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Immigration Free Poland is Not Being Racist

Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 Mar 2017 /  #121
That much is laughable

There you go again. You failed at success in Britain. You failed at success in Poland. So knowing you are now forever stuck in a lowly station in life you imagine that every Pole in Britain is an out-of-work boozer with a criminal record. Well, whatever helps you to cope I suppose.

And what is your contribution to Poland, pray tell?

Let's just say that not all progress achieved in Poland yesterday, today, and tomorrow is a result of EU handouts.
jon357  72 | 22980  
7 Mar 2017 /  #122
the weekly flights from the UK to Warsaw certainly tell us a thing or two about the people that moved to the UK.

The authorities in Poland tend to pick people up (Polish citizens or immigrants, regardless of colour or ethnicity - Polish law does not discriminate) on the way back in.

And what is your contribution to Poland, pray tell?

A round number. A very round one indeed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2017 /  #123
There you go again. You failed at success in Britain. You failed at success in Poland.

I find it quite astonishing that you're able to determine with any degree of accuracy as to my success or otherwise in Poland.

Let's just say that not all progress achieved in Poland yesterday, today, and tomorrow is a result of EU handouts.

I think you know very very little about Poland in that case. The huge slowdown in investment in Poland in 2016 was almost directly caused by the failure to use EU funds.
spiritus  69 | 643  
8 Mar 2017 /  #124
In Britain it has worked very well. No ifs, no buts. The only danger is those who are afraid of everything

What on earth are you talking about ?

Ask most people on the street in the UK and they will tell you that immigration is their biggest concern. Why do you think most people voted to leave the EU ?

Start talking sense instead of making unfounded claims just to fill your daily post quota
Ironside  50 | 12333  
8 Mar 2017 /  #125
As did Judeo-Christians until they realised (and so many haven't) that secularism, democracy and freedom are a better thing than the societies favoured by the religious establishment

There is no freedom and democracy without moral guidance and values given to the Christendom by the religious based philosophy. Cutting off the roots planted firmly in a Christian fertile soil is to invite doom to all you claim you hold dear. French Revolution, Holocaust and genocide and terrors of communism are the best examples that such a believe is but a folly.

You people are fools with an overgrown ego!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
8 Mar 2017 /  #126
instead of making unfounded claims just to fill your daily post quota

I think jon makes post just for the sake of argument.
Poland is watching the EU crumble slowly.
The invading immigrants are just speeding up the decay.
Racism is justifiable with what is happening in many people's eyes.
Poland wants no part of it as Poland is slowing getting on their feet.
Like Harry said, there is a lot of modern infrastructure in Poland.
Rome was not built in a day and neither will Poland be but at least Poland is not regressing like the rest of the EU is by thinking Socialism will work.

Poland has every right to say "no thank you" to immigrants that will eventually destroy Poland's economy and culture.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Mar 2017 /  #127
Poland is watching the EU crumble slowly.

Except it isn't crumbling. In fact, the Big 4 members have agreed in principle to deeper integration, with countries such as Poland and Hungary being told to either accept their conditions or be left behind. Poland relies heavily on their contributions to the EU budget.

Like Harry said, there is a lot of modern infrastructure in Poland.

Modern infrastructure doesn't put food on the table, but the CAP certainly does for a huge amount of farmers.

Poland has every right to say "no thank you" to immigrants that will eventually destroy Poland's economy and culture.

Except Poland has one of the EU's most liberal immigration policies. Mohammed can gain access to Poland by paying roughly $2000 a year.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
8 Mar 2017 /  #128
Poland relies heavily on their contributions to the EU budget.

Poland should tell them to stuff it into their commie shady holes. They can take those peanuts money and smoke it together with a free accesses for all their companies and goods to the Polish market.

Except it isn't crumbling

The EU as is was won't be no more. The change is coming.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Mar 2017 /  #129
They can take those peanuts money and smoke it together with a free accesses for all their companies and goods to the Polish market.

Do you think Polish farmers would give up the CAP funds so easily? Poland is drunk on EU cash.

The EU as is was won't be no more. The change is coming.

I agree, actually. I wouldn't be shocked if Germany and a few others decide on deeper integration, while leaving countries like Poland and Hungary the choice whether they want to agree (and integrate) or leaving them to go.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Mar 2017 /  #130
most people voted to leave the EU ?

