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Importance of Religion in Poland

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Sep 2019 /  #121
if I see hypocrisy in someone who tries to preach me it makes their words fake.

That would depend on if they are the hypocrites words or God's inspired words that they are preaching to you.

my own attitude towards God

So you do relate to God's existence.
And my attitude is that God knows my heart and my intentions even if they appear to another man as a sin or hypocritical. (Judge Not)

The church of Poland knows that if a child by the age of thirteen has not has not been indoctrinated to God's inspired word that there is little chance that they ever will have a personal relationship with God.

I remember my Polish father telling me about when he went through boot camp in the Army with all the big tuff guys professing to be atheists that mocked his Christianity like I get mocked here on this forum.

Then when they got to Germany in their foxholes and the German artillery buzz bombs started dropping in on them those same self professed atheist were heard out loud praying to God Almighty to please save their sorry souls.

Their is no such thing as an atheist Lenka.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
16 Sep 2019 /  #122
Of course there is.

I can tell you stories of people who stopped praying in exactly the same circumstances. My grandpa never prayed or visited a church after war.

And I love that you used the word indoctrinated. Suits precisely.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
16 Sep 2019 /  #123
German artillery buzz bombs started dropping in on them those same self professed atheist were heard out loud praying to God

doesn't prove anything... you can torture a person and get to confess to all manner of weird things (as in witch trials where women 'confessed' to riding broomsticks and cavorting with satan).

battle is a kind of torture and it's natural that some respond with very atypical behavior that has nothing to do with who they really are or what they really believe
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Sep 2019 /  #124
My grandpa never prayed or visited a church after war.

She was probably to old to walk by then.

And I love that you used the word indoctrinated.

Indoctrinated means to "teach" in the contexts that I used it so what is there to love about that ?
You do give it your best don't you. lol
The future of Poland's culture depends on the teaching of Polish children Catholicism.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
16 Sep 2019 /  #125
He for one. And no he wasn't, why would you think he was?

And I loved that word in this context because as you said yourself, you have to get it to a small kid when they still believe what's been told.

The future of Poland's culture depends on the teaching of Polish children Catholicism

It seems that might be a problem as more and more people don't baptise their kid and don't sign them for religion classes.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Sep 2019 /  #126
you have to get it to a small kid when they still believe what's been told.

Just like you have to teach a child not to touch something that is hot.
If you love them you teach them Polish culture.
Maybe God knew what is was doing when he didn't give you children.

It seems that might be a problem

And that is EXACTLY what the title of this thread is about genius.
Teaching Polish children the Polish culture.
You give Polish women a bad name by trying to destroy the Polish culture.
Now I have vegetables to harvest so you will have to argue your lost point with someone else.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
16 Sep 2019 /  #127
It's a stupid example. One they would quickly learn by themselves and two even if they didn't learn as a kid there would be no problem teaching them when they aee adults.

Try harder next time.

Who told you I don't have kids? Maybe I do maybe I don't. It's not an information I would share with a weasel like you :)

And I know you want to go personal but we are talking about certain process here, a trend, not about me personally. Church reallly doesn't care whether Lenka goes to church and baptise her kids.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
16 Sep 2019 /  #128
So in my case it's only my perception , but with you it's the devine truth? Lmao

Yes, and it painful obvious that you see the world in certain patters which require preconception. Whilst I just draw my own conclusions basing it on some knowledge and some understanding. For you the church is a moonlit bishops are by definition conservatives and so and so forth, I wonder how you qualifying that bishop who is a homosexuals' and was kicked out for pestering young priests?

So your way of thinking is pretty stiff and stale dipped in same half-baked leftie ideas. While I see things for what they are. Sure I don't have to be 100% right, I could be wrong too but that down to missing something or no enough data.

You are wrong most of the time because you go around with preconception in your head and you ignore all the puzzles that do not fit with your word view. Enough?

Don't worry most of the people are like you or they just stick to what they know.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Sep 2019 /  #129
Try harder next time.

