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Identity Card found in Poland. How to get it returned to the owner?

Techgrrl  1 | 2  
4 Apr 2013 /  #1
My nephew found an Identity card belonging to a woman. We are trying to find out how to get it returned to her. Does anyone know? If we mail it back to the address of residence that is on the card, will she get it?

Thanks for any assistance!
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Apr 2013 /  #2
hand it in to your nearest Police station, let them deal with it.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Apr 2013 /  #3
My nephew found an Identity card belonging to a woman.

in which country did he find the card ?

find her on facebook and leave a message.

otherwise: as Maybe says
OP Techgrrl  1 | 2  
4 Apr 2013 /  #4
He found it in the United States.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Apr 2013 /  #5
we don't know if she reported it missing. if she did the police may have info on their computer.

if it were in Poland the answer would be easier.

just checking: we are talking about a Polish, credit card size, id .... yes/no ?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
4 Apr 2013 /  #6
maybe send it to the Polish Embassy or Consulate?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Apr 2013 /  #7
Try to find her online, unless she has a very popular name, there's a high chance you will find her profile somewhere and you will be able to send her a message.
OP Techgrrl  1 | 2  
7 Apr 2013 /  #8

Yes, polish id card. Credit card size.
trailingspouse  - | 1  
21 May 2013 /  #9
Merged: FOUND: Travel Card 'Karta Miejska' in Poland - where to return?

Long shot....but I found a travel card in Sadyba this morning. I checked its validity and I think the owner will want it back.

It belongs to Maria Sobkowiak. If anyone on this forum knows her please ask her to contact me for its safe return.

Failing that, what is the proper thing to do? Return it to a ticket office? Where?!

Let's hope this works.
phtoa  9 | 236  
21 May 2013 /  #10
Had same experince, I just facebooked the person and asked if they wanted it back.
I think this forum is a veryyyy long shot
Found ID  
30 May 2019 /  #11
Found: ID card for Dominik Bernat, 23/05/19 on train at Queens Road Peckham Station. Posted to the Polish Embassy in London

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