70% of the population did not.

Poland relies heavily on their contributions to the EU budget.

And very high approval ratings for membership

Except Poland has one of the EU's most liberal immigration policies

And it works very nicely indeed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Mar 2017 /  #131
And very high approval ratings for membership

One of the highest in the EU, hovering between 70-80%. I'm not surprised that some of our American members don't understand this however, as they don't speak the language.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
8 Mar 2017 /  #132
Do you think Polish farmers would give up the CAP funds so easily? Poland is drunk on EU cash.

I think they would if hey would be given leave to produce some food.
Not Poland but some shady dudes and their cronies who make a lot of dough on the EU cash and on indebting the future generations of Poles.

or leaving them to go.

That would be blessing.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Mar 2017 /  #133
That would be blessing.

For who? Remember that there are plenty of families dependent on money flowing from the EU in some way. If anything, it would only really benefit the elites in society, who would be able to use the barriers to enrich themselves.

I think they would if hey would be given leave to produce some food.

The CAP takes away the stress, because of the payments regardless if they actually produce anything worthwhile or not. Farmers would strike, and so Poland would have to replace the CAP cash with a Polish fund instead - which is money we don't have.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
8 Mar 2017 /  #134
Poland relies heavily on their contributions to the EU budget.

EU membership has been great for Poland, the infrastructure investment by the EU can be seen in every City,Town and Village, but the cash will dry up at some point, we should continue to make hay while the sun shines, but once the cash stops Poland will re-evaluate its position as an EU partner. Poland will not make substantial contributions without return like the UK.

I am sure that many immigrants to Poland on this forum would agree it is not an easy ride to integrate and make a crust in Poland, race really does not have much to do with it, It's just tough for outsiders to fit in here both financially an culturaly, I guess we dont't make it easy for outsiders.

Just look at the bureaucracy here compared to the rest of the EU, It takes a long time for Polish people to trust anyone outside the immediate family no matter if they are Polish or a foreigner.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
8 Mar 2017 /  #135
The CAP takes away the stress, because of the payments regardless if they actually produce anything worthwhile or not.

What stress? Either they'll make a hay producing and selling food or not. May go into tourist industry.

Farmers would strike

I don't think they will. Some tariff (in a sneaky way) on imported food that can be grown in Poland and volé!

For who?

For the majority of the populace.

It takes a long time for Polish people to trust anyone

It is not about trust. Its about a post-colonial syndrome. Poland after that alleged transition hasn't changed a thing in the PRL build structure. All that need to go and those people need to go too.
spiritus  69 | 643  
8 Mar 2017 /  #136
most people voted to leave the EU ?70% of the population did not.

How tiresome.

Out of the people who voted in the referendum, more people voted to leave than to remain. The people who didn't vote didn't care enough to get off their backsides and cast a vote.

For you to claim that immigration "In Britain it has worked very well. No ifs, no buts. The only danger is those who are afraid of everything" is ludicrous and damages your credibility.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Mar 2017 /  #137

The broader question here isn't whether or not Christianity aka the Judeo-Christian tradition which remains the backbone of the Occident, is as valid as any other religion or belief:-) Clearly it is. The issue is whether or not ISLAM can continue to erode the tradition of said Western faith any further and should we allow ourselves to morph into something for which we were never intended!

I say no.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Mar 2017 /  #138
erode the tradition of said Western faith

That's happening anyway, organically and nothing to do with the presence of other established religions.

The people who didn't vote didn't care enough to get off their backsides and cast a vote.

Not all had a vote, and some of those who voted the wrong way did so as a protest. Turkeys voting for Christmas, especially in areas that financially depend on EU membership. Foreign influence on voting, especially though not only via Cambridge Analytics, is only just beginning to be examined.

In Britain it has worked very well. No ifs, no buts

Things there are for the most part very harmonious - immigration is and (since it is likely to continue) will be a success
spiritus  69 | 643  
8 Mar 2017 /  #139
Not all had a vote, and some of those who voted the wrong way did so as a protest.

