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HIV/AIDS growing in Poland - more fear of pregnancy than STDs

25 Nov 2015 /  #31
@nothanks..Yes Charlie Sheen is a victim of his own hedonistic lifestyle but you can guarantee there was a wealth of hangers-on who took advantage of him fueling his addictions for their own means and financial gain. Like the unending list of others like Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse.....all, most probably, surrounded by people who helped in their demise.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
26 Nov 2015 /  #32
Normal by your definition is what the media tells you, what is really normal?

Normal is living by God's law and not man's law in which case HIV would not be a threat to a "normal" person. Yes ?

Its normal to be an economic slave?

Of course it is, it is what built the most successful and powerful country on earth.
Socialism never has worked nor ever will work as that has been proven over and over.
HIV is a prime example.
If people lived by God's word, worked 45 hours a week so they don't become welfare slaves to the government, took their children to church on Sunday where they could be introduced to MORALS, be taught that the big lie is that you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt others, have like friends to associate with that weren't losers that would introduce them to drugs and other harmful things, be aware of wolves in sheep's cloths like Russell Brand teachings, not cave to the LGTB and other Politically correct brainwashing by the libatards that is being forced down our throats then HIV would be contained to the people who think their way is smarter then God's way.

I am sure there are those that would argue that however I hate to confuse the issue with the facts.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #33
[moved from]

Once again Polly you deliberately miss the point in order to start one of your rants. The point, is that Notty said one would never see gay people in Poland which is complete rubbish as one already does.

Perverted and Proud

Referring to yourself are you? Because believe me dear, no normal person knows as much about weird sexual perversions as you seem to. I haven't even heard of most of the stuff you talk about. There is no doubt whatever that you take great pleasure in referencing these things.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #34
You told us about MULTIPLE cases of homosexual disease in your neighbourhood. I said never in Poland. I never said there are no sexually ill people in Poland.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #35
Notty are you really that simple? Let me explain it for you. Gay people who live in small towns, or rural places often decide to move to the big city as it's easier to live openly there. So in a big city, especially the capital city, one is likely to encounter concentrations of gay people. Therefore you might go to London and think there are loads of gays but in fact the percentage is the same as anywhere else.
11 Jul 2017 /  #36
I haven't even heard of most of the stuff you talk about. There is no doubt whatever that you take great pleasure in referencing these things.

Personally I'm wondering how it is that our 'Polish' 'friend' knows not only how many paedophiles, rapists, arsonists, zoophiles and corpophagists there are in Poland but also how discrete and unobtrusive they are. Did he once research a feature about it for the Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette or is there something else he'd like to tell us about himself?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #37
Anyways. Homos are considered ill in Poland and were considered mentally ill by WHO not so long ago. It got changed only because some powerful people were also ill and used the modern time leftist tollerancy to get it off the list. Anyway transexualism and transgenderism is STILL considered a MENTAL DISORDER regardless of the leftard propaganda. Besides THERES NO HOMOPHOBIA. Something like that doesn't exist. There is a DISEASES-THAT-HOMOS-AND-OTHER-SEXUALLY-ILL-PEOPLE-CARRY-PHOBIA which is simply confirmed by science. For example TRANSGENDER FEMALES ARE 49 (FORTY-NINE) TIMES more likely to have AIDS.

jon357  72 | 22980  
11 Jul 2017 /  #38
Homos are considered ill in Poland


THERES NO HOMOPHOBIA. Something like that doesn't exist.

Again a resounding no


Poles are many many times more likely to have hiv than Eskimos. Perhaps they should be banned from entering Greenland.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #39

Yes. By common Poles yes they are. You live among minority (probably homos and other weirdos) so you can't know.

Poles are many many times more likely to have hiv than Eskimos. Perhaps they should be banned from entering Greenland.

Transgender Poles are 49 times more likely to have HIV than heterosexual Poles. Eskimos aren't relevant.
jon357  72 | 22980  
11 Jul 2017 /  #40
common Poles

Common people? Well well well...


So what, your fear and insecurity ain't gonna stop them one little bit. Such people would just laugh at you. Like everyone else does.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #41
So what, your fear and insecurity ain't gonna stop them one little bit. Such people would just laugh at you. Like everyone else does.

i dont care if that sops them(you) or not. What i care about is u staying in homo-ghettos (like you because i'm 100% sure u live among other outsiders) and don't infect normals with HIV and other diseases such as VDs or Hepatitis.

Such people would just laugh at you.

