live in Poland? If so, how many Jewish people do you know?

So, inspired by the many threads on this forum by PolishAmericans claiming that Poland is full of Jewish people - let's have it.

How many of you actually know real (as in practising) Jewish people in Poland?

I'll start with me. I know absolutely none, despite trying my hardest to find one.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
23 Jun 2011 /  #100
the many threads on this forum by PolishAmericans claiming that Poland is full of Jewish people

Where are these threads? Either quote them or face the fact that you're just being hysterical again.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #101
The simple answer is, not so many. Rumour has it that Tusk sent sb round Poland on a salary of 500PLN per month to count them all :) Why does it matter anyway? Check Polish census data as that what a census is for.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
24 Jun 2011 /  #102
well if Adam Michnik is not a Jew than who is?

btw what does 'practicing' have to do with being Jewish
24 Jun 2011 /  #103
How many of you actually know real (as in practising) Jewish people in Poland?

This is obviously a topic you are very misinformed on if you consider only practicing Jews to be "real" Jews.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
24 Jun 2011 /  #104
well if Adam Michnik is not a Jew than who is?

btw what does 'practicing' have to do with being Jewish

That's the Jewish lobby's media brainwashing in practice making people believe that Jewish in ONLY a religion and not an ethnic group. I guess Semites look similar just by coincidence LOL
24 Jun 2011 /  #105
well if Adam Michnik is not a Jew than who is?

I'll ask him tomorrow while we're at the synagogue.
JulietEcho  3 | 100  
24 Jun 2011 /  #106

How many Jewish people live in Poland and krakow especially

Who is fueling all these posts: Jews this, Jews that....
As much as you would like to think you are not the center of the universe, not even the center of Polish Universe.
If you don’t like Poles/Poland move to your own country, now you have an option to. It always stunts me that as much as whine about WW2/Antisemitism and such, you still are looking for opportunities in Germany/Poland/France. Somehow you can’t make it without those Goyim...Right?
24 Jun 2011 /  #107
I'll ask him tomorrow while we're at the synagogue.

And after that we meet at Apfelbaum's place for a game of poker, right? Rosenkranz says he won't
be able to make it, he's going on a date with that shiksa next door (she's got a nice tukhes :-))
24 Jun 2011 /  #108
And after that we meet at Apfelbaum's place for a game of poker, right?

Yep, Rosenberg is bringing the matzos made with the blood of a Christian child.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
25 Jun 2011 /  #109
How many Jewish people live in Poland?

Just two:

Norman Zalecki, Optometrist from Wroclaw

Mabel Krusz, retired textile business manager living in Krakow

Almost all the rest of the Jews were killed at Auschwitz, except for a handful, who either moved to Tel Aviv or Miami Beach, and a tiny number who stayed, to whom Pan Zalecki and Pani Krusz are related ...
OP plg  17 | 262  
26 Jun 2011 /  #110
Thanks guys for all the posts-very interesting.

And Julietecho-i care
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Jun 2011 /  #111
How many Jewish people live in Poland?

Between a few hundred and a few hundred thousand. Depends on one's definition of a Jew.
27 Jun 2011 /  #112
Come on, you know fine that it exists. But it's no worse than in any other European country

Not true, modern antisemitism is more prevalent in western Europe due to Muslim populations.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
27 Jun 2011 /  #113
Mabel Krusz, retired textile business manager living in Krakow

isnt that her from the Golden Girls,not betty white(?) or the Southern one Rue mcsummat,or the man,the little really old one?
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
14 Jul 2011 /  #114
According to Wikipedia:

There are 50,000 Jew in Poland.

those numbers could be wayyyyyyyyyyy off. Many sources state that there could be 10-20 times that amount, or even more. So many Poles (like my father) either don't know about their jewish past or learn about it at a much later age.

regardless, the numbers are growing daily. :D
14 Jul 2011 /  #115
regardless, the numbers are growing daily. :D

It's true, many Poles have Jewish ancestry and are completely unaware of it.
legend  3 | 658  
14 Jul 2011 /  #117
Speaking about nationalities and ethnicity whats the best way to find out if you are Polish, German or Jewish?

I found that my family tree is the best way to see but it only goes back 150-180 years.

Are those Haplogroup graphs / tests worth a try?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Jul 2011 /  #118
Are those Haplogroup graphs / tests worth a try?

Only the most detailed and expensive DNA tests. Haplogroups don't tell you much.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
14 Jul 2011 /  #119
The truth is simple. Some Poles hated Jews and helped the Germans kill them.

if that were the case no Jews would survive in Poland, son - sometimes think on your own for a while - if the hate of Jews was so common and intense noone hiding Jews could stand a chance at not being discovered and denounced - yet the figures tell something very different

Jews were seen as unloyal to the Polish state, untrustworthy and difficult econimic competition by Poles before the war - some politicians theorized Poland without Jews and the ways to accomplish it but to my knowlegde no Polish politician ever imagined killing Jews as a means to such a goal

perhaps you read many books - yet it looks like most were pretty one sided or prejudiced

some personages who openly raised the Jewish issue in Poland before the war - see Zofia Kossak-Szczucka - were later during the war active in conspirational help for Jews (there was even a network of such conspirators which for example involved catholic monasteries)

don't you think it's pretty pointless to know your ancestry? I have only vague notion of my ancestry beyond the grandparents and I can still happily live without much knowledge of my great grandparents not to mention earlier

if I have Mongol, Armenian, Jewish, canibal, Hun, Gypsy, German, Russian, ***** blood in me it makes no difference to me - what can I do to change it even if I wanted to? look at people like some mixed race celebrities in Poland (there are a couple of such people in Poland) - their native tounge is Polish - are they not Polish? only a dumbfuck would say they aren't

Ola Szwed

Patrycja Kazadi

Omar Sangare
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
9 Aug 2011 /  #120
Poles never liked Jews and still dont like Jews. My former boss in Poland said that the Jews bragged that they owned all the businesses and homes, and the Poles owned the streets and sidewalks.

Common but false and stupid comment.
Have you ever read Daniel Mendelsohn great (autobiographical )novel entitled "THE LOST"?
Then read it.
Have you ever realized that in Yad Vashem Memorial most of the "Justs" are Poles?
Then go to Jerusalem.

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