I try to keep it simple for simple people like you.

you want to go personal

Oh and you don't weasel ? lol
The church is Poland's culture which makes it a very important part of Poland.
You however aren't able to grasp that fact and insist on dancing around it with your personal opinions of otherwise.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Sep 2019 /  #130
But it has nothing to do with religion.

It has plenty. Telling a child that if he swears daddy will be upset is bull***** because daddy swears all day long. And every other day, hits mommy. So, the only thing you can tell the little bastard is that God is watching and will record every incident for further review when said bastard shows up at the gates. That is why we have the concept of sin, since explaining the concept of civil and criminal responsibility is too complicated even for some adults. And not every deed can be prosecuted or sued for. Others are simply immoral or stupid.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
16 Sep 2019 /  #131
, I wonder how you qualifying that bishop who is a homosexuals' and was kicked out for pestering young priests

As a molester. Doesn't mean he's not generally conservative in his views (btw I don't know who you are talking about, could you throw the name in).

The funny thing is you didn't once give a reason why the callings and attendence are dropping.

I try to keep it simple for simple people like you.

Simple is one thing, wrong is another.

I showed some data suggesting that church isl ess appealing every year and gave the reasons why I think that is. All you guys are doing is saying 'not true' without giving any alternatives. As people who care about it you should try to think how to change that trend. If it stays as it is it won't bother me but the church will see less and less people.

So, the only thing you can tell the little bastard is that God is watching

It's a wonder then that we have any misbehaving kids!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Sep 2019 /  #132
I agree. We should be reading to them the US and the state penal codes before they go to bed, instead. You are so brilliant.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
16 Sep 2019 /  #133
Youe idea, not mine. But if that's the only point of religion we can exchange it for Boogie Man
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
16 Sep 2019 /  #134
But if that's the only point of religion

There are atheists and there are atheists. I am the better of the two because I regret being one. It's the same process as being told that there is no Santa. Life is not getting better from having this information.

I also recognize the need to believe in higher power and the higher purpose, which, btw, gays lack. I also understand why so many people find the concept of afterlife, Heaven and Hell uplifting - especially as they face their last days.

The dumbest and the stupidest atheists are those who start and end all debates on the subject with "it's a lie".
BTW, as an atheist of the enlightened variety, I made sure my kids were brought up religious and participated in all the rituals they chose to - including kneeling and standing. No, I did not opt to get the communion.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
19 Sep 2019 /  #135
why the callings and attendence are dropping.

One it became more socially acceptable to not to go.
Two as I said those people were just going due to some cultural or social customs since structure of the society changed they just stopped following it.

three parent failed to pass their beliefs onto their children, sometimes due to everyday hardship and sometimes due to their negligence.
Four Soviets, removing religion from the public space, some restoration of it during post-commies times' was just a half baked efforts by weakened clergy.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
19 Sep 2019 /  #136
Actually yes. I still find it funny you don't seem to find the slightest fault in the church itself but I agree all these things contributed.

Your version is more dark though. In my assessment church has the means to at least try and change the trend. In your version the situation will just be getting worse.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Sep 2019 /  #137
The church is Poland's culture which makes it a very important part of Poland.

The church is, but the problem is that they sometimes meddle too much in Polish politics. On the other hand, politicians tend to use the church solely for their own purposes. Thus, the alliance of the throne and the altar may eventually end badly for the church.

And my attitude is that God knows my heart and my intentions even if they appear to another man as a sin or hypocritical.

I wonder if you had God's approval for this idea of yours (expressed in another thread):

Wouldn't it have been easier just to put up a sign [in a Baltimore resaturant] that said, "No Blacks Allowed".

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
19 Sep 2019 /  #138
I wonder if you had God's approval for this idea of yours (expressed in another thread):

Oh for crying out loud Z.....are you being Polish again today ........ lighten up.
This thread is about the Importance of Religion in Poland for crying out loud.
Your remarks to belittle me have nothing to do with this thread.
AND even if it did I sure the hell would like you to explain to us why I needed any "approval" from God for my remark.

Do you think I said something sinful ?
If so..........please explain to us what you think it was as you obviously misinterpreted that I was bad mouthing Blacks which was just the opposite stupid.

You are starting to annoy me.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Sep 2019 /  #139
Calm down, calm down, Johnny. Are you being American today?