Well, you quoted the figure of 70% not voting. I assumed you meant 70% of the people who were eligible to vote. British citizens had a right to vote.

things there are for the most part very harmonious - immigration is and (since it is likely to continue) will be a success

No they are not and I live HEREin the UK and not THERE in the UK (like yourself). You probably believe there are no issues with immigration in Germany, Belgium and Sweden too no doubt.

Not sure what your definition of "harmonious" is and not quite sure I really care to know your interpretation.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
8 Mar 2017 /  #140
I suppose it depends on WHERE you live Spiritus and on your personal experience.
It's a diverse country.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Mar 2017 /  #141
Exactly Roz- and better for that

No they are not and I live HEREin the UK and not THERE in the UK (like yourself).

You can smell the fear and impotent rage in posts like that. On the level of the Daily Fail comments page...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
8 Mar 2017 /  #142
no I don;t smell any fear or impotent rage tbh. He is just making observations from his own experience.
I used the word 'diverse' to mean that life in, say, the Old Kent Road, is very different to life in ..I don't know, say, Devon.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Mar 2017 /  #143
I used the word 'diverse' to mean that life in, say, the Old Kent Road, is very different to life in ..I don't know, say, Devo

That's an interesting point. It always saddens me to see that a significant chunk of anti-immigrant sentiment comes from areas where immigration has been relatively small.

We see that here in Poland too - a friend of mine who is anti-immigration lives in a district with barely a dark face.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Mar 2017 /  #144
At least here in the US, can't speak for the UK, immigration since the mid-1880's, has always been associated with the onslaught of inexpensive labor from cheaper-wage societies whose presence has tended to overshadow (no pun intended, I can assure you) the more "expensive", homegrown native workforce:-)

As America was a colony established essentially by Northern Europeans, small wonder that the majority has been jealously safeguarding her own fading gene pool from becoming a cesspool, no offense intended her either!

African slaves eventually learned to integrate into the fabric of our nation, as did the Jews. Asians never really have and those from Third-World Muslim countries seem not to at all, public relations aside.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
8 Mar 2017 /  #145
a friend of mine who is anti-immigration lives in a district with barely a dark face

I dont think the colour of skin is the issue, here, in the village we have 10 brits and dutch, but only one turkish family which may be considered by some as dark faced, I dont thnk the coulor of skin is an issue here, a foreigner is a foreigner in Poland regardless of race.
jon357  72 | 22980  
8 Mar 2017 /  #146
I think that will pass with time. First in urban areas where there's more familiarity.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
9 Mar 2017 /  #147
Except it isn't crumbling

Of course it is and only a Liberal Socialist would tell you different.

but once the cash stops Poland will re-evaluate its position as an EU partner.

That is what has happened to EVERY Socialist country in the world.
Once the cash stops.......or in other words........Socialism works great until the other guys money runs out.
As the EU crumbles the others guys money is slowly running out.
Poland is way ahead of the game as being a Conservative Country.

The CAP takes away the stress, because of the payments regardless if they actually produce anything worthwhile or not.

Socialism at it's best, get paid for sitting on your azz.
Sorry but those 'payments' need a source and when no one is working the money for those 'payments' comes from where ?????
Typical socialist thinking.
Nothing from nothing equals nothing so Socialism crumbles again.
Poland should excel when the rest of the EU crumbles.

which is money we don't have.

"WE" ? You are Scottish and should not be speaking for Poland.

Poland would have to replace the CAP cash with a Polish fund instead - which is money we don't have.

Exactly, Socialism works great until the other guys money runs out.
The EU is running out of money and it's economy is crumbling.
jon357  72 | 22980  
9 Mar 2017 /  #148
Yet in Poland, people like it. 80% of people.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
9 Mar 2017 /  #149
Until the other guys money runs out and then what will those 80% do ? (80% B.S.)

Poland would have to replace the CAP cash with a Polish fund instead - which is money we don't have.

And then what will those 80% do ?
Socialism doesn't work nor has it ever worked.
That is why the EU is crumbling.
You Liberal Socialist are in for a huge reality check.
jon357  72 | 22980  
9 Mar 2017 /  #150
the other guys mone

The fruits of their own labour.

That is why the EU is crumbling.

The EU economy is growing...

You foreign oil-dependent China-owned capitalists are in for a massive shock...

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