And sorry but trans-weirdo laughing at a Pole will end up in a hospital in 99 out of 100 cases.
11 Jul 2017 /  #42
don't infect normals with HIV and other diseases such as VDs or Hepatitis.

Notty, if you don't inject drugs there is pretty much zero chance of you getting HIV, which is exactly the same chance you have of getting VD.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #43

Lol. Forgot you dont speak Polish after decades in Poland. You must be an idiot then lol.
I believe an Eskimo would speak Polish after 10 years in Poland lol.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #44
Homos are considered ill in Poland

By common Poles yes they are.

Considering something to be so doesn't actually make it so. The science please Notty to support your disease theories.

Transgender Poles are 49 times more likely to have HIV than heterosexual Poles.

That's a general stat provided by the WHO based on worldwide figures and weighted by countries with no sexual health education programme and many transgender females working in the sex industry. It's completely meaningless in the context of Poland. How much data on transgender Poles has been gathered by the central statistics office of the Polish government? Does the government even know how many transgender Poles there are in POland, let alone how many have HIV? In any case, the spread of HIV is always down to governments doing a bad job of educating people about the dangers of unprotected sex and providing the necessary support services.

Now while you're doing your research Notty perhaps you could give us the stats for how the Polish hetero community stacks up against other nations in the general level of STDs?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Jul 2017 /  #45
Not even mentioning that the amount of paedophiles among saxually ill people is many times higher.
11 Jul 2017 /  #46
You must be an idiot then lol.

Ah, good old Notty, too dim to even understand the reason why there's pretty much zero chance he'll ever get any sexually transmitted disease.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #47
weird sexual perversions

One can have your indulgent and approving approach, but I beleive it is important first and foremost to de-euphemise perversion. The LGBT propaganda tries to project a sugar-coated image of a happy "gay" couple that have adopted two innocent orphans and had a surrogate bear them a third child, have a nice home and a dog and live happily ever after. That misleading artificially prettified picture can be offset only by facts, documented evidence showing that abnormal hook-ups (whether called partnerships or even "marriage") are on average less durable, more dysfunctional, involve more promiscuity, substance abuse and domestic violence than the traditional, normal married family of parents and theri children.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #48
You're at it again Polly quoting the American experience. America is an insane mess of a country and that's a fact. The only wonder is that it's not worse than it is, you do a slightly better job at managing yourselves than Russia and that's about all one can say on the topic.


I neither approve nor disapprove of gay or transgender people. I simply accept their existence. As for all the other weird stuff that you come up with, like any normal person it never crosses my mind but if my attention is drawn to it I am as naturally repelled as anybody, gay or straight, would be.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #49
gay or straight

But you apparently approve of PC buzzwords and euphemisms. The opposite of straight is and will always be crooked. And "gay" is not only a euphemism but a downright misnomer. Those are some of the saddest and maladjusted people to walk God's good earth. The displays of feigned flamboyance and exhuberance, artificially pump-primed by alcohol, drugs and brain-rattling techno "music"(?) notwithstanding. They should be objectively referred to as homosexuals.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
11 Jul 2017 /  #50
nottie you will find that the fastest growing HIV rate in Central Europe is among the heterosexual population.
As Atch said, that is largely due to a lack of state education on HIV, leading to people like yourself being quite ignorant and deluded about the spread of this disease.

30 years ago in the UK there was a massive education program on HIV, with information leaflets being delivered thro every door in the country. Therefore only the really illiterate people are as ignorant as you obviously are about this topic,with the nonsense that you spout. Educate yourself a little.
11 Jul 2017 /  #51
abnormal hook-ups (whether called partnerships or even "marriage") are on average less durable

Don't judge other people by your standards. For you homosexual relationships may last as long as it takes you to satisfy your urges, but to other people they can easily last for decades.

involve more promiscuity, substance abuse and domestic violence than the traditional, normal married family

The only reason you aren't more promiscuous is that you're ashamed of your sexuality, which leads to the substance abuse we can all see in your posts, and the only possible reason that your wife didn't remove your intestines with a spoon decades ago is that she's the reincarnation of the blessed virgin Mary.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #52
PC buzzwords

Once upon a time perhaps 'gay' was a PC buzzword but it has now entered the vernacular and is everyday speech.