Your comment was just ambiguous. It may well have supported the stance of that immigrant racist RM as well as it may have spoken to the contrary.

Your remarks to belittle me have nothing to do with this thread.

It had nothing to do with belittlling you.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
19 Sep 2019 /  #140
immigrant racist RM

Everybody is a racist. You are a non-immigrant racist. And don't give me any sh*t that 100,000 African blacks in Warsaw would be fine with you.

Honey, look! We now have 100,000 blacks in Warsaw. How nice!

Replace "black" with "white" and you wouldn't even blink.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Sep 2019 /  #141
And don't give me any sh*t that 100,000 African blacks in Warsaw would be fine with you.

Dear me, there is something in your comment that sounds true !
Cargo pants  3 | 1443  
19 Sep 2019 /  #142
100,000 blacks in Warsaw

lol I am with brown face and hands white body and a dark dick,where do I stand????
pawian  219 | 24792  
19 Sep 2019 /  #143
Is that a riddle? You are a niga slave working in the mill?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
20 Sep 2019 /  #144
find the slightest fault in the church itself

the church are the people, no idea what you looking for but I have pointed out plenty of faults, they may PF job, funny you cannot notice any of it.

but the problem is that they sometimes meddle too much in Polish politics.

WTF are meowing about? Do you too have a brain of a cat? Talking rubbish and repeating slogans.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
20 Sep 2019 /  #145
the church are the people, no idea what you looking for but I have pointed out plenty of faults,

She keeps repeating and repeating that Christians and Church members are hypocrites and sinners.
I have repeatedly told her that every man on earth is a sinner and sins every day but she ignores that fact so she can "promote" what hypocrites church members are in order to discredit Christians and the Church.

Very shallow on her part with her repetitious merry go round.
I think she may be trying to argue her way into heaven and that can't be done without accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.

So simple but so hard for the so called atheists to grasp showing you just how powerful Satan is.
pawian  219 | 24792  
21 Sep 2019 /  #146
Archbishop Jędraszewski fired 3 female workers from his press office. The reason is they have children but are not married. The Church takes care of Catholic families.


Do you think it was a right decision?

  • yozqo4vdamo3kzbv5ffm.jpg
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
21 Sep 2019 /  #147
Do you think it was a right decision?

Should fat people be in charge of Weight Watchers?
Oops. Bad example but you know what I mean.
pawian  219 | 24792  
21 Sep 2019 /  #148
Yes, I know what you mean and it is quite logical.

However, the unmarried females have kids. Firing them means the Church doesn`t take care of kids. So, wouldn`t it have been better if the women had decided to have abortion long ago? A lot of other women might consider it a good solution to a single pregnancy and kid raising problem after hearing about the Archbishop`s decision.

What do you think about this dillema? What is more important: sticking to dogmas or caring for kids?
Lenka  5 | 3484  
21 Sep 2019 /  #149
the church are the people,

It's also an institution with structures, influences, income, income tax, employees atc.
And while it's possible you at some point made a critical post of the church (I really don't read and remember all your posts) but I kind of doubt it.

The reason is they have children but are not married

Should fat people be in charge of Weight Watchers?

One of them is simple single (no marriage but no kids) and the other two from what I read adopted the kids and are fostering. If that is true the church behave very Christian like.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
21 Sep 2019 /  #150
What is more important: sticking to dogmas or caring for kids?

Sticking to dogma. Dogma is the only product Church sells. It's not a child welfare agency.
The best way to test anything is by bringing it to absurdity. Should church fund nuns' abortions? Should Church hire unmarried prostitutes with kids? Where do you draw the line?

That's an easy question to answer: where it violates the underlying purpose and the principles. The modern Catholic church that tolerates the abortion advocates in Congress is the best example how to destroy an institution like that. That is why the intolerant Islam is thriving and expanding where we would never expect it - in the Western Christian democracies.

Most people like the rules they can follow. They prefer hard walls and detest wishy washy crap. That is why women will take a macho abuser over a hand-wringing and confused weasel.

Kids that sense absence of rules, parental supervision and hard limits go bad.

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