You see what you want to see. As I have said - put your feeling aside. There is no modern laic society without Christian roots. Notions that all humans are equal , freedom, individualism, separation between religion and state - doesn't exist but in European/Christian civilization.
Immigration Free Poland is Not Being Racist
..which is why other societies which are fundamentally alien to the Judeo-Christian ethic have such humungous difficulties adapting to our ways.
ethic have such humungous difficulties adapting to our ways.
As did Judeo-Christians until they realised (and so many haven't) that secularism, democracy and freedom are a better thing than the societies favoured by the religious establishment
Preferrable to theocracies, you mean. Yes, undoubtedly that's quite true.
Preferrable to theocracies
I've lived in one and actually quite liked it while I was there. Nevertheless it was easier for me who could leave than for those who had to put up with it. Theocratic societies are a very bad idea. Living in a small town or village in a religious society isn't fun for a lot of people either. Can't be much fun growing up Amish if you dislike religion.
This is at risk of going off-topic, since it isn't the immigrants to Poland who are rtying to stop it being a secular plural society.
Correct, but what the Polish people want, understandably enough, is for their country to remain a parliamentary democracy, dominated though (as for centuries ever since her inception) by a homogeneous CATHOLIC majority.
Can't very well tell the whole country that she'd wrong for feeling that way. Face it, NO European nation is an American-style melting pot.
Can't very well tell the whole country that she'd wrong for feeling that way. Face it, NO European nation is an American-style melting pot.
I doubt a few million immigrants (and their are in fact only a few thousand) would change that. At least this time they won't be able to get away with pogroms.
Britain (urban Britain, anyway) is a sort of melting pot, and a very nice one indeed.
NO European nation is an American-style melting pot.
Britain (urban Britain, anyway) is a sort of melting pot, and a very nice one indeed.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
6 Mar 2017 / #98
Face it, NO European nation is an American-style melting pot.
As it's been years since I was last in England, I can't really judge and so will gladly take your word for it:-)
UK: Muslim man vs Polish man
"Pork" hahah
"Pork" hahah
OP johnny reb 49 | 7888
7 Mar 2017 / #101
If that were to happen in any major city of the U.S. they would be scraping potty mouth off the pavement with two bullet holes in his head.
I doubt a few million immigrants (and their are in fact only a few thousand) would change that.
Tell that to Native Americans (North, Central and South), Australian Aboriginals, and Palestinians.
And for those who gleeful point to Poland's large multi faith, multi ethnic past as some past glory to aspire to today just remember that it didn't last and for good reason. It wasn't a matter of simply being outgunned by aggressive expansionist neighboring countries. Modern studies show that when any society becomes increasingly more diverse national pride and civic engagement correspondingly decline. Only a fool would believe that all those different groups who resided in earlier Polish Republics were able to speak to each other in the same language (no, not all of them were able to) or even if they could they wanted to (nope, many of the ethnic and religious communities were self contained, self sufficient and lived apart (far apart) from each other). Times may change but people don't.
At least this time they won't be able to get away with pogroms.
Yawn. Poland was never 12th century Yorkshire where some on here call home.
Britain (urban Britain, anyway) is a sort of melting pot, and a very nice one indeed.
Since when?
Category: Race riots in England
1975 Chapeltown riot
1980 St. Pauls riot
1981 Chapeltown riot
1981 England riots
1981 Moss Side riot
1981 Toxteth riots
1985 Brixton riot
1985 Broadwater Farm riot
1985 Handsworth riots
1989 Dewsbury riot
2001 Bradford riots
2001 Oldham riots
2005 Birmingham riots
And since you are a self-proclaimed expert on racial harmony in Britain (and doing so voluntarily from a very far distance away from it as well by the way) what can you share with the forum about how the lives of your fellow countrymen Stephen Lawrence and Lee Rigby suddenly came to a sudden and bloody end on the streets of urban Britain in 1993 and 2013 respectively? Did they accidentally slip and fall on a sharp object or were they savagely knifed to death by racist intolerant thugs?
Do you believe muslim "hate preachers" categorized as such with some jailed and even deported by British authorities are actually misunderstood and "victims"?
