congratulated for managing to hire a FEMALE, HISPANIC electrician
LAWL..this. I HATE the EO world. But I play the card.
As a generic, white looking female if I simply put 'white' all over my app? I never see an interview.
If I just sent a resume, glowing referrals and my unique qualifictions for 'X' position to save time? Round file.
BUT... if I mention my legal nationality, specialties, ethincity?
I can get hired for job immediately that I can do, but have less experience for ;
if[i][/i] I happen to mention that I am:
It should NOT make a difference!! >: ( the ONLY thing that an employer should adjust for is handicaps because they may need some reasonable accomodation to be effficient.
AS for the original OP musings. The differences between Expat/Immigrant etc.
as a worker in a foreign country I would consider myself a guest. I would do my job, make some friends but always keep in mind my goal of going HOME. I would be strongly American.
If it does indeed come to pass that after a few years I go to Poland to live with a Polish husband (anything can happen regardless of planning..but it is the outcome we expect), Then it is my new home.
I will always be what I was raised as.. friendly, neighborly, conservative, traditional, Catholic. I will always have my Tsalagi cultural inheritance, my role number, my family histories of Portuguese and Bohemian. So I can't
be "Polish" LOL not even if my Boheme Bagenski were previously Polish. But I wouldn't be strongly holding to my "american-ness' and be raising my children there to be Polish. I would assimilate to become a Polish citizen.
If I started a business...(just as I have done here in US before..) my hiring preference would be local first and only importing from another region/state if there was simply no one local that could qualify. In technology I would headhunt local schools and top schools first before importing a specialist from elsewhere. Exception might be senior team leads, to have people with experience. In the case of a business in Poland all my employees would have to speak at least rudimentary Polish and my customer service people would need to speak Polish, probably English and likely languages of our largest consumers.
I have never been attracted to dark men (or exceptionally hairy ones) and adore pale, golden hues. I especially like light eyes. And boy, did this thread draw some ugly comments and promix weirdos! 0_0
I guess I better be glad my man isn't like some here and actually likes my "exotic" coloration and look. LOL
He dislikes when I bleached my freckles or wear makeup... ^_^ darn purist.
And my"mongrel" children are pretty good upgrades for my in laws, and I think I can safely say cute in any general view. I'm sure my AmPol mutts will be as attractive and not attract much notice at all except for their heights as my current children do (My 17yr girl= 182, My 14yr boy 186, my 7 yr old 146. Dad?156)