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What income/assets and worth, will give you a "rich" status in Poland?

Luke84  7 | 114  
8 Feb 2016 /  #1
Hi There,

I was reading quite a lot during the weekend and I'm really curious what would be your opinion to the following.
What income/assets worth will give you a "rich" status in Poland, what will describe you as upper middle class, what would be average middle class and what upper class? Do we have classes in Poland as such?

In UK we could easily say who is coming from classes based mainly on area they lived, family you are coming from etc, we don't really care on what car person have (in Poland I have noticed people do! )...

How is it in Poland? I would say this topic is more for entertainment and I expect different views from different people... Not sure if I addressed that in proper way but I'm sure you all will understand on what I meant!

polishinvestor  1 | 341  
8 Feb 2016 /  #2
Dont think there was much of a middle class in Poland, it was the rich and then poor. Then came the mega rich who organised themselves at the table when communism fell, gaining assets for pennies, or groszy I should say. Anyway from memory so dont quote me, the avg wage in Poland is about 4500zl +/-, but most people earn much less somewhere around 1600-2500zl p/m. Even so, in Poland I think its more about what someone has as to how they are viewed by others here. There are those with a high wage that spend it all on an on going basis and have nothing to show for it, while another will earn the same or less but save, maybe get themselves a mortgage to buy a flat/house (low interest rates and generally low prices has meant a lot of people have had access to owning their own property), car, go on a holiday or two a year. That kind of person is seen as well off in Poland, probably a middle class and often resented by those that have chosen a different way of life. Even with the young you often see friction between students and those of a similar age but choosing to do nothing at all. As for the rich, in the UK they say if you have a million in cash or cash equivalents then you are rich, Id guess the same would apply here but obviously in terms of zloty not pounds.
Douglas pol  
9 Feb 2016 /  #3
Polish investor you are wrong just walk around Warsaw and see how many commercial premises are there and almost each worth millions of zlotays so there are lots of rich people in warsaw
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
9 Feb 2016 /  #4
Its just what some people say in the UK Doug. But cash or cash equivalents is not property Doug. 1 large in the bank or money markets. Not talking about anything leased or acquired through debt. Corporations and funds tend to own the larger complexes but small commercial for a million or two can be financed almost exclusively be debt thanks to the low interest rates/bank margins and relatively high yield close to double figures even in the better locations in the largest cities. Its not a risk free strategy or something Id promote given problems outside of Poland, but in 10 years or less your own the unit.
OP Luke84  7 | 114  
9 Feb 2016 /  #5
I must say this is very interesting topic, I know that in US these classes are not really shown, Russia has super poverty or extreme wealth, UK has classes in old, traditional way... Really would like to see everyone's input on that one :)
Kezcaisim  1 | 37  
9 Feb 2016 /  #6
There is a lot of rich people in the capital city of every country, Douglas
Bobko  27 | 2167  
31 May 2019 /  #7

What does it mean to be "rich" in Poland?

Hey guys! I think this thread has some potential for fun. The thread on "what's enough to live in Poland" has given me an idea...

Just read an article online: cnn.com/2019/05/31/success/feel-wealthy/index.html

It says that a recent survey suggests that a number in the vicinity of $2.27 million is enough for the average American to feel himself "wealthy". What would you give as the number that would allow oneself to feel truly rich in Poland?

What goes into your definition of rich? If you were rich, would you move to a different tax jurisdiction (a lá Monaco), or would you stay in Poland? What would you buy with your wealth? And so on, and so forth.

Edit: My thinking is that the number is the same, if not higher.
pawian  219 | 24792  
31 May 2019 /  #8
or would you stay in Poland? What would you buy with your wealth? And so on, and so forth.

Of course I would stay in Poland. I would buy more land around my farm so that nobody bothers me within the distance of at least 500 metres. I would also plant a lot of trees and watch the mixed forest grow. Then I would be able to play with the trees, caress and hug them, because it is really beneficial to your health. Naturally, don`t leave anything to a haphazard chance! you should first learn which particular trees influence humans positively. There are plenty of guide books about it.

Have you ever played tree hugging? I often do it after heated debates in the PF, and that is why I always come back so relaxed.


Just look at me and learn. Only the bare body is able to fully absorbing the positive energy flowing from the tree.

Bobko  27 | 2167  
31 May 2019 /  #9

How many are/hectare do you own now? What size would you need to be happy? How much $ would you need to get the 500 meters of solitude in any direction?