How many mosques in the past decade have been vandalized or torched as a result of arson in urban Britain?
Would you categorize your "very nice meting pot indeed" comment as an unshakeable belief, a complete myth, or a cynical punchline in regard to the following images taken just this past weekend at a takeaway joint in urban Britain:

Simply search for "peri peri brawl Watford" for more images and video of this fine example of racial harmony.
And don't forget my drawing attention to a Polish man who was recently racially abused in the UK by an intolerant muslim and you naturally taking sides with the intolerant muslim:
Yes indeed, you and Britain are certainly setting one hell of an example for Poles when it comes to the realities of unchecked immigration and enforcement of diversity over integration. And that's why most Poles from the Sejm to the streets of Ełk and all throughout Poland will gladly take a pass.
More fake news and ignorance from Bieggers, pronouncements about Poland from someone who has never visited here and has no direct experience of Poland or anywhere else in Europe. All of it cribbed from the Internet, since he has no actual experience of being here, even for a day.
Listing street skirmishes in the U.K., almost all of which happened decades before he was born is neither here nor there - perhaps he'll try and rant about non-existent "no go zones" next! Life in the UK is generally very harmonious - but it does help to have actually lived there (or even visited) to realise that.
Right now, there are millions of people in Europe with their roots far away who have a right to settle here. Some will, most won't. And so far, the settlement has been positive. More would be no bad thing at all.
A scrap at Nando's? That is so, so funny. Looks like he's been going online looking at tabloid sites - better be careful, you have to be 18 to view page 3...
Listing street skirmishes in the U.K., almost all of which happened decades before he was born is neither here nor there - perhaps he'll try and rant about non-existent "no go zones" next! Life in the UK is generally very harmonious - but it does help to have actually lived there (or even visited) to realise that.
Right now, there are millions of people in Europe with their roots far away who have a right to settle here. Some will, most won't. And so far, the settlement has been positive. More would be no bad thing at all.
"peri peri brawl Watford
A scrap at Nando's? That is so, so funny. Looks like he's been going online looking at tabloid sites - better be careful, you have to be 18 to view page 3...
One very heartening thing here. The sheer level of support for Salar, the Iranian owner of Brunet Kafe in Warsaw's Old Town, who had been threatened repeatedly by new-nazis. It seems that plenty of people are very happy with the businesses set up here by people who originally came as immigrants...
Weak sauce. A story from the old testament.
Compare (from one of the pre-eminent scholars of Salafism)
Look at religion in Egypt - 10% Christian, yet studies showed that 95-97% of women have suffered FGM there.
Again Please find a Christian theologian justifying FGM
it is an honour for women
The hadeeth may be understood as meaning that a man has the right to hit his wife
If a woman rebels against her husband and disobeys his commands, then he should follow this method of admonishing her, forsaking her in bed and hitting her.
We can argue over the fine details but I do live in England and I would not describe England or urban areas within England as melting pots.
The term "melting pot" suggests integration and that is certainly NOT happening over here with the muslim community, if anything, they are becoming more divisive. Bieganski wrote a list of "race riots" which I admit are not exactly relevant but his overall point is correct.
which I admit are not exactly relevant
Not at all relevant, since several of those incidents were in places with little or no Muslim presence. I actually saw one of them - it was in my neighbourhood. Two windows got broken and the police came and took the teenagers away. Another one was mainly an issue involving white residents.
Exactly! "Melting pot" in the American sense is clearly unique to the continental United States (excluding Canada)!
unique to the continental United States
Depends where you go. You won't find that much of a melting pot in some small towns in Nebraska, but you'll certainly find it in London.
Melting pot, means that the generation born in the new country adopt the dress, accent and values of the new country and in terms of general behavior are indistinguishable from the native population.
Since when does that happen in the UK?
Since when does that happen in the UK?
Since when does that happen in the UK?
Plenty of that in the U.K. Don't believe fake news.
7 Mar 2017 / #112
Since when does that happen in the UK?
Since before 1066.
Plenty of that in the U.K. Don't believe fake news.
It's not fake news. It's fact.
Damn Trump for coining an expression that anyone can use if they choose not to believe the facts.
