johnny reb 49 | 8003
16 Sep 2019 / #121
if I see hypocrisy in someone who tries to preach me it makes their words fake.
That would depend on if they are the hypocrites words or God's inspired words that they are preaching to you.
my own attitude towards God
So you do relate to God's existence.
And my attitude is that God knows my heart and my intentions even if they appear to another man as a sin or hypocritical. (Judge Not)
The church of Poland knows that if a child by the age of thirteen has not has not been indoctrinated to God's inspired word that there is little chance that they ever will have a personal relationship with God.
I remember my Polish father telling me about when he went through boot camp in the Army with all the big tuff guys professing to be atheists that mocked his Christianity like I get mocked here on this forum.
Then when they got to Germany in their foxholes and the German artillery buzz bombs started dropping in on them those same self professed atheist were heard out loud praying to God Almighty to please save their sorry souls.
Their is no such thing as an atheist Lenka.