I object most strongly to some euphemisms eg 'little girls' room' or 'powder room' or 'going to the bathroom' which are not only euphemisms but Americanisms, also 'tuxedo' for dinner jacket and dentures instead of false teeth.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #53
heterosexual populatio

You'll notice I did not mention contagious diseases. I always think of the adopted kids first. It's not likely that an adoptive homo couple would spread HIV by sexually interacting with their adopted kids, at least I hope not. But the kids would suffer due to the relative impermanence of homo hookups, promiscuity, substance abuse and domestic violence whcih occur far more frequently than among normal married couples with kids..
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #54
is everyday speech

Agreed! The everyday vernacular of the unthinkig go-with-the-flow crowd who have let themsleves get bamboozled by the heavily bankrolled homo lobby. Soros and wealthy HoIllywood celebs are amongst its financial backers.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
11 Jul 2017 /  #55
I never said there are no sexually ill people in Poland.

Good because I could name three or four that post right here on the P.F.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #56
The everyday vernacular of the unthinkig go-with-the-flow crowd

No, the everyday vernacular of the majority of people in the English speaking world. There are even homophobes who use the word 'gay' when referring to the object of their disgust. The world gay has been in common usage for well over thirty years at this stage and has become common parlance.

Now let's get back to the mess that is America. To tell you the truth now Polly that's where most of the developed worlds' problems originate, the good old USA. You notice how European society has been undermined and polluted by cheap American pop culture which has spread its vile tentacles out from television since the 1960s? The disease of mass consumerism and greed very much orginates in America, buy an over priced giant tin fridge on easily available credit, stuff it full of frozen stuff that vaguely resembles food and live the American dream.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
11 Jul 2017 /  #57
You notice how European society has been undermined and polluted by cheap American pop culture

O.k o.k., I will take your bait Ms. Itch.
Capitalism Atch and the European's society being so desperate to be like Americans only gave the Americans an easy market to cash in on.

Now you want to blame America for Europe not having any self control to avoid being polluted by cheap American culture.
I as an American haven't been caught up by the cheap pop culture so your rant is nothing more then a generalization for European's failures to demoralize the Great United States of America, the most powerful country in the world.

I do detect a tad bit of jealousy on your part.
Maybe if Europe would start looking to the source of wisdom instead of Satan's worldly pleasures you wouldn't be caught in such a dilemma and slow the crumbling of the E.U.

See Ms. Atch, I can be just as nasty as you can. lol
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #58
pop culture...mass consumerism

Here I agree with you 139%. I have coined the term commerpop to describe the cheap and tacky mostly US-originated commercial pop culture which promotes fly-by-night crazes and passing fads in place of time-honoured traditions, idols and celebs instead of genuine authorities, and mountains of fake food and throw-away gadgets to contaminate the human spirit and destroy our planet to boot. So on that score I think we are in total agreement. What can be done about the problem? Effective, convincing education based on the collective, mutual message of mutliple pillars: government, school, family, Church and entertainmentment industry. In today's thoroughly mucked-.up world synchronising those pillars would be a daunting task because we are in society's disintegration stage. But I recall the tail end of when those institutions worked hand in hand to raise good, decent, well-rounded kids. Then the anarchy began seeping in: rock'n'roll, anti-war protests, hippies, LGBT lobby, greedy entertrainment-industry types glorifying the weird, deviant, violent and outrageous as well as self-styled "philanthropists" such as Soros generously bankrolling the radical and disruptive and atomising the individual and society to manipulate and exploit them all the easier.

Re Amierca...there are two Americas: that of the barn-raisers (neighbours pitching in to help one of their number build a barn) and that of the travelling Snake Oil pedlar (good for what ails you). One guess which I prefer:
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Jul 2017 /  #59
Now you want to blame America for Europe not having any self control

Well Johnny to put it simply, culturally America is an infant and Europe is in its second childhood :)) or perhaps America is in its early teens and Europe is having a mid-life crisis..........

I do detect a tad bit of jealousy on your part.

Hand on heart Johnny I'm not the least bit jealous of America or Americans. I don't find it an attractive country at all, never did. There are aspects of classic American culture that I love, but modern America doesn't appeal to me at all. The problem with it is that it's just TOO big, it can never really be run satisfactorily for that reason amongst others. It does a great job at selling itself, the Americans are the true masters of propaganda, not the Russians. Everybody with any sense knows that Russia is a hellhole but they readily buy into the idea of the American dream.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2017 /  #60
mid-life crisis

Europe is definitely in crisis. What Trump said every patriotic Pole and PolAm could equate with. He also wondered why Western Europe's elites lacked the will to survive and defend their European heritage. His speech did us all proud. Can you imagine capitulationist Schultz, alleged conservative May or alleged

Christian Democrat Merkel rasiing such issues?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / HIV/AIDS growing in Poland - more fear of pregnancy than STDsArchived