More fake news
Not fake news at all. Just bad news for you as Britain's catastrophic immigration policies done at the expense of a common identity and social cohesion once again discredits the Kumbaya propaganda you are constantly peddling on here.
And your own abandoning of Britain and spending your seasonal stays in Poland instead only serves to validate this fact.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
7 Mar 2017 / #115
Just bad news for you as Britain's catastrophic immigration policies
Catastrophic for who? The immigration policy that broke most people was the immigration from the A-13, which was an obligation as part of EU membership.
Of course, interesting that you would deem Polish immigration to be catastrophic.
In Britain it has worked very well. No ifs, no buts. The only danger is those who are afraid of everything
You're right, of course:-) I simply meant though, that even Nebraska experienced a cross-pollination of Native American, Scandinavian, German, Anglo-Saxon, Scots-Irish, Polish, Dutch, French etc... European countries began as population initially and primarily by a homogenous majority of native inhabitants aka France by the Gauls, Franks and Langobards, Italy by Italo-Romans and Etruscans, Great Britain, by and large by wholly CAUCASIAN Indo-European Angles, Saxons, Celts and Picts, Germany by Teutons who were exclusively white Germanics tribespeople, Poland by a Slavic majority and the list continues.
The US has never defined herself by a so-called "Leitkultur", if only to borrow the German term, as English has no precise equivalent! America has been diverse long before the term even became fashionable.
You're right, of course:-) I simply meant though, that even Nebraska experienced a cross-pollination of Native American, Scandinavian, German, Anglo-Saxon, Scots-Irish, Polish, Dutch, French etc... European countries began as population initially and primarily by a homogenous majority of native inhabitants aka France by the Gauls, Franks and Langobards, Italy by Italo-Romans and Etruscans, Great Britain, by and large by wholly CAUCASIAN Indo-European Angles, Saxons, Celts and Picts, Germany by Teutons who were exclusively white Germanics tribespeople, Poland by a Slavic majority and the list continues.
The US has never defined herself by a so-called "Leitkultur", if only to borrow the German term, as English has no precise equivalent! America has been diverse long before the term even became fashionable.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
7 Mar 2017 / #118
In Britain it has worked very well. No ifs, no buts. The only danger is those who are afraid of everything
Well, the UK has no issue with covering pensions. Poland is staring in the abyss.
It's worth pointing out that Poland has welcomed a huge amount of people of a different religion over the last couple of years.
Catastrophic for who?
Your multi-culti homeland (which you abandoned as well) and which your cohort frequently attempts to use an example that Poland should follow.
It was widely reported that things have been so bad that Blighty's so called border control wasn't even bothering to do checks on anyone to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people entering. And this went on for years. So don't even try to claim that most migrants in Britain came from other EU countries and specifically from Poland. Your Z-list UK celebs were never crying for the cameras in Calais in order for more Poles to enter Britain.
Regarding Polish immigration though this has never been catastrophic for any country. Quite the opposite and since you claim to know Poland and Poles so well you should know this first hand.
Poles have always been productive members of society in their adopted countries and have gone to great lengths to integrate. The same cannot be said of many other groups who immigrate and you know it. Look no further than yourself and your two cohorts and how you have nothing to show for simply residing in Poland. You lot could have moved to Wales and your impact on Poland would have been exactly the same: none.
It's worth pointing out that Poland has welcomed a huge amount of people of a different religion over the last couple of years.
Orthodox Christianity isn't a different religion from Roman Catholicism. Many Ukrainians and Belorussians are Uniate anyway.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
7 Mar 2017 / #120
Poles have always been productive members of society in their adopted countries and have gone to great lengths to integrate.
That much is laughable, for those of us who actually know the UK. It's well known that Poland exported a huge amount of criminality to the UK, and the weekly flights from the UK to Warsaw certainly tell us a thing or two about the people that moved to the UK.
There are plenty of Poles in the UK that haven't integrated beyond buying cheap beer from the local shop and drinking it outside the shop door.
You lot could have moved to Wales and your impact on Poland would have been exactly the same: none.
And what is your contribution to Poland, pray tell?