It is fashion here, isn't there something about if you shave your hair it grows back thicker and stronger?
There is, but it's actually been found an urban legend, much to the disappointment of many frustrated teenagers hoping to develop their facial hair ahead of time through such means.
shaved heads are really some of 98-99, get on with the times people! having some sense of fashion does not mean you are per se gay.
Fashion, what?
I can see absolutely no sense in a man's having long hair. I thought I did, when I was a kid, but then I joined a wrestling team, got my hair cut, and discovered how much more convenient (and manly) this was. Haven't grown it out since. Just give it a buzz and a slightly shorter buzz on the sides and trim sideburns and back, and done, which takes about ten minutes to do (including cleaning up) in my own house, at my own convenience, every few weeks. I can feel refreshing breeze on my head, I don't sweat so much, easy to wash, easy to dry, easy to style (i.e. no
need to style).
I recall such problems of long hair: captured and increased sweat/stank, would get in the eyes and ears and be really annoying, heat, pain to wash, had to use this ridiculous device called a
comb to straighten it, if any of you have ever seen one (I believe they're regular accessories of women's purses), had to have it cut by some other person who liked to give their lame and unwanted opinion on ridiculously trivial matters for money (which required, worse, waiting in the building for excessive lengths of time first), and of course required ridiculous effort to wash and dry. Plus, shaggy/unkempt look... how many male politicians do you see with long hair in modern democracies? Why do you think this might be? Final ruling: no advantage whatsoever over shorter hair.
Also, harp all you want about people with short hair trying to 'look tough' (which works); if a man instead wears long hair, despite its many inconveniences, I can only see two reasons: either they're rather chubby people, which long hair does help to hide (really, that works), or they're trying to 'look sensitive', in which case likely they're either afraid to actually let girls find this out by actually talking to them, or they're maybe not looking for girls in the first place.
Or maybe they actually like the Middle Age Peasant look, I'm not sure. I guess I did too, when I was a kid.