Alright! For Pawian - wealth is clearly measured in trees :) Perhaps he has it right. However, I was more interested in a concrete number.

What is this number for Poland?

I'm sure "wealthy" has different meaning in Warsaw and Bialystok.

P.S. - my hugging tree would have to be a birch

I read the article from your link. Goddamn! I sincerely hope you don't believe this vibrations hocus pocus. My grandma used to be into the same "vibration" stuff, and it would drive me up the wall.

Do you really think that treating water with 10 HZ vibrations, and then drinking it will improve your blood circulation?
1 Jun 2019 /  #10
Depends on the value of EURO and inflation (which can be high in Poland unless the Ukrainian workers keep coming and do the job for low wages :|
pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Jun 2019 /  #11
How many are/hectare do you own now

Only one.

What size would you need to be happy?

To make my property a little secluded place, about 20.

How much $ would you need to get the 500 meters of solitude in any direction?

One hectar of land in the area costs about 40.000. Of course, only when there is a seller. What if farmers don`t want to sell? I would have to overpay - let`s say 50.000 - 60.000. 20 hectares would cost 1 million.

However, I was more interested in a concrete number.

Here you are. When starting a forest, forresters advise to plant even 10.000 saplings per hectare. 20x10.000 gives 200.000. If I buy wholesale, a small sapling will cost about 1 PLN. Bigger ones 2 - 3 PLN.

On the whole, I would need 1.2 million PLN, about 300.000 $. That`s a lot of money, I would have to sell all our properties to collect that sum.
Coop  1 | 26  
2 Jun 2019 /  #12
buy more land around my farm within the distance of at least 500 metres. I plant a lot of trees and watch the forest grow.

I think you know that you can't just buy agricultural land and make a forest of it )) You'll have to FARM it according to its purpose. Like, if your plot is a cropland - you must to crop a field with wheat and so on.

(sorry. i had to cut you message, there's some strange rules about quotes...)
pawian  219 | 24792  
2 Jun 2019 /  #13
I think you know that you can't just buy agricultural land and make a forest of it ))

Again, which country are you talking about? Belarus? :):)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
3 Jun 2019 /  #14
Being truly rich and having a "rich status" are two different things imho.
I know just too many 'rich' people driving expensive cars bought on credit and 'owning' flats and houses that they will have to repay for the next 30 years...so well-dressed pauper? :-)

But yes , I guess owning a large house, 1 mln. PLN in savings and not having debts whatsoever makes you considerably rich.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
3 Jun 2019 /  #15
Only the bare body is able to fully absorbing the positive energy flowing from the tree.

ha ha ha you tree pervert...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Jun 2019 /  #16
That being said, 1 mil USD in assets excluding your main abode makes you rich.

**** you money? I'd say for a million for every decade of life you have left
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Jun 2019 /  #17
ha ha ha you tree pervert...

No, it is pure health! I recommend it to you with full conviction. But remember - you should also rub your body up and down, left and right against the tree bark for a better effect. In that way you will massage and stimulate sensory receptors in your skin. It is good for you.

Being a rich owner of a forest who has a daily massage on his favourite trees isn `t perversion.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2019 /  #18
Wtf why did half my post get deleted... It was valid to the topic and didn't offend anyone. I merely explained how **** you money differs from being "rich"


What kind of "trees" and "forest" are we talking about? ;)
gumishu  16 | 6182  
4 Jun 2019 /  #19
Like, if your plot is a cropland - you must to crop a field with wheat and so on.

there are areas in Poland where you cannot plant a forest on agricultural land - also you cannot plant forests on meadows/pastures nationwide
pawian  219 | 24792  
4 Jun 2019 /  #20
What kind of "trees" and "forest" are we talking about? ;)

Not in the dirty sense, of course. Real forest.

there are areas in Poland where you cannot plant a forest on agricultural land

Links, if you please. :):)
Bobko  27 | 2167  
4 Jun 2019 /  #21
I looked around and can't find anything in Polish laws regarding non-urban land use, planning/zoning. I'm certain there is something, but so far everything I can find is related to urban territories.

I think pawian is right.
pawian  219 | 24792  
27 Jul 2019 /  #22
also you cannot plant forests on meadows/pastures nationwide

What kind of "trees" and "forest" are we talking about? ;)

Good question.

Well, land covered with trees needs to fulfill certain conditions to be official forest. One of them is the assumption sb is planting them for commercial reasons. If I plant a lot of trees on my land, it doesn`t automatically mean it is a forest if I am not going to maintain it as a forest and then cut it down .

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