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Immigration Free Poland is Not Being Racist

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2017 /  #31
I'd rather say something like Zoroastrianism, personally.

Trying to claim that the Abrahamic religions are peaceful is laughable when their holy texts are full of blood, warfare and other horrible things.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
26 Feb 2017 /  #32
I'd rather say something like Zoroastrianism, personally

then you know very little about Zoroastrianism - Zoroastrian Persia waged holy wars with the Eastern Roman empire even sacking Jerusalem and slaughtering most of the Christian inhabitants
Doha D.J.  
26 Feb 2017 /  #33
Well, that isn't true either. The American courts have interfered with President Trump's orders to exclude people from several Muslim countries. He will probably win that in a month or so when his Supreme Court nominee takes his seat on that court, but it rather misses the point. Jarosław Kaczyński is simply advocating exactly what Donald Trump did in his campaign: affirming traditional Western and Christian values by excluding those who clearly don't share them. So by Jon's logic, President Trump must be a neo-Nazi.

If someone tries to enter a country with bad intent, the government of that country can exclude them - as the Americans are doing now.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2017 /  #34
The American courts have interfered with President Trump's orders to exclude people from several Muslim countries.

By using the words "interfere", it's clear that you have an agenda here.

Jarosław Kaczyński is simply advocating exactly what Donald Trump did in his campaign: affirming traditional Western and Christian values by excluding those who clearly don't share them.

In fact, he isn't. Jarosław doesn't know anything about Western and Christian values. Perhaps you should educate yourself about how he only discovered those values in 1990 when it proved politically useful to do so.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Feb 2017 /  #35
Jarosław doesn't know anything about Western and Christian values

That's not a fact but your lunatic visions
nothanks  - | 626  
27 Feb 2017 /  #36
The narrative in the USA [by overwhelmingly left leaning media and academia] is that America has always been some sort of soup kitchen. Indeed the Statue of Liberty states "give us your tired and hungry" but I guarantee if you quizzed most Americans they would guess it also states your sick. When in reality plenty of people were turned away at Ellis Island because of poor health. My point being - America has always been selective.

Immigration should be based on whom is most likely to integrate and that is usually based on education/credentials. The left is quick to point to how desperate certain demographics are because of poverty, violence etc and a strict immigration policy would make it unlikely they would ever gain access. But poverty....violence.....is that an immigrant or refugee?

There are very little Muslims in the USA [by in large those that are have very high education levels]. Thus can't Trump simply argue poor Muslims would find it merely impossible to integrate into the American system? At-least a logical nation would but America has plenty of illogical parts in their constitution - for example anchor babies.
27 Feb 2017 /  #37
America has plenty of illogical parts in their constitution - for example anchor babies.

That's not in the U.S. Constitution. Babies born in the U.S. at Ellis Island were not recognised as U.S. citizens, and were deported along with their parents. The Native Americans were considered people of foreign nations even though born on U.S. soil. It took an act of Congress to give them citizenship. "Anchor babies" are a modern legal fiction which exists because the elites want more cheap labour and to divide an conquer through ethnic diversity.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Feb 2017 /  #38
Christianity being people-friendly

You must be mistaking people-friendly for homo-friendly.
cms  9 | 1253  
28 Feb 2017 /  #39
Why is integration the sole means of deciding who can enter ? Did Iran ask how the tens of thousands of Polish refugees it admitted in the Second World War would integrate ? There should also be compassionate grounds for accepting genuine refugees. That to me is an important Christian value.

And that does not make me a leftist.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Feb 2017 /  #40
Did Iran ask how the tens of thousands of Polish refugees it admitted in the Second World War would integrate ?

How many of those folks (or their ancestors) are still there?

How many of of the Merkeljugend are expected to return to Syria when the war ends?
28 Feb 2017 /  #41
How many of those folks (or their ancestors) are still there?

2,806 of them are still there and will be there forever, as they died within months of being admitted to Iran. Of the remaining hundreds of thousands, all but a dozen have left or died (the youngest of them would be 75 now).

How many of of the Merkeljugend are expected to return to Syria when the war ends?

You're the one making the prediction, so you tell us.
Although I can absolutely guarantee that the number who return to Syria will be higher than the number who were invited to Germany by Merkel.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Feb 2017 /  #42
You're the one making the prediction, so you tell us.

I'm asking a question. The idea used to be that refugee status was temporary and that most would be repatriated, if possible, once the conflict was over. At present, in our degraded discourse, there seems to be no real distinction between refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants and immigrants.

Outdated and dysfunctional laws do not help. It is only prudent, before a country accepts refugees, to have an idea about whether the arrangement is supposed to be temporary or permanent. Effective policies depend on knowing that. The fact that no European leader seems to be thinking of it makes me mistrust all of them and propose not accepting random people.

the number who return to Syria will be higher than the number who were invited to Germany by Merkel.

Fine. "allowed" in. How many of the random assemblage of refugees and economic migrants that Merkel allowed into Germany ever leave? How many will ever not be dependent on governmnet largesse?
spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Mar 2017 /  #43
There should also be compassionate grounds for accepting genuine refugees. That to me is an important Christian value. And that does not make me a leftist.

Question: Why is the overwhelming majority of these "refugees" young and male ?
1 Mar 2017 /  #44

One could ask the same question about the Poles who were in the UK in 1941.
nothanks  - | 626  
1 Mar 2017 /  #45
Syrian men are helping Germany fight against an ISIS invasion?
nothanks  - | 626  
1 Mar 2017 /  #46
How many of the random assemblage of refugees and economic migrants that Merkel allowed into Germany ever leave?

UN experts accuse Germany of 'structural racism'
"In Germany, people of African descent experience racism and discrimination on a daily basis, UN experts found. The UN is calling on the German government to take appropriate action."

It is a losing battle with these globalist. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That is why it's wise to not even get involved as Asia and South America chose. The German government has taken needed steps towards reversing their colossal mistake. IE cutting down on benefits and being upfront to non-War Zone refugee applicants. Is this just election year behavior and then back to business as usual? Only time will tell. IMO as long as they keep denying family renunciation - Germany should be able to survive the 2015 Crisis.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
1 Mar 2017 /  #47
Primarily all "dark-skinned", perceptibly foreign-looking men especially, who have strong accents, are targeted in Germany! This was apparent as far back as the mid-'80's when I was first there (in Hannover) as a young exchange student, when the initial wave or so were arriving from abroad, and I'm certain things have changed little since my last trip over in '05:-)

Interesting to note, that in the '80's, it was the former East Germany which boasted of hosting exchange scholars from Nigeria among other African nations, to study, even to lecture, at prestigious universities aka Berlin, Leipzig, and Dresden!
spiritus  69 | 643  
2 Mar 2017 /  #48
One could ask the same question about the Poles who were in the UK in 1941.

Please elaborate
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
3 Mar 2017 /  #49
"In Germany, people of African descent experience racism and discrimination on a daily basis, UN experts found."

It doesn't matter!!! Let's "defend" Poland's democracy instead!!!
3 Mar 2017 /  #50
being racist is me going to Asia and crying that they don't build catholic churches for me

just how these muslims come here and they request muslim clothes and .... mosques !!!
3 Mar 2017 /  #51
being racist is me going to Asia and crying that they don't build catholic churches for me

Last time I checked the most Catholic country (by percentage) in the world except the Vatican city was in Asia, as was the third biggest number of Catholics in a single country: would you carry to explain where those people prey?
jon357  72 | 23482  
3 Mar 2017 /  #52
being racist is me going to Asia and crying that they don't build catholic churches for me

You probably haven't seen the new Catholic cathedral in Dubai yet...
3 Mar 2017 /  #53
Asia is a big place. Those who want mosques can go to that feminist infested rape hellhole that Sweden is.
jon357  72 | 23482  
3 Mar 2017 /  #54
Those who want mosques can go t

any one of several in Warsaw, and more round the country, including a beautiful Eighteenth Century mosque in Kruszyniany
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
3 Mar 2017 /  #55
You probably haven't seen the new Catholic cathedral in Dubai yet...

Yes, it looks just like a mosque so it can easily be converted when the Catholics are forced to flee.
jon357  72 | 23482  
3 Mar 2017 /  #56
when the Catholics are forced to flee.

Don't be daft
nothanks  - | 626  
3 Mar 2017 /  #58
being racist is me going to Asia and crying that they don't build catholic churches for me

Europe backed itself into this corner by losing the plot. Instead of being simply: the Native land of and firstly for Europeans; it has been diluted into some sort of European values or whatever. This was done on purpose, to turn Europe into North America: native-less, culture-less and then law-less. Allowing individuals such as Trump/Hillary and Trudeau to govern.

When you preach to the World that you are morally superior to everyone, then you have to put up or shut up. I don't bother with all that. Europe for Europeans. And if you are educated and hard working then come join us as long as we have the resources and room
spiritus  69 | 643  
3 Mar 2017 /  #59
Last time I checked the most Catholic country (by percentage) in the world except the Vatican city was in Asia, as was the third biggest number of Catholics in a single country: would you carry to explain where those people prey?

and would you care you elaborate on your point about Polish men being in the UK in 1941 ?

Second time I am asking now and the second time you make a point but you appear to lose interest in defending it whenever challenged.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
5 Mar 2017 /  #60
Question: Why is the overwhelming majority of these "refugees" young and male ?

Could it be a Trojan horse for terrorists ?
Could it be that they are the breeding stock to multiply the Muslims Islam faith from within ?
I don't think Poland's intentions are to be racist as much as their culture says it's wrong to have sex with little boys and little girls and to teach men how to beat their wives.

Every new immigrant should be ask if they believe that these traditions are acceptable before they are allowed into a country that has a culture and laws that say that they are not.

This is not being racists, this is preserving Poland